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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 101 KB, 2336x480, Screen Shot 2017-11-27 at 00.35.07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4588144 No.4588144 [Reply] [Original]

You know what's next /biz/


>> No.4588161
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fuck this

>> No.4588183

This crooked shit needs some kind of regulation.

>> No.4588195

here comes another BTC pump...

I just moved my shit to ETH for its pump but now I dont know what to do.AHAHAHAHHAA

>> No.4588200
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Oh boy

10k in sight

>> No.4588204

Wallet site is not even working.

>> No.4588213


I really feel that the exit scam is near.

>> No.4588223


>> No.4588226

BTC will be 100k. Here we go! We normies and chads don't care about none of this nerdy Tether shit. We going to the moon, while you nerdy NEETs will lose again. You call it scam, just like you say everything else in your life is unfair. The truth is that you were not meant to win. Only chads and normies allowed. HAHA OUCH! But seriously guys, they cannot keep getting away with this. Lady Justice's big black cock will soon find it's way into their shady rabbit hole. THEN, we shall see what this shit is made of.

>> No.4588238


>> No.4588248

actually in the end, they

1) Are doing EXACTLY what Federal Reserve are doing with their QE* for all infinity

2) If the pump the price so normies and wall street buys, how is this not good for us ?

>> No.4588290

Ten million tethers just printed. Nobody can even login to Tether.

Wow, Institutions are all in this business! They're buying tethers without even being able to login to it. This is amazing.

>> No.4588292
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only good if you cash out
>implying you can cash out

>> No.4588306

Longed 100x on bitmex see u guys on the moon

>> No.4588308

literally 700 millions of counterfeit money and the US gov does nothing. i chose the wrong path in life

>> No.4588309

that's about 1000 btc, enough to bring the current price to 9500 according to the bitfinex order book. they just need to execute it strategically so others then fomo buy and bring the price even higher.

>> No.4588314
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>> No.4588317

well well well...

>> No.4588321

10k to hit news in shit it's a psychological number.

Then they dump to scare all the noobs, then then it goes back up then gay stories about some dumb fat unkillable raccoon badger circle jerking. Repeat Repeat Repeat.

To bad people with millions are watching like that last dude that bought in at 50 million on the huge dip to 2k-3k lots of people watching.

>> No.4588326




>> No.4588342


During the recent theft of tether the official statement on the tether company website stated each tether is backed by 1 real usd.

As in, no, tether is not a scam, they just have a shitload of money because theyre in the btc and btc exchange industry

>> No.4588372

it's a multisig wallet that requires 3 out 4 sigs all in different location to move funds. How the fuck could it be hacked? Kindly gtfo to r/bitcoin.

>> No.4588375
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Holy fuck

>> No.4588379

Fuck yeah 20k by eoy print away

>> No.4588383
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>> No.4588391

>Muh legit audit
>They just have a shitload of money because theyre in the btc and btc exchange industry
Check the facts faggot.

>> No.4588402
File: 264 KB, 1920x940, DPMR4RlVAAALEpk.jpg-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Bitfinex's bank its a fucking money laundering scheme hahahahaha run by the Polish mafia

>> No.4588419

what conspiracy are you even trying to push here? that tether hacked themselves then marked the coins useless so they couldnt profit off the "stolen" coins?

these "cant cash out" shills are bcc / bcash guys.

>> No.4588421

Even in that image, they would still have the dollars to back it up...

>> No.4588432

jesus christ. What happens when they run out of fuel? all crypto is gonna die.

>but you can't cash out

you better try, it's your last chance.

>> No.4588439

what if someone actually bought those 10mill USDT? Why does everything have to be a conspiracy theory for you faggots?

>> No.4588450

yeah '' legit '' right

>> No.4588457


you are missing the fucking point. They don't "run out of fuel". It's like creating gold when you play Age of Empires or something buy entering a cheat code, this is just digital numbers

>> No.4588461

sounds like youre the one who doesnt know what theyre talking about, i didnt even speak about an audit.

how much are you bcash shills paid? are you even paid?

