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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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461304 No.461304[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You gotta help me /biz/! School is starting soon and I need to get busy. It's my first year of highschool this year, and I need money. I want to be "that kid" that makes money with some kind of internet business or investment skills, while everyone else is working at Burger King.
How should I do it /biz/? I'm 15, so that puts actual investing off the table. I'm pretty smart, and I catch on quick. So, how can I be "that guy"? :)
(Picture unrelated.)

>> No.461322

What's with all the underage the past few days? Reported.

>> No.461332

why report the guy he just needs help.

>> No.461335

You are not going to make it bro.

>> No.461338

>I'm pretty smart
>asks random strangers on the internet how to make money
top fucking kek

>> No.461368

Money won't make you happy. So what happens if you do get attention from others? What then? Your peers won't care about you, they'll think "Oh, he's that boy who grew up, nothing special." And move on with their lives without you. Trust me kid, I've thought about doing things with others in mind, it ultimately changes nothing. Except I achieved those goals, at the cost of friendships and memories. Don't be like me, no life is worth living if there is no one to share it with.

You're right about one thing though, and that's getting busy. Decide what you want from life and go from there. Do you want to be happy? Have a family? Travel the world? I don't judge life goals, I only judge the amount of effort you go into achieving them. High school is small fry to adulthood.

Key advice: live. Do not be afraid of what others think of you, rather, be afraid of what will happen if you don't take chances. Risk it and reap big, don't and lose everything. You've nothing to lose but time and energy.

There aren't enough good people left in this world; no one ever reaches out to each other, we're lost in our own little world made more noticeable thanks to the internet. Become a leader not a follower and reach out to another. Make someone's day by being the good neighbor and genuine good human being. If everyone does this, only then can we say it is truly a good time to be alive...

>> No.461371

get a part-time job kid.

>> No.461382

Just report this faggot
Fuck off

>> No.461389
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You won't make any trust me
Take this guys advice>>461368
I am 19 and back when i was younger all i thought about was trying to make money and specifically get an Xbox 360(Poor kid). I was vivid when my mom got me a laptop instead one Christmas, which still doesn't make sense because they were about the same price.

I looked at EVERY and i mean EVERY single way to make money without capital and without getting a job.
>Tried freebie sites
>Tried conga lines
>Tried google adsense click rings
The closest i got to making legit money was from the google adsense ring. and trust me it gets REALLY boring asking for Clicks/views for hours a day for maybe 1~7$ a day, depending on how google feels about the quality of click they received. Got 100$ after an entire months worth of work.
and you know what happened, after i finally got that xbox 360 5 years late. I realized the kids who talked about their K/D all day never actually played together or that much at all anyway. And a bunch were weeboos trying to pick up girls on xbox live. You already have a computer, the most you can do is learn programming as a side gig so you have some knowledge when you get to college or IT/tech job.

And seriously enjoy High School while you can, the people may be dicks but at least you will be getting human interaction. In college everyone is a dick by completely ignoring your existence unless you have something they want(Answers to test/homework/notes)

I am telling you shit doesn't get better for a long time my friend