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4590710 No.4590710 [Reply] [Original]

Post your biggest crypto trading mistakes...

>> No.4590725

I didn't start three years ago when I researched it.

>> No.4590729

sold my antshares for 5$ ea

>> No.4590733

Bought 220k link in presale.

Truly deluded and didn't tell at the top or anywhere on the way down.
Finally gave in and sold at 1900 the other day, didn't lose any money overall but fuck me I was retarded

>> No.4590737

thinking it was possible to cash out

>> No.4590739



>> No.4590740

Bought link instead of btc or eth or anything else

>> No.4590741

buying drugs with btc

>> No.4590755

I sold my ants right before the pump from 35k to 150k...

>> No.4590765

Selling BTC when it first broke $3k. Investing $1k in shit coins here in there. Buying BCC.

>> No.4590784

didnt listennto my brother 3 years ago to buy BTC. told him he was retarded. he had 400 of the things at the time. sold a little here and there but the little shit is a millionaire now

>> No.4590793

I hit sell instead of buy when trading late at night. Never again will I trade when tired.

>> No.4590796

Sold NAV at the bottom a few months ago, saw it go up about 6X or 7X the week later. Could have had over $100k.

>> No.4590805

Bought a lot of bitcoin cash at .30

>> No.4590810

FOMO'd into Stratis at 311k sat.

I still think they've got a really bright future, so I've been buying all the way down, doubling my bags each time my investment goes -50%. This December should be good to STRAT, and going into 2018 should be pretty.

But damn, buying at 311k wasn't smart.

>> No.4590813
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lost a bitcoin on this piece of shit

>> No.4590905

Bought a lot of UFR right after ICO

>> No.4590910

sold 100 btc in 2015

>> No.4590919

>be newcoiner
>BTC at $2500 or so
>buy .5 BTC
>heh, with my 140 IQ I should be able to day trade up to 10BTC within a few months
>currently down to .08BTC and never buying shitcoins again

>> No.4590937

this except it was five years

>> No.4590951

Buying LINK

>> No.4590962

I wish I sold my UFR right after ICO. It was 15x for a time; but I was greedy.

>> No.4590984

Going all into becoming a batman just as the chinks started fucking shit up in September was my biggest mistake.

>> No.4590985


what her name?

>> No.4591003

So so many
- Not selling OMG when it was $13 after riding it from .50
-When XLM pumped after IBM news, didn't sell. Held until next day when it dumped.
-Not going balls deep on POWR. Saw the demo and thought nah that will never fly.
- Not going in on RDN. Fell for the "the token has no use FUD. Now it has gone 4x

I basically would be rich as fuck right now. God damnit. Crypto is a game of tons of regret

>> No.4591023
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I bought mooncoin at 2 sats, thought it was the next DGB. Saw it pump up to 10 sats and didn't sell, then it bled all the way down to 3sat and that was when I sold. 50% is still good, right? No. this was when btc crashed from $3k to $1700. I quickly sold my mooncoins at 3sat, sold my btc into fiat at $1790 (i thought that it would crash way harder) and suddenly was down 50% instead of up 400%. I am still down around 15% to this day.

>> No.4591029

I gave up after ID verification wasn't working earlier this year while trying to buy 5 BTC for $1k each

>> No.4591038
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This was suppose to fuel the decentralized cyberpunk revolution!!

>> No.4591049
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i hate that teeka masala man so much

PBC is just an elite pump group and us faggots fall for it every month

>> No.4591058

listening to fucking reddit and buy the "dip" when btc is on bull run. never ride againt fucking btc.


>> No.4591069

hope youre still holding the omg

>> No.4591081

didnt buy btc at $.05 back in like 2010

didnt buy more when I finally did buy some.

>> No.4591102

> be me more fag
> invest $400 life savings into bitcoin CFDs
> Turn it into 8k in week reinvesting profits
> BTC starts to crash a little
> Panic and sell with 2k profit
> Goes all in neo when people where hyping it
> sleeps
> wake up next morning margin called with zero dollars
> want to kms

>> No.4591120

I didn't start mining bitcoin back in 2009 or 2010 or whenever it first came out and heard about it because I was young and didn't care about money and thought it was just a meme.

