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4609299 No.4609299 [Reply] [Original]

How did Hitler turn poor as shit Weimar Germany into rish as fuck nazi Germany over the course of a few years? Can someone explain to me the german miracle

>> No.4609314

Gasing jews is hard work

>> No.4609325

>Unemployment 6 million


>> No.4609327

removing global banker jewery
putting the people to work
restoring a sense of national identity after the clusterfuck that was WWII

jews still see Germany as the remnants of the Holy Roman Empire, that fucked over Isreal during the times of fucking Flavius

And we all know: the Jews never forget a debt

>> No.4609334

After taking power, Hitler and his new government immediately launched an all-out assault on unemployment … They stimulated private industry through subsidies and tax rebates, encouraged consumer spending by such means as marriage loans, and plunged into the massive public-works program that produced the autobahn [highway system], and housing, railroad and navigation projects.

For the great mass of Germans, wages and working conditions improved steadily. From 1932 to 1938 gross real weekly earnings increased by 21 percent. After taking into account tax and insurance deductions and adjustments to the cost of living, the increase in real weekly earnings during this period was 14 percent. At the same time, rents remained stable, and there was a relative decline in the costs of heating and light. Prices actually declined for some consumer goods, such as electrical appliances, clocks and watches, as well as for some foods. "Consumer prices rose at an average annual rate of just 1.2 percent between 1933 and 1939," notes British historian Niall Ferguson. "This meant that Germans workers were better off in real as well as nominal terms: between 1933 and 1938, weekly net earnings (after tax) rose by 22 percent, while the cost of living rose by just seven percent." Even after the outbreak of war in September 1939, workers’ income continued to rise. By 1943 average hourly earnings of German workers had risen by 25 percent, and weekly earnings by 41 percent.

>> No.4609347

*that was WWI

>> No.4609389

Fundamentally German people have incredibly industrious personalities thus the meme german engineering. Specifically hitler printed money and spent it on real economic activity. then he went to war to reduce the debt to gdp ratio caused by the money printing financially repressing france and other conquered economies.
He millitaristicly over reached trying for moscow as napolean did beforw him though.
Additionally the nazi ideology was pathological and did not allow for a free market allocation of the population

>> No.4609424

Highly statist authoritarian semi-meritocratic quasi-socialism mixed with government led corporatism.

USA today is pseudo-democratic semi-"welfare" capitalism mixed with corporatist led heavy statism.

Guess in which of these systems the incentives are more aligned for the rulers to actually give a shit about and actually having the power necessary to creating something great.

>> No.4609435

he did some quantitive easing ie printed new notes and spent them on infrastructure projects
which is government spending done right

>> No.4609472

Implying Weimar didn't do that first.

>> No.4609475

Pretty much. Slaved away the Jews and non Aryans, then kept slaving the Jews through the war in mines and such

>> No.4609494
File: 7 KB, 199x169, 120_-_benis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice bost.
i liekd id.

>> No.4609570

Getting rid of hyper-inflated fiat funny-money
Going back to the Gold Standard (Mostly Renten's doing but staying on the Gold Standard was very important)
Being an encouraging leader
Being motivated to raise his country out of his ashes to prevent himself and his family from getting Clinton'd

Wrong. Reichsmarks used the gold standard.

>> No.4609798


Don't know how the fuck no one has mentioned this yet but Hitler used to censor millions of people from the stats - more than just Jewish people. Hence why the number is so tiny.

>> No.4610163


>> No.4610274

removed the tribe from positions of power and started printing their own money. basically common sense things that no other nation dare implement

>> No.4610532

It may have helped short-term but Hitler's economics were not sustainable without attacking every neighboring country.
Don't believe in these autobahn /pol/ myths that have been debunked time and time again. He literally just made several construction site photos for his propaganda media.

Now that I think about it, it's like the OmiseGo skateboard

>> No.4610538


>> No.4610599


>> No.4611265

>Startup weapon factories
>Start war

>> No.4611335

he went all in on BTC when it was still under 1$

>> No.4611419

There was no miracle in what Hitler did . Hitler had a very good plan to build up the economy and hire ppl . He build the first subways so it was easier for ppl to go to work , he added the principle of extra hours pays double and much more . However , to do that he first needed to get a HUGE "loan" so he was backed by the big bankers like Rotschild . It was just hard work , very good ideas , and the financial support that he got .

>> No.4611520

>take country
>stop it from being a cattle farm for the elites

Stop the global financial institutions from using you like cattle, stop handing out welfare for life to useless people, clean up druggies and their ilk, clean out corruption (with bullets, if necessary), stop throwing billions into genderqueer anal laser dance troupes, and you'd be surprised how much money there is in first world countries. We'd make Dubai look like Sierra Leone if we actually used our wealth to improve our countries.

>> No.4611567

what about so called "labour treasury certificates" or is that an urban myth?