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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 187 KB, 1000x600, ark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4574394 No.4574394 [Reply] [Original]

That feel when you finally boarded the Ark before the storm...

Thank you anons for convincing me. (and that reasonable price)

Fucking Lisk disappointed, Ark better not do the same.

>> No.4574422

i'd like to thank the guy who spread the word in april

>> No.4574440
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I cant believe I ignored it

at least I bought at a reasonable price (37k) r-right?

>> No.4574454

Redpill me on Ark.

Why do you all love it so damn much, and how should I acquire if I'm only on normiebase? Buy BTC there, then use Changelly or something to shoot it into a private wallet?

But again, and more importantly, why do you all jerk your dicks so hard for this thing?

>> No.4574455


>> No.4574459

never too late, bought some more last night.
The more you stake the more you earn

>> No.4574469

Ark is a more professional, cheaper Lisk. If you saw Lisks presentation earlier it was garbage put together sloppily and it was valued at 100k. We're at 37k right now (stable price range) and they have a mobile wallet coming soon (98% complete)

>> No.4574472

In exactly 3 days, you will cry, while I fap to my $8 Arks

>> No.4574486


>> No.4574493

What's the price projection once ARKVM and push button blockchains are out?

>> No.4574494

Why 3 days, sir?

>> No.4574497

>The more you stake the more you earn
What staking % is the return yearly?

>> No.4574498

A perfectly good summary, ty.

OH FUCK IT'S 12:22 WHERE I AM. Those are my angel numbers! I'm getting on this shit for sure.

>> No.4574509

No one knows, because we can't see the future, but imo it will be around $50 by that time, minimum.

>> No.4574511


>> No.4574518

25% of my portfolio in, feeling comfy af

>> No.4574542

I got a semi now. Anyone more deluded with price projections? I need at least $100 ARK to retire.

>> No.4574556

damn just realised 100$ ark will give me 100$ bucks for free everyday lmao.

>> No.4574562

I say $50, and call me deluded, but that's honestly a conservative estimate. If they can pull off what they aim to do this upcoming year, it's quite literally going to be the next ETH. But better.

>> No.4574568

Fuck it guys I bought .2 btc more, going to have a total of 1000 ark I hyped myself up too much.

>> No.4574574

Depends how much you stake. Just join biz_classic, its has a calculator and a faucet

>> No.4574579

I put $50 dollars in ark as my first entry to alt coins. went down to 30$ and has been floating around 40-60$ ever since (3-4 months). Currently 56$ so 6 dollar profit if i sell now. I have never seen such a stable coin. Just moon already or die.

>> No.4574617

>it's another poorfag noobie thinking he's going to get rich overnight

You realize that even if Ark hits $300, you'll only have $5,000, right?

Which is good, don't get me wrong. Just stop being impatient and greedy when you have close to nothing in the game, and it's your first rodeo.

>> No.4574668

maybe 5000 is a lot to him. Wealth is pretty relative

>> No.4574695

That's true.

I'm just saying the "moon already or die" mindset doesn't work. I held ETH at a loss for a year before it exploded. It's just a matter of picking promising investments and waiting.

>> No.4574706

That's how you took my comment? Crypto is just a hobby of mine. It's not a get rich quick scheme. If was in it for the "get rich overnight" i certainly wouldn't put it in ARK. And obviously a larger volume would be needed. Congrats on pointing out the obvious. Must of been tough.

>> No.4574732

>If was in it for the "get rich overnight" i certainly wouldn't put it in ARK
And where would you put it, o, wise one?

>> No.4574777

>must of

Some people have fucktons of money in this. So don't come in here waving your peanuts around and whining about how you can only buy a happy meal with your profits.

>> No.4574830

Literally anywhere but ark. My previous comment should of made that clear.
Hey man. I hope ark moons for you. I just hope you're not over looking other coins because you're dead set on ARK.

>> No.4574838

I don't take shitty advice from poorfags. Thanks though.

>> No.4574843
File: 1012 KB, 240x180, biz_classic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're not done yet, stop shilling this coin especially at a precious time like this. Stay focused on BTC for now, you can stroke each other with ARK when the dust settles with BTC.

>> No.4574845

>Literally anywhere but ark
Like where?

