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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 37 KB, 1127x685, 1460623005667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4599052 No.4599052 [Reply] [Original]

I am living from pay check to pay check. I have no money to buy bitcoin with. You people who make fun of us poor for not buying are scum. Absolute scum.

>> No.4599065

Well you know you can stop being a wagecuck with two magical words right?
"I quit"

>> No.4599090

You should have studied instead of wasting your youth and make fun of me

>> No.4599111

A Bigmac please

>> No.4599133


I was bullied by everyone, even my teachers. Fuck you closet Chad.

>> No.4599139

don't be silly, McDonnalds tellers are automated now.

more like

>presses button
>looks at phone
>grabs bigmac

>> No.4599283

live like a monk for 3 months and buy some btc


what the fuck do u spend your money on anw?

>> No.4599295


I buy food, pay my rent, stuff like that. No new clothes or electronics. I cannot afford it.

>> No.4599311

do u go out?

I can live on oats with water and honey for breakfest, lunch at work and couscous for dinner and save A LOT

>> No.4599354


Yes, I do get an occasional pizza and burger. It is the only source of pleasure I have. I have no friends and I am a 30 year old virgin.

>> No.4599364

so you either live in a too expensive city/country for you or have a really really shity job

both of that can be changed

>> No.4599366
File: 119 KB, 1000x581, 1483171310621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be careful what you wish for. I paid a huge price for getting a lot of money

>> No.4599397

I make 60k a year but I support my family on it. I don't put my wage cuck money into crypto. I sell shit on eBay and do side jobs and put that into crypto.

>> No.4599403

>30 year old virgin

How does this even happen?

>> No.4599417

I feel bad for you anon

>> No.4599456

Then stop blaming everyone and get your shit done, I got bullied since elementary school all the way up to the end of highschool, now I have literally zero friends but I don't give a shit. Why should I waste time crying when I can instead make myself happy.

>> No.4599457
File: 136 KB, 900x680, 1511757923724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related the thread

>> No.4599523

>living paycheck to paycheck
>on /biz/ commenting on coin threads despite not having any coins and no money
If you dont have any money then you should have been putting money into coins before buying food so that you have passive income and can squirrel enough money away to do something better.
Having $0 in your bank account $50 sooner isnt going to hurt you.

>> No.4599609

OP download and set up an Ark wallet.

>> No.4600071


Not OP but i might aswel be.
i'm working on getting to 10k because that's a life changing amount of money for my family.

never know...

>> No.4600103

>I have no money to buy bitcoin with
yet you have money for smartphones, clothing and other crap. poor people stay poor becouse they buy liabilities instead of assets.

>> No.4600133

Only the weak are bullied

>> No.4600178

Rich dad poor dad

>> No.4600182
File: 28 KB, 374x600, wehrmachtsmännchen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im on welfare in germany and managed to save 4000€ which turned 30k by now

>> No.4600233

S-s-screw you, first world country citizens.

>> No.4600286
File: 312 KB, 550x361, 1343103284057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im going to write a book when i turn millionaire through my welfare investments

>> No.4600333

>It is the only source of pleasure I have.

Youre literally using the internet and shitposting on 4chan RIGHT NOW you god damn liar

>> No.4600345

i have no dad, live with mom who works as cashier, work part time for fucking 100$ a month, still managed to get 1k$ for investment.

>> No.4600352

You better not tell anyone. This should be declared as income

>> No.4600368

no, in germany its fine after 1 year

>> No.4601101

I started day trading in September with literally zero investment and I broke $3k for the first time today. Get fucked.

>> No.4601138

The German dream. God bless our Sozialstaat.

>> No.4601219


I used credit cards and have already made back way more than I will pay in interest. I didn't want to miss the opportunity to invest because I didn't have cash on hand at the time. I have been able to cut expenses to have more to invest, as well.

>inb4 muh credit is always bad because Dave Ramsey told me so

>> No.4601229
File: 73 KB, 600x600, IMG_2254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did you get any starting capital to invest? im interested

>> No.4601243


begging for bits

>> No.4601244


buy crypto with credit cards. that's one common way.

>> No.4601292
File: 37 KB, 500x216, 1439593147491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw put $5 dollars into BTC 5 years ago
>tfw in Lamboland now

>> No.4601323

I started using faucets and it was slow af to get started but then i was airdropped a token that was worth .80 cents and just started playing around. Next thing I knew I was up a few hundred and then a couple grand. I already cashed out 500 and I never even had to link a bank account or get verified.

Never. That's pajeet tier....fuck pajeets.

>> No.4601469

Which is literally impossible nowadays

>> No.4601534


What do you mean it's impossible? There are several exchanges that allow you to buy crytpo directly with a Visa or Mastercard. Just did it last week.

>> No.4601576

Here's a little bit of love for the anons in this thread if you can get verified/are verified on the waves exchange to deposit money....there's like, 47 btc on there still going for 8k. Someone could make bank right now. I can't deposit on the exchange but one of you faggots better benefit from this.

>> No.4601592

Since all the ppl involved in carding and shit, they made it hard af to use CC to buy cryptos.
What sites do you know of?

>> No.4601612


Several options. I've used coinbase, but I'm exploring switching for lower fees.
