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File: 61 KB, 1303x263, bitcoin-cash-bcc-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4585073 No.4585073 [Reply] [Original]

Are you ready for round two, corecucks? Cashies get in here, we're reaching 2k before the end of this year.

>> No.4585109


>> No.4585122

team dragon slayer

>> No.4585143

>we're reaching 2k before the end of this year.

I'm sure you will

After BTC is worth $15k

>> No.4585155

BCH is on the fast track to being worth $20,000. But that's just because it's valued in BTC and BTC is eventually going to be $1million.

>> No.4585162

BTC will be worth 5k you mean

>> No.4585306

Can someone explain to me what makes bitcoin cash attractive? It is worse than bitcoin in security and worse than like any other crypto except bitcoin in transaction speed. It's the worst of both world. I don't see how it can not be doomed to fail. Piggybacking off the bitcoin name can only work for so long.

>> No.4585388

Fucking coin. Chaotic market with brutal pumps and slow withering dumps doesn't give it much appeal.

Not saying it can not replace CoreCoin, but then some other coin will take #1 place.

>> No.4585501

2k EOY?
Extremely conservative.

>> No.4585552

Cashies are literally gay for Roger Ver. That's all.

>> No.4585590

Bitcoin Core is presently controlled by Blockstream, which has deliberately crippled the block size to 1MB in an effort to keep fees for on-chain transactions prohibitively expensive in order to push demand for side chain "solutions" that involve centralized hubs that will charge subscription fees to transact, can censor transactions and can be controlled by government entities. They control /r/bitcoin bitcoin talk and otherwise are running a massive PR campaign to try and push decisions they find profitable.

Bitcoin Cash, by contrast, presents larger blocks now with much much lower fees and faster transaction times. The community is far more open to scaling options that remain permissionless, trustless and censorship-proof.

>> No.4585604


Actually due to Core's introduction of Segwit, Cash has much greater security than Core will ever have.

>> No.4585642

What I'm asking is: If people are unhappy with Bitcoin, why would they go to Bitcoin Cash and not any other cryptocurrency, most of which have better features and faster transactions than Bitcoin Cash?

>> No.4585705

Despite FUD concerning bch security its actually more secure because it doesn't have the security risks segwit and segwit2x bring.

>> No.4585756

I think the security risk of so readily allowing hard forking and increasing the block size far outweighs any security risk caused by segwit.

>> No.4585801

than you would be thinking incorrectly. Please dyor

>> No.4585808

I'm not against btc - bch is true bitcoin and for me the btc is a forked coin

>> No.4585818

there is no security risk in being able to be forked

>> No.4585827

fuck all of you i'm an unlimiter here and will win in the end

>> No.4585872


I've already researched this a lot, and that was the conclusion I reached.

>> No.4585881

Super Bitcoin (BTCS) is the real bitcoin.

>> No.4585973

>readily allowing hard forking
What? Its open source...any open source code can be forked at anytime.

>> No.4585975
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Look at this chart, the mempool hasn't been empty for a month now. Unconfirmed transactions will skyrocket soon again if the usage of Bitcoin increases.

>> No.4586029

bitbean is the real bitcoin

>> No.4586036

So, then explain the security risks of segwit, please. You can't.

>> No.4586057

>I think the security risk of so readily allowing hard forking
BTC has been forked more times than BCH since BCH forked off of BTC so this is a retarded argument.

>> No.4586062

who is the megawhale with half a billion dollars in bch? he has been accumulating every day

>> No.4586116

Him and a few others are allowed to accumulate at this low price before they go for the final flippening. The delay is probably partially due to this and partially due to them wanting to get as much BCH as possible out of circulation before the big pump.

Considering how much capital they have, it seems like the logical thing to do.

>> No.4586204


There's a big difference in being forked off of, and you yourself changing the rules in a way that requires a fork. I'm not talking about the former and you know it, so stop playing dumb.

>> No.4586230

What people don't realize is that fat buy whale on Trex is there for one purpose and one purpose only. Everytime btc pulls too far ahead the bch/btc falls right into it's mouth. Bitcoin can only pull so far ahead before bch moons right up again. Eventually btc will correct from lack of tether fuel and when that happens.....
Yyeeeeaaahhh boooiiiiii

Bitcoin Cash is Bitcoin now. Deal with it. Btc is good for nothing but speculation, bch has all the utility btc was supposed to have, and is quickly gaining merchant adoption. The war is already lost.

In December exchanges are opening with full cash reserves, bch pairing with multiple alts, and no tethers.

In 2018 many old op code from btc will be brought back allowing bch to have things like smart contracts and such. If you want to keep your head in the sand and allow r/Bitcoin to keep you in their little hole rubbing the lotion on its skin, fine, I wish you good luck. But if you want to actually make Bitcoin great again and engage in free market like we were meant to. Stop with fucking Vegeta memes and blockstream shilling and just move your btc to bch. You won't regret it. Peace faggots

>> No.4586297

>I'm not talking about the former and you know it
No, noone did because the fork they themselves did on BCH was a soft fork. When you use improper terminology you shouldn't be surprised when people don't understand what you mean.

>> No.4586322


>> No.4586341

The fork up to 8MB itself was a hard fork.


>> No.4586367

btc and bch both have hard and soft fork, what is the network rules is based on consensus of miners. but why is forking insecure?????

>> No.4586460


It's not dangerous to hardfork, that is a lie perpetuated by kikestream because if a fork of BTC were to occur they would not have an excuse to not increase the blocksize thus they are utterly against hardforks (although BTC hardforked almost daily years ago)

>> No.4586462

It's literally the bitcoin blockchain just with scaled up block sizes and no Godforsaken Segwit brought to you by (((Blockstream))).

