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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 37 KB, 400x400, Substratum-Icon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4567793 No.4567793 [Reply] [Original]

>up 150%
>literally no one on /biz/ is talking about it

And that's how you know this is going to be the next 10x moon mission. People will only start talking about everyone has missed the boat, because that's the way this board works.

>> No.4567809

i made like 3 threads about this after i stocked up

>> No.4567812
File: 92 KB, 342x241, 1511402974107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shh, nobody talked about powr as well

>> No.4567816


>> No.4567881

Wow one whole thread dedicated to a coin that is relevant due to net neutrality AND has a working product coming out in a month. Meanwhile 40 threads about LINK which is going to go into sub ten cents soon.

I'm done accumulating I don't really give a fuck

>> No.4567921

Yeah dude, welcom to /biz/... I'm here with you at 1k coins. Will probably buy a coupe hundred more

>> No.4567965

>buying into a crypto that has already seen a 150% rise in a short time
I too like to burn my money

>> No.4567999

I don't think you understand the implications of this project, and the timing of it...

>> No.4568011

This coin is literally the best, wish I bought more but im too scared to buy at an ATH

>> No.4568049
File: 1.01 MB, 1916x1076, moonlambo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought 50 the other night. Pic very much fucking related.

>> No.4568058


The problem with your assertion is that you think this is a P&D. Look at the fucking 3M and 1W. This is steadily growing coin. Look at the roadmap

>new site next week
>Beta in December
>launched product in Jan


>Net Neutrality vote certain to pass in Dec 14.

The rumor AND news will send this into overdrive.

>> No.4568109

only 50...

>> No.4568125

Stop shitting up my board discord faggots.
I'm a web developer and can tell you this is utter garbage that doesn't stand a chance of working.
Static pages are the only thing this would work for and those are already impossible to censor.
Dynamic pages require heavy backends on servers with enough storage and network bandwidth. Syncing dynamic websites across distributed low bandwidth PCs? Give me a break. It's difficult enough to deploy from a test server to production without major hangups, I can't even imagine what a clusterfuck debugging this project would be.

>> No.4568141

Nice just bought 100k

>> No.4568155

bought in the ico never selling. gonna make free sub in January when it launches comfy.jpg fuck the haters

>> No.4568200

Not only that, how are you going to get major sites to host a substratum node when the project is pretty much unknown to everyone and they have no real incentive to host besides a couple cents every day.

>> No.4568292

This, I bought in yesterday and thought I was dumb, but saw so much promise in it that I FOMO'd in again today and I'm already sitting on gains.

>> No.4568309

The sites dont host sub nodes, they are hosted on sub nodes, which can be anyone with excess bandwidth that wants a little cash

>> No.4568320

The fact that you are sitting on gains is testament to the coin’s success? Kindly fuck off.

>> No.4568335

You're going to be sorry

>> No.4568357

big mouths like you make it difficult to accumulate. everyone knew this coin was going to blow up. but your ego has to be the one to say i told you so in the end. right?

>> No.4568370

someone silence this FUD pls

>> No.4568373

Mmm.. I won't miss the 90% losses you'll sustain over 2 days.
There's about 20 fundamental reasons why this is a bad idea, and the site is done so shittily it won't even get idiot hype.
Drop your bags, your co-pumpers are going to dump on you at the first chance.

>> No.4568374

I'm up over 100% thanks to this coin but why is the whole net neutrality thing having an effect?

How does substratum keep NN?

>> No.4568391

It's already getting idiot hype... and what is going to cause the 90% inthe next two days... NN decision coming up, and a new website..

That's fine, keep fuding it up. I know you are just trying to get it cheaper.

>> No.4568397


I think you are just mad you sold early.

>> No.4568398

Retards are banking on the fact that met neutrality is going to be repealed and will drop this coin like fire when net neutrality is not repealed and the coin drops back down to .15

>> No.4568410

List the reason? Genuine interest not shilling.

>> No.4568474

Dude it's not even voted on until Decemebr 14th right? That's like 2 more weeks of 30% daily chains, only a fool wouldn't capitalize on this, and if you're so worried jsut cash out early. It's not priced in yet, and you're still here early buddy :-)

>> No.4568515

Net neutralilty is very unlikely to stay due to the jewish ISP that want their money along with the US government support to abolish it

>> No.4568524

>not priced in
And what are you basing this on? I only invest in projects I believe in and substratum is not one of them.