>> No.4574886

>should of

>> No.4574952

vot, bis, wtc, tnt, hell i would put it in req/link if i was looking for a gain better than ark. But don't over look bth vs btc if you have enough volume to invest.

>> No.4574971

Why is Ark specifically the worst investment to make? Since you said you would pick anything but Ark

>> No.4574972

The stinky linky finally showed his true colours

>> No.4574977
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>I don't take shitty advice
>From poorfags

>> No.4574978

Well now we know why you only have $50

>> No.4575008


>> No.4575017

obviously ark isn't the worst investment. You could buy women coin (which is probably better kek). I like ark, though. I"m in their fantasy pick'em league for football. If you want to buy and hold then buy ark (smartbridge technology.jpg) lol enjoy your bags.

>> No.4575026

Ok, why is Ark specifically a bad investment compared to other coins?

>> No.4575050

Why the fuck would we listen to a guy just getting into crypto, who has $50, who recommends the shittiest of shitcoin, who can't even write a proper sentence?

>> No.4575059

Like i said it's just a hobby for me. Put $50 bth at .01 and sold at .36. Wtc i put 200 in and came out with 400$ (forgot the sat amount). I kind of get the deluded arkie meme now. You guys are hopeless.

>> No.4575080

Give me an actual reason not to invest in Ark that isn't "other coins are better" or an insult

>> No.4575133

>that isn't "other coins are better"
Well by that standard, I don't have a "reason". Maybe stop putting faith in one coin and research others?

>> No.4575135

>i of doubled my peanuts on a PnD
>listen to my advice you deluded arkies!!!

>> No.4575142

Ark is a store of value. Do you want your $50 to be worth $50 in 3 months time.

>> No.4575153

The fact that you keep weasling around a straight answer is very telling. I've been asking you to name some downsides to Ark in multiple posts but you've yet to tell me any

>> No.4575225
File: 33 KB, 480x469, DMEmPFNVQAA2Skx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here I'll tell you his thought process for him because forming it is too hard for him:

Other coins are currently doing better and he sees the gainz of PnDs and has decided they make more money than holding ark. He doesn't care what potential individual coins have for the future or why you should invest in them, only what will make money today, as shown by his impatience for a moon. Because of this he doesn't understand anything about ark and thinks smart bridges are a meaningless buzzword for shills and that since ark has done nothing so far it never will.

Perhaps once he has lost his money after getting dumped on he'll be the next pink wojak poster, who knows

>> No.4575230
File: 48 KB, 924x560, 1510263286557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>smart bridge technology.
>It's not me that's wrong.....it's the market.....
>w-wales are accumulating
enjoy your bags.

>> No.4575543

feels good getting in for 16k sats back in may

>> No.4575562
File: 487 KB, 382x720, 232030130141.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been making some money with other altcoins so I can add to my Ark stack. Feels kind of good. The goal is to get 2500 ARK in the near term.

>> No.4575608
File: 1.21 MB, 1147x641, Palindrome get.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya know, every time an ARK thread is posted several autists cram in to say that ARK is just a memecoin or some shitcoin and we'll be left holding bags.

Meanwhile, /biz/ has also posted relentlessly about LINK, POWR, and even shitcoins like BITBEAN in the past.

Either this is being done on purpose to keep the price of ARK low so that more accumulating can happen, or /biz/ really is populated by pink wojacks that love buying high and selling low with shitcoins.

>> No.4575691
File: 145 KB, 731x943, 432eda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How it feels to hold 2800 Arks. Don't become an Arkie, don't be deluded.

>> No.4575960

Sorry you bought ATH and only joined this summer.

I have made over 30k with ARK alone.

>> No.4576015

It feels fucking amazing when you bought that in May.

Learn to hodl m8

>> No.4576311
File: 113 KB, 750x1334, ADCE1416-8901-49DE-826B-E980D2E1F840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag here

How do I buy Ark and other coins?
I don’t get it

I wanna spread $300 evenly across the others on this like and hold for a few years.

>> No.4576353

You make an account on a cryptocurrency exchange, and then send your Bitcoin or ETH to the wallet on it. From there you can buy and sell a wide variety of different altcoins. There is a bit of a learning curve to it, so be careful and read some tutorials before you do any buying.