>> No.4591159

Bought emc2 at 17k a
Forgot about an order placed at 18k
Enter today to bittrex and saw that I was fucked...

>> No.4591166


fucking sucks being a drug addict...i did the math and i'd have around half a mil...currently 720$ in crypto,,feels bad man. hoping one of these altcoins will do something for me.

good luck and try not to regret it too much, waste of brainpower

>> No.4591182

Margin trading. Should have sold instead of greed. The greed cost me 90% of portfolio(thousands). Made a lot of money doing it at first then it cost me almost everything. My suggestion is never margin trade.

>> No.4591184
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I have over 10000 BTC that I mined on an ancient laptop. I only wrote down my key on a piece of paper and my mom threw it away when she was cleaning my room (I was like 16).


>> No.4591186

>didn't just hold BTC

>> No.4591192

I know this feel. Bought when it was at 70k sats before it hit Bittrex. Then bought again at 120k. All of my pre-Trex MYST was lost in a transfer (still haven't resolved it) and then watched it tumble down. Feels bad, man

>> No.4591193

most honest thread on /biz/ right now!

>launched a (for that time) genius ico in 2012
>lost the plot w/o any profit within a month (ico)
>traded tens of bitcoins on the first silkroad, for fooking eights of weed mate, repeatedly
>was on btctalk.org since 2011 but only own 0.1btc in late 2017

>> No.4591226

The only thing that comforts me about my situation is that knowing me this exact situation would have happened or my laptop would be long gone before I cared enough to try and retrieve the bitcoins.

>> No.4591232

buying link at ath.

going all in on BCH falling asleep on top failing to sell

>> No.4591244
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I got into DBG early, but decided to sell it once I was close to 2x, for a cool $142 in profit.

it would have been worth $33k at the top.

>> No.4591260

>be healthcare professional
>have feeling patientory is a scam due to 10 seconds research and personal experience
>buy in anyway due to hype
>sell at loss of 500 bucks

>> No.4591264

Back before 1k
I was just meh
This shit will crash any moment
Lets just wasted it on day trading

>> No.4591305

what did you go into?

>> No.4591306

if her name is megan I have vids of us fuckign

>> No.4591310

Buying blockcat at ATH

>> No.4591332
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Sold my BTC at 8k then bought back at 8.4k ouch...

>> No.4591372 [DELETED] 

bought dnt at $0.30 and didn't sell at ath

>> No.4591388

Bought Ethereum at 379.00 this week instead of buying bitcoin

>> No.4591407

You are retarded for selling. Just hodl.

>> No.4591452

Selling BCH right away after segwit was cancelled. Price was tanking and I was still up so I sold for ~$550. 2 days later it was $2500.

>> No.4591505

Pulled out 1.5k when btc was around 4k

>> No.4591510
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I had 243 ETH that I bought at $11 a piece that I planned on holding for years but I sold once it hit $22

>> No.4591553
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Did this 4 years go.......

>> No.4591629

Everytime I click sell

>> No.4591683

I didn't sell it at the ATH and now it's back down

>> No.4591866

I just bought 3.2 btc at 9650. The first btc I bought for 1k. After Investing 41k fiat. I have essentially. Broke even.

>> No.4591886

Obviously not buying bitcoin when it was shilled for cents many many years ago

Then again not buying ethereum when it was shilled again two years ago.

This time I'm actually listening and went all in on chainlink.

>> No.4591895

>Should I buy again at 2k? nah
>4k? nah
>6k? nah
>7-8k? no way jose
>9650? Hell yeah let's go baby

>> No.4591918

all man thats rough

>> No.4591950

Who is this BRAAAAP? God I love slutty white whores with this body type

>> No.4591966

>60 replies and no Confido

We know you're out there.

>> No.4591976

Getting into crypto in April but not holding any Bitcoin. :/

>> No.4591982

I just don't believe in the coin or have faith in the dev team anymore why would I hold a coin I have no faith in.

I've already moved my money elsewhere to new investments and it's already doing better.

>> No.4592058

I had $10k ready to invest in BTC back in 2011.

I backed out at the last minute.

