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4594061 No.4594061 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck coinbase's shitty gigantic fees. What's a better alternative?

>> No.4594077

Use GDAX, it's run by coinbase with almost no fees

>> No.4594084


>> No.4594095

How to switch?
I’m idiot

>> No.4594106


Get on binance or live life as a pajeet forever. Binanace is the GOAT

>> No.4594109

If you already have a coinbase account then you have a GDAX account you don't know about. go to the GDAX site and sign up.

Wow look anon, your problem is solved!

>> No.4594125

buy drugs on the darknet and sell them for cold, hard, untaxable cash.

>> No.4594258
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Not OP but am just as oblivious.
Holy crap I feel like such a f*cking retard for not knowing this.
Literally just clicked "Agree" to GDAX terms and am in. I am a f*cking slowpoke.

>> No.4594296
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>> No.4594647

Yeah it saves me hundreds of dollars. If you put in market orders you usually wont even get any fees

I think it's probably user error

>> No.4594663

>I think it's probably user error
i guarantee you it's not, i've had the same problem on coinbase. at least coinbase doesn't give a shit that i can't verify

>> No.4594679
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>> No.4594686

use the app, better success rate with your face n such

>> No.4594704

After it "verified my id" I was having trouble logging into GDAX. Email their support and wait 8 business days... wish I had better news.

>> No.4594709

Where are you from? Do you have a potato for a camera?

>> No.4594728

Have the same problem. Their system is incredibly lazy and rigid. Has anyone tried the coinbase mobile app to verify a 2nd ID? There's no way that Gdax can expect people to be able to use a webcam to verify anything with writing on it.

>> No.4595064
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>run by coinbase
Is GDAX an US thing only or what?
>be me have verified coinbase account
>go GDAX, register, they tell me to login with coinbase account
>GDAX sees my drivers license verification stuff, cool
>so I can skip the verification part, yes?
>mfw Please select another ID to verify
pic. related. I don't even have a fucking passport or ID that would be valid anymore (I don't travel, so...). Why do these fucking jews all have to be such a fucking pain in the ass??? REEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.4595133

>to verify a 2nd ID
so that's normal now that you need to make the a copy of TWO different pieces of identification? Fucking hell. Can't those asshats do some blockchain magic s.t. this bullshit isn't necessary any longer? Are they just in for the quick buck, or what?