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File: 126 KB, 900x680, Learn+how+to+buy+bitcoin+found+on+httpswwwredditcomrbitcoin_1c3d41_6291325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4593451 No.4593451 [Reply] [Original]

>Oh cool Bitcoin is worth that much? I'll just wait till it drops below X to buy in

>> No.4593758

>Ill just post this shill thread so i can get some extra people to keep this monstrosity of an unsustainable growth alive for a little more time

You know youre trash market is gonna crash when 100% of your investors puts money into the system with the only hope that other people will buy it at a higher price.

>Muh amazon growth

Wow its like they are a company that produces and generates increasing income over the years? What does bitcoin do?

Blockchain technology will indeed be used in the future, but never to substitute currency. Bitcoin will die and these pumps are only accelarating its demise

>> No.4593769

Pretty much this

>> No.4593788

this 100% you are the messiah, screencap this

>> No.4593812

LOL, you guys are, literally, pic related >>4593451

>> No.4593818

>neets on 4chan have billions of dollars to buy bitcoin with these volumes

get mental help, NSA

>> No.4593848

No I bought sub 1000. He is completely right. Theres no reason it should be this high

>> No.4593858

why is bitcoin at $900 more reasonable than $9000

>> No.4593863
File: 163 KB, 1894x654, Scamfud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off, Pajeet.

>> No.4593865

You can't shill BTC, it's decentralized

>> No.4593877

if it werent for 8 years of shilling, BTC wouldn't be where it is today, you fucking scrotum.

>> No.4593885

eloquent in its brevity.

>> No.4593902

>Surely this coin that requires literally fucking millions of dollars of electricity and GPUs (and rising) to keep the blockchain verified, can't even do smart contracts and has no other use than to try and suck someone in to buying it at a higher price, will be around forever

>> No.4593906
File: 147 KB, 765x800, TOINFINITYANDBEYOND!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 56 you dumb motherfuckers. Was there when Bitcoin was .08 Cents. Dumb motherfuckers like you were saying the same dumb fucking shit when it hit one fucking dollar. Do yourselves all a favor and an hero.

>> No.4593955
File: 60 KB, 1075x645, 1075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Bitmain is a CPC operation to crush the USD by establishing a monopoly on mining hardware forcing competition in USA and miners that will eventually be carried at your local Wal-Marts which by then will take BTC only for commerce

>> No.4593958

>Was there when Bitcoin was .08 Cents.
Why don't people like you have thousands of them. If I knew about bitcoin back in the day I would have bought tons of them

>> No.4593973

Because I listened to the parents of the dumb motherfuckers in this thread.

>> No.4593976

No you wouldn't. You would have sold them when the price doubled or tripled to $1 like everyone else.

>> No.4593977

because you would've sold when they hit $6

>> No.4593993

>how to cash out of Bitcoin
>you can't

>> No.4593994


>> No.4594010

my grandpa lost all his money in the markets when he was 60. Its almost your turn

>> No.4594011

That was before serious competitors like Ethereum existed you dumb faggot

>> No.4594027

Didn't get in 'till $1800. Everyone thought I was buying at ATH, and I did to.

>> No.4594042
File: 43 KB, 475x305, moneyskelleysuicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off with your Faggot who is going to die of AIDS in 7 weeks.

>> No.4594053

You dont have an exit plan, do you?

>> No.4594058

Lots of people back then were smart, had faith and not greedy. They held.

>> No.4594074

How can I lose all my money in crypto? Most of what I made is sitting in gold coin in a safe. Still have ten x what I put in in Crypto. If I lose all that, who gives a fuck? not me.

>> No.4594087

Ethereum has rendered bitcoin obsolete. The only people still buying BTC are low information low iq third world cocksuckers.

>> No.4594100

If you have capital sitting why the fuck are you telling kids that its safe to hold the riskiest biggest bubble of all time?

>> No.4594113

That which is asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.

>> No.4594119

>still literally pic related >>4593451

>> No.4594140


Ethereum was created by admitted communists. If you think sinking any amount of money into anything communists created, you deserve to be and stay poor.