I'm not missing the ETH ride to $10k

>> No.4592059

Buying btc 4 years ago instead of 2 years ago :/

>> No.4592115


I just keep buying more LINK every pay check until I get around 50K then just gonna hold, I should be alright

>> No.4592182

Snorting all my btc in 2013

>> No.4592203
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$0.36 zrx...more than 500.

>> No.4592206

Buy alts in August.
Went from 100+ btc to 30 btc.
Still holding the same alts

>> No.4592215

1. Sold btc at 2200 before aug 1st to hold ICN, while btc dropped to 1800 and then proceeded to triple in value, while ICN did nothing. Basically lost 300%.
2. Sold antshares at 5$ to hold ICN.
If I had just held btc I would have 3x more than I do now.

>> No.4592223

Sold BCH right before it mooned to now 70%.
Bought POWR instead and no change in my original funds fuck me what a fucking retard I am.

>> No.4592260
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Bought NEO @ 790k the day before it took its eternal shitplunge to literally half its fucking value. Genuinely the worst mistake I've ever made doing this even though I only bought 5 units at the time.

>> No.4592322

this d3su

>> No.4592368

CFI, MYST, XVG, RDD. Wagecucking for another $1k to drop into BTC currently

>> No.4592650

LINK instead of RDN

>> No.4592665

>tfw you would've been a millionaire tonight but at least you're holding the LINK meme kek

>> No.4592679

buying digibyte

>> No.4592710

Honestly, my biggest crypto mistake was not joining these wolves earlier https://discord.gg/Z34m5Yr

>> No.4592855

Came to biz for advice

>> No.4592919

MTL actually had a profit on the pump but didn't jump then fomoed at 5500 satoshis, for it to bounce back into my safe zone a second later ugh...

>> No.4592926

Knowing about BTC since 2010. It went to $30 and then crashed to $2 and I got put off for years.

>> No.4592971

I still have some faith in MCO

>> No.4592973

This except I only mined $15 of dogecoin

>> No.4592980

>bought SIGT at 750 sats
>Sold at 3k sats
>FOMO'd at 3,4k sats thinking it'd go even higher
>Didn't sell at 4.9k sats
>Didn't sell at 2k sats
>Stuck with 1k+ sats today

>> No.4593007


Still very high in the green from everything else but man that shit was dumb

>> No.4593014
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not listening to /biz/

>> No.4593292

This. Margin traded once and got greedy. Lost about 30 ETH

>> No.4593333

I canceled a sell order of Signatum when I went to bed because I thought it would never reach that prize anyway. It went on to be the highest peak the coin ever had and I even bought in very early. After that I made some seriously bad decisions with other shitcoins and basically lost it all

>> No.4593339


>> No.4593643

This is me. I've lost 70k on confido. I still haven't told my wife or her son

>> No.4593679
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holy fuck, the memes are real

>> No.4593689

Buying 20.000 DNT near ATH in anticipation of a Binance listing pump

>> No.4593900

Not getting in 3 years ago :'( missed my opportunities stuck on YT gamer idea

>> No.4593917

What's this picture from?

>> No.4593933

Not selling OkCash at 5200 satoshi.

>> No.4593943

>being this new.

>> No.4593968
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>My wife's son

>> No.4593971

not buy eth and bcc years ago, i thinked, but i was suspicious

>> No.4593980

Well if it makes you feel better anon the economic collapse will be next year, on a 2k capital you could make around +50K if you do it right.

>> No.4594160


>> No.4594233

Invested (gambled) a year and a half’s salary into BTC when it was $5.9k. Traded and FUD/FOMO straight into BCH at the wrong times back and forth until I lost almost half my shit. From what I have left, it’s semi-diversified into a few of the large caps and a little into promising alts. I’m just going to hodl. I’m fucking stupid. Bought high, sold low, all eggs in one basket, listened to Roger Ver, FOMO, FUD, tried to make what I lost back in a few days which turned into a lot of holding fucking empty bags. If I did the exact opposite of what I did, I’d have 4x the amount of money I have in crypto now.

I was hodling until I got fucking scared into BCH and made every mistake ever. Bad few weeks and it’s all my fault. I hope in the future I can laugh about it. Now I just want to kms and deservingly too.