>> No.4588476

BCH is also minipulated by tether you twat. The whole market is being manipulated by tether

>> No.4588485

> i didnt even speak about an audit
>During the recent theft of tether the official statement on the tether company website stated each tether is backed by 1 real usd.

THATS EVEN FUCKING WORSE. I just realized you were basing this on the info in their site that its backed by 1 USD each. How gullible can you be?

>> No.4588494
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because you fucking faggot check my post the fucking tether wallet website IS DOWN HOLY SHIT READ THE FUCKING THREAD

>> No.4588504

>Mfw comfy all in xrp, 60%+ traded in FIAT.

Feels nice making slow and steady gains while the rest of the crypto world is freaking the fuck out

>> No.4588510


Yeah, but it can't keep going forever, right? Are they gonna keep going until BTC reaches $1m? at some point it has to crash. HAS to. everyone with common sense can tell this.

>> No.4588526

Burden of proof is on Bitfinex that their tethers are legit.
Given that Bitfinex could be creating millions of dollars with their own printing press, and they refuse to allow 3rd party audits...
It shouldn't take a genius to figure this out.

Tether is a bad idea from the start and only idiots buy it

>> No.4588548
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>> No.4588597
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>> No.4588622

Pro tip genius
If someone is willing to exchange their btc for tether at 1usd each, then it's perfectly fine
What makes bitcoin worth anything? The same thing that makes tether worth $1

>> No.4588635

Man, I hate it when the price of BTC goes up because I hate money.

>> No.4588648


>> No.4588649

This doesnt seem to make your case. The tether bars you have annotated occur during declines.

>> No.4588662

>what is fraud
Stop being retarded, please.

>> No.4588668

right then they are used to pump the price back up

>> No.4588669

>pro tip im a genius
>What makes bitcoin worth anything
>The same thing that makes tether worth $1

Hahahahaahhaahhahahahaha in other words Bitfinex. Thanks corecuck u played urself

>> No.4588684

what's the problem? they print more because there is more demand for btc, so people need more USDT.

>> No.4588689

The crash will be the bloodiest in history hahahahahah

>> No.4588692

Price is creeping up, right on cue. Wonder whether it was just speculation that pushed it up $80 since the first 10mil was minted? Either way I'm sold out of my alts and strapping the fuck in.

>> No.4588711

>they print more because there is more demand for btc
It has to be backed by real dollars you fucking brainlet. Without real dollars backing it Bitfinex can infinitely pump BTC because of muh demand. Thats the entire point of the conspiracy/FUD that it isnt backed by real dollars.

>> No.4588714

so we should buy now? lol

>> No.4588726

how do we know its not something else?

>> No.4588730

What worries me, I don't think the fraudulent tethers are reserved for BTC inflation. Why WOULDN'T they inflate the price of other coins on Bitfinex? Iota, BitCoin Cash, OmisrGo, etc?

I'm not saying the altcoins aren't legitimate of course. I just find no reason to believe the wash trading and general sleaziness of Bitfinex is reserved for BTC.

>> No.4588753

>Bitfinex can infinitely pump BTC because of muh demand.
They can, but do you have any proof they do?

>> No.4588755

because its obvious when you track the chart and the omni explorer for tether

>> No.4588769

>bch shill this mad he's still holding bags from $2700
Almost 10k and Monday isn't even over

Stay mad nocoiner

>> No.4588777

By the way, another 6000 BTC withdrawn from Bitfinex cold wallet just today.


>> No.4588779
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when the chart was flat line was when this thread and tethers were created

>> No.4588785

can someone please explain to my brainlet ass what this means and the consequences?

>> No.4588797

>They can, but do you have any proof they do?

