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4612536 No.4612536 [Reply] [Original]

So why would so many people willingly evade taxes?

The amount of users is probably 10 fold by now.

Since Coinbase is a US company, eventually the IRS will butt fuck them. I don’t even get why Coinbase is refusing to give up client info, just to appease NEETs in the community?

If IRS comes at everyone, everyone would be taxed on full capital gains tax with no cost basis AND penalized.

I don’t get it. What is everyone’s rationale here?

>> No.4612568
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It is their birth right.

>> No.4612579

you don't have to report anything if you don't sell

>> No.4612586

you have to be such a greedy fuck to make 100,000s of thousands and not even be willing to give 20% to the taxman .... WAHH I MADE A MILLION NOW I ONLY HAVE 800k WAHHHHHHH ... fucking retards

>> No.4612608

anarchists don't pay taxes willingly

>> No.4612609

>crypto founded on libertarian anti-government ideals
>Gee why do all these people hate our overreaching government and want to evade taxes
Figure it out brainlet.

>> No.4612626

>tfw have sold literally 0 crypto
feels goodman

>> No.4612705

trades count as sales.

>> No.4612779


You only pay tax when you cash out to fiat

>> No.4612802
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say hi to patrick cox for me

>> No.4612806

anarchists aren't old enough to pay taxes

>> No.4612814

no you're wrong (in the US anyway)

>> No.4612829

20% is a lot. Fuck those jews.

>> No.4612848

How the fuck would they know?

>> No.4612862

Oh look, another teenager living in his moms basement.

We all know that and what crypto aims to achieve. but that doesn’t change the fact of what is actually going on.

> decentralized hey controlled by morons like Ver and Jihan who happened to mine and hold onto it years ago
> 90% of the crypto market doesn’t give a shit about mass adoption and just wants to make money
> bitcoin is slow as fuck

But keep it up though you’re very edgy

>> No.4612916

I didn't understand the tax implications when I first got into crypto, thats my reason.

However, this year I went back and amended all my returns and paid the taxes and penalties, so unlike the rest of you faggots, I won't be going to jail.

>> No.4612923
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>> No.4612927

if you use any u.s. based exchanges the IRS will eventually subpoena their records for all u.s. citizens. they already did that shit with some swiss banks, so they may go after exchanges based outside of the u.s. as well.

if you do all your crypto trading on places that the IRS will never have access to then you're probably safe.

>> No.4612936
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>Put it all in monero


>> No.4613141
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I didn't say anything edgy

>> No.4613640

US law is clear. You still owe the tax no matter where in the world you make your money. They will just get you when your transfer money you can't explain into your bank account.

>> No.4613666

They're not going to come at everyone.
Ironically they're going to come at the few who reported with audits and MIB visits to set an example.

>> No.4613687

i risk this 100k on every trade, i'll risk it all against the IRS too REEEEEEEEEEEEEe

>> No.4613691

Should look up Boston tea party might teach you something that you probably forgot About since this was stupid to us in 2nd grade

>> No.4613717

Last time I checked u can drop in PayPal
Is that shit considered a bank now?

>> No.4613751

>You have to be such a greedy fuck to make profit and not even be willing to give 20% to globalists.

>> No.4613761

Paypal doesn't actually hold any funds and works with banks to hold them.
By depositing in paypal you are indirectly depositing to a financial institution.

>> No.4613773

How do i pay them?
Just moved to the US

>> No.4613775

The ones that actually pay get audited? Da phuck?

>> No.4613800

>he doesn't declare his gains in the Virgin Islands
Stop being a pleb without an offshore

>> No.4613804

I could understand paying taxes if government protections actually existed in cypto

>> No.4613864

1. Buy eth on day 1
2. Exchange eth for shitcoin on day 2
3. Shitcoin fucking moons on day 3
4. Exchange shitcoin for eth during moon
5. Cash out eth to fiat on day 4

the irs will figure something is fishy when you have 5000% returns on your investment when eth moved <10% in the time you "held" them

>> No.4613904

Well all I can say is there is no point in converting back to fiat. Many places accept Bitcoin as payment and with the rise and increasing exposure it might hit every single shop and be used as a form of payment.

