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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4617077 No.4617077 [Reply] [Original]

What's the first thing you're going to do after you make it?


>> No.4617089

Quit my job. That's all i want.

>> No.4617137
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>reviewbrah tier oversized suit

Is musk /ourguy/?

Also LEL at the top recommended video

>> No.4617155
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I just want my mom to quit worrying about bills, is that too much to ask for?

>> No.4617172
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With a goal like that anon, I know you're gonna make it

>> No.4617187

I just wanna prove my parents wrong. You don't necessarily need to go to school to make money

>> No.4617587

I've been there, dude. Trust me, you will never make it with that attitude.

You don't believe in yourself. You are losing sight of the VISION. You need an incredibly inspiring vision of the future to keep you going.

You need to think BIG, you want INDESTRUCTIBLE wealth. Millionaire is the new middle class my friend. You need to believe in yourself that you can get there. You have no idea what you are capable of. Challenge yourself, work as hard as you can and see what happens.

>> No.4617612

See, what you are thinking now is that wealth is out of your control.

And you think that if you are humble enough, the universe will see what a nice guy you are and give you the little slice of what you want.

You need to understand that wealth is 100% in your control and you are the only one that can make you money.

>> No.4617617

Upgrade the food I buy my doggo to a brand better than Costco

>> No.4617623
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>> No.4617632

hair transplant just like elon

>> No.4617726

dubs of truth. i just want to pay off my moms house. she worries a lot about bills all the time and just got retrenched with little prospect of alternative employment desu

>> No.4618136

Elon lost a nice looking wife

>> No.4618190

I already made it, I quit my job and get to shitpost on /biz/ all day

>> No.4618266

A story in two parts


>> No.4618298


>you will never be rich enough to joke about the time you ruined your million dollar car

>> No.4618351

By the way, for context, he bought PayPal because he found X.com too hard to grow, which made him a billionaire. Important to know. He is a great entrepenuer.

>> No.4618376
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Get my eye doctor to quit fucking around and take my ongoing vision loss seriously for fucks sake.
>hurr durr we don't know what's causing it so I guess we'll just do nothing

>> No.4618392

Get my wife and kids back cuz women are money hungry bitches

>> No.4618417

Amber Heard

>> No.4618448

risk it for the JUSTkit

>> No.4618466

Buy some new clothes.

Buy a new car.

Buy a condo/house.

Go on vacation.

>> No.4619300
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i love you

>> No.4619362

You guys idea of making it and mine are probably off by a couple of zeros...kek. I would just give like...50k to my dad to pay his house off and then take 5k and go back to trade school for auto mechanics so I can take his garage over and he can finally quit working so damn much. He's had a tire store since the late 80s. I'm wanting to take the business away from that and into like...front end work, brake jobs...stuff like that.

>> No.4619398

Find out once and for all if traps are gay

>> No.4619510

Go on binance and crash already undervalued coins with strong community and fundamentals.

>> No.4619643


Design my own condo tower apartment with my name on the top, like Trump.

Make a beautiful Green walkable Solar city.

Build my own gaming and beach theme park

Make my country beautiful and classy

>> No.4620383

what the fuck?

>> No.4620739

Pity he has utterly erased from his nature, and joy he has never known. He has an ambition, bitter and burning. It is to rise to such an eminence that no one can ever again humiliate him. Not to rule but to be the secret ruler, pulling the strings of puppets created by his brains. Already some of them are talking his language—though they have never met him.