Bitfinexed has been giving proof already on how sketchy this Tether shit is. Of course there isn't any 100% proof otherwise the case should have been solved already. But based on the info, its more likely that Tether is a fucking fraud than the other way around.


But hey, you probably wont take his "detective work" seriously and would just dish out ad hominem. Read his posts they are very fucking detailed.

>> No.4588801

key trips of truth this is just a giant exit scam fucking mt gox 2.0 prepare your anus's

>> No.4588802

You aint gonna get any peer reviewed studies here. Everyone's looking at the signs and making a best guess at it.

>> No.4588815

how do you guys know they don't have USD to back up every tether? is there somewhere to check this?

>> No.4588827

yeah read their terms of service lmao

>> No.4588851

>USDT is backed by USD!
>But, USDT is not tradable for USD and is for all intensive purposes worthless

hm, seems legit

>> No.4588856
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20 million


>> No.4588872

Bitfinexd has been fudding bitcoin every single day since it broke $1000 and he sold everything
He has ulterior motives... he isn't some warrior of justice you delusional fuck

>> No.4588889

Your mom's an intensive purpose.

>> No.4588891

No, that's why there is so much speculation on this subject.

>> No.4588900

Poke holes in what he says, and not his intention. Do you refute any of it? If yes then what?

>> No.4588920

>Bitfinexd has been fudding bitcoin every single day since it broke $1000 and he sold everything
Hahah see you just dished out fucking ad hominem attacks again. Why cant you refute his research instead? Why am i even talking to you faggot.

>> No.4589007

So where is the pump?

20 million tethers and price is stable.

>> No.4589031

Which coins are a complete safe harbour from bitcoin? I'm not gonna cash out cos I'm not a faggot but when I sleep I don't want to store any bitcoin. Topical to the thread, tether is out - what's next best. Ideally would also pump given a bitcoin crash but not be coupled as tightly as Cash. ETH? XMR?

>> No.4589041

You have to wait until they use it. Last time they sat for two days before pumping.

>> No.4589045
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give it some time

>> No.4589082


Again, how do you know its tether pumps?
Normiebase is getting 100k new users regularly.
Normie news is going to be flooded with MUH 9K ATH news and even more will come in

These tethers could have zero impact

>> No.4589088

Tether (USDT) is a token that claims to be backed 1-1 with US dollars. However,

1 - There is no legal obligation for Tether to redeem USDT for US dollars.
2 - Owner(s) of Bitfinex also own Tether (so Bitfinex has every reason to support Tether, and vice versa).
3 - Bitfinex was hacked years ago. All investors forced to take a 36% haircut.
BFX tokens were issued, offering equity in Bitfinex. No audit has thus been presented, even today.
4 - Bitfinex allows self-trades (make and take on your own orders), which inflates volume and fraudulently inflates Bitfinex company worth. Reputable exchanges would never allow this.
5 - Tether takes a 0% commission, absolutely unheard of, on extremely large Tether orders. On Kraken, if I am not mistaken. No other coin given this same treatment.
6 - Tether hacked recently. Thirty million moved, but supposedly locked and isolated. Three of four sigs on a multi-sig wallet somehow breached?
7 - US banks refuse to have anything to do with Bitfinex, for undeclared reasons. At exactly the same time that Wells Fargo -- the last US bank with dealings with Bitfinex -- cut ties, Tethers were suddenly created by the tens of millions and BTC rallied by the billions.
8 - Most Tethers are now used in margin trading, inflating the price of BTC by billions, even tens of billions.

And more. Bitfinex owners not reputable. Bitfinex bank today is some middle of nowhere Polish bank, real shady. Same bank for Cex.io.

Etc. /biz/ doesn't agree on much, but the greasiness of Bitfinex is a strong candidate for consensus opinion.

>> No.4589112

i dont
but i dont like some entity printing tokens like the FED
personally i stay far away from tether

>> No.4589142

It all seems very suspicious but why is the pump volume coming from gdax and not bitfinex?

