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4574765 No.4574765 [Reply] [Original]

This is fucking stupid and you know it. This shitcoin was supposed to be a means of transaction and when that failed you fags tried to justify it as purely a store of value.

Certain altcoins like XMR, ETH, and LINK are actually trying to do something important. I cant believe some of you fags actually want BTC to kill altcoins when all it does is have endless fucking forks and get pumped by Tether. Dont get me wrong a lot of altcoins are shit but you have to be deluded not to see that Bitcoin is also shit at this point.

>> No.4574786

Please don't lump XMR with pajeet shitcoins like ETH and LINK.

>> No.4574796

I want poorfags to leave.

>> No.4574800

>Please don't lump XMR with pajeet shitcoins like ETH and LINK
You srs? All you see for crypto is transactions? I mean i know its pretty "cool" to shit on LINK lately but are you really fudding smart contracts in general when even multi-billion IT companies recognize its importance and potential usage?

>> No.4574803

Eth and Link are more revolutionary than xmr.
They will pass XMR one day.

>> No.4574809
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Whoa there buddy, have you not solve your oracle today?

>> No.4574853

Nobody needs your smelly pajeet meta-use shitcoin. ETH and LINK are not needed as CRYPTOCURRENCIES. Nobody in the real world will ever need to go out of their way to buy ETH or LINK for any practical use.

>> No.4574897

>Nobody in the real world will ever need to go out of their way to buy ETH or LINK for any practical use.
See this is the average "currency" maximalist. Does Bitcoin even have any practical usage? Smart contracts in general have confirmed practical use cases. Just check the report by Capgemini a lot of money can be saved by smart contracts and these decentralized platforms cant function without a token.

WTF do you even use your Bitcoin or XMR for? You just hodl it like the average reddit retard.

>> No.4574921

I hold XMR to sell it to criminals and pedos at a premium price later, because they will really need it.

>> No.4574973

>I hold XMR to sell it to criminals and pedos at a premium price later, because they will really need it.
Wow, genius. Criminals and pedos. Truly much more revolutionary than smart contracts allowing trustless applications.

>> No.4574993

Yeah at least criminals and pedos are real world users, they exist right now and have already started using XMR. Meme contracts that get broken and hacked every day are just useless memes.

>> No.4575019

>they exist right now and have already started using XMR
No they havent you dumbass. Majority of dark web websites only accept BTC. In fact only Alphabay accepts XMR.

>Meme contracts that get broken and hacked every day are just useless memes
Yeah because websites built on Java or Python that get hacked means that these programming platforms are useless. You really are a brainlet.

>> No.4575039

Xmr cucks are more delude than core cucks.

Than again at least xmr will never see so many transactions to became usless at what it does -like btc, so theres that

>> No.4575075

>No they havent you dumbass. Majority of dark web websites only accept BTC. In fact only Alphabay accepts XMR.
You are retarded. There are websites like Libertas that only accept XMR, and most other markets accept both. Aero market has stated that it's just waiting for multisig on XMR to start shifting to become XMR only.
>Yeah because websites built on Java or Python that get hacked means that these programming platforms are useless. You really are a brainlet.
The fact is, we don't need some gimmicky shitty crypto "platform" for this shit. Pajeet shitcoins like ETH and LINK hardly brought any innovation with their gimmicks.

>> No.4575101

>>Pajeet shitcoins like ETH and LINK hardly brought any innovation with their gimmicks.
You're fucking deluded. Like i said, multi-billion IT consulting companies already confirmed the use cases of smart contracts and the benefits they provide. They definitely give more value than your shitty transaction tokens lmao.

But sure, a retard planning on selling his coins to pedos and drug dealers should be smarter than these IT consulting companies.

>> No.4575131

You are talking about delusion when you don't even have a single significant working product yet, instead only relying on promises and future hopes and dreams lol

>> No.4575162

Thats why its called investing you stupid piece of shit.

>> No.4575190

How do I profit off of trustless applications?

>> No.4575192

ETH is ALSO a currency you fucking retard, and it does it BETTER than coins who are ONLY currencies

you are such a fucking brainlet, honestly

>> No.4575197

Investing on vaporware, what a genius

>> No.4575214

Not anonymous, not fungible, therefore it's a pointless currency.

