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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4568325 No.4568325 [Reply] [Original]

Is the accounting and finace career path a meme? I'm thinking of changing my major from STEM, I hate it and it honestly seems like a dead end. I like statistics and makin mad moneh

>> No.4568342

accounting major here
switched from biochem

should have done finance instead

>> No.4568392

How is it? Was it an easy transition? Is the work interesting or just soul-crushing?

>> No.4568462

finance mba here. there's a huge difference between corporate finance and investment finance, as you are probably aware. a finance degree may help you land a job in an investment firm, but math and economics are equally good degrees.
most investment banks will only look at you if you are from a great program and have connections...so, start networking. be aware that these jobs are going the way of the dinosaur, and most of the financial advisors out there are just salesmen. people 101 is more important than your degree in places like this.
if you want to be a quant, study computational finance at a place like cmu.
if you want to be a trader...good luck...these jobs are almost dead. a good friend of mine who has been with deutsche for years on the derivatives desk said that everyone on wall st is paring personnel back big time. look at the cme...nobody in the pits aside from the computers.

>> No.4568563

Thank you for the advice, Ill take it into consideration

>> No.4568716

Do you have any advice for my grad major? I'm thinking of economics, is it a viable degree or just a meme?

>> No.4568854


it was a breeze
straight A's with minimal effort

was nothing compared to studying for organic chemistry shit (which i failed)

>> No.4568865

Accounting is underpaid for the amount of hours and the expense of education and certification and continuing education credits. Since the accounting department is a cost center, you also never get nice things from management like the revenue centers get. Blockchain also has the potential to make accounting as we know it obsolete.

>> No.4569092

That's interesting, I guess these days it's necessary to think about advancing technology. How much of accounting/finance departments are getting fazed out by computers, besides trading?