>> No.4594241

Bought into the RISE ICO with 1 BTC. Sold them all at 0.8 BTC last December. Last time I checked if I held them they would've been worth 13.5 BTC....

>> No.4594275

Oh and also, I realized what a slippery slope crypto can be with weak normie hands. At first I lost 0.25 BTC and tried to make it back by going back into BCH, then everything came tumbling down as the market did the opposite of what I thought it would for the next week with EVERY SINGLE STUPID MOVE I made. I’m a retard. I only had one job. Well, now I’m doing that job and hopefully I’m a year I’ll be in the positive if I don’t off myself first. I have a history of depression as many of us do, and that comes fucking quick when euphoria runs out after making bad moves.

>> No.4594370

Cashed out 5BTC at ~6000 thinking it was ATH and about to dip.

Then went on holidays for a few weeks, and now I crei.

>> No.4594371

>>was on btctalk.org since 2011 but only own 0.1btc in late 2017

This hurts me, how the fuck are you even coping?

>> No.4594422

>Bought ARK at 81k
>Then again at 62k
>Then again at 55k
>Then again at 48k
>Now it's at 35k with not fucking end in sight
>Honestly contemplating putting more in

I'll let you know in like 3 months If I'm fucking deluded or not

>> No.4594435

buying link at presale and never sell. #stillDeluded

fuck me...

>> No.4595528

sell bitcoin

>> No.4595824

Bought SIGT at 1900 as my first investment. Was so naive and deluded I thought it would be the next ethereal and "Bittrex when". Watched it go to 4999 and panic sold at 2700.

My more JUST moment was selling BTC at 8000, buying 8300, selling 7980, buying 8690 and selling 9130. Waiting for dip.

>> No.4595853

You could've bought back, it did dip.

>> No.4596018

this except it was 6 years

>> No.4596206

Blew about 10 btc on Bovada back in 2015. Should have replaced them. Also wasted some more using SaveAtPurse.

>> No.4596286

>bought bitcoints in 2013
>thought I lost them in 2014
>found them in september 2017
>missed the alt bull run
>thought it wasn't too late so went 100% in alts
>lost 70% in btc value in 2 months

Hey at least I'm still up in fiat since I bought 4 years ago, but knowing how patient I am and happy to follow /biz/, I would have bought ETH at 8$ and sold at like 150$.

>> No.4596324
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To err is human.
Just appreciate you will never make the right decision all the time, and it's part of our nature to fuck up due to emotions like greed, fear etc.
We're all in the same boat

>> No.4596388

Not buying ETH at 15$ because the id verification didn't work
Buying shitcoins instead of holding BTC

>> No.4596410


Add Nuls trussssss me

>> No.4596475

Was away from it too long.

Makes it even worse lol.

>> No.4596496

Similar here, mined bitcoins but spent literally thousands on access to newsgroups for music and video games and porn that were FAST downloads because fuck "no seed" torrents, laptop had hundreds left on it, wiped the hard drive and sold it for 40 quid.

>> No.4596506

I bought LINK

>> No.4596559


make sure you say it was going to be his college fund lol

>> No.4596565

Bought odn at ath and sold at atl

>> No.4596606
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1. Never "got around" to putting $100 into BTC like I wanted to when I first heard about it around $1.

2. Selling my 412 ETH, which I bought at <$2, for BTC before the SEC ETF decision, and then being too stubborn to buy back my ETH after it "pumped" to $20.

>> No.4596660


3. I was looking at PIVX LITERALLY March 15th, and decided to wait until it dropped below 10 cents to buy. It then proceeded to hit $2.00+

>> No.4596704

Buying back ether at 380 before it went to 300.
Selling Ether at 400 before it went to 470.

I made money but not nearly as much as I could have.

>> No.4596747

Same sold Neo at $8 didnt buy Bitcoin when it was hovering at $500 last year.

>> No.4596748

March to May really had the best opportunities. DGB went from 15 sat to 2300 sat, Ripple went 50x, even DOGECOIN did a 20x.

Puts in perspective all so-called "market experts" who have been in the crypto game for years and somehow aren't millionaires...