>> No.4586473

>anons debating which of the two sides of the same shitcoin is slightly less shitty

>> No.4586484
File: 1.31 MB, 2495x2990, it's BCASH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4586489

Anything I can presently pay for in BTC I can also pay for in BCH. Remember there are entire countries making extensive use of BTC at the moment.

Because BCH is only a fork, I have an equal number of BCH coins as I did in BTC. When one or the other goes away, the market will correct so the living one likely is priced the same.

Here's the part that normies don't understand; IT'S THE SAME GUYS MINING BTC THAT ARE ALSO MINING BCH. Same Chinese warehouses. They can do one or the other, but probably not both.

The normie answer is BCH is almost exactly the same as BTC, except with 3 lines of code changed to take care of the only weakness that BTC has, transaction times.

>> No.4586506

round two of operation bagholder.

>> No.4586517
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>> No.4586532

Someone else will have absolute control over transaction fees and times.

Bitcoin is at the moment a completely distributed system; no banks or corporations needed.

It's almost more of a conversation for /pol/.

>> No.4586548


if you weren't paying attention to the bitcoin civil war from like 2014 onwards then you will really have no idea why BCH is the true successor coin and why all the corecucks need to be killed for what they did to the main chain

>> No.4586557

It's Jihan

The proposition given to him was, we will allow you to gain more wealth than anyone in China if you give BCH your miners.

The moment he collects enough BCH the flip is on.

>> No.4586565

>The normie answer is BCH is almost exactly the same as BTC, except with 3 lines of code changed to take care of the only weakness that BTC has, transaction times.

And the subsequent high fees. And the stranglehold of Blockstream that'll soon have you pushed onto a paid subscription service offered by a Lightning Payment Hub, which will no doubt be subject to government regulation and censorship of transactions deemed improper.

>> No.4586567

The only time BTC have had hard forks was if there was no other choice or with extreme advance notice. And both these cases it's even dubious that they could be called hard forks. The 2012-02-20 version message change was a protocol change, not a blockchain change, and BIP50 was a reversal to a previous set of rules due to a vulnerability, so it was only not backwards-compatible with the very most recent client, because that client was faulty.

Exactly. Just bitcoin except two changes that are disadvantages depending on who you ask, and introduced via a risky method, and with less security due to less mining power. What's the point?

>> No.4586623

Yeah, except I have actually been paying attention since then and I still have no idea why that is the case.

>> No.4586661

I bet $80k on BCH
>you're stupid

I bet $80k on BCH when it was $800

>> No.4586670

What are you talking about? There cannot be high fees if the blocksize is increased to an efficient size, which is what BCH is.

I'm not sure you understand what the "fees" are. That's just more bitcoin peeled off the purchase and given to the Miner who completed the block, not some bank or government entity.

If you aren't schooled up on this properly you're going to lose your money, and at this point we ALL have a significant stake in the game.

>> No.4586687
File: 9 KB, 600x600, FB_IMG_1511561719533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chink here:

Cashiers, you can see the operation Dragonslayer in action right now. BCC gang is now pumping BTC for the sole purpose of hitting shorts locked by western hemisphere before Monday ( europacific will go asleep after holidays and weekend) When Bithumb wakes up, they will start the massive shorting of BTC and ((they)) will start to pump BCC, because chinks will wake up and will short gainz during today's night pump of BTC and jump on BCC. There will be panic and transfer of money similar to what we could see right after cancelled segwit fork.

This is your chance to accumulate and short BTC just in time. Good luck

>> No.4586697

Bernie can still win you guys.

>> No.4587088

Death to corecucks.

>> No.4587110

Read the bitcoin whitepaper and Satoshi's emails/posts. You did not dyor. Because that would allow you to realize that BCH is bitcoin and Blockstream coin is not.

>> No.4587172

they're going to use this morning BCH pump to get BTC up to 9800. ratio will be about .167-.169 and from there, another leg of Operation Dragonslayer will begin

heard it here first, faggots.

>> No.4587235

The point is to keep a decentralized peer to peer cash system not controlled by (((them))).

>> No.4587247

What's the differnece between BCC and BCH? Is it on binance? i am confused..

>> No.4587265

That is outdated material. It is entirely possible that he would support core's perspective, because people are capable of adapting their stances based on new research and information. If he disagrees, why hasn't he come forward and said so?

BCH does not do a good job of that. The sphere of people with a significant influence on the system is far narrower in BCH than in BTC.

>> No.4587283

>The point is to keep a decentralized peer to peer cash system

So BCH is shit too? Good thing I already knew they were both garbo

>> No.4587318


>> No.4587477


Coming one day later than planned, but still coming.

>> No.4587484

No friendo. Segwit tackles a non-existent scaling issue. Its aim, keep blocksizes small to cause demand for """off chain""" scaling solutions. Which entirely defeats the whole fucking point OF THE WHOLE GODDAMN BLOCKCHAIN! You may as well stick to USD if this is the future you choose for crypto.

>> No.4587594


BCC is controlled by Jews and traitors, BCH is the true chain

>> No.4587747
File: 8 KB, 568x87, oolol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>35K unconfirmed transactions
cute meme pool

>> No.4587963

so its not on binance?

>> No.4588002


Bitcoin Cash is listed as BCC on Binance and Bittrex.

On some other exchanges it is listed as BCH because BCC is used by Bitconnect

>> No.4588031

Nice bought 100k

>> No.4588081


>> No.4588185

So hard right now

>> No.4588211
File: 51 KB, 940x627, J Dubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The King is Dead, Long Live the King

>> No.4588809

It's not really fair to compare the security at different hashrates when you compare technology