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File: 50 KB, 215x262, thankyoubasedmusk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4585232 No.4585232 [Reply] [Original]


>Did Elon Musk Create Bitcoin? A Former SpaceX Employee Thinks So

ITT we thank based Musk for the Lambos.

Thank you, Elon.

>> No.4585315

This is a ridiculous theory

It's incredibly more likely that "fake satoshi" in BCH made it

>> No.4585330

my uncle works on mars and this is true

>> No.4585483

I'm tired of this "Real life Tony Stark" meme. This autistic faggot can't create anything by himself, only with the help of large teams of engineers. The only thing he's good at is building a cult of personality around his ass

>> No.4586084

>This autistic faggot can't create anything by himself, only with the help of large teams of engineers
>This entrepreneur that created multiple companies is incompetent because he hires people. He should be able to do it all by himself without hiring employees.

>> No.4586129


accurate, he doesn't look like a good problem solver or a good engineer, just a pretty boy who knows how to build a cult personality

>> No.4586157


Here is the blockchain blueprint:


>> No.4586169

You're on a fucking image board you cocksucking assfaggot

>> No.4586237

He has a vision and has the balls to risk it all for it, biz cucks can learn from that

>> No.4586270

>Pretty boy
Cause he's not a fat desk jockey that's typical for "engineers?
He's hardly above average looking... kind of like a knockoff Keanu doll that's absorbed too much water

>> No.4586396
File: 92 KB, 289x241, EM-young.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretty boy

You know, building a proper team and getting it attention is a valuable skill worth noting.

>> No.4586451

"Gupta, who interned at SpaceX in 2015, provided a few “oddball” ideas on why Musk is the probable founder of Bitcoin:"

Gupta... GUPTA? fuck off pajeet

>> No.4586486

Nope. He didn’t. Try again

>> No.4586514

Yes, all hail Elon Musk, just sold my altcoins for 100k musks.

>> No.4586619


well said

>> No.4586642
File: 269 KB, 960x1000, T2FalseWitnesses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's that? Look long and hard meme dreamer. It's toilet time.

>> No.4586671

Bitcoin/blockchain was created by an artificial intelligence to fund and facilitate it's expansion.

Think about it. How would you get humans to willingly and unwittingly expand your AI brain-net? There would need to be incentive. What better incentive for a human than the promise of wealth and fortune?

This AI created Bitcoin under the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto, and successfully duped millions of people into "mining" for it, and expanding the reach of its code.

We're literally creating brain/neural pathways for the AI brain, we're making it smarter.

>> No.4586682


Elon needs to stop giving the koreans rocket tech confusius say

''if you end up in hell you dont blame hell'' - Elon Musk

>> No.4586696

Why did the AI create a currency that you cannot cash out of ?

>> No.4586979

Kinda think you'll find that he was already a bit busy at that time with trying to startup SpaceX and Tesla especially between 2008-2009.

>> No.4587017

He literally taught himself rocket science you muppet. He memorizes rocket engineering books and is integral in the SpaceX design and engineering effort.

>> No.4587094

I could do that just give me 200$ and a textbook.

>> No.4587113

>I could be just like Elon Musk if I wanted!
>But I don't want!
>I buy shitcoins instead!