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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 127 KB, 345x337, Neckbeards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4574652 No.4574652 [Reply] [Original]

To celebrate Bitcoin almost reaching 10k, let's dig up ancient threads to find out what anons thought about it back then.

The only archive available that actually has such old threads is a piece of shit that doesn't have a search function, so you have to search for them manually, help me out.


Link the threads you find here

>> No.4574703

That sounds like work.

>> No.4574730

No. I had an old trip on /g/ and half of the bitcoin bashing back in '10 came from me.

Fuck, I probably used the term "buttcoin" more than anyone else on /g/ back then

>> No.4574753

lmao, did you buy any or did you really think it was that shit?

>> No.4574779

warosu is far better for this shit. Oddly enough, this archive only goes back to mid 2010 so I couldn't find my autistic rialing against bitcoin (most of which was done in 2009 and spring 2010)

Found this mega thread >>/g/thread/S21988168

>> No.4574837
File: 181 KB, 1749x842, btc thread1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought Warosu only went back to 2012, much better indeed

This is the earliest archived mention of Bitcoin in the archive, that anon better be rich now

>> No.4574855
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>> No.4574883
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One of the earliest threads


>> No.4575005

I remember this shit.. Why didn't I listen.

>> No.4575028



I used to spend all my time on /g/ and ignored it all like a retard

>> No.4575045

>tfw you where in those threads

>> No.4575053


there aren't enough wojaks in existence for this one

>> No.4575065
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>> No.4575095

Jesus anon relax its all gonna be ok just let mommy tuck you in she brought you warm tendies and milkies

>> No.4575111

Found any wallets?

A guy from that thread

>> No.4575146

that's the same one I found. Seems he abandoned it with 0.05 bitcoins left in it(over $450 at present prices)

>> No.4575163
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This guy, holy fuck

>> No.4575170

>bunch of faggots arguing with each other

hmm, not much has changed

>> No.4575194

Guy said he runs an exchange. Wonder what hes up to now.

>> No.4575263
File: 35 KB, 1114x350, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope this guy is rich now

>> No.4575272
File: 94 KB, 635x457, 1511611250153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these are funny, but kinda depressing.
I'm glad I never had that kind of experience. Hopefully one day this works out for us all and we can help the ones we care about.

>> No.4575279

he's definitely not rich since he couldn't cash out

>> No.4575284
File: 63 KB, 800x800, flat,800x800,075,t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw if this guy still has his 200+ bitcoins he spent $200 on

>> No.4575297

Kek people calling bitcoin wallets and mining software a virus

>> No.4575336
File: 448 KB, 1055x726, w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So back then a $180 card mined $15 worth of bitcoin / day?


>> No.4575339

FUD has always been with us.

>> No.4575406
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Not from /g/ but I'll upload it anyway.

>> No.4575410

he had 5btc in this address
if you follow the chain, it appears this person might have at least 15000 bitcoin, and his last activity may have been even this week, so we he was a hodler through and through

>> No.4575444

Heres an early ETH thread


>> No.4575454
File: 6 KB, 232x230, 1509062013397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


People calling Bitcoin a bubble at $1

>> No.4575473

yeah but my fucking nvidia gtx560 brand new was too inefficient because of the hardware architecture. AMD luckily created their cards in a way which suited mining

that's why i'm not a whale..

>> No.4575482

holy shit all those guys with 100+ btc :p

Really really hope they kept it.

>> No.4575490

Fuck. I hope you guys can find the community bitcoin mining pool threads. The OP fucking scammed us out of a whole block. About $1k at the time, half a million today.

>> No.4575492

Imagine setting a farm back then, and I'm not even talking about holding the coins

ROI in 12 days for each card, then pure profit

>> No.4575499

Difficulty increased in June that year by a lot, so maybe that guy had 1-2 more months of easy gains.