>> No.4568551

Fuck the moon. This shit is going to the next galaxy.

>> No.4568613

where do I even start?
Hosting a dynamic website is no cakewalk. for any decent website you're going to need a terabyte of space for storing scripts, database, etc.
What operating system are all these distributed nodes going to be running? No one will want to buy a server, they'll just want to use their PC.... even if they want to host a node for god knows why.
Windows 7? Vista? 10? Mac? Linux? Each OS you support exponentially increases support complexity.
each one you don't support limits the number of nodes that can run your site.

They claim they'll support .NET, django, and PHP. those aren't even the most popular stacks anymore and that alone is a huge task to accomplish.

And as soon as any of these techs update their technology (like they do every year), how does the project plan to upgrade to the latest versions? lol they won't even be able to keep up with just one of these.

you basically need a sysadmin or developer to deal with random issues that come up on one host, how are you going to deal with random issues on 10 different operating systems and 20 different versions of underlying hardware?

>> No.4568616
File: 518 KB, 960x640, IMG_0729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw SUB is up 180%
>mfw I only have 333 SUB

>> No.4568621

Can someone explain how this is meant to be used for anything other than static content?

To me, this is a CDN, but just on the blockchain, without any benefit.

Am interested in other peoples thoughts

>> No.4568626

It's not priced in because I haven't seen the hype train hit the reddit idiots yet. But I'm not trying to be a douche, could you please inform me on why you think this project doesn't have the merits to succeed?

I'm here to learn and/or get pointed in the right direction so I can teach myself, not to shill my bags.

>> No.4568646

Why are you in this thread? You are clearly interested in Substratum or just very salty to didn't buy in

>> No.4568680

Interesting anon, thank you. These were all things I didn't consider and ideally by tomorrow I can dispell your FUD, and if I can't then I shall withdraw my funds from this project. Thanks for your take on the project.

>> No.4568696

To be fair, he listed out explicit concerns that have yet to be addressed by any anon here. Anyone invested in this should be able to answer these questions, myself included.

>> No.4568698

>mooning like a motherfucker
>team is great and very active
>real world politics are sending this flying
>"I only invest in projects I believe in"

Are you retarded?

>> No.4568718


This is my thoughts as well. As well, I don't see how this will solve anything to do with Net Neutrality.

>> No.4568731

sucks being poor huh

>> No.4568755

>Hosting a dynamic website is no cakewalk
10 Terabytes isn't a lot. Hosting a website is very easy. Its like $200 for a 8TB hard drive.
>No one will want to buy a server
are you kiddin me? A serve is a computer, you don't need to, people literally host websites on their computer fine.
>Windows 7? Vista? 10? Mac? Linux? Each OS you support exponentially increases support complexity
You know as the project progresses they can hire more developers that are trained in this aspect right?
>And as soon as any of these techs update their technology (like they do every year), how does the project plan to upgrade to the latest versions?
As mentioned hire more devs
>you basically need a sysadmin or developer to deal with random issues that come up on one host
No you don't its not hardware it the software so as it will be the developer that fixes it.

>> No.4568783

Did you more advanced technical fellas look to answer these questions on the website?

I only skimmed bitcoin talk forums, as usually there's some genius that will BTFO of the shit projects (see IOTA for some keks), but everything I read was positve and none of these points were brought up.

So perhaps they have elegant solutions to these issues, I don't know. I'll have to research tomorrow.

>> No.4568797

based anon delivers with easier answers than I imagined, fuck I could've dispelled that FUd

but you didn't address the dynamic webpage stuff?