>> No.4575217

>Investing on vaporware, what a genius
Vaporware? ETH has a working product. LINK has a prototype you dumb motherfucker. Even venture capitalists invests on prototypes. But sure keep drinking the crypto is only for transactions kool-aid. I probably earn more than you in my software development job you dense motherfucker.

>> No.4575233

ETH actually isn't designed to be a currency. The chain actually pretty bloated as is. Probably why ARK will replace it in the future, because deployable sidechains are much more efficient.

>> No.4575237

>Not anonymous, not fungible, therefore it's a pointless currency.
So every coin including BTC is fucking useless except XMR? You're fucking deluded.

>> No.4575255

>So every coin including BTC is fucking useless except XMR?

>> No.4575266

Venture capitalists also invested in garbage websites during the dot-com bubble.

>> No.4575283

After a hardfork BTC could do all of the above using colored coins.

This too.

>> No.4575285

hello friend,
satoshi missed a point in his whitepaper : what's the point of a deflationary currency? typically you bought a pizza for 10000 bitcoin, you glad, you used bitcoin as a currency. 4 years later this pizza was worth 3 million usd, today, this pizza is worth 90 million usd. This person respected satoshi's vision, he used bitcoin as a mean of transaction.

>> No.4575289

>Yes every crypto is useless except XMR
This just showed how much of a brainlet you fucking are lmao. I'm ignoring your replies you dumb motherfucker.

>> No.4575325

You don't want a cyberpunk future where the official world currency is Satoshi's?

>> No.4575326

>Not anonymous
>not fungible

it will be both, and it will actually scale unlike whatever culty coin you are shilling

>ETH actually isn't designed to be a currency.
But it is also one. It's like saying a PC isn't designed to be a calculator, it's absolutely retarded and useless information

> The chain actually pretty bloated as is
But it is the most likely candidate for first-to-sharding, which will make every other designated currency look like a fucking joke at their own game

>> No.4575332

what a brainlet and dumb mofo.

Xmr got no endgame you cuck.

It will allways be pedo and drug coin thats it.

Bashing on eth tech from xmr perspective is so funny you dumb mofo.

Worst thing -I bet you I jave more xmr than you so you are poor to.


>> No.4575364
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>PC isn't designed to be a calculator
>literally what a computer is designed to do and does

>> No.4575370

>it will be both, and it will actually scale unlike whatever culty coin you are shilling
lol how the fuck is Ethereum ever gonna be fungible, you retard? Do you even understand what fungible means, kiddo?

>> No.4575479

Kind of unrelated idk, I havnt read the thread I just want to post this somewhere.

How do I short BTC/USD/Global currencies using Crypto. Do I buy up heaps of Monero and Eth and Hedge against the former? I would like some opinions here.

Although I also own BCH, I do not think that is the answer I am looking, BCH, in my opinion is only a half ass answer to my question and I think will face more or less the same issues in the future...

>> No.4575555

is your ant brain not able to discern between a calculator and a PC

you are the moron emphazising on 'designed for', when it literally means nothing if one is a superset of the other

brainlets, everywhere

don't understand enough about how privacy will work on ETH to say for sure, but it's coming, and that will provide a level of fungibility

I don't even consider it an important factor anyway; I rather have scalability and no fungibility over fungibility and no scalability

>> No.4575634

There won't be any "level of fungibility", it won't be any more fungible than BTC. Wasted digits

>> No.4575687

this dude is kinda right eth might be a better currency (that bitcoin) : 2% inflationary, but imo, best currency = fiat

>> No.4575704

I couldn't give a fuck anyway, I'm not a drug dealer. It's an arbitrary trait used as a selling point, it's not crucial to the success and use of a coin, scalability is.

>> No.4575713
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You sound like you know a lot about IT.

>> No.4575716

and if private transactions were to exist on ETH, you could whitewash your cocaine money with those anyway

>> No.4575726

HAHAHAHAHAHHAH its so hilarious that these people exist. Unable to cope with reality.