>> No.4613906

IRS can't find fault in your documentation if you never send them documentation.
Will they really hunt down 500,000 people? Nope. They'll find a select few of that 900 who didn't correctly report their gains.
An example of this is that $700k ethereum guy if you've seen those posts.

>> No.4613913

Jesus Christ. They're just gonna give that 20% to Israel. Fuck you.

Come and take it Kikes

>> No.4613922

government does nothing but FUD crypto, since it's competition to their sovereignty to "issue currency"
problem is, we've had nothing but rampent inflation since the 70's, and people are sick and fucking tired of seeing their savings vanish in just a generation

>> No.4613926

>An example of this is that $700k ethereum guy if you've seen those posts.
do share

>> No.4613934

>reminder that not being able to pay taxes means you are not successful and not wanting to means you're a scumbag who thinks he's special

>> No.4613958

I read 4 hours ago paper money was made by Jews then again I could be wrong.

>> No.4614018

Long story short he reported his $700k ethereum gains, even got a CPA and lawyer.
The FBI showed up to his house multiple times.
He spent much of the remaining money paying that CPA and lawyer.
He then says that the gov sees any crypto earnings as being fraudulent and related to crime, regardless of the nature of those earnings.

>> No.4614026

haha you mother fuckers are going to jail

>> No.4614030

Hey guis, did you know it isn't a crime to voluntarily opt out of paying taxes, even as a us citizen.

Hey guis did you know it's actually a crime to file an incorrect tax return.

Hey guis, did you know the irs has never solidified the proper way to report crypto gains.

Tfw you realize all the tax cucks trying to shit on you have actually set themselves up to being raped by the IRS without even realizing it.


This place is full of dumbasses I swear.

>> No.4614041

Basically this
Thread over

>> No.4614043
File: 79 KB, 544x297, upsidedownpinkwojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Gov attacks those who follow the law
>Now law abiding citizens will think "Welp, better hide my money because the gov will fuck me either way"

Talking about short sighted

>> No.4614052

jesus christ how terrible

>> No.4614078

explain this meme picture

>> No.4614096

Here's how you evade:

1. Buy (you prob already did this)
2. Send coins through a tumbler
3. Claim they were stolen/hacked (oops! they gone!)
4. LocalBitcoins - sell coins for cash and never deposit the cash.

>> No.4614110

>follow the law
This is where things get gray.
What is the explicit law regarding crypto taxes? There isn't one. IRS is calling them property.
Simply not filing doesn't land you in jail, but filing erroneously does. Ignore them until the law is clear and you will simply owe them money. File an erroneous report, and now you're evading tax.
How to get audited 101.

>> No.4614164

Yeah, source or this is a clever FUD.

>> No.4614179

or i could just not want to help fund immigrants and trans sexual operations...

>> No.4614192

The source is 4chan. Did you read the posts?
Keep an eye out if that anon ever shows up and lurk moar.

>> No.4614205

white collar jail, well itd be easier then being a uni student

>> No.4614206

>>believing random shitlords on Mongolian fingerpainting board

C'mon guys. Everyone here is about as credible as an infomercial.

>> No.4614236

Take it with a grain of salt, it may or may not be true but this is what he said happened.
I don't really believe it but it's worth noting on the off chance it is true.

>> No.4614261

The problem isn't paying taxes the issue is in whether or not cashing out will result in you losing all your money. What if the IRS says you have no legit basis on your earnings some people would rather not take the chance of losing all of their money

>> No.4614276

I'm betting America goes bust before crypto does, why would I sell for paper?