>> No.4589168

Because all the traffic is coming from the 13 million coinbase users. Stop with the retarded conspiracy theories.

>> No.4589196

incoming now, just had a huge spike

>> No.4589201

No one does. That's why its called speculation. Stop expecting 100% irrefutable facts - it we knew for certain then the market would have already priced it in making it useless.

>> No.4589220

>why is the pump volume coming from gdax and not bitfinex?
What do you do when you find out that Bitfinex just printed new Tethers? Do you feel the fucking urge to buy more BTC because you know they'll fucking pump it? Thats why other exchanges are ahead of the pump you dumbass they're anticipating it.

>> No.4589222



>> No.4589234

Its not one or the other, it could be both. Just because there is a certain amount of normie buyers coming in doesn't mean tether doesn't also have an effect.

Also have you seen the fucking bots on GDAX? The idea that "normies" have any control whatsoever over the price should be a meme.

>> No.4589249

Price is creeping up ATM. Looks like OP has a point.

I'd exist all crypto markets A S A P.

>> No.4589255
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Goyim know

>> No.4589320
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if you shut i down the goy can't know

>> No.4589347


>> No.4589352



>> No.4589423
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need the real one of these for crypto

>> No.4589424
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I hope you btc brainlets GTFO

>> No.4589437


So predictable it hurts.

>> No.4589447
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>What makes bitcoin worth anything? The same thing that makes tether worth $1

>> No.4589455
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makes me think..

>> No.4589456

Literally closing in at $9700.

This will burst soon. Very fucking soon. Something is not right.

Hold me bois.

>> No.4589465

how do the btc truthers explain coinbase and korea leading the massive btc pump this week, not bitfinex

>> No.4589476

Bintfinex now leading GDAX. I repeat, finex ahead of GDAX. It's on lads.

>> No.4589481

source pls

>> No.4589490

replace your red arrow to:


Now makes more sense.

>> No.4589492

Normie FOMO sparked by this pump.

>> No.4589497

We don't know, but not knowing the answer to this part of the equation doesn't refute any of the rest of it. Genuine brainlet. Power of reasoning dude, you're better than this.

>> No.4589519

You faggot, if you see Tethers being printed wouldnt you buy BTC in anticipation of the pump? Absolute brainlets in this thread srsly.

>> No.4589542

>huur bitfinex pumps btc will all their tether
>"then why is bitfinex always lagging behind in every major pump, it was stuck at 8900 for hours while everyone else had already broke 9000"
KYS bch shill

>> No.4589544

I wonder how bad the dip will be this time.
Normally it would stop at 6000-5500, but if it's their first time being on a market...
Will we see sub4k ?

>> No.4589547


I don't think bithumb count desu

>> No.4589557

Open two tabs and watch the tickers. Some anon posted a great link with graphs comparing exchanges a few days ago but I can't find it again.

>> No.4589577

okay sooo this "possible fraud" could potentially collapse the entire crypto market? making bitcoin, bitcoin cash, and all the other sweat cryptos collapse in price?

If so bring it fucking on.

i want 13 dollar eth, 8 dollar monero again

>> No.4589588

Hmm now bitfinex is clearly ahead.
It looks like the fudders are correct.
People pumped on other exchanges in anticipation of the tether injection.
Now tethers are propping up the price on bitfinex.

>> No.4589606

this, its asians pumping now, 20m tether cant do it.

>> No.4589607
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>this tether "pump" accounts for 3% of the volume, at best

really makes me think

>> No.4589609


What do I convert my BTC into to survive the crypto crash? ETH?

Help, seriously. I don't have a good feeling about this.

>> No.4589611

They were lagging behind prior to tethers because they didn't control the pump. I suspect that the Koreans led the pump up until now because you can wash trade with next to no fees I believe.

Finex is literally leading the pump at this very moment and I suspect they're doing so with printed tethers.