>> No.4575742

T-the rise was all tether! No, this was all coming out of new users on coinbase.

>> No.4575757

Optional privacy doesn't count, idiot

>> No.4575777


it's a global pyramid scheme, i never expected that the government would allow it to keep going and even get in on it themselves

>> No.4575819

you sound like you need help getting dressed in the morning

fungibility only matters in a world where people care about fungibility

why would I care about fungibility if I could just clean my Ether with optional privacy?

>> No.4575852

>fungibility only matters in a world where people care about fungibility
Are you trolling, or are you just so retarded that you don't understand both money and computation?

>> No.4575987
File: 145 KB, 1913x653, ss+(2017-11-22+at+09.43.59).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ethereum isn't designed to be a currency!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pic related


>> No.4576030

You don't even realize what Ether tokens are for do you?

>> No.4576060

does link really require a token? even if it doesnt, it certainly shouldn't be that valuable.

>> No.4576068


>> No.4576083

I can't make it any more clearer for you. I'll give it one last go because you're so persistent:

if something is designed for a purpose, but has properties of other things implicitly, it does not invalidate those properties

do you follow? I sure hope so

>> No.4576092

in case you weren't aware, BTC transactions can have multiple inputs/outputs. check those charts for the "Sent in USD". ETH transactions tend to be much smaller.

>> No.4576119
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>>Please don't lump XMR with pajeet shitcoins like ETH and LINK
>You srs? All you see for crypto is transactions? I mean i know its pretty "cool" to shit on LINK lately but are you really fudding smart contracts in general when even multi-billion IT companies recognize its importance and potential usage?
Tfw fags defend shitcoins like this with much passion

>> No.4576144

I hold BTC, ETH, XMR and XLM.

Works just fine so far.

>> No.4576192

ETH can be much more anonymous than monero.
It's true that monero has encrypted amounts by default, that's nice. Yet it has nearly no transactions which means mixing is hardly doing anything.
Not many people know how this works, but monero is encrypted amounts + limited mixing (3 possible origins of which one is the true one). It's not truly anonymous. You need to 'churn' (ie. resend your amount) at least three times over a period of several days ideally.
Anything less and you only get a false sense of security.

Only zcash's shielded transactions (or whatever the name is) are truly anonymous.

Ethereum has the opcodes needed for zcash's full anonymity. It's going to function as a mixer - but it's going to be a much better mixer than monero if it gets a comparable amount of transactions, which isn't that hard.

I would like ethereum to get encrypted amounts as a fundamental option though. Maybe someday.

>> No.4576194
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Which guys you think were the early users of BTC?

>> No.4576225
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>> No.4576244

noob question here.

will lightning network ever be implemented? or its just an excuse used by normies?

>> No.4576252

To add - the currency that's used ONLY by criminals is a losing proposition. It's begging to be banned.

That's true but the idea is Metcalfe's law, that the value of a network grows quadratically with number of users. That's because there's that many potential connections.
Also there are rumors that coinbase is going to add eth merchant support soon. Right not btc is pointless for normal transactions. You can send eth for 0.3 cents.

>> No.4576293

Sold at 8k m8 and now your mad. Fuck off back to your ripple and NEO and let me know how you go next year with your piss weak gains.

BTC Might be outdated but it's the only coin being shilled by the mainstream media. Your a fucking drop kick if you're not on this hype train. It's the communities fault it keeps getting forked it has nothing to do with BTC itself.

>> No.4576316

LN on btc doesn't scale. Why is a complex technical thing, but it boils down to the fact that channels can't be topped up. So normal usage is actually going to be cheaper (in terms of block fees) without LN than with it.
All demos gloss over that fact. They only show the cool stuff that assumes sufficiently funded channels already exists.

What LN actually does is allow instant transfers at the cost of MORE space taken on the blockchain.

There's a reason LN is taking so long. It was supposed to be released in 2016. The expectations are impossible to satisfy so they are delaying as long as they can.

>> No.4576369

whats your background?

>> No.4576379

well well well, looks like we've arrived at this point again. Where another poor soul finally realizes that crypto is a scam because you can't cash out.