>> No.4614340
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>I believed a clever FUD/LARP and now spread it around unironically

>> No.4614374

>I really really want it to be false so I don't need to worry about my gains
Basically what I'm seeing. I hope it is false. But I don't disregard things simply because they're inconvenient for me.

>> No.4614415

You should disregard things with no proof. All things on this anonymous board are by default lies until proven otherwise. If it's an opinion, that's fine, neither objectively right or wrong.

It either has source to affirm its truthfulness or it's just bullshit. This is a reasonable line of thought.

Otherwise I'd have to believe in the flat earthers and the reptilian Jew gods.

>> No.4614425

I'm in jail now and probably making more money than you trading crypto on my phone

>> No.4614426

That story would have been in the news, idiot. You fell for FUD, admit it.

And no, I'm completely confident it's false. It's insanely retarded in the first place. The IRS/FBI would have gotten the guys trading history from the exchanges he uses and been able to account for his gains. Unless he was retarded.

Even then, they can't prosecute you for a crime if they can't prove you did anything wrong. He would just end up having to pay the max percentage on his gains.

>> No.4614439


That was meant for you. I (you)'d myself kek.

>> No.4614449

God damn that's fucked up.

Isn't this it technically?

Also how is not a crime to voluntarily opt out of paying taxes yet IRS goes after and buttfucks people for tax evasion for days?

I don't know if they will hunt them down but when Coinbase forks over their info, millions of people's anuses are now bent over and exposed..r-r-right??

Is there a chance the IRS says ok cool thanks for paying me and leaves you alone and moves on to the next NEET who owes them money?

>> No.4614452

>cell phones in jail
Thanks for the (You) it's all I ever wanted

>> No.4614472

Unironically this, I have no sympathy. My first year making like $70k, I forked over like $29k to fed/state/se tax.

>> No.4614483

>Is there a chance the IRS says ok cool thanks for paying me and leaves you alone and moves on to the next NEET who owes them money?

If you made an effort to pay your taxes, they're not going to do anything. At most you'd have to supply additional documentation etc., and correct any mistakes you made.

>> No.4614489

Did you declare as short term or long term capital gains? Also, no fear of getting audited as mentioned in this thread?

>> No.4614536

what does the pic mean. i have to know ive been seeing the numbers 666 999 over and over and over again.

>> No.4614539

Why would it be on the news? That scares away others from getting in and causes a lot of ppl to back out. Which in turn would cause withdraws to be anonymous and untrackable then they would be so with no one to squeeze money out of or put in prison for free labor. <-- one way of looking at it

>> No.4614642

a shitload of suckers are born everyday

>> No.4615081

Yes, I am special and successful. Everybody else is trash, now pay your taxes you dweeb.

>> No.4615085

As above
So below

>> No.4615137


>> No.4615703

The IRS is puzzled?! are these people that fucking retarded?

Here's two reasons why they're not paying taxes:

(1)THEIR FUCKING RULES ARE NOT CLEAR! The IRS has been asked several fucking times if 1031 exchanges are OK with BTC to ALT to BTC. They have been silent.

(2)If someone had 100 ETH in 2016 and decided to diversify into ALTS, how the fuck do you expect that person to pay over $10,000 in taxes on "property" they have no fucking cash to pay for in the first place?!

that's why no one is paying their fucking taxes. I hope these people who write the tax code die of cancer and watch their children and family die from a painful disease as well.

I don't have an issue paying taxes, but when these fuckers are not clear, and unethically word things just to steal more and more from you then they can eat a fucking dick.

>> No.4615741

found the scumbag

>> No.4615953

It’s not 20% it’s probably more like 45% if you were trading in and out of shitcoins.

>> No.4616049

There definitely is that possibility. So think about yourself in this situation though where you have over a million dollars worth of crypto to cash out this decision becomes very hard to make and I'm sure you could see why some people would want to avoid this situation anyway and avoid taxes.

