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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4569545 No.4569545 [Reply] [Original]

Live in a country with relatively high cost of entry into crypto, no real way to get money to an exchange outside of localbitcoins which is expensive and inimidating. I can wire transfer to Bitstamp and the fees are alright if I'm doing large amounts, but get cost prohibitive for anything small.

Lots of normie/poorfags use facebook marketplace here - wildwest type stuff for people who can hardly use a keyboard. I was thinking I could make a bunch of paperwallets preloaded with BTC/ETH and laminate them then sell them on facebook marketplace for a high markup with an information sheet on how to use them.

Advertise with all the crypto buzzwords and such - Bitcoin went from $1000 to $10k in 2017, get in now before it's too late." Sell it as a buy to hold and invest kind of scenario.

I'd use any profits to provide more crypto capital.

Tell me why this is a shitty idea /biz/

>> No.4569562

Good luck in jail

>> No.4569610

it's shitty because they can transfer the BTC then claim it was you who did the transfer ... because you had previously seen the private keys