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File: 207 KB, 662x673, bezos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4566960 No.4566960 [Reply] [Original]

>Jeff Bezos’s Net Worth Just Broke $100 Billion


>> No.4566989

Capitalism is not a pyramid sch...

>> No.4567014
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>> No.4567015

poorer than bitcoin

what a dummy

>> No.4567023


250 billion to go and he stands a chance at passing rockefeller and carnegie

still a gainslet in historical context

>> No.4567033

You can't sell stocks?

>> No.4567034


Fuck this game, I dont want to play anynore

>> No.4567040

Thanks just bought 100k AMZ

Captcha: Renta Clinton

>> No.4567041

What a fag.

>> No.4567044

more money than I would need to live 500 lifetimes. Fuck this manlet. Ugly wife too.

>> No.4567051

Yeah, except Bitcoin is millions of people, and he is one person. Also, you can't cash out Bitcoin (it's a virtual money and nobody will give you cash for it). But he CAN cash out his Amazon stocks.

>> No.4567058

Not 100bil without tanking the value in the process.

>> No.4567066

lets fork amazon

>> No.4567086

>except Bitcoin is millions of people


>> No.4567095

lol faggot. I bet he would give all that money up for my hair

>> No.4567101

Greetings my good sir, but I need your assistance. I can not find a coin called BEZOS? Where may I find such coin?

>> No.4567104

Congratulations, Jeff!

>> No.4567109

-- every rothschild

>> No.4567146

For people thinking bitcoin is overvalued at the current price, this is a single individual who could almost buy all of the bitcoins in circulation at the current price. A single person. Bitcoin is literally going to $1 MILLION within 10 years and ethereum to $100,000.

>> No.4567149

Hey, he's almost tied with the 47th most rich Rothschild family member!

>> No.4567157


You are an absolute retard if you think someone with ~18% of the total supply of Amazon stock could cash out without completely crashing it.

If you haven't realised that ALL money is basically fiction and reliant on faith, then you don't really get it. At the end of the day you RELY on someone buying those stocks, you RELY on someone renting your property, you RELY on someone wanting gold or paper money. It's all just a series of links of people having faith in the system that makes the system work.

>> No.4567195
File: 20 KB, 300x300, primeredpill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw still an ugly subhuman that will never experience bareback sex with an in-love16 year old prime goddess during your peak years

There's a reason Chad genetics are the highest valued asset on earth: You can't buy them.

>> No.4567197

Bezos here. Post your USDT addresses for free money.

>> No.4567219

what the hell would someone even do with this much money?

from what I can tell he doesnt have any children so its not like he can pass all of it down when he dies. whats his long term plan to do with his money when he dies? I think I heard bill gates is going to give all of his away, is bezos doing something similar?

>> No.4567238

Let cucks keep working for YellenCoins.

Bitcoin is literally the only way to escape the incel workforce and these fucking retards are trying to keep you a wagecuckie.

Lol at not collecting as much BTC as possible including selling drugs and stealing from rich normies in order to make it into the 21 BTC club to establish elite status in the next decade.

>> No.4567246

ceo's dont need stocks. they live off bonuses

>> No.4567266

I would buy 500,000 lambos

>> No.4567292

Call me a commie but no one should have more than 500 million. You are just a globalist if you more than 500 million

>> No.4567293
File: 1.95 MB, 1004x10000, mmuhbubble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomies can't into Bitcoin

>> No.4567298

i would invest in cancer/neuro research
we need it more than ever

>> No.4567306

I personally would spend a ton of it while I was alive and probably follow Gates approach, donating much of it and hope to die as close to penniless as possible.

>> No.4567320

what's witch billionaires and ugly wives?
look at that facebook fcker

>> No.4567327

yeah, thats a good one, hits close to home.. my mom had cancer last year and is going in for surgery in a few weeks to get some "funny looking" cells removed.

>> No.4567346
File: 104 KB, 528x396, malemodelsmc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Money is shit if you aren't good looking. I would trade 100 billion to look like these guys and get 10/10 stacies casually.

>> No.4567368

Same here fucking hell

>> No.4567370

>implying he's not already doing that


>> No.4567389
File: 118 KB, 428x423, vitalik3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitch boy bezos beaten by buterin

>> No.4567390

women are attracted to intelligence and confidence, more than looks. looks are secondary

>> No.4567411

The man doesn't "have" $100 billion dollars. He is worth $100 billion dollars. If Jeff Bezos decided one day to "cash out" all of Amazon into straight cash for some awful reason, he wouldn't get anything near $100 billion dollars because his company would crash, first of all, and there would be incredible legal fees and issues if he suddenly did that.

That's just not going to happen.

>> No.4567423

>be billionaire
>marry supermodel wife
>she divorces you
>get JUSTed by legally mandated alimony in perpetuity
>lose OVER half your net worth because you wanted to shack up with some AIDs ridden roastie

>> No.4567446
File: 36 KB, 600x711, 84331037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nice meme

>> No.4567476

Buy people.

>> No.4567503

tisk tisk anon, you need to experience some moral and ethical gains

>> No.4567708

Looks have to have a bare minimum. and good looking guys get confidence a lot faster than uggos. Confidence = positive experiences with women, so you know future experiences will go well.
If you look like shit you'll take longer to get that first experience that gives you confidence.

>> No.4567729
File: 75 KB, 500x746, primeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying being a fat subhuman with some out-of-prime