>> No.4568839

What? Its stored on your hard drive, its for server based stuff like Database php, you can run Microsoft Access, or MY SQL or some shit on some $1000 computer. Also Substratum is supposed to be decentralized so websites are hosted on multiple nodes meaning not all load is put on a single computer hosting a node

>> No.4568842

>Its like $200 for a 8TB hard drive.
to host a 1% return node? hmm....
>are you kiddin me? A serve is a computer, you don't need to, people literally host websites on their computer fine.
Yeah... tell me what your ISP upload bandwidth is? Are you going to upgrade to server bandwidth for an extra $50 a month?
>You know as the project progresses they can hire more developers that are trained in this aspect right?
hmm yup I bet the project can afford the 2 dozen devs they'll need to support all these
>As mentioned hire more devs for tech stacks
now we need 100 devs
>No you don't its not hardware it the software so as it will be the developer that fixes it.
bugs affect different OS's differently. It's a lot of work to write platform agnostic code, so most shops stick to supporting one OS.
Who is going to configure the firewall settings, database security when someone sets up their node? There is NO way to automate this. Even when you're supporting just one OS & stack, you never catch every little bug that can pop up.

>> No.4568873

just sold half, covered my initial investment in 6 days
keeping the other half in there to see where it goes, i like what i've seen and think it has potential but holding more bitcoin is just more important right now

>> No.4568886


For sure, do your own research. As I mentioned above, good for static content (news sources). I asked the question above, hoping someone could answer my question, but no one has.

Just be wary of putting too much into it, in the hope of it becoming a long term thing. Might be good for trading on the dip

>> No.4568918

I bought 25, when do I get my lambo?

>> No.4568943
File: 39 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there you go

>> No.4568978

>to host a 1% return node? hmm....
Blockchains, it will be spread out on multiple nodes
>Yeah... tell me what your ISP upload bandwidth is? Are you going to upgrade to server bandwidth for an extra $50 a month?
$50 a month is nothing when you're getting lots of users
>hmm yup I bet the project can afford the 2 dozen devs they'll need to support all these
What is outsourcing
>now we need 100 devs
Github, people can contribute and no we don't need 100 devs. As the project goes on there will be much more support for the project and outsiders will know of substratum. Since the code is on Github people and the community can contribute for free, which is what actually happens
>bugs affect different OS's differently. It's a lot of work to write platform agnostic code, so most shops stick to supporting one OS.
Look at how many softwares out there that just support so many OS out there even with bugs they are minor and can be slowly fixed over time
>Who is going to configure the firewall settings, database security when someone sets up their node?
Wtf this is so easy
>There is NO way to automate this
of course not because you can make instructions and user manual and technical guides
> you never catch every little bug that can pop up.
WHAT IS GITHUB people can report problems

>> No.4569041

Also I'd like to add on substratum price will explode, the project developers can easily hire or outsource. It seems like you're just trying too hard to say this project is too hard to do and ambitious, its ambitious and hard but look at microsoft, they started with DOS just a command line and they built up over time and became one of the biggest companies. Substratum will be the same and they're already in the early stages of development. No matter what when you're an investor you always have risks as problems can occur over the long run.

>> No.4569081

imagine what 4chan would be like on this platform
>no nodes because the costs vs returns aren't worth it
>nearest node is in albania
>posting doesn't work on this node because of PHP bug #140273 with mysql running on debian kernel 8
>the host has no idea how to fix it, nor cares, he doesn't want to spend time fixing it for $2 a day
>half of the posts don't show up because of syncing errors
>posts don't show up in the same order on anyone's browser

>> No.4569118

Now you're just speculating when when the beta isn't even released yet, jesus the amount of FUD on this project really shows the amount of interest and people discussing Substratum. You people do know what this means for this project right?

>> No.4569134

Sometimes it's difficult to find the time with 10,000 projects mooning every day. I bought into this because I like mycology (substrate) and a decentralized network sounded cool, but I had no fucking idea other than that.

I've had my run reading about P2P networks and stuff, but it's scary how fast you have to decide sometimes. I just thought if I buy into this hype this early, others will later, and I by then I'll know if I want to keep it or not. I guess that's just part of the game at times though.

Anyhow, you sem more knowledgable than myself, did you feel like the FUD was addressed well enough here: >>4568755

I feel the response: >>4568842 , was rather lackluster. So I'm a little unsatisfied.

>> No.4569159

Suit yourself. I just enjoy thinking about the idea. Don't bother listening to professionals, greedy pump anons are better to listen to.