>> No.4616087
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>> No.4616130

fucking this

>> No.4616142

a trade isn't a sale. you are fucked man.
you can only be taxed on US dollars. FU!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.4616149

>20% to the taxman

Taxes are high enough as is. I don't understand why anyone would be glad to pay taxes unless they're living off other people.

>Inb4 public services

Most of the money goes down the toilet due to governmental inefficiency.

>> No.4616239

I'm gonna pay my taxes but I'd be way less butthurt about it if the government would stop blowing my hard earned money on stupid shit like diversity programs, Shaquika and her 9 kids, and more wars that cause more sub-80 IQ third worlders to culturally enrich my neighborhood

>> No.4616265

IRS Rules specifically state this:

Virtual Currency is "property"; therefore,

(Value of BTC when you bought ALTcoin)-value of BTC you bought at = your realized taxable gain/loss.

You basically traded "property" for another "property".

IF I bought a comic book valued at $100 and because it doubled in value, I decided to trade it for a $200 gaming console.

Your realized capital gains of that comic book to gaming console transaction was $100. You get taxed on that 15% long or 30% short.

This is what's killing all the traders. They don't deal with fiat...so there's really no way for them to pay tax on that shit. Some I'm sure made over $20k on trades, but don't actually have the $6k cash upfront to pay the tax on that bullshit.

>> No.4616273

The jews are puzzled.. why don't you want to give us your shekels goyim? Don't you like the roads and schools?

>> No.4616283

it's not that man.

It's their confusing tax code that's hurting legitimate people making money and wanting to pay their taxes. It's an expensive time consuming process for people who have to make a living off those capital gains.

>> No.4616331

Ya supposedly everyone they even reported any type of crypto on their tax return got audited instantly.

>> No.4616338

>moves on to the next NEET
you mean the next NEET's butthole right

Regardless, FUCK THE LAWS, i'll be moving to a diff country with no crypto tax to cash out my gains

>> No.4616370

>Regardless, FUCK THE LAWS, i'll be moving to a diff country with no crypto tax to cash out my gains
you would have to renounce you're U.S citizenship to do so fyi
we still tax overseas citizens on everything

>> No.4616431

Paying taxes is for normie boomer faggots obvs.

>> No.4616480

Tfw you live in a shithole and you can't find a proper accountant that knows about crypto

Fuck this

>> No.4616506

Hey answer me fuckers.
I want to do it the right way.

What do I do?

>> No.4616512

Anyone knows how this taxing works in Finland?

>> No.4616544

What 45%? Why the fuck?
Also, how would they know? I just bought bitcoins through coinbase to somewhere else (e. g. my friend's account), and then got back bitcoin. Then I cash out.

Pieces of shit. 45% is fucking bullshit.

>> No.4616546
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Put $10k into crypto. End if year it turns into $30k.

$30k - $10k = $20k

You gained $20k. Thats your capital gains. Write 20,000 on your tax form. You need an accountant to do this? To do addition and subtraction?

>> No.4616572

Depends on the country - some places crypto-to-crypto trade is considered a taxable event if your asset made a gain between acquiring it and disposing of it. Still, not a big deal to add up the gains and losses from each trade and declaring that as your capital gain/loss for the year.

>> No.4616581

You can get some benefits if you file crypto as assets or some shit. There was a new law put in place few months ago. Of course I'm not qualified to study the law to minimize my taxes. That s what I need an accountant for.

>> No.4616612

How many times will I have to explain this:

If you don't cash out, you don't pay cap gains. If you are a HODLER (you didn't cash out, did you anon?) then you don't have to do ANYTHING until you cash out.

Except for link. If you own link then you have to report yourself for re-education because you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.4616669

If you don't sell the crypto you don't have to report shit none of it is realized gains

>> No.4616737

Found it

Oletko vaihtanut virtuaalivaluuttaa (esim. Bitcoin) euroiksi tai muuhun viralliseen valuuttaan? Oletko maksanut laskuja tai ostanut tavaroita tai palveluja virtuaalivaluutalla? Oletko osallistunut virtuaalivaluutan louhintaan?
Have you changed the virtual currency (eg Bitcoin) into euros or other official currency? Have you paid bills or bought goods or services with a virtual currency? Have you participated in the mining of a virtual currency?