You LITERALLY can't fucking cash out. Seriously, try it. You wasted all your money on internet bucks. There is no way to convert it back to fiat. All those "exchanges" that claim to deposit your money into your bank? Those are scams, the deposit never goes through. All those people saying it isn't a scam? They're shills for the scam "exchanges."

Anyone who tries to refute this post is a scammer shilling for scammy exchanges.

>> No.4576409

I'm a developer with a long-time interest in cryptocurrencies.

>> No.4576410


I've been sending btc from Poloniex to my wallet and my wallet to a site that sells for euros for a long time ......

It works perfect :/.

>> No.4576421

>He thinks that in a world of bottomless toxic debt, offsheet accounting, offshore tax dodges, state level money laundering, quantitative easing, government corruption and negative interest rates, the one big financial question that needs addressing is how to buy a coffee over the internet.

At what point did you realise you were part of the normie invasion, op?

>> No.4576461


>> No.4576503

So you are a developer, yet you know absolutely nothing about XMR and keep making false statements.

>> No.4576536

doesn't matter what YOU think
you dont have billion of dollars to invest in shit coins, the normies that only recognize BITCOIN do

follow the crowd and make money

>> No.4576537

>This is fucking stupid and you know it. This shitcoin was supposed to be a means of transaction and when that failed you fags tried to justify it as purely a store of value.
The glue developed for post-it was supposed to be permanent. It turned out to be something else but it still made them millions.

>> No.4576567

You're one of the Monero retards who read about fungibility on reddit and now firmly believes zksnarks are not fungible. LMAO. And the funniest part is you're SPREADING the message

>> No.4576568


we dont want these dipshit boomers to know how bad btc is, keep riding the btc bubble and accumulate better tech before this absolute shitcoin dies for good.

>> No.4576588

ohhh nooooooo

confirmed for being a full retard that doesnt know a thing about this topic.
classic btc cultist

sure thing federali ill still be sticking to the anonymous cryptos!

>> No.4576591

Please don't reply to retards. It's called zksnarks and MONERO DEVELOPERS who are actually not that stupid are planning to make it as a side chain to become anonymous which is really fucking hilarious

>> No.4576602
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I love xrp.
Xrp will do +4000% again when escrow is done.

>> No.4576628

So what is exactly is wrong? Do you even know the difference between ring signatures and confidential transactions?

>> No.4576664

Yea I know they use zk-snarks but they are called 'shielded addresses' in zcash

>> No.4576693

BTC can be used as a currency. It is being used by the biggest stores in Japan right now.

>> No.4576748

Ethereum has already rendered bitcoin obsolete.

I’m pretty sure now that the next world currency will in fact be ETH not bitcoin

>> No.4576936

I do, but you are the idiot here who doesn't know that the minimum ringsize for Monero is 5. Please keep up with Monero news instead of wasting your time sucking money skeleton's dick

>> No.4577132

40 minutes of googling and you found one irrelevant piece of information.
The slightly higher default changes nothing, it's still a mixer with few real transactions to hide in

>> No.4577204

It's not a mixer, idiot. Dash is a mixer.

>> No.4577269
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>please buy my shitcoin bags I lost my BTC on pump and dump scams

>> No.4577275
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BCHina bagholder

>> No.4577314

ETH is a corp token pajeet

>> No.4577454
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They can just make a new version of XMR. The code is open source.

Also, drug users aren't reallly criminals. The criminals are the lawmakers and regulatory agents, like doctors.

>> No.4577460

The point of ring signatures is to create a non-interactive mixer.
Dash and bitcoin have interactive mixers.

>> No.4578003

Bitcoin is fukked up: True

Bitcoin Cash fixes literally any of the issues with Bitcoin: false

>> No.4578027

please dont call it bitcoin
Blockstreamcoin is the name

>> No.4578091

>if I keep repeating it it will be true, in my mind

: bitcoiners

>> No.4578093

No pls call it Very Legacy Old Coin sirs

pls buy my bags, very good price

>> No.4578300

>mETHfag shill
stay mad, cuck

>> No.4578682

Why would they create a new version? That doesn't make sense at all.