>> No.4596782

Selling Ans/NEO at $9.

Buying dozens of cam sessions for 0.1 BTC each several years ago.

Not believing biz could have uncovered PBC's pick and missing out on $9 ZEN.

>> No.4596804

biggest crypto mistake is to trust friends in what to invest. Friends don't want you to get rich, they want to sell their shitbags so they can shit on you.

>> No.4596844

It's impossible to be a market "expert" in a largely irrational market. It's mostly just being in the right spot at the right time. Anyone who says otherwise is bullshitting.

>> No.4596889

Holding alts through the recent BTC bull rush. I had 40 btc at one point. Now its like 11.

I wish I would have sold, but i seemingly am bad at predicting these things.

>> No.4596914

hodling NEO at 130k sat

>> No.4596923
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>BTC at 600$
>No way it will go higher than this. I'll just wait for the dip

>> No.4597756

Sold ada at 413 yesterday

>> No.4597790

Bought 100 BTC at $9900

>> No.4597925

Holding alts in the last months. Had around 6 BTC now 1.5 BTC.

>> No.4597966

I never made "mistakes"
It made decisions which I thought were right at the time.
I didn't invest in crypto. And I still won't invest, I think crypto is a pyramid scheme.

>> No.4597973

Did not buy POWR at 0.08$, saw it go 1000% over the next two weeks. FUCK MY LIFE.

>> No.4597978

didnt go all in BCH when it was $300

>> No.4598001

Fuck are you me?

I had set a buy order at 2000 sats or something when it was at fucking 2200, the thing never went back down and shot to 150k sats

Then I sold all my cryptos into fiat right before the huge bull run in early May because I was going in vacation and was afraid of BTC crashing, the very week I was in vacation was when everything shot up like crazy

Then lost 80% of what I had in July by shorting BTC with leverage

Then my gf lost confidence in me and pretty much left me

Almost made 6k profit during the huge BCH pump a few weeks back, sold at 0.38 then bought back at ATH and lost all profit in a few minutes

So many missed opportunities i can't even, now I'm managing to make a few thousands every month by taking very little risks but fuck

>> No.4598028

Like few people ITT I went to sleep with open positions and without stop orders. Lost $15 once. Second time gained $30, but in 2 hours after I have closed, price went into opposite direction (I would have lost 200 bucks).

>> No.4598047

Also I had 200 ETH in early 2016 and 13 BTC in late 2016 but of course I sold it all way too early, sold the ETH during the crash after the DAO hack and lost most of the BTC into alts

I had a bunch of Bitcoin Plus (XBC) which I sold a few days before it went +4000% in April or something

>> No.4598087

Heard about this coin in end of november, it was then at 15-18cents and I didnt buy because of the FUD. Later on january when it hit 1usd i thought it was already too late. By march it was 35usd a piece and swift started using it as oracles. I thought it had reached its peak, then one government after the other started adopting it...Now its at 190usd and I feel suicidal.

>t. timetraveler

>> No.4598111


I bought bitcoin diamond for $101

>> No.4598138

Buying btc at $10 selling at $200.

>> No.4598192

Hey, at least you didn't lose money.

>> No.4598253

Yeah, true. I've done this at multiple price points. Always good % profits... obviously would have made more if I just held but hindsight is always 20/20.

Did gamble a few BTC away when it was at that price though - that was definitely a mistake.

>> No.4598323

Bought LEPEN at 6 sats, it went up to 34 sats, I didn't sell because "it will sure go much higher", sold at 3 sats.

Could have turned my 0.4 BTC to 2.2 BTC, but I was a stupid, ignorant, greedy cunt.

>> No.4598351


>bought chaincoin at 298k.

>> No.4598371

shorting bitcoin

>> No.4598374

I shorted BTC when it hit 1000. I'm broke.

>> No.4598400
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tried to cash out and Conbase deleted all my BTC

>> No.4598424

Wasted something like $400, enough time to more than quadruple my money if I held BTC and 10x if I held ETH.

>> No.4598527

panic sold 4100 neo for $18 at the china crackdown fud

>> No.4598554

Get back in, man! It's about to skyrocket!

