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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 119 KB, 736x1047, Obsidian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4607216 No.4607216 [Reply] [Original]

Obsidian is giving a speech at Chaos Communication Congress (34C3) just after Christmas. This is the largest gathering of hackers each year in all of Europe. You were warned Anon.

>> No.4607247

Wil Pravik be there?

>> No.4607363

Only if you chant his name

>> No.4608232

He's the starting speaker, all of India will be live streaming.

>> No.4608250

This coin is shilled so hard, idk if I should buy more or get out now

>> No.4608261

If you sell now screenshot and post it

>> No.4608368

almost as much fud as there is shilling

i dont even know anymore

atleast its somewhat stable at the current price

>> No.4608414

>almost as much fud as there is shilling

way more fud than shilling
and then the fudders come into shill threads and go

>hurr durr so much shilling here not sure if this is good or not

>> No.4608776
File: 20 KB, 306x306, 1474587705491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First thing I do when I go on /biz/ is press ctrl + f and search for ODN threads. One week ago I had to make my own threads because there were none up. Past few days there was usually one thread up and very rarely two threads. This is counting FUD threads too (lmao le white race etc)

>> No.4608834
File: 423 KB, 808x805, 1501755550349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ODN posts a pic where a white girl is standing next to a black man

>> No.4609060

10k by next week
25k by Xmas

Thanks anon for selling to me at 4k on Sunday lmao

>> No.4609749

See ya at $10 around febuary

>> No.4609829
File: 456 KB, 600x966, 1473277612238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be honest, I get pretty tired about the whole racemixing propaganda that's being pushed in the media, but ODN has nothing to do with that. It's just some random stock photo picked by an external marketing bureau

>> No.4609857

>tfw we won't have any differences to celebrate, once we become all mixed-brown

>> No.4609954
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, shitcolor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let's celebrate the diversity of this play-doh by mixing it all together!

>> No.4610012

sadly, this is exactly what the marxists will want-
everyone exactly identical, for everyone to be treated identically

imo tho, the only way ppl can be equal before the law. Everything else is folly

>> No.4610103

Jews are inbred as fuck. They know its unhealthy, and need to racemix to survive. So you see modern day jews will race mix with anyone. Black, white, hispanic, they don't care. They need anyone because for the last 1000 years they've tried living and they always end up as parasites getting kicked out by the host nation.

So they project their genetic failures on other races and try to make themselves feel better about having to racemix. I really think this is the root of why they promote racemixing so much. Its more for themselves but they don't want to admit that

>> No.4610460

Back to pol with you, swine.

>> No.4610500

*audibly cringes*

>> No.4610542

that's not why they promote racemixing at all, not even a little bit. Their families heavily promote breeding within the tribe they even have multiple jewish only dating sites and apps and networks. Jews have bred within their tribe for 5 thousand years it's how they've survived.

They promote racemixing because it destroys white homogeneity which they hate, because they stand out too much in homogeneous countries and need to create a multicultural cosmopolitan environment to thrive.

Jews are inbred as fuck they suffer from many congenital issues as a result.

>> No.4610610

name the first 5 jews that come to your head and their spouses.
for me
>weinstein, de niro, zuckerberg...