>> No.4594141

The first anon who replies answers your question >>4593758

>> No.4594145

neither of those are, in their present or forseeable state, actually useful technology. the vast majority of their value is in speculation

>> No.4594146

Two reasons:
1) cash rich people want ROI, not NIRP
2) not enough BTC for every millionaire on the planet to own one.

If you are too lazy to research how the current banking system is fucking wealthy people too, and too stupid to see how wealthy people might move to preserve their wealth, then you deserve to stay broke.

>> No.4594152

It is literally and unironically technically infeasible to maintain it as a blockchain because of its intrinsic design, regardless of its price tag. You can kek and laugh all you want m80, I will be the one laughing when this shit drops like a rock.

>> No.4594156

Your statement is self-defeating.

>> No.4594161

>ETH is a competitor to BTC
Time to stop posting. The flippening isn't going to happen any time soon

>> No.4594172

Bitcoin will go to 10k, retrace to 8k, go to 14. 8 k, retrace to 11.8k, then go to 18k blah blah blah blah. when you kids sense potential for ATH, you will jump on and shill. When you sense an incoming correction, like now, you will jump on and shill your little heart out, trying to get it to correct before its time, like you actually matter. Its the same every time. You always sell to soon, Realize it, and fud your little hearts out over it. Adorable.

>> No.4594175

Kek funny how every btc holder can oly do ad hominem against eth im out of this stupid thread kek. I still earned more from ETH this yeae than your stupid BTC.

Growth rate and development rate both growing at a faster rate than BTC

>> No.4594181

The electrical costs of BTC is one of its features. The first eco-aware currency in history. Its value is determined by its environmental impact.

>> No.4594184

>he doesn't know bitcoin is programmable

>> No.4594193

That is a nonsensical Plebbit tier response.
Plebbit ---------------------------->

>> No.4594199

Yeah you arent 56 fucking larper. Have you ever even read Security analysis?

>> No.4594210

>Muh colored coins
What happened to that huh? Even rootstock got curbstomped by eth

>> No.4594218

hahaha try harder did u buy at the ATH?

>> No.4594220



>only a hundred addresses have more than 10k Bitcoin (Some of them surely the "lost" Bitcoin that can never be retrieved on some hard drive in a dumpster)
>Only 1.5k have more than 1000 Bitcoin

You weren't there back then and hindsight is 10/10
You wouldn't have held. You would now with your current knowledge but back then if you got into it for some reason you mostly did it for shit's and giggles not because you thought Bitcoin was actually gonna be worth 10k this year.
Heck even in April when I said I see BTC at 10k, I was called crazy.

The latest you would have pulled out is after the Mt Gox Crashdown

>> No.4594225

>I-it's fully programmable guys
>Hahah just ignore those 5 forks a day
>T-those 100 year transaction times is part of how it works!!

>> No.4594228

Wait wut? We're trading Securities?

>> No.4594236

Buy chainlink and eth. That is the lesson

>> No.4594240

You have no experience in the markets

>> No.4594242
File: 44 KB, 622x400, ethereum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, man. Enjoy your SJW coin.

>> No.4594263
File: 199 KB, 1600x900, 1511026813325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>T-those 100 year transaction times is part of how it works!!
if you do not understand it by now, i cannot help you anon and you deserve to miss out

>> No.4594273

*Sends you a $3 tip, but you get nothing because it is eaten up by transaction fees*

Oops sorry about that :) haha hopefully it will get to you within the next 48 hours.

>> No.4594277
File: 43 KB, 602x401, ethicalcryptocurrency.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These totally sound like reasonable and safe people to trust with your crypto investments.

Commies are known for being totally ethical and great with money after all.

>> No.4594300


>> No.4594306
File: 36 KB, 606x372, ethereumisagainstfreespeech.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fuck free speech and privacy and all that BS. Feelings is what matters.

