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File: 46 KB, 581x308, mineboi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4606030 No.4606030 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm going to buy either ARK or LINK.
Which one is the better choice?

>> No.4606050

ARK and then maybe buy link sometime in 2018 if it ever starts communicating and making developments

>> No.4606052


>> No.4606059

Ark has the better logo so you go with that.

That's how I decided on what to do with my pumped shitcoin gains right now.

>> No.4606092
File: 35 KB, 848x477, 1510599779851.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's obviously not ARK

>> No.4606108
File: 21 KB, 203x200, heh2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm warning you: don't be deluded.

don't. be. an arkie.

>> No.4606114

LINK my dude

>> No.4606155

but i thought linkies were deluded too? or are arkies so deluded that linkies look sane in comparison?

>> No.4606185
File: 188 KB, 680x616, Arklink.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying Link
>forever at 18c

>> No.4606193
File: 408 KB, 636x474, 1508273284255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4606332

How do I store ARK? It's not an ETH token that'll fit MEW is it.

>> No.4606348
File: 209 KB, 780x639, 1508837071451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I store ARK?
In your vagina

>> No.4606363

I have both. And req.

>> No.4606391

I'm holding ARK, LINK and REQ. Nobody is as deluded as me.

>> No.4606407

I still don't get this picture...She makes fun of deluded arkies. Why would she get pregnant with a child from one of them?

>> No.4606608

If this is how normies think then I'm glad I'm all in on ARK.

>> No.4606634

shes going to give birth to a JUST arkie. I don't see whats so hard to get it.

>> No.4606663

out of the two ARK has the best chance.
Personally if I was you I would throw at least 50% into OMG
50% into MTL until 1/18 then move into ETH until 2/18 then move into ETHOS(BQX) until 3/18
then move 100% into OMG - you'll turn $1,000 into $50,000 by EOY 2018 doing this

>> No.4606691

Ark if you want to survive the inevitable crypto apocalypse.

>> No.4606747

Kek! Me either!!! So fucking deluded! Love it!

>> No.4606759

At one point it was
>forever at 15


>> No.4606765

LINK is basically a complete gamble. Don't plop down what you aren't ready to lose completely. If Sergey pulls everything off though...well you'll see a lot of pink wojacks from people who missed the last moon rocket and were shitting on link because it was the thing all the cool kids were doing (i.e. followed the memes instead of DD)

>> No.4606797

>link is a gamble
And ark isnt?

>> No.4606868

By "total gamble" I mean that LINK can become worthless a whole hell of a lot faster than ARK can. It hinges on the efforts of a single guy who looks like he's a few mcnuggets away from a heart attack.

>> No.4606895

Bitcoin Cash all in

>> No.4606914

>muh surgey muh nuggets
What a stupid fucking reason.

>> No.4606998

Lighten up faggot, I'm using a joke to illustrate how LINK lives and dies Sergey's capability to produce a product.

>> No.4607053


name of girl / anime pls

>> No.4607077

Iris heart

>> No.4607133

Hyper Dimensional Neptunia The Animation is the anime name

>> No.4607222

Seriously, I don't understand how anyone who is not a complete poorfag doesn't immediately invest $50 in each of these. I'm not saying it will pay off, but if it does, it will be a great investment, if it doesnt for either, you're out $100? Which is nothing. It's like walking up to a roulette wheel with a player slanted edge and higher payouts and saying "No, I'm good" Just fucking stupid.

>> No.4607312

>anyone who is not a complete poorfag

i think you answered your own question.

>> No.4608200

I'm just looking for the next potential to buy to spend my ETH profits in thats all.

OMG is nothing yet so no thanks.


I'm going to put in atlaest 1000 eur I don't play 100 bux baby roulette.

Anyway I think I will go with ARK.

>> No.4608301

LINK holy shit decentralised oracles

>> No.4609045

LINK is higher risk and higher reward. If you just want to throw some money in then LINK is the best choice, but if you're going all in then I'd pick ARK.