>> No.4598636

I sold 30k aud worth or ada, for $300, well my kid did. I had lappy open and 5 year old did. Was a sad day...

>> No.4598666

Sold 600 Ark for $.90. Still stings

>> No.4598831

>hear about Bitcoin
>download wallet with integrated mining tool
>mine some coins (2 or 3) with the tool
>read story about some guy buying pizza with a lot more coins
>find no real world use
>delete computer
It still hurts to think I could've and would've. But I got on the Litecoin track at 7.50 a pop, so I'm quite ok right now.

>> No.4598833

This, except it was 7 years

>> No.4598910


I knew in my heart I should have but I didn't.

>> No.4598961

This is what I'm currently thinking.

Am I deluded? Will it fall back to at least 8000?

>> No.4598984
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jumping from powr into bch bandwagon and being greedy

>> No.4599020

Lost 2.5 btc on the Falcons in the super bowl.

>> No.4599717

This except 20 years ago

>> No.4599732

i bought EOS at 0.6$ and then sold at 1.5$ then bought again

>> No.4599748

Not respecting the segwit2x fork that didn't happen and going into alts too soon.

>> No.4599942

>100 million dollar

>> No.4600139

bought intoxicants online for btc which would now be worth about 97349.95 US Dollar

>> No.4600183


you are a rich dude
give me a couple lol

>> No.4600439

Not selling XRP at the top and the. rebuying the massive dip. Still up but coupd be rich AF now.

>> No.4600583

I went all in on ICN at about 180,000 sats, and i am still holding that shit

It's now at 17,400 sats, lost over 90% against BTC
And the dollar value is down 70% from when i bought.

I am one of the unluckiest people in crypto

>> No.4600599

Shorted EOS @0.5 exactly 6 hours before it mooned.
I had 6k EOS before this happened.
Now a have 200.

>> No.4600937
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Buying verge. Had 120K in coinpouch. *poof*, all gone. Even all the transactions dissapeard into thin air.

Scam coin all around, lost 700 dollars.

>> No.4601169

Probably buying bancor at 4 dollars, and ethereum at 400. I didn't put much in either and have since made 4x the amount I put in but that was a lesson to never fomo. It's to the point now where I don't even feel anything when I make gains

>> No.4601249

Sold 5 BTC at $2500.

Trading altcoins over several months didn't make me back that abount. Currently holding 2.9 BTC.

>> No.4601264

selling 28 bitcoins for 150$/ea

>> No.4601459

Not selling my NEO at its peak. Still considering selling it so I can buy food

>> No.4601491

You'd be better off just starving.

>> No.4601516

This except 1,000,000 years ago.

>> No.4601526
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buying LINK & chasing pumps

>> No.4601544

Nah but seriously I bought $1k worth of Ripple when it was less than half a Cent. But I pulled out after all the poloniex troubles, I sold them for about 3 cents each I think but seeing it at 25c now hurts.

>> No.4601625

boight 20 BTC at $15 gambled on Satoshi dice ended up walking away with 25 after almost loosong it all. sold at ~40 and never looked back. now those same 20 coins cost me 19k

>> No.4601645

bought a domain name for 40 000 bitcoins many years ago

>> No.4601655

20 coins
9.5k a piece
sorry to break your heart but thats actually 190k

>> No.4601697

the thread is biggest mistake anon, sorry i didnt gamble more an loose everything

>> No.4601749

Not selling DGB back in June, then watching as it sank thinking it would go back up.

If I'd have sold I'd have had 4BTC, essentially 30k now.

>> No.4601829

bought 10 BCH at $750
sold at $300 when I thought it was burning to nothing, fml

>> No.4602000

Owned 1.5 Btc when it was 1k. Sold when it crashed for $300. Went margin long right before the chinks announced they were banning it, got margin liquidated. Only bought 1 eth when it was $10

>> No.4602551

I feel ya. I got into DGB at 30sat. Didn't sell at 2500-2600. Still holding 850k.

>> No.4602606

Bought LTC at 50 had about 50 shares and I slow sold them all at 73 82 and now it's 91 Dollars. I would have been better off If I held onto them as opposed to diversifying into alts.

>> No.4603064

This except 5 days ago

>> No.4603185
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Two big ones desu...

