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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 131 KB, 1263x460, blockmason-credit-protocol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4609664 No.4609664 [Reply] [Original]

Buy BlockMason Credit Protocol (BCPT). This is the next 250MM market cap coin. Currently sitting at 15MM.

I have seen over 20 orders between $45k-140k put into Binance for BCPT. It’s still relatively low volume yet there are massive orders. Something is definitely happening.

The bittrex leak is real, since then there has been IMMENSE FUD towards this coin. I don’t know if it’s coordinated FUDing to keep the price down for accumulation or just jealous poor fags who hate seeing people with actual capital use it to make unbelievable gains. This is an unregulated market, USE the insider information when it miraculously lands in front of you.

BlockMason has Anthony Diiorio as a permanent advisor. He is the Co-Founder of ETHEREUM. He is a better advisor than Vitalik, who is a child molester and a communist who doesn’t want people to make money. Anthony is a marketing specialist and capital investor who has run VC firms his entire career. He has a massive stake in BCPT and wouldn’t support a project unless it had huge potential. BCPT has a working product, it’s going on Bittrex very soon, and the APP is being released this week.

What is BCPT? It uses block chain for Credit and Debt assignment. Think credit cards with crypto. Think Venmo 2.0 but better. Think money systems. The coins that go interstellar these days are coins that deal with MONEY. Credit/debt was the system that made the banking system as monstrously big as it is today, and that is no different with crypto. It is a self-contained credit/debt system. It’s fucking amazing which is probably why Anthony Diiorio is backing it.

Like I said, it’s a $15MM market cap. It will hit $250MM within weeks, maybe sooner if Bittrex listing is sooner than we think. Don’t listen to the FUD, look yourself. Get in on a moon mission on the ground floor. Biz is usually the place where faggots come to shill once they need to dump their coins, I’m here to change that. This coin hasn’t EVEN BEGUN.

>> No.4609689

>pajeet discord pump and dump scam
yeah no thanks, i want to make money, not be scammed by street shitters

>> No.4609909

Free money

>> No.4610934

> page looks crap
> 3 random dudes
> no whitepaper
> stupid video

wtf is this?

>> No.4610970

sorry anon, forgot the most important

> two of the three random dudes are wearing shorts

srsly what's wrong with them anon

>> No.4611001
File: 725 KB, 1846x944, a215dbd128ac6da5614c3eed2382549e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally copy pasta of the same thread you had earlier.

Pic related is OP's dev team, just in case you were actually considering this shitcoin

>> No.4611051

At least they show their faces

>> No.4611065

Why are they wearing shorts and in ridiculous poses for what should be a professional shoot?

>> No.4611075

oh wow, now i am convinced, i love you normies shilling good projects

>> No.4611121

OP I've actually got a nice bag of this, bought in at a good price, but you are making me consider selling. It's retarded to suggest that it's going for a 250m market cap in a matter of weeks no matter how much potential you think it has.

If the app gets released/bittrex listing happens, then this will shill itself, but stop posting this fucking pasta, it's cringeworthy.

>> No.4611161


Fag coin?

>> No.4611218
File: 8 KB, 231x218, bcpt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All of you biztards are so fucking deluded it makes me sick.

I posted antshares here, omg, coss, kucoin, wtc, etc.. all the same bizfags FUD: scam, pajeet, etc.

>Easy 2-3x EOY,,


Check my twitter if you noobs dont believe me.

This shit is legit, buy or stay poor

-crypto goober @nasaaids

>your twitter representative
>(fuck that beta cryptozyzz)

>> No.4611235

This is cringeworthy but I'm their defence, they're programmers who's target market is currently neets and geeks. Do you think Bill Gates and Zuckerberg never did embarrassing shit in the wrong moments? Think again

>> No.4611243

The app release is probably scheduled for after Bittrex assuming the rumor isn't horseshit.

Thing is though the app doesn't do much at all. All it does is write debt and the payment of such to ETH.

Literally that's it. Their lawyers are presenting at MIT in a week or two doing a shuck and jive to show their token isn't a security.

>> No.4611258

sell then faggot. Everything I've said is true, I guess most biztards just love losing money by buying shitcoins like link while real projects with potential moon past them.

>> No.4611264

unironically bought 100k because my girlfriends name is Mason

>> No.4611270

Already making gains lol
This game is too easy unless you're a brainlet that has no ability to think critically.

>> No.4611282

Uh, that's "all" it does? That's fucking huge.

You can sell a car to you someone and have them pay you x amount and month and have the bank cosign it, all through your phone. Look at how big facebook market place and craigslist and shit is, this app is first to market and will be used by everyone.

>> No.4611404

so LNDR is a debt recording and payment app correct?

>> No.4611845

Yes, but also you can write contracts.

I'll give a better example.

You sell your car to someone for $1000, and decide they will pay you $100 a month for 10 months. You can either record it like this into the ledger (which you probably wouldn't do unless it were a friend or family member), or rather you'd have a bank or collector's agency or WHOEVER sign off on it and take responsibility incase the person stops paying, thus making the contract enforceable through a third party, meaning you have more options than taking someone to small claims court... All this is done through the app.

