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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4604700 No.4604700 [Reply] [Original]

All you faggots are larping 16 yos right?

>> No.4604740

but If you have a gpu and a ryzen cpu and you live with your parents and you aren't mining 24/7, then shame on you

>> No.4604746

52 here

>> No.4604761

That'd be a nice excuse

>> No.4604772


>> No.4604783

Kill me.

>> No.4604799

Nope im 29 and unironically have 110k in crypto rn. Its not a lot but i want to get there so fucking badly

>> No.4604817


>> No.4604846

I wish I'm a 16 year old
Youth is worth more than any money

>> No.4604864

29, 200k in crypto, make 150k a year

>> No.4604874

22 y.o. here - about $21k in crypto
and no, not a neet, still living at my parents' though

>> No.4604893

28 neet, have hundreds of thousands in crypto

>> No.4604917

26, wagecuck, 300k$ in crypto

>> No.4604926

32, married, ~230k in crypto
wife has ~300k in crypto
also ~200k in stocks
1 year ago we had ~150k in stocks and no crypto
thx /biz/

>> No.4604931

LARPing about what?
Do you think crypto is not real?

>> No.4604939

26 no job 11k in crypto. Not sure what's in my bank account. I haven't checked in months.

>> No.4604955

lol at the low iq responses. OP clearly said you must be all 16 as a backhanded insult, not to literally correct him and tell us your age. No wonder you morons lose money all of the time.

>> No.4604961

>Blockfolio thread
>An app where you input your fictional crypto holdings manually
>Brag on the internet about your crypto riches
>"guys I'm balls deep in LINK look at me lol Xd"
Back in time /biz/ used to post screenshots of our exchange balances and our adresses or we would be called a faggot larper and the thread would die

>> No.4604965

23, 6k in crypto, med student

>> No.4605070

Your 56 year old self is going to wish he had his 16 year old self in front of him so he could beat the living fuck out of him.

>> No.4605094

2k og investment 10k rn 21 year old psych student (I know).

All in on powr ledger rn so I might either get to 100k or bankrupt. It's all in good fun.

>> No.4605100


just broke 10k in crypto. Just 100x more and I can retire

>> No.4605119 [DELETED] 

It's just a game bro. No real money involved

>> No.4605144

41 w/ wife and kids here... hey OP is that you Johnny?! I told you to stop posting on 4chan while your at school! Your mother and I don't pay 20k a year on private schooling so you can shitpost on 4chan all day!! You're grounded - no Crypto buying for a week!

>> No.4605160

>26 with about 25k in crypto
>bought in about 5k and have cashed out about 5k
>full time job so dont mind risks

>> No.4605224


hit around ~€2.2M in crypto thanks to the recent rise and an early investment into RDN

>> No.4605247

56. Operating Engineer. 150K per year Put 5k in. Fluctuate up and down 2k from that. Shit post too much to pay attention. Just here to fuck with you kids, mainly.

>> No.4605255

I'm 91, holding 2.7 million in cryptos.

>> No.4605278

fuck off boomer scum

>> No.4605289

Nom nom Trap faggot.

>> No.4605293 [DELETED] 


17 actually

>> No.4605328


I just bought a Ryzen 1800X and have a GTX 1070 ti, what do?

>> No.4605344

I have no clue what a blockchain does and why we would need it. 3 weeks ago i have bought a Bitcoin package but it never arrived. Trying to reach the bitcoin support hotline, but nobody is answering the phone.
But it doesn't matter anyway, because i am reading on a daily basis that you actually cannot Cash Out.

>> No.4605390

Bought a once ounce gold coin with bitcoin just to see if I could. Sold it on ebay for 10% profit and put it back in crypto. Fuck off with the you can't cash out bullshit, Faggit.

>> No.4605409

27, bought in May with $10k. Got a nice hit off Antshares, sitting at ~$44k right now.

>> No.4605425

Respect your elders, you little shit.

>> No.4605446

I had invested about $20 into antshares when it was less than a dollar and sold at $5..

>> No.4605451

18 years old, sitting on $70,000 - all in crypto.

>> No.4605464

Your 56 year old self just gave you a pat on the back.

>> No.4605487

29 years old, made 300%+ since Nov 8th. Although my initial deposit was quite modest compared to some of the whales on here.

>> No.4605613

I hope so. If crypto keeps going up, I'll be really fucking good in 5 years, if it crashes I might as well kill myself.

>> No.4605638

Dude put some of that money into a stock market index fund. Your 65 year old self will thank you.

>> No.4605652

I am not larping when I say I've made 40k€ out of 5k initial investment so far in 7 months, being 32yo. Not bombastic or gamechanging but a nice boost for future investments, as they get substantially bigger. If I hit another x10 two times I'll pull out half of it or more. I won't quit before that and I am ready to lose it all. Not gambling on shitcoins though.

>> No.4605667

Oh wow, a whole 50% gains on a 200% inflated dollar investment over 30 years! What a good investment!

