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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4616058 No.4616058 [Reply] [Original]

I see /biz/ is now actually literally 99% coin threads, but I'll give this a chance and repeat it another day if it's a success.

Do you sell anything or run any kind of business online? Post your story or question ITT. Maybe if you also post your marketing strategy we can give you suggestions for improvement.

>> No.4616103

I'll start it off with a question:

I want to sell a data product in the 10gb+ range, with options for both one-time purchase and subscription. How would you go about this?

>> No.4616129

>be me poor and needing more crack so I stop feeling sick
>post ad on craigslist offering to suck dicks for 10 roses
>get email with hairy penis pic attached to it saying to meet at park at night
>go to park fat balding man under gazeebo
>suck his penis and he pays me in cryptocurrency

And thats how I started my cryptocurrency trading business

>> No.4616207

I'll bite
Explain more about this product. What is it? Is this access to server space? Is it a physical device?
Is "data" a codeword for a program or software?

A general bit of advice is to give the first period of the subscription away free of charge. If they like it they continue with the subscription. If they don't, they lose nothing. A little company called Netflix got big doing that.
Do be careful with freebies though if they cost you money. Co.s have gone under or taken massive hits by giving away too much free shit. TCBY is a good example of that.

>> No.4616296

Thanks for the reply. It's a mysql database. When I say subscription I mean a pricier option for free lifetime updates, as I'm always improving it. It would also have to be secure in some way so they can't just give download links out on the internet. Are there any obvious existing solutions for something like this and with this file size?

>> No.4616397

This is beyond my pay grade, too technical. I don't know how to protect software from piracy, only how to sell it.
I assume you're familiar but >>>/g/ may be useful

>> No.4616424
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Admittedly new to bitcoin, do you guys expect a dip at 10k?

>> No.4616570

No problem and will do. Still interested in seeing how the thread works out and if we can get some interesting stories going.

Made several k a month as a teen selling scripts and little programs with paypal as the payment processor. Shut it down after a witchhunt type piece in a UK paper (the products were mostly grey hat), which I've regretted a little bit. This was way before shopify and all the modern solutions so the experience is mostly irrelevant now.

>> No.4617240

Probably, and then quite a bit up again as a result of the news avalanche. These new people will get spooked easily and probably cause a big dip.

>> No.4617400
File: 16 KB, 242x212, Screen Shot 2017-11-28 at 1.57.20 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks OP for making this thread
I sell on ebay. I have an "ebay store". Only marketing I use is ebay's built in promotion and I send people a sticker with our logo and a .com address that goes to our ebay store.
I have thought about opening my own site to escape fees, but it seems akin to opening a store way out in the middle of nowhere so you dont have to pay city taxes.
I'm just happy I've been able to make it this far with nothing but my basic knowledge of Excel. I've been doing this a couple years now, but I sometimes feel like i absolutely have no clue what i'm doing. continues to pay the bills though, and slowly it grow.
Wish I knew what to do to take it to the next level :\ I guess i assume business school is kind of a scam. Anyone wanna give me some advice? know any good youtube videos?

>> No.4617548

I wanna sell patreon.website, should I just email them an offer?

>> No.4617626

I create affiliate websites. Promote them using SEO, all my traffic is purely organic. anyone else here doing this?

>> No.4617719


Anon, please tell me more. Once, I met someone doing this who seemed to be doing quite well, but they moved before I could figure it out.

>> No.4617747

They wouldn't be interested (hundreds+ of TLDs these days). Or they'd threaten you and force you to give it over for a symbolic sum.

Affiliate for what? I have about 25k uniques a day across my sites, demographics mostly 4chan and reddit users, wonder if I could make a buck on it without forcing tracking or something bad on them. Do you have any experience with this kind of traffic?

I once had a site with an amazon ad for a book related to the subject. Got clicks regularly according to stats, but never, ever a sale of any kind.

What do you sell?

>> No.4617927

I think you are my new dreamboat

>> No.4617936

i don't wanna tell but average item price is ~$25 with 25-35 sold per day.
anyone got any insight, would converting (or copying) my ebay store into a website be in any way worth it? idk shit about seo

>> No.4618018

Thinking your site would incur so many costs. Buying and renting the domain name, paying for hosting, if the site gets too much traffic you'll have to upgrade the hosting, worry about the site getting hacked, pay for additional advertising via fb, google, Instagram, twitter, etc, and paying for a checkout cash processor or only accept PayPal for simplicity which would limit your customers. That's just off the top of my head.

>> No.4618053

exactly my thought process. oh well thanks anyway

>> No.4618066

If you link back it would eventually boost your listings in the SEs whereas otherwise you're equal with the vast majority. I don't have experience with ebay but I do know I click their links a lot when doing some kinds of research in search engines.

Domain is $10 a year. Hosting is about $6 a month on namecheap shared and it's a quality service. I served the 25k/daily uniques I mentioned off of this exact hosting deal. No problems.