Dude attack the argument, not the messenger. You retarded retarded spastic of a person.

>> No.4589630

Then explain the pump to over 9000 that happened? AFAIK there were no tethers issues around that period...
That was a psychological barrier that was hard to break. Everything after that is just fomo buying. Not a tether pump...

>> No.4589634

>Help, seriously. I don't have a good feeling about this.
that's the point of this whole fud operation. they want you to give them their btc.

>> No.4589647

Theres no argument to attack, it's just plain old conjecture

>> No.4589660
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>It looks like the fudders are correct.
then it's not fud

>> No.4589665

Soon end of year, it's prophetic and shit

>> No.4589703

And now we watch it drop a couple hundred.

>> No.4589737

If they sell to themselves, they can generate $20m of fees (which goes back to them anyway). At the highest fee band that works out at 20bln worth of volume. Of course there's other people to contend with but its not like 20mln would just go straight to other people and that is that. They'll wash trade it.

Honestly, I don't know where this comes from. I'm guessing either the same people or someone else wash traded in on Thumb. Because why would real Koreans be doing a pump like that at 4am.

If you think not knowing that piece of the puzzle cancels out all the rest of it then no worries, don't follow the moves we're making in this thread.

But BTC is up >$200 since tethers were printed and finex is leading the charge.

>> No.4589778

Granted. but what do you want here? A video of Roger Ver wash trading on bitthumb and then a video of the finex blokes pumping up their own exchange with the tether? I'm confident that the dots join up so I'm making a play on it. If you don't believe me then don't change your positions based on it.

>> No.4589800

We goin to 10k tonight niggers

>> No.4589821


>> No.4589827

why is BCH pumping and not ETH fuck me, pump ETH with this fake money

>> No.4589853

... Because they knew it would happen, so they went ahead?

>> No.4589881


>> No.4589983

Just traded my BTC for ETH, if $10k is breached cleanly and in what seems to be organic growth I'll get back in.

But this $8000 to $9700 rally was really weird, even for crypto standards, way too fast.

>> No.4590041

>even for crypto standards, way too fast.

how new are you to crypto?

>> No.4590059
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do it

>> No.4590114

Percentage wise, it's normal for crypto, but in terms of absolute numbers, the market increase is too much, too fast. This was only supposed to happen with institutional money.

>> No.4590144
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This has all the makings of a financial 9/11. Not even Larping, it's all there in front of our eyes and we see this shit happening. Does not fucking compute.

>> No.4590153

how do u know it isnt institutional money? Tether is a great way for someone to launder money at this point since everyone is blaming it for creating more out of thin air.

>> No.4590178

how much can TA/math tell us about when and if a crash is happening?

>> No.4590202

Whatever, I'm not risking a 30% loss just to get a 10% gain.

By changing to Ethereum, I risk pretty much nothing, in terms of fiat, and stand to gain a 30% profit, in terms of BTC.

If you wanna gamble with your money, be my guest.

>> No.4590218

This is your last warning. Dont bitch when you get left behind.

BTW, everyone here is gambling, thats why we are all "speculating".

>> No.4590235

TA is literally meme magic tier
There is 0(zero) empirical evidence pointing to its effectiveness.

>> No.4590241
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>how much can TA/math tell us about when and if a crash is happening?
since today, nothing

>> No.4590285
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>> No.4590300

>polish mafia
they are too stupid of a nation even to run scams

>> No.4590302
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> he doesn't use bitUSD
So let me get this straight.. you get into crypto to get away from manipulated paper fiat bullshit by using manipulated electronic fiat bullshit.
Good luck.

>> No.4590427

fuck off FUDder

>> No.4590484

this shit is so fucking stupid

>> No.4590592

Chad here

what does tether mean?

>> No.4590682

Hi chad, you must be new here.