>> No.4569222

I don't see anything proffesional coming out of your post, what made you say "no nodes because the costs vs returns aren't worth it" how do you know this when we don't even have nodes out yet? You're speculating on so much bullshit, there no nodes out YET, how can you know this? You don't know the return cost or how much for a node yet, "posting doesn't work on this node because of PHP bug #140273 with mysql running on debian kernel 8" sigh I don't even...The rest of your lines just makes me what to say how did you come up with those statements? These devs are delivering their beta already and you're saying they won't be bothered fixing a bug?

>> No.4569271

I'm new to crypto. Where can I buy?

>> No.4569305

This, I gave him way too much "professional web dev" doubt. I'm barely /tech/ at all and I could've defeated that fudster. I think he's obviously pissed because he knew the project early and didn't get in early for gains.


>> No.4569345

check coinmarketcap

>> No.4569347

They already confirmed support for both MySQL and dynamic pages

They have millions literally reserved to just spend on marketing when the time is right, do your fucking research lazy prick

Just watch the fucking interviews to learn how it works retard

>> No.4569386
File: 1.24 MB, 1284x770, SUBsitePreview.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related new website preview

>> No.4569387

binance, hurry. don't even counter fomo on this, it's not dipping unti DEcember 14th at earliest. I almost didn't byu in yesterday cuz fomo (I never buy when somethings up 20%) but I'm damn glad I did. This hasn't hit the real hype train yet so I'd still say you're early, I think we'll be pushing $0.9 in two weeks

>> No.4569422

Static content is great. 90% of all websites should be exclusively static but there is just not many widely adopted good tools to create such sites yet. You can still connect to a remote database if necessary for dynamic data and CRUD. There's many problems to solve with this approach but it could become at least a small niche in the market of static hosting.

>> No.4569444

Put $200 in to Sub 2 days ago and got $110 profit.

Just bought 1 Eth worth of it now since Eth is dropping while BTC is getting hyped for 10k, let's hope for more great returns.

>> No.4569722


3500 to 4200 in 5 minutes

>> No.4569747
File: 85 KB, 804x802, 1425720773388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've literally ignored this coin because its logo is so fucking awful. i ignored Antshares too because it was dumb

feels bad man

>> No.4569762

I'm accumulating on coss

>> No.4569781

What is the tip? There has to be a correction coming after this pump

>> No.4569793

every thread kek

is this a meme?

>> No.4569815

>hold coss
>passively accumulate a portfolio of shitcoins and moon missions


>> No.4569822


>> No.4569823

nice, just bought 100k

>> No.4569838

/biz/ only talks about shitcoins and spreads memes
No one comes here for real financial advice or good coins

>> No.4569893

The volume is too low for me to want to short desu.

Just gonna hold until 8k satoshi and sell part of my stack.

>> No.4569925
File: 43 KB, 680x579, 1504403054525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do. I want /biz/ to be a better place and better community overall. If everyone here would solve their financial problems and live up to their dreams I think this place might be nicer. So I only give honest advices and research extensively, sharing my finds with anons. I don't shill, I don't scam, I love seeing anons happy.

>> No.4569975

its hard to do so when you get called a pajeet for doing legit threads tho... its like /biz/ wants to stay poor and fling shit at you sometimes

>> No.4570078

I shilled quite a lot of coins in the past, I always predicted it right. Literally. At the time it was NULS KMD DCR POWR NEO (Just a week ago when it ran up 73%) then I lastly shilled SUB. I would actually use a tripcode but I will feel like chicken teeka from the PBC group.
Though since this is a SUB thread I'm not going to recommend coins other than SUB right now. Glad that I bought in this promising project. I've been day trading this coin when it was around 1700 sats and made myself hefty profits.

>> No.4570107

It's to be expected, after all this place is so full of them. Some people fail to realize that scamming each other at pnd is less profitable than working together for the good of all anons.

>> No.4570125

Jesus, 4375. Now to rebuy the correction

>> No.4570259

Prisoner's dilemma.

>> No.4570296

thanks guys

>> No.4570305

i've been into SUB ever since my nigga Data Dash talked about it. Feels good

>> No.4570435

i like datadash. too bad he sucks blockstream's cock.

