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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 26 KB, 642x237, EtherdeltaHacked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4608747 No.4608747 [Reply] [Original]


Guys, I am serious, please help me.
I just logged in to Etherdelta and noticed that all my funds had disappeared. I had some MOD on there however I never ever placed the sell order that I circled.

This is the id of the transaction:

And this is the token holder:

Please guys, is there anything I can do? Does etherdelta have support I can contact? I know 100$ is not much for you but for me it is.
What do I do??

>> No.4608757


>> No.4608759

Is your LINK okay?

>> No.4608766

I am holding LINK on Binance.

Guys, please help a bro out come on.

>> No.4608794

Sorry dude, you're fucked. Did you click any weird links on /biz/? The "my LINK is gone!" meme is around because there actually are links with malicious scripts that will rob your ED clean

>> No.4608802

What do you want me to do? Pull a magic wand out of my ass and make your transaction reversible?

>> No.4608818


it's crypto, transactions aren't reversible. try PMing EtherDelta but, as someone who has lost about $150k due to BitFinex and have seen friends lose millions worth in MtGox, it's gone.

>> No.4608844

And this my friends is why you do not click links on /biz/

>> No.4608849

Start using metamask mate but yea, its gone

>> No.4608859

>using etherdelta

>> No.4608869

>.2 eth
You were poor before and still poor now whats the difference?

>> No.4608898

.2 ETH is a years income in most of Europe.

>> No.4608959

Are you fucking retarded ? It`s NOTHING. A fucking busticket

>> No.4608978

how the hell do hackers find peoples accounts?

>> No.4609013

Is it dangerous to open a picture on /biz/?

>> No.4609042

this makes me nervous about posting an ehter id on those free give aways on 4chan, are those a scam?

>> No.4609051

Don't use etherdelta

>> No.4609067
File: 4 KB, 360x72, UseTheseIfYouWantToLive.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>logged on
>funds "on" EtherDelta
Don't ever keep coin on EtherDelta
Don't even keep it on your swap wallet

Should have payed the transfer fees anon.
You saved $4 only to lose $100

>> No.4609072

This is why you use a hardware wallet

>> No.4609097
File: 40 KB, 375x261, NoFundsForYou.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4609098
File: 43 KB, 689x568, 6b592618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$100 is a year's income in most of Europe

>> No.4609100

I hope my loss is a lesson to someone at least

>> No.4609119

random orders happening sometimes is a known bug it's not considered a serious issue.

>> No.4609138

If you look at the wallet it went to then you can see they were involved in the Dao casino crowd sale. Why not send them the ETH address and see whether they can get the details if they used KYC so you can get his ID

>> No.4609205

That's good idea man, thanks. Not sure what I could do knowing who is anyway but its worth a try.