>> No.4618073

Are you selling roofies anon?

Cops going to catch on with that vanity ID

>> No.4618104

>No problems.
For the record: I use cloudflare to minimize impact. Main site is custom coded, not wordpress. In the end I did have some occasional "resource exceeded" errors so I upgraded to the next level hosting package.

>> No.4618116

is seo rankings going to be purely shit then or is there still some advantage

>> No.4618130

>If you link back it would eventually boost your listings
sorry i don't quite understand

>> No.4618144

Honestly unless you get a ridiculous amount of traffic $10/month shared hosting is fine. I get around 5k uniques a month, but highly targeted.
For me it's all about keyword research, anything I target is going to have high buyer intent. If you wanna know more get reading some SEO blog, learn about backlinks etc

>> No.4618150

People can find your ebay listings either through ebay search or search engines.

If you establish a normal site where you hold copies of your listings, and link them back to your ebay listings, you give your ebay listings a boost in SEO. Assuming it's not a spammy site, whatever that means these days.

>> No.4618188

You will get more exposure assuming you can achieve good ranking on search engines. Build backlinks to rank, lookup PBNs

>> No.4618217

i feel you, so i'm not actually selling anything on the site, just linking back to my ebay listings, right?
it seems like a clever idea, but will this really generate more sales than the cost of the website?

>> No.4618253

No experience with this traffic. But with that amount you should be able to make some decent money even with untargeted ads. I reccomend get into amazon tho, converts like fuck,

>> No.4618265

$10/year + $6/month. Ideally you'd set it up to automatically copy in your ebay content and you'd have no extra work after setting it up and doing some basic promo.
So the answer to that depends on how much you're making. I'd easily throw a lot more money than this at something I cared about if I thought it'd give me an advantage.

>> No.4618380

I buy things from the US on sale and order them free-shipping to my military APO box in Germany, then resell them to Germans for 4x markup. Best items are brand name women's handbags and purses. Recently I sold to some Polish ebay user. He waited until 44 days then opened a return request. Claims that the dimensions of the purse are off by some 4cm. Claims he didn't realize this right away because it was for his wife's birthday which was yesterday. Ebay wants me to accept or decline the refund by today.

Is there some kind of scam going on here? I don't see how I could lose if I decline this refund.

>> No.4618391

Any good tools that show you popular amazon products with various demographics?

>> No.4618422

I don't target any particular product, just any keyword with high buyer intent and low comp.
It's about finding keywords, so instead of targeting "toaster", target "best toaster", "toaster reviews".. anyway checkout kwfinder.com

>> No.4618569

>Ideally you'd set it up to automatically copy in your ebay content and you'd have no extra work after setting it up
i am at the point where i can imagine these ideas but i dont know technically how to execute them. Not even very sure how to website beyond squarespace. i do appreciate your help though

>> No.4618687

That's fine. But since it takes 20 secs to type out the basics I'll do it.

1. When signing up for shared hosting, they send you some info and links. One of the links is your cpanel admin panel.
2. You log into your registrar and set the DNS of your domain to the DNS provided in this email.
3. Log into cpanel and click the Scriptaculous button. Then select Wordpress and install it. Select the option to automatically update WP and addons.
4. Now you have a wordpress site. Go to yourdomain.com/wp-admin and log in with the user/pass you set while setting it up.
5. Click around the tabs and customize things to your liking. Then you'll need an Ebay plugin/addon. Here's one: https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-lister-for-ebay/ 4000 installs so it's probably decent.

You probably have a friend that can do everything for you in less than an hour.

>> No.4618727

>Then you'll need an Ebay plugin/addon
And installing addons in wordpress admin is just a couple clicks, don't have to deal with ftp or anything

>> No.4618841

You can host a simple webpage for free with github-pages if you want to test. But to be honest seems like waste. You'd be spending your time and money to help ebay make more money off your sales, when I thought the point of a new site was to escape their fees.

I think you can keep your business on ebay and boost your sales in better, cheaper ways. Why not just make a Facebook group, or join forum sites and shill your product as if you were a customer. Go on reddit and find threads relevant to your product and link them your eBay listing. If you target people who are looking to buy something you probably have a better chance by being the pajeet than with a new site in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.4618852

This might be even better for a beginner. Only $4 a month and they handle everything for you.

>> No.4618997
File: 20 KB, 633x160, steamacc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had a small idea for awhile but I don't know whether it's worth trying to find any takers.

My steam account has over a thousand games, I don't use it much anymore and it doesn't have many new popular games, but it has stuff like GTAV, Arma 3, all valve titles, a fuckton of indie games etc. Do you think anybody, at all, would pay a tiny amount a day to rent game sharing? Where they connect their account to mine and can play anything I own on their account?

Considering someone could get access to a lot of paid games for a very small asking price, or only rent it for a short while to try out games, I feel someone out there would be interested, but is there any feasibility in trying to do this?