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File: 284 KB, 1200x626, RCN MOON.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4603450 No.4603450 [Reply] [Original]

OK, so I called it a day early - my bad. Rocket is leaving the atmosphere shortly, get in before it's not worth it and you're just chasing green bars.


>> No.4603494

AMA tomorrow

>> No.4603694
File: 489 KB, 1150x681, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't blame them for being gun shy on this one, yesterday was brutal, i'm not good enough to say for sure a whale was pushing the price down, but christ it seemed like it and it had me readying my pinks - but all the weak hands have been shaken out, this has nowhere to go but up, you have been warned

>> No.4603874
File: 388 KB, 386x500, rcn-13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4603889

it just needs to break through the 1650 barrier and then it's all over

>> No.4603932

how do shit projects like blockmason get that sort of hype and daily price increase when really successful and legit projects like Ripio don't..!!!!

or is it that BCPT is thinly traded on Binance which would lead one to assume that's actually going up.
muh patent
muh LNDR

for their own sake they should reconsider those gay poses on their website

>> No.4603980

kek i love this meme

>> No.4604013

So this is like a hispanic bitcoin or something?

>> No.4604020

well im sure that Ripio is going to be used mostly by cartels ans shit so im not sure it's "legit" but it's backed by actual banks and billionaires, people just got weak hands the last few days because some shill on twitter was hyping it to normies and then it dropped from like 1700 to 1450 and they panic sold and fucked it - but this thing is taking off

>> No.4604073

Taking off sure but when??

Tempted to get SALT instead of this for the short term gains

>> No.4604131


just read their TOS
stay away from SALT PLEASE! buy PCBT if you're feeling adventurous but not SALT. unless you're suicidal

>> No.4604135

since im one of the few honest people on /biz i will admit i can't say it will for sure happen right this second, but i bought into this days ago and have been watching it like a hawk and it's looking like it's breaking out as we speak. it has room to go 3x or more in the long

>> No.4604193

let's see how their AMA goes tomorrow
i really want to know more about what the team is up to, they're not that active with the community yet.

let's see how partnership begin to roll, i mean they do have a working product and an active user base so basically they're not shilling air to investors/partners

>> No.4604292

A dime in the rough. For people interested in learning more about Ripio, and why its a solid coin, i suggest reading this; >>4499788

>> No.4604363

say "rip you off" quickly... sounds like rippio

>> No.4604395

why are you retards buying anything else BUT btc/ltc/eth

>> No.4604427

if this goes up 50 more satoshis it's going to go up at least 2000 more after that, it's banging it's head against the resistance

>> No.4604452

because none of those are going to double in value in 24 hours. When I sell this shitcoin i'll have twice as much BTC than I started out with. math

>> No.4604497


>> No.4604516

Because we have accounts on actual exchanges outside of cuckbase.

>> No.4604568

How much will this goes ? 2k ?

>> No.4604640

it has potential to get up to 3k if those sell walls get eaten up, it just needs to pass the 1650 threshold and then it's moon time

>> No.4604661

What's stopping RCN from capping at 2k again like it did in the past?

>> No.4604699

we're getting closer and closer to april
the exchange is live
their existing user base has been migrated to the exchange and the company will be the first to dip in the market to buy Ripio for lending purposes..............
do your homework first though, take what i say with a grain of salt. i don't know everything

>> No.4604722

Shit my hand is getting weak, i want to dump it at 2k and after the ama, i will buy it back the at 1k6.

>> No.4604778

everything hits resistance at ATH so impossible to know for sure if it will break through that, but I know there is at least 1 whale that is in it for the long haul

>> No.4604833

What do you think where it will end up in the end of december, possible x3?

>> No.4604887

i dont know about 3x, but maybe if the AMA goes well - this is an undervalued coin if there ever was one

>> No.4604920

if you're nervous, just wait and see if it dips again, keep an eye on those sell walls. as soon as they are gone there is nothing to stop it

>> No.4604982

Shit i'm nervous as fuck man, bought it at 1860 yesterday and it dip 20% today

>> No.4605008

Long term that doesnt matter. This will hit 1 dollar

>> No.4605069

April next year?

>> No.4605143

what a shitcoin

>> No.4605186

i feel you, i bought in early but then went back for more at 1700, but it's backed by people that like to make money, week hands and twitter shills fucked up the momentum but it's going to make it

>> No.4605267

Hey shill me some other shitcoin, short term
And is there anyway to keep tracking of whale groups?

>> No.4605358

CFI on bitrix might do well, could go to .33-.45 soonish. I don't know how to track whale groups but I know one personally

>> No.4605430

Thanks anon i'm going to sleep now

>> No.4605433

no April last year

>> No.4605850
File: 406 KB, 1200x900, rcn desu wa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope you've all accumulated because once it starts theirs no stopping it

>> No.4606583

whale spotted suppressing price
spike soon

>> No.4606756

you do realize not long ago people would have said the same about those coins "why are you retards buying anything BUT btc"

Also, you are the retard for suggesting ltc. That one is the ultimate shitcoin, it literally has no fucking reason to exist. Cheap Chinese btc copy.

>> No.4607166

Because hype is might. Join in on the hype then cash out.

How do I buy this shitcoin? Binance?

>> No.4607281

Something you fuckers don't understand is that IT DOESN'T MATTER HOW LEGIT THE FUCKING COIN IS.

All that matters is hype. Just look at LINK. Solid idea, and then it fucking tanked. Look at LTC. Literally no reason to exist and fills no purpose, yet it's a permanent competitor to BTC, probably because people like the logo.

We are essentially buying WORTHLESS currency. The only value is what other people are putting in to it. If someone buys LTC because they like the logo, and nobody buys something like LINK for example, or XRP, then guess what. LTC is going to go up while the others will freeze.

LINK taught me a very valuable lesson. It's not about the competence of the team. It's about cashing in and cashing out at the right time when everyone else is. The entire financial system rewards you for being a parasite and then dumping. Pump and dump is what it all is about.

>> No.4607355
File: 46 KB, 596x599, big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, the sell wall is kind of amazing

>> No.4607389

Even if you disregard the fundamental analysis, thisbis still a good target for a PnD

>> No.4607422

I have noticed this myself and agree. Nothing makes sense from a fundamental analysis view anymore

>> No.4607442

where to buy?

Dude entire countries go by hype, so why wouldn't mass groups of investors?

>> No.4607929

Bittrex or Binance