Seems like it's only taxed on converting to fiat, goods or services. Thank God.

>> No.4616879

>Seems like it's only taxed on converting to fiat, goods or services. Thank God.
That's right

But then you get fucked in the ass with 34% tax rate

>> No.4616895

Yeah, not looking forward to that.

>> No.4616903

>i'll be moving to a diff country with no crypto tax to cash out my gains
What countries would that be?

>> No.4616904

lol, yeah, nah, fuck that
any total tax over 10% is unethical

>> No.4616929

Good thing it is at least possible to leave, but the question is where

>> No.4616946

>1 post by this id

this anon probably made 300k off this crypto thing.
Kek, i always knew there was actual work involved. It's not just buying low and selling high, you gotta pay the tax as well. Pay your fucking tax retards. I mean what would i know, i don't even have any money to get into this crypto thing.

>> No.4616953

totally agree, there isn't even any long-term rate that is lower. And you can't offset losses on crypto, so you could literally lose everything but still owe taxes. Fucking bullshit

>> No.4616969

Isn't it Denmark with zero crypto tax? That might change by the time you get citizenship though but I suppose that's a risk everywhere.

>> No.4616977
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Taxation is theft.

>> No.4616982


Google it

>> No.4617008


Pay a woman to marry you for citizenship. Get a second passport if you are American, open a bank account with that passport. Deposit gains in tax free country.

>> No.4617012


>> No.4617015

Yeah supposedly but some Dane said it was false. And I would assume they change it very soon after the massive rise this year.

Someone mentioned Isle of Man as well but I think you could get in trouble/audited for moving to a tax haven.

>> No.4617079

I have but it is fucking hard as hell to determine a country that 1) doesn't tax crypto 2) let's you move there without being employed there

for example

Denmark - possible but wouldn't count on it
Germany - only if you hold for 1 year and don't trade
Singapore - very hard to get residence

Then you have all these countries with no cap gains tax but you can't really be sure if they consider crypto gains as capital gains or not.
Then you have countries that tax only territorial income, but how can you even determine where gains from crypto "is sourced"

>> No.4617094


>> No.4617138


Who the fuck wants to pay tax on crypto?

>> No.4617850

It's never that simple with the IRS
Also, you can report taxable income to get a tax break, to my understanding. -$3,000 is the most you can report as a loss, though.

>> No.4617923

salt in the wound

>> No.4618336

So here we are, on a Tazmanian water polo forum discussing imaginary internet coins. If the IRS tries to tax them, they acknowledge they are real assets. Taxation would only increase their value and further fuck zog fiat.

>> No.4618452

I'm not paying taxes until I don't see brown or black people in Europe anymore. Your move, globalists.

>> No.4618459

You'd be surprised what people can fit up their ass.

>> No.4618479


How do commies think you run a country? What pays for all the services?

>> No.4618514

anarchists are also fucking retarded so why should anyone take their advice

>> No.4618523

I know who pays taxes, the working class... everyone else can afford accountants and loopholes. go fuck yourself.

>> No.4618530

You didn't do shit you fat faggot, you clicked a few buttons and sat on your ass and watched the numbers go up. You should be grateful for living in a country where you're allowed to do shit like that without the government taking it all

>> No.4618536

nice try gov't shill.

>> No.4618540


So is it overreaching or shoukd it reach more?

>> No.4618617

Is it comforting for you, being a statist and watching your hard earned money getting siphoned off by the non government federal reserve and enforcement wing? Seems like you enjoy being fk'ed. Giving your money to the private federal reserve is not patriotic, it's aiding criminal theft.