>> No.4594309

I just said btc holders can only do ad hominem arguments against eth and these are your replies? What a dumbass

>> No.4594310

Don't worry, it'll be a $9 tip by the time I get it

>> No.4594339
File: 53 KB, 642x333, YOULOOKLIKEAFOOL!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My safe says I have enough. I can say whatever the fuck I feel like, because most of my profits are in a safe. Someone feels like tanking Bitcoin? Great. I buy more. lol

>> No.4594345


How exactly are these ad hominem arguments? I'm quoting the man who launched Ethereum himself. You are investing in a coin created and run by this guy, who is threatening to fuck over people who use their coin that don't share their beliefs.

>> No.4594349


You do know that you can set your transaction fee freely right?
Also who cares about transaction time when most banking transaction takes several days? Who cares about a few hours? You can make it instant by paying more but honestly you rarely need to move your funds quickly.
In fact the transaction times give Bitcoin quite the stability compared to other coins as it prevents panic dumps

>> No.4594355

Do you see us attacking Luke Jr that often you dumb cunt? We focus on the tech unlike you brainlets

>> No.4594377

and then you realize you can't cash out

>> No.4594388

>Also who cares about transaction time when most banking transaction takes several days? Who cares about a few hours?
That was before other alts could do it faster you dumb cunt. The absolute state of bitcoin holders lmao.

>> No.4594395

if the network has already had this many acrimonious forks and almost-forks, you think it's going to be a piece of cake to make other changes necessary for bitcoin to work like real currency?

>> No.4594398


This is the man that founded the fucking currency, talking about sabotaging people using it just because he doesn't agree with them. I wouldn't call that a good currency to invest in, retard.

Luke is a false equivalency.

>> No.4594405

>Also who cares about transaction time when most banking transaction takes several days?
>What is literally every other crypto, including XRP which banks themselves will be using shortly

>> No.4594412
File: 74 KB, 728x649, bill_nye_enlightened.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried convincing my father to invest in Bitcoin for a couple of years. He finally caved last month when all his work buddies started talking about it. I told him that the price is volatile, and not to panic-sell the moment it changes.

He invested $150, and panic-sold about a week later.

>> No.4594423

Luke is one of the core devs you idiot. You just sounded like a BCH shill right now they way you said core is sabotaging Bitcoin.

Plus how do you know satoshi isnt a communist or a serial killer huh? Do you fucking know satoshi? Dumbass. This is why you should focus on the tech.

>> No.4594432


The question is though: Does it matter? I'm a big fan of alts and I don't see BTC as day to day currency, but as a store of value BTC is unbeatable precisely because of that. It also has the brand recognition and is the inevitable middleman to trade between coins, well at least until atomic swaps are activated.

I just don't see Bitcoin going anywhere but up. It's gonna constantly rise with the Alt market. No alt will dethrone BTC

>> No.4594433

I'll bet you failed reading comprehension in kindergarten.

>> No.4594439

>who cares about tx time
have you neets ever been out and about in the real world? try going outside once in a while, it's that place with the big hot thingy in the sky

>> No.4594452
File: 74 KB, 502x502, WOJAKMERC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4594459

It keeps going up until it doesnt you stupid fag. But go on, keep drinking the kool aid that Btc is better than eth

>> No.4594532

Tfw you realize BitcoinCash will have smart contract functionality in a couple months.

Enjoy your shitcoins muh nigs

>> No.4594533


Have you? Have you ever sold something? How long do you usually wait for your money?

>> No.4594553


When the fuck did I say core was sabotaging btc?

Satoshi keeps his/their opinion out of it, instead of threatening users/advocating for communism.

>> No.4594588

Luke Jr is fucking pro slavery. We shouldnt even be talking about these fags you dumb cunt. Focus on the tech.

>> No.4594607


Did he threaten to destroy his customer's businesses on his platform, because they opposed him ideologically?

>> No.4594619
File: 77 KB, 600x450, alexander_and_hephaestion_by_flarestar_ix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not gonna lie, former bitcoin supporter here. It’s fucking hilarious watching it crash and burn. But seriously guys we can’t let bitcoin get the nuclear codes.

>> No.4594621


And did he out everyone involved in the development as a communist?

>> No.4594638

>Keeps ignoring BTC's shitty tech
>Focuses on Ethereum's commie founders lmao
Then how about other alts with better tech than BTC huh? surely not every single one of them was made by commie scum. How are you going to shit on those altcoins?