>> No.4605687

Look up compounding interest. Most people consider the stock market high risk but it's way way less risk than crypto.

>> No.4605706
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I will stop if you tell me if I'm supposed to use coinbase, robinhood, or gemini. I don't know how to start

>> No.4605747

21 just broke 200k

>> No.4605798

Why is CPU relevant in mining?

>> No.4606126


>> No.4606266

Wait, you're a psychology student? shouldn't you be more aware than the average person of the dangerous group-think you're participating in by buying these coins?. I mean you only bought them because other people were buying them right?, they thought the coin would go up in price and in turn you did too.

>> No.4606270 [DELETED] 

I’m also 18, 10k in crypto. how did you get 70k?

>> No.4606284
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what was it

>> No.4606295

I’m also 18, 10k in crypto. how did you get 70k?

>> No.4606397

This Anon is with a group of people dying of thirst in the desert. Group A sees palm trees up the canyon, and deduces they can dig for water there. Group B thinks they are deluded, and will waste their final energy getting to the palm trees, therefore dying sooner than Group B, who decides to stay put. There is no contact with the outside, and ho hope of rescue. Which group made it?

>> No.4606430


>> No.4606472

I was there. I made it. Which group made it. Faggot.

>> No.4606520

>I was there. I made it.
You're talking about something that's already happened, the other guy is talking about something that HASN'T happened, what on earth are you talking about.

>> No.4606577

Abstract reasoning applied to anecdotal evidence. you failed Kindergarten?

>> No.4606605

Something happened before therefore it will happen again, you failed logic 101?

>> No.4606654

I'm a 56 year old Operating Engineer making $150K a year for one of the largest Conglomerates on the planet. (you) are a neet living in your Mothers basement, and you are trying to school me? Please. run along upstairs, Mum has tendies ready.

>> No.4606701

Pretty sure CPUs are worth a tiny damn in Monero.
Mine Monero on your CPU with low priority in the background, and run another GPU-friendly coin such as VTC, ETH or just more Monero on your GPU.

>> No.4606723

If something has happened before, will that thing definitely happen again?, I don't care if you're 105 years old making 50 million dollars a year, you're not inherently more capable of giving sound advice than someone who's 15 and a beggar on the streets.

>> No.4606745

I'm 49 and I have 700bil Runescape Classic gold.

>> No.4606760
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>> No.4606780

That is why we elect 15 year old beggars to The Presidency.

>> No.4606781

Fuck you dad

>> No.4606804

Bitcoin Breakout incoming, Faggots.

>> No.4606892

3 kids
make 140k a year
Own 3 houses, 2 paid off
80k in crypto

>> No.4606953

Not me. I'm 17.

>> No.4607019

Underaged b&

>> No.4607044
File: 27 KB, 640x640, verysmart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Working as middle manager at a big S&P 500 company, having a comfy 9-5(or more 4) job doing enterprise coding stuff with no stress.

Spend around 4 h per day on my other screen trading/reading about crypto.

Actually /biz/ is good if you know what to look for, and so many /biz/raeli noobs that is 16 to trade against.

Trade with around 2 BTC on Binance and Bittrex on hypecoins, 90% of rest is in cold storage

>> No.4607078

>faggot faggot faggot
>am i cool yet

>> No.4607677

Oh really, there are still coins that are profitable mining with CPU?
I though it was only multiple GPU or ASICs or don't even bother nowadays.
I have a Ryzen 7

>> No.4607739


Unironically a 29 year old lawyer in New York. Married. Student loans. 11k in crypto. Got in earlier this year, invested about 6k.

>> No.4607772

I wouldn't try it when you pay your own electricity bill, but I've heard about people mining Monero on a CPU, though that's mainly in browsers or with botnets. Still worth a try.

>> No.4607796

Just looked it up and as I first though it's not worth it.

>> No.4607865

Not going to lie. 49 year old here. $1300 in crypto and $2300 in savings. Wife divorsed me and took me for everything I had. When I'm not at work I refresh this board in the hope that I can make enough money to live the life I always wanted to but never have.
It's depressing but this board is all the hope I have of achieving my childhood dreams.

>> No.4608185

Then don't be a wagecuck. Invest your 300k in stocks make 7% a year and live at the poverty line

>> No.4608206

26, shit job 9k in crypto, 40k in student loans

>> No.4609185


>> No.4609404
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I wish I was larping but time just goes by too fast.

>> No.4609979

29, $200000 net worth, of which $30000 is bitcoin


>> No.4610683

24 and all I have in crypto is currently about 500 cad. Banking on a new pc build with two Rx 580's mining monero. Current pc will rock an old 660 and 960 for small gains in some other coin.

>> No.4610996
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watch it anon

>> No.4611088

what did he mean by this?

>> No.4611105

if we were millionaires you think we'd be here?

>> No.4611301

god I love white girls.

>> No.4612294
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44 here and close to dying of old age i fear.

>> No.4612396
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26, 3k in crypto.
Saving up for that Betty gf