>> No.4570506

Yeah, and they claim they are going to develop this technology is less than 2 months. I knew this was a scam from day one when they photoshopped their name onto some mac screenshot as proof of their product. I once asked them how it was supposed to work and they said:
"we store encrypted chunks of data on one blockchain, and which algorithm is used on each chunk on another blockchain for extra security"
It's all just a load of shit that they are making it up as they go along. I bet they never expected to get so many dumbasses to give them money so they are going to stretch this out as long as possible. They've already sold off tons of tokens. Such outright fraud I have been watching this shitshow for a while now and am amazed at how dumb people are, all their investors are shilling and pumping this crap.

>> No.4570553

Agreed. I think the CRUD application would be dependent on what data will be served. Anything to do with personal information may be torn apart by the EU if it doesn't meet certain standards, regardless of decentralized or not (There will always be big farms that will take most of the hosting)

I haven't looked into what he was saying. I don't think his concern is warranted, given the market *I* think that substratum is aiming for.

>> No.4570699

>They already confirmed support for both MySQL and dynamic pages
This is why this is so obviously a scam. How on earth is it even possible to decentralize a MySQL database? Imagine running SELECT * FROM `users` from a database that is stored on hundreds of laptops, how the fuck would they secure this even? And don't say encryption because the dynamic php script running on yet another laptop has to actually read the data to give you your webpage. And, how the fuck would they even run a php script when it's distributed on 12 different computers? include("config.php") would show the root database credentials, it is impossible to encrypt this in any way because the script has to actually run on some random users computer.

>> No.4571282


Got in at $0.15 about two months ago, thank you Data Dash.

>> No.4571333

I'm just letting you know, you're messing with a real NEET here and I'm going to make threads calling out your specific ID just to silence this FUD you're spitting after I do some hefty research. this is /ourcoin/


>> No.4571361

I do too. I come here to scan for good projects, but most of the time it's legit shilling. It wasn't always so blatant and bad.

POWR taught me a very important lesson on /biz/ - not to ignore every alt shilled here. I missed big gains (I wouldn't gone that heavy into it anyway), but still.

we should get IP flags like /pol/ and /int/

>> No.4571427


I don't know fuck all about this coin besides seeing a couple shill threads, but as an IT guy you do appear to know what you're talking about. I know very little about web development so I appreciate the heads up. Nice to see there's actually some legit bizraelis.

>> No.4571460


>people host websites on their home computers

Do you not know what "bandwidth" is you fuckin retard?

>> No.4571478

there's no uncertainty about it. This project will fail 100%.
and he brought up something even bigger that I didn't think about. There is zero security with a decentralized website. all the db credentials are needed on each node for anything to work.
database syncing is complicated enough with master slave architectures, distributed syncs are only in the realm of PhD research.
then all of this is assuming no one will attack the network. once anyone tries to attack the network, none of these websites will display what its supposed to.

>> No.4571479

>not holding and selling for even more bitcoin


>> No.4571511

Desperation fud
It’s fucking working already in beta
Keep saying the big words while we make the big money

>> No.4571520


Network engineer here.

to add to this, how the fuck are you going to run actual proper websites distributed across home internet links with potentially shitty performance.

>> No.4571554

Fuck this piece of shitcoin that only Suppoman community is holding. Don't give them anymore credit for the shit coin they choose.

>> No.4571574


yeah man, all coins that go up come down again before they go up again. People on this board just don't get it and only buy at the tip when they see a coin being successful and then freaks out and sells because they bought at the top and now they sell for a loss and come crying on this board. it happens every day, all day

>> No.4571578

>It’s fucking working already in beta
Put up or shutup, give the source code (not just a screenshot pls). A tweet from the shill team that says their beta is working is 100% meaningless. I can tweet that I solved time travel, just invest in my erc20 token to be a part of it.

>> No.4571655

I don't believe the intensity of your fud, but I can't refute it. I'm going to be doing extensive research while this thing keeps giving me daily 30%, because I think we have a long way until it corrects, but I pray I can counter this FUD so FUCKING HARD NIGGER I JUST WANT A LAMBO

>> No.4571714

>Suppoman community
kek, literally who?

>people on this board just don't get it
the silent majority does, I'm sure. I love the pink wojaks as much as anone lese, but don't think it's the majority of posters here. Just the angry, stupid minority

how do I become as hardened and tin foiled as you anon? I know a lot anons are shitting on you, but I wish I could talk to you on free node or something to really dissect this project and determine it's worth. It sounds cool, so I bought, but it's above my head, mostly. And yes I know this makes me stupid but I'm getting gains rn

>> No.4571872
File: 562 KB, 1085x764, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll put it this way. I'd rather go in on dogecoin with 10x leverage than touch this for a day.
Everyone who owns dogecoin at least knows its a joke.