Tether is the method by which us biztards will exit the market if crypto doesnt work out the way we want. You see, we have "tethered" (see what I did there?) a length of rope around our necks and if BTC crashes to 0, we will jump off a chair and our Tether will take us where the red candles have stopped and no one can hurt us

>> No.4590803
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>> No.4590958

it's illegitimate, but you have a point.
People don't understand the level of QE that's happened over the last decade - it makes USDT look like fucking nothing, even if considered proportionally.

every stock, property, and almost every material has been pumped up for years

>> No.4591008

put some in bch, you just know Jihan will keep the price high against bitcoin (if he can do it anymore after that)

>> No.4591429
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>> No.4591488
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>> No.4591514


hey nsa

>> No.4591536


nice argument nigger

>> No.4591558

>muh tether
>muh taxes
>muh can't cash out

Hey five eyes

>> No.4591603

once people started buying tvs or smartphones did they. one day, decide to stop using them and go back to radio and flip phones? because oh my god, there are too many people using this. the number of users has to crash??!?!?!
your statement shows how little you understand of what is happening

>> No.4591610
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>> No.4591648

Invalid statement. No one actually "uses" bitcoin. It is purely a speculative investment and I assure you it can go down.... way down.

>> No.4591696
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>> No.4591770

Your moronic statement is equivalent to saying that the IPhone 1 is still going to be king 20 years after its release. Crypto is here to stay, Bitcoin is not.

>> No.4591795

They're creating Tether for the upcoming crash, not to buy it at these prices...

>> No.4591941

If you do expect Tether to bounce back after this, you can buy USDT for 82 cents on the dollar right now.

If you think they can rebound, load up.

>> No.4591956

This is disgusting

I've nvr seen a bigger scam in my life

>> No.4591972

>saying bitcoin isn't programmable

>> No.4591979

300k stores in japan and counting
Majority of btc tx come from Japan
Figure it out dumb cunt

>> No.4591994

Wow you're right, look at >>4588548
Tether were printed either before of during a dip.
Since right now we're in full FOMO and going onl up, it mean a crash is coming.
Today or tommorow if the precedent times tether was printed repeat this time too.

>> No.4592011

You've had 9 years to solve the scaling problem. How's that going?

>> No.4592014
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>> No.4592036

BCH is solving it.

>> No.4592109

You think ETH is a fucking store of value against BTC?? Listen, sweetheart - when BTC dips fucking ETH value plummets. See: .1 flippening to .04 within months while btc both rallied and dipped. In both cases ETH lost value.

>> No.4592121
File: 41 KB, 716x490, m5ANPvg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from any educated perspective, it's going great. but, i assume, from your young impatient perspective that it's taking too long. well, big money agrees with my side, so jump on the train and make gains. Or stay this assmad the rest of your life because you believed memes and conspiracy theories and didn't buy in. Bitcoin is only going to go higher and the crazy shit hasn't even started

>> No.4592134

Any proof that this isn't the top of the bubble other than your emotions of greed?

>> No.4592174

there is no proof you would accept; you obviously have an agenda or sold too soon and think this rise is a scam since you missed out. if you truly understood what was happening, you wouldn't think this is a bubble at all; in fact you'd know it has much further to go.

>> No.4592216

Also having years to solve scaling and still not having anything to show a year after scaling became an issue is pretty shit.

>> No.4592250

how is it an issue? you have to crawl before you can walk. this is possibly the future of money. it has to be right

>> No.4592269

Core could've easily increased the block size as a temporary measure until LN is fully working, then reduce the blocksize back down if needed. The only reason they didn't is because they obviously have an agenda and ulterior motives. No I am not going to invest in a crypto currency that is shit at being a currency. You are sitting there smug thinking you are right because the price went up but guess what buddy, until you actually cash out thats all paper money that could be gone in a night. And you won't cash out because you are greedy and deluded to think this is only the start. So that money you think you've made is already gone fool.