Some popular ones include Bittrex, Binance, and Poloniex (I'm not a fan though).

You can also use shapeshift.io to turn your Bitcoin or Eth into some of the coins they have listed there.

>> No.4576785

What's the point in connecting blockchains?

>> No.4576797

>Learn how
>To greentext

>> No.4576806
File: 202 KB, 599x969, IMG_2618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4576835

because networking/bridging in computers his pretty huge
each chain can run independently, but they can still be connected together w/o sacraficing the uniqueness of each blockchain

>> No.4576852

So ARK is an ETH competitor without Smartcontracts?

>> No.4576881
File: 77 KB, 750x1233, IMG_2756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will have smart contracts with the release of ArkVM.

>> No.4576883

competition isn't a bad thing
hell, most crypto is in competition w/ eachother
but just like computers, there will always be the apples, the microsofts, the dells, the hp's, etc
there will always be several around, but some will make it more bigly than others
from what i think
eth = microsoft
ark = apple

>> No.4576933

Competition is definitely not a bad thing- it's actually one of the best things for innovation. It's just that ETH's selling point is its smartcontracts- I don't see the particular value of distribution of centralised blockchains on a decentralised network in the current ecosystem.
This is one of those products that requires support to succeed vs many products that will succeed with or without support.

Interesting. Are there any use case examples of connecting blockchains outside of the banking example talked about in >>4576806 ??

>> No.4577005


Best way to get ark

Get eth

Sign up for binance account

Transfer eth there

Buy ark

Withdraw ark to desktop wallet found on ark.io

Go to votes tab in ark wallet and vote for biz_classic delegate to get free ark

>> No.4577038
File: 208 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171125-203135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whattt have i become
my sweetest friend
Every gain i have
is offset by Ark in the end
you can have it a
my Ark pile worth less than dirt
Ark will wreck your portfolio
Ark will make you hurt

>> No.4577066

Could someone be so kind as to tell me why Ark is so good?

I've avoided it for so long because I only remember its p&d days when it was a total shitcoin.

>> No.4577110

I want ~10k ark for this reason. If it hit $1,000 that would be gravy.

>> No.4577161

Why? What's so special about ARK? Does it pay dividends or something?

>> No.4577187

Mining is limited to the top 51 voted for miners. In return for keeping good people in that top 51 and bad people out, people that have voted for someone currently in the top 51 get a % of what they mine.
This isn't perfectly accurate but close enough for you to get the right idea.

>> No.4577194

its just contrarian trolling for yous its what we do here especially in ark threads

>> No.4577241

Sounds like the best approach, so if I buy $300 of ETH on Coinbase I can split it up into alts?
Is it just as easy as that?

Sorry anon I could just really use a spoon feed on this, been lurking for a while but no one ever explains this shit properly.

>> No.4577247

There's no financial or market pressure to use ARK over ETH or many other alternatives.

>> No.4577254

Also please respond to >>4576933 if you have any answers

>> No.4577256

Shapeshift is fucking retarded with transaction fees. Use as a last resort. I just Bittrex everything desu.

>> No.4577284

Oh I see so it's Delegated Proof of Stake.

So if you had 10k ARK and it was valued at $100, would you be able to comfortably live on that?

>> No.4577307

At current rates from some of the delegates possibly. Not well, not from the income alone, but you could probably live off it. I think right now ~4k, maybe ~4.5k Ark will get you around 1 Ark per day. So 10k, 2+ Ark per day, $200 a day is alright. But rewards are divided up among the people staking for the miner, so if it becomes way more popular its possible it will dilute?


>> No.4577325

Would a fully functioning ark allow use it's chain to qualify for like-kind exchanges in the eyes of the IRS? That's where I see massive potential.

>> No.4577330

i second this with bittrex
there should be good guides/videos on starting up a bittrex, and how to buy/sell coins of your wanting on there
i use it all the time, as it's my favorite w/ their selection of coins

>> No.4577349

Bittrex +1 volume is good and on the increase, lots of coins, and they work with the 3 letter agencies as needed, which tells me they won't get shut down anytime soon (or any sooner than any other exchanges that is)

>> No.4577464

Thanks lads, best of luck on your moon missions