>> No.4578715

BTC Donations

>> No.4578738

okay, we get it, you missed the train and want your shitcoins to dethrone the king so you can make it to lambo land.

eth is just a platform for shitcoin and scam ico's

xmr is on a collision course with AML

and link? link is vaporware, you mind as well rename it to sergey's stomach.

>> No.4578820

Ethereum is centralized and not immutable. Stop pretending it has any value of a decentralized and immutable currency.

>> No.4578877

I'm a computer scientist with a PhD and can therefore verify: You are fucking retarded.

>> No.4578912

WTF is aml?

>> No.4578928

honestly, who gives a shit if a coin is decentralized or not?
what matters is that you can move money around countries without leaving a trace.
also speed and gas are also important. right now bitcoin fails at all of those things

>> No.4578978

I hold LINK and ETH to sell to multi billion dollar corporations for a premium later because they will really need it.

>> No.4579003

Anti-Money-Laundering. laws, regulations and protocols.

>> No.4579047

Bitcoin has huge industry around it and even normies know what it is. What your copy-paste shitcoin have? Absolutely nothing.

>> No.4579066

>honestly, who gives a shit if a coin is decentralized or not?
It's the most important feature, the only thing that gives the basis for the trust and high value. If it's centralized it's illegal like e-gold which was busted by feds. The Eth foundation is breaking all kinds of different laws including operating a money transmitter business without a state money transmitter license like e-gold.

>> No.4579076

actually bitcoin is the worst coin in every possible metric.

>> No.4579091

>What your copy-paste shitcoin have?

Better technicals than BTC that's for sure

>> No.4579096

it is a big chunk pre-mined jew token trying to centralize a market that is build on the founding myth of decentralisation and with idealistic neckbeards holding billions of shekel. It will be like anuda shoa with eth. First the yid loses to neckbeards in the battle for video game hegemony, then they losing in the US election against neckbeards and finally they are going to lose against neckbeards when it comes to Shekel organization.

>> No.4579121

Current state of bitcoin is irrelevant. When lighting network is live, 80% of your shitcoins will be useless and worthless, even BCH.

>> No.4579131

They won't, they can build their own tech, they don't need your little toy tokens.

>> No.4579140

me too god this board is pathetic.

>> No.4579201


I genuinely believe all the BTC forks are eventually gonna hurt the Bitcoin brand as a whole

>> No.4579229

>when you don't even know that Monero was written from scratch

>> No.4579246
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you don't need donations

>> No.4579256

Remind me, is that in 18 months or 36 or...?

Bitcoin will never be anonymous, they cannot even agree on the blocks size. Fucking lol. Monero will always have a place, because the developers are extremely competent and the community is very active. If you can't see this you're fucking blind.

>> No.4579272

everyone knows it's shit you dumb nigger, but it's way better than fiat and way easier to buy than anything else, stupid faggot. use your fucking head.

>> No.4579304
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Poorfag detected

>> No.4579335

why would xmr be targetted? legit wondering

>> No.4579445

technically impossible for third parties to know about transactions and balances with a little bit of infosec. Always plausible deniability when it comes to third parties trying to peg transactions to you.

>> No.4579464

salty is as salty does

>> No.4579466

>muh ETH conspiracy

>> No.4579480

that is not how these memes work

>> No.4579499

that's not how the meme works...

>> No.4579514

because it's very design is to be anonymous. bitcoin can comply with regulations because you can see the transactions. registering wallets with identities and so on and such forth. bitcoin has the ability to comply with modern laws, monero does not.

>> No.4579527

Oy! How dare you call money skelly's electro cash a pajeet coin.

>> No.4579572

Fuck you anon

>> No.4579718
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There's a lot of smart Boys in this thread I just hope you are smart enough to buy a couple of these while it's still under 100

>> No.4579773

love how deluded you linkies are to include it along side eth and xmr. cope more.

>> No.4579799

are you ok? are you retarded?

>> No.4579952

>Appeal to vanity
oh lord, even the /pol/ shills have more sophisticated marketing methods than the whole of /biz/pajeets

>> No.4580057

>when lighting network is live
how do you know if lightning network even exists?