>> No.4592345

also, everyone with half a brain knows the only reason scaling became an issue now was due to a few actors spamming the network and mining blocks with no transactions to stifle the network in an attempt to take it over with their version of bitcoin. it was completely unnecessary, but it ultimately showed the strength and resiliency of the bitcoin network and that is being reflected by the rise in price.

>> No.4592404
File: 165 KB, 640x480, 1504574756273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro, i was right before i bought BTC. i was right the moment i understood what it was and decided to buy. every time one of you trolls come out, i'm reminded more and more just how right i was. you guys have no idea what is happening and you're either too stupid to see it or paid to prevent others from seeing it. enjoy your bcash bags

>> No.4592432

I'll bet 100k that you didnt buy before the MtGox crash.

You don't know what a bear market in crypto looks like.

>> No.4592482

so, i was right. you sold too soon because of whoknowswhy and now you're salty so you FUD BTC threads. lol

>> No.4592599

And I was right. You bought BTC during a crazy bull run that makes no logical sense but you think you are an investment genius and you will continue to hodl as it comes crashing back down.

>> No.4592714


>> No.4592786

He could have bought at any point after the mtgox crash between 200 and 500? He could have bought in and endured the entirety of the bear market...
You don't know what you're saying dude. Enjoy those bcash bags, retard.

>> No.4592834

Holding for 2-3 years to break even. Oh boy sounds fun.

Why does everyone keeping talking about bitcoin cash bags lol. I'm up 30 grand profit on bitcoin cash. I am enjoying my bags very much thank you.

>> No.4593023
File: 70 KB, 736x627, 99affa9e68c90d77deaf06f2e0afffbd--infinite-magnets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, this is the using two magnets for unlimited kinetic energy meme but it actually works irl

>> No.4593523

Oh wow you made money during a bull market with coins you got for free
Want a pat on the back?

>> No.4593963

Lmao blockstream spammed the network itself to get you fools to support their private toll booth side chains.

Calling bch investors bagholders. Lmao I love my bag of bch, because I can actually use the shit. Bitcoin maximalists are truly by definition nothing but bagholders. It's cool I'll enjoy my p2p digital currency while you guys enjoy your Ponzi.

Try to sell before the whales do is all that can be said.


>> No.4594048

FIAT is probablt he best safe haven unless you wanna try to navigate the shitshow that will happen

>> No.4594187

fucking this. how can people not see beyond their invented btc vs bch war? bitfinex is going to ruin crypto. when the feds finally gets off their asses and jail these asswipes, today's kyc/aml measures are going to feel like having your hair brushed in comparison to the coming ass rape

>> No.4594219

What jurisdiction does the sec or Fbi have over a company based in Hong Kong?

>> No.4594329

cashed out my principal + 40% profit last week. even if my whole portfolio crashes ill be in the green. im comfy af.

current portfolio power rankings:
BTS(been holding since summer at 49 cents entry)

>> No.4594393

>wanting to cash out tether
>not using it just to accumulate more BTC
>not using a wallet
>not cashing out literally anywhere else
>whining about a legal disclaimer in a sea of disclaimers at every stage of the process warning people not to rely on exchanges too hard
>whole system babyproofed but still not safe enough for the babies who can't look after their own damn assets
Come on now.

>> No.4594757

Don't you retards realize there are only like 16ml bitcoins right now? it's pretty easy to see why this is happening.

>> No.4595198

The TETHER/USDT FUD is to prevent you from moving out of BTC before the 10k crash.

We are going down to visit 5000k lads.
Hold on to your butt crack.

>> No.4595888

At this market depth, 10,000,000USD is only enough to move BTC price up by about 100USD. Maybe 400USD with max leverage.

>> No.4595899

Let BCH go low so I can buy some more

>> No.4595985

inb4 they claim they were hacked again

>> No.4595995

Yes but they must create FUD to justify their alt holdings!

>> No.4596757

Godspeed anon, just looked at the bitmex charts, you did good if you actually longed x100, from 9340 to 9680.