When they pay you it's recorded, etc etc. And even if LNDR and everyone associated it is destroyed, the blockchain is permanent so the records are never lost.

This is just the BASIC function, along with everything else venmo does (pay people, request money, split meals, etc etc).

It's a fucking genius app. The retarded FUD fags will say it's simple but that's only because something like this should already exist- but it doesn't. Now it does, fucking buy it.

I'm really sick of all you fucking faggots bashing me for posting this over and over again. I'm trying to help you poor idiots climb out of destitute poverty, yet all you do is shit on a coin you know nothing about.

Fuck you, I've made 500k off crypto and I've put 100k into this coin already so yeah, I want it to fucking moon, of course, but is it completely out of the fucking question that I want to help some people along the way as well?

Trust me, this coin will moon with or without your pathetic $20 contributions you fucking faggots. Either buy this or KYS. fuck you all.

>> No.4612237

what would incentivize a third party to mitigate my credit risk?

have the devs responded to this question? do they know how to address loss given default?

Why would their app be used instead of Venmo, because my understanding is that those who lend in fiat expect to be repaid in fiat, crypto is too volatile

>> No.4612274

I'm just gonna leave this here >>4612191

>> No.4612343

1) Venmo takes your money to use for investment. Therefore you cannot use your money for a few days after you request a withdrawal, and there are maximum amounts you can send, receive, etc. Venmo is for small things between friends.

LNDR is a professional platform that can be for small or large sums of money. Transfer of balances are instant. Ledger is unhackable, etc. Lots of reasons to use over Venmo, but the ability to write complicated contracts and pass them off to third parties for enforcement is big.

Plenty of companies buy debt. True, citi bank might not take a $100 dollar a month car payment loan, but other companies will.

>> No.4612354


>> No.4612367

Bittrex rumor is fake. Some anon sent a bcpt to the bittrex wallet.

>> No.4612448

it sounds good in theory but practically no one in the near or distant future will want buy this debt because they're not economically incentivized to do so and the devs have no addressed the credit scoring process which will also a turn off for these third parties. it's a cute app that might trend for a few days but it's never going to appeal to the masses and will probably fade away sooner than later. it's such a niche market that it doesn't have wide consumer appeal. sorry for your misunderstanding anon but i think you need to remove emotions aside and re evaluate this project's potential.

there's also the part where they want to patent the credit protocol; another huge red flag because it only shows how weak their platform is. I guess they want to capitalize on this patent as much as possible before Confido 2.0

>> No.4612471

thanks bro

>> No.4612495

This shit dumped hard last night, when can we expect another pump? After the app release? I bought in at .33 because I thought it was supposed to happen today.

>> No.4612590

Hey fuck you buddy. This coin is a piece of shit. Their App is literally about as useful as a piece of paper "Joe owes me 10 dollars"

There is no enforcement of payment, nothing other than tracking information that x owes y money. This whole project is useless.

I shilled this for a quick flip on a bittrex rumour, if you are investing long term you are deluded. There is literally no tech, I could make this App in a weekend. The token also has no purpose

Ive made more from crypto than your entire family tree is worth

>> No.4612645

that's where i was trying to get to
a clear explanation for the use of the Token, has anyone be able to explain this? Why is there a token to begin with

>> No.4613039

Aaand the floor at 38k sats is gone

>> No.4613070
File: 513 KB, 1941x919, moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, that is Bittrex's test wallet. The guy who posted that is fucking retarded.

>> No.4613169

Tanking rn

>> No.4613172

Biz makes me laugh. Love you retards. I’ll be laughing with my gains, stupid niggers.

>> No.4613301
File: 489 KB, 1280x800, richfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen faggot. I own 1050 shares of this coin equivalent to 1ETH at ICO price. I'm fucking sure this thing is going to the moon, but you're shill, which actually looks like a FUD in disguise, is ruining the fucking plan. Please stop shilling and let the smart money flow in slowly. Thanks

>> No.4613398
File: 90 KB, 1200x1200, bcpt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


/biz/ has gotten so deluded OMFG KEK hahahah its just so bad how dumb these anons are....

see you fomo buying in a few days


>fuck cryptozyzz

>> No.4613438

When is it going to get pumped???

>> No.4613459

The app release is going to be released at "optimal timing" which means they want it to pump

>all the sellers are gone
>bot action, next leg soon

DYOR dont take my word, this shit is a gem.

>Been accumulating since 21 cents

>> No.4613581

All you oblivious faggots questioning the token use have obviously only read shills instead of white papers. Each tokens allow 2 tx then go into a cool down phase for an hour. You can do a lot more technical things with them but the tech may be beyond your comprehension of you can't read a fucking white paper on your own.

>> No.4613870

With the little reasearch ive done on this i have to say it seems like a good high risk high reward coin.

>> No.4614247

Give us a long story short

>> No.4614309

Except it doesn't do that. There is no ability to validate the payment. You get paid and then you remove the debt manually.

The app won't be relevant until you can pay debts with crypto and have them automatically validated.

>> No.4614436

Nope, that will be solved in LNDR 2.0.

>> No.4614713

give me a single use for the token, retard

>> No.4615027



>> No.4615157

Have you ever held anything for more than a week? Markets go up and down.

Give it 1 week. Stop flaming