>be 20 year old college libercuckian in 2010
>hear about this Bitcoin thing on some Ron Paul forum
>interested enough to invest $25 into it when BTC was about 0.25 a coin
>back then it was super shady to buy coins without mining. had to literally set up a primitive Google wallet to send funds anonymously and then give sender access to your BTC keys
>said forget about it and never bought the 100 coins....as of today, that'd be worth about $1M

>finally trying the hodl meme
>bought into OMG when it was $4 a share
>watched it ride up to $14 and settle down at $12
>Figured I could let things sit for a while to spend more time with my qt gf than bittrex and /biz/
>turn off blockfolio and /biz/ for a month and half
>come back to find OMG price is $7 and BTC is in the 8000s. Notice my 1.6 BTC has become .56BTC


>> No.4603226

Bought chainlink. Went from 0.8 BTC in Oct to 0.17 now. Missed all the gains. I want to die

>> No.4604098
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I'm only up $1000 these last 2 months on a $2000 initial investment.

Feel like a fucking retard desu considering the work I have put into it, but its been one step forward half a step back the entire time where I make little losses here and there, sell early, FOMO in etc.

Pretty stressful and I feel myself burning out a bit.

Hell i could have just held BTC and gotten a second job to invest more and I would be lightyears ahead of where I'm at.

>> No.4604680

This except lightyears z+omnicron omega 2

>> No.4604841

>tfw I bought a little bit of weed 2 times from silkroad and then got brave
>figured I'd buy more this time so I dont have to bother
>customs catch it and it's enough shit to consider me a dealer
wew laddie. That was a fun ride

>> No.4604886

tell us more. what happened?

>> No.4604912

This except I still couldn't buy back.

>> No.4604954

i made the wrong choice starting PhD program this fall. I could've accepted the entry level job and had made at least 100k off investments alone by now (which would of course translate into multimillions by 2020), instead my NET worth is less than 10k fml

>> No.4605460


>> No.4605547

When they asked me to explain myself I simply told them that it wasn't me who ordered that shit but the junkie that was renting another room in the house I was in. It's been like 2 years since that and I'm still paranoid about ordering shit online.

I suppose they didn't have anything on me but my name and they only would have done something if they caught me a second time.

Fuck Scandinavia. Left that nanny shithole and probably never going back.

>> No.4606064

and now you just told them it was actually you lmao

>> No.4606105

I am on the other side Europe, anon. Nobody gives a fuck about a couple hundred dollars worth of drugs.

>> No.4606167

she has a sexy posterior chain.

>> No.4606964

Not buying iota at 30 cents because biz told me it was a shitcoin

>> No.4606978

motherfuckin Lisk when it got dumped during their meetup.

>> No.4607038

>Weed dealer has gone missing for month
>Heard about that Bitcoin and "darkweb" things and decide to take a look
>You need to upload state ID and a lot of shit on order to buy Bitcoin in order to buy DRUGS

I regret that day

>> No.4607648
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>> No.4607692

Dudes we got this discord group for signalling pumps and signals for when to sell for most profit:

>> No.4607707

who /digimarine/ here?

>> No.4607764
File: 152 KB, 601x665, 1510648334278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That may JUST be the best plan I've ever heard.

>> No.4607786

this, bought in at 0.65$ and just cashed out at 0.92$ so still good profits.

>> No.4607963

not this

>> No.4608386

will have 5k of investment money in January am i still before all the normal plebs?
Know about cryptocurrency since a bit more than 5 years but i just never had the fundings to really buy. Damn just 100 would have done it lol.

>> No.4608426

sold 16 btc for 400usd when 7970 was still very profitable

>> No.4608742

sold 16k ether when the dao was hacked

>> No.4608979

biggest mistake was to try to be smart, "riding waves", "buying dips" and all that

My portfolio would be worth about 2.5x more if I had just held my initial investments

I even gave my dad some normie advice since I knew he wouldn't be able to do epic smart tradez like me (advised him something like 50% BTC, 20% ETH, 20 XMR, 10% LTC)

Now he has bigger gains than me with a smaller investment

At least I have a dad that loves me and takes my advice ;_;