>> No.4575505

>one day this works out for us all
>capitalist society

>> No.4575563
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>> No.4575565
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>> No.4575571
File: 271 KB, 1006x737, 34343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is hilarious


>> No.4575607

This legit reminds me of LINK threads. Brb putting another few thousand into link

>> No.4575755
File: 85 KB, 1355x650, IN WHAT WOLRD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From that thread.

>> No.4575779
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>> No.4575825
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Holy shit, it's like reminisce old ex.
I still remember arguing in those threads too.
>mfw 0 in crypto till today
Thanks OP for feels.

>> No.4575858
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>> No.4575883

4chan didnt change. look biz, panicking victims of whales all over, buying high selling low all the time with mom's money.

that and not investing in powr for holding even though we are at the bottom of the dip. LUL

>> No.4575912

to be honest you find those retards again here saying the same exact of bullshit even though they are just broke, bitter and young retards.

i kind of understand why bin laden did what he did now we really a bunch of fags when you look at the majority. stupids fucks

>> No.4575925
File: 21 KB, 558x520, dsfgsfdh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4575941

>tfw I was the main shill in that thread

>> No.4575988

we will be looking at the nolinker threads the same way in a year

>> No.4576038

Holy fuck I remember this.

Reminds me of Ark threads

>> No.4576051

We set the template

>> No.4576062

no, link will die like many other shitcoins that made it to top 100 then back to oblivion

>> No.4576071
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this anon probably commit suicide long ago

>> No.4576075
File: 39 KB, 750x279, IMG_2755.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that guy who said he forgot his password to access 2,000 ETH

I wonder how he feels now

>> No.4576084
File: 216 KB, 1754x450, 1509617728786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Already cashed out
I think I'll wait as long as it takes to never care about how much money I spend again

>> No.4576114

looks like the modern LINK threads

>> No.4576118

All of us on /biz/

>> No.4576260

Good to reminisce. But the future is where it's at!

>> No.4576836
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>> No.4577309

Funny thing is that anons are doing the same shit today with LINK, REQ and others. Learn from this. Put some money you can afford to lose and hodl that shit. Don't be laugh fodder in a few years as those anons are now.

>> No.4578108

>tfw I was the OP
You paid for my daughter's cancer treatment and now she's perfectly healthy

>> No.4578173

After ETH there’s been nothing worth shilling for me.

It was that combination of a completely revolutionary idea and the will and resources to pull off the vision. I think ETH is on the cusp of realising that grand vision....Satoshis vision.

>> No.4578186

Bought 1000 for the lols
What is that shitcoin?

>> No.4578196


>> No.4578252
File: 26 KB, 431x415, bday_ferret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw their excitement at hitting $2

If only they knew, I hope some of them held until now.

>> No.4578414
File: 27 KB, 385x385, 1511008821795.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This whole Ethereum thing reminds me of Doge coin, which is why this board was created in the first place, to get us all out of /g/.

A couple people mine the hell out of it when it first gets created (usually the creator), then shill it extremely hard until it's value doubles, then the creator dumps everything and watches it crash.

This whole minor "coin" infrastructure is just a anonymous decentralized pump and dump scheme, that has worked way too many times.

All it takes it the knowledge of how to create a coin, some server space, and a couple friends to camp a couple websites.

>It's only a pump and dump by speculators. There is no doubt in my mind that the devs take ETH seriously, however, that means dick as far as the actual price is concerned. Look at Ripple for example. They have way more of a powerhouse in terms of banking connections, Google sponsorship, Ripple Labs employees from various Fortune 500, banks and federal reserves. They are also the closest technology wise with the creation of Codius and smart contracts. Yet the price of Ripple has remained pretty stable and low. I would say ETH has about a year or less until the value drops and levels off like Ripple did.
>Even the makers of Ethereum said it's a useless buy and hold because they will be engaging in huge inflation during the early years.
>This ethereum is, at best, a fools errand, and at worse an outright fraud.

OMG and Link fudders one year ago.

>> No.4578456

1-3 days to generate 50 bitcoin