This is the face of the team that is going to casually solve the distributed database problem, not as the focus of their project, but just as a side task they need to do to get it working. They might as well say they're going to provide proof that P != NP while they're at it.

>> No.4571950

So because they don't look like a bunch of typical nerds they aren't capable?

I'm of the honest belief that there is something more than meets the eye here... like, some sort of authoritative political influence...

>> No.4572193

Yeah connecting to any traditional database could be censored. The only way I can think of making censorship resistant data is by blockchain, which makes it slow and expensive.

I mean you are probably right but I would have said the same thing about bitcoin and ethereum on their early days.

I don't think they will solve decentralized trustless servers but if they did, that would be absolutely huge. For now I'm just riding the fomo and will cash out at some point.

>> No.4572213

Kevin is a mouth breather this is unsettling.

>> No.4572434

I'd still like an aggregate list of your most well articulated points and I'd like to refute them over the week and have you see what you think.

>> No.4572550

seems like an over complicated cp network

>> No.4572573

What medium do you guys use to trade coins like this? The lesser/newer coins. I've been putting this off for too long and am getting into it immediately.

>> No.4572773

1. Scaling
Does each node store every website that's hosted by the blockchain? 10 websites, 100? sharding?
It wouldn't work for any sizable website. How are you going to host 10 different dynamic sites that don't cooperate on the same server? what's the probability of conflict?

2. Syncing.
first two results for "distributed database sync". a paper from 1990 and a post saying there's no out of the box solution.
you would absolutely have to not care about the order in which data is stored.

3. Security. its a trustful model as you're trusting any node owner that they won't tamper with the website or use the credentials maliciously. There's a reason people hide their database architectures and server side code, let alone passwords. Users would be able to look at the source of any website, and make it that much easier to do sql injection attacks or whatever exploits they find. they even get to know every single version of every software product the servers are. and given hosts will be using different OS's with different vulnerabilities, an amateur security guy could crack any website in hours.

4. Bandwidth. ISPs only give shitty upload speeds to people.

5. Speed. Page loads are garbage for some of the biggest websites out there with massive resources to make them scale. This can only do worse.

6. Blockchain scaling. I really hope they're not putting any real amount of data on the blockchain.

7. Cross platform hosting. It took the world 30 years of internet browser development to get clients to see websites in a predictable way across different devices. Still don't have it nailed down all the way. The server problem of doing this is about 10 times more complicated.

8. Economy. For all the above reasons, it's not economical to invest in a node.

>> No.4572987

its on binance

etherdelta is popular for erc 20 tokens.

>> No.4573140

legit capped, I'll work through it tomorrow. Will you reliably be around, or should I email / freenode you?

This sounds like a great opportunity for me to learn how to properly do my own research in a scrutinizing manner, so i hope my continued communication with you is possible.

>> No.4573169

i'm on biz every day. if you post i'll probably see it.
i'll call you a fucking faggot, that's how you'll know its me.

>> No.4573380

Thanks- just DL'd

Do I use this to actually purchase the coins? I just downloaded coinbase as well, and it has an option to link debit/bank accounts to it for purchase. Not seeing that option here.

>> No.4573438

>i just downloaded coinbase
kek faggot , ur lucky i'm nice to a normie scum like you, but you transfer your coins from coin base to binance, magical innit?

ok but perhaps put "fucking faggot" in quotes, i imagine all the SUB fanbois will be calling me that, no?

>> No.4573532

I'm going off a friends rec for the app. I had googled something the other day and it looked like it needed to transfer so I wasn't too far off. Thanks man

>> No.4573880


>> No.4573931
File: 98 KB, 261x300, 1503729201776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you miss pajeet pump earlier today? They finally caught on, so now we'll have pnds. Regardless of that price will keep going up while fluctuating more until January.

>> No.4574118

There we go. There's the faggot using the word "accumulate". Newfags and gentlemen, this is how we know this thread is a desperate bagholding attempt to unload.