>> No.4594653
File: 5 KB, 244x207, ftfygiuh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It’s fucking hilarious watching it crash and burn

>> No.4594655

BTC shills have 10 seconds to name one thing that Bitcoin does better on a technical level than Ethereum

>> No.4594660


I'm not going to shit on any of them, and I've invested in a bunch. I'm not putting a cent into some shit run by communists that actively threaten their users for not being commies, though. Only a retard would do that.

>> No.4594671


Its a Trump meme.

>> No.4594678

Go up in price.

>> No.4594696

I said technical level, try again m8

>> No.4594698

ETH outperformed BTC you dumbass.

>> No.4594710

oh, i don't politics

>> No.4594743


Nothing on a technical level, but they don't threaten people and promise to destroy their companies because of ideological reasons.

>> No.4594748

>how to buy bitcoin
>install a bitcoin wallet
>give all of your personal information to a shady website who then gives it to the Government so they can demand you pay tax later
>wait several minutes for transaction to complete
>sit on it forever because shills promise you it's not a bubble
>chinese bankers walk away with all the value, you get nothing
>at least nobody made a negative meme about a strawman of you

>> No.4594779

>Nothing on a technical level, but they don't threaten people and promise to destroy their companies because of ideological reasons.

So other altcoins with better tech than BTC can replace it as long as they dont have commie founders? What a fucking idiot. The average bitcoin holder nowadays lol.

>> No.4594843

Neither. It's just as reasonable at $0. Its value is not determined by reason, but by feelings

normal people don't want to trust their money to other people's easily-manipulated feefees

You're smug because you gambled your life savings like a retard and haven't gotten rekt yet. I bet you bought a bunch of shiny Jew rocks too.
Haha you did! All that stuff could be worth nothing tomorrow if the bankers felt like it

>Also who cares about transaction time
People who want to use their currency to pay for goods and services

You know, the purpose of currency

>> No.4594856


Yes, any other altcoin can and probably eventually will replace BTC. A coin run by commies that actively attack and threaten their userbase probably won't. Why is this so hard for you retards to understand?

>> No.4594883

>Yes, any other altcoin can and probably eventually will replace BTC.
Then why the fuck are we arguing? Obviously you're biased against ETH but im not really talking about ETH specifically. My main point is that BTC is shit and will without a doubt lose its position as king in the future. Its a fucking ponzi at this point now that there are better alternatives.

>> No.4594911



A decentralized digital asset with a fixed supply.

>> No.4594930

>fixed supply
LINK has a fixed supply too. Should it skyrocket to 50 or 9000 based on that alone? I can code a shitcoin that has a supply of 21m. Should it have the same value as bitcoin?

>> No.4594946


You literally WERE talking about ETH in every post that I responded to. I am not biased against ETH. Every complaint that I have against them is based on facts and how they represented themselves.

I do agree that BTC is shit, and will eventually either collapse and be replaced completely, or become a sort of gold-equivalent reserve that people put money in to hold value, but not actually spend as a currency and use a feasible crypto for real transactions.

You'd still be retarded to take your money out of BTC in the next year or so, either way, because the gains won't stop soon.

>> No.4594958
File: 999 KB, 410x307, LinkInvestor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4595059

>Also who cares about transaction time
I get pissy when someone before me in the line pays with cash. If they wait 10 minutes to confirm their bitcoin transaction I'll fucking murder them.

>> No.4595319


You don't actually have to confirm the transaction then and there

>> No.4595589

>tfw just found out ETH was made by commies

Should I feel bad for profiting? I hate commies but I love making mone...

>> No.4596409

Yes you do

>> No.4596444

Not have peoples wallets and smart contracts hacked. Not require hard forks to recover money

>> No.4596462

Bullshit. Credit card transactions take much longer as well (namely until you pay the credit card bill) - the only reason why you can walk right away is because there's a credit card company guaranteeing the money to the seller. Even worse, interbanking (-> the money sent from bank A to B) is done ONCE every 24 hours (!)

>> No.4596930

What coin does he work on...

>> No.4596957

he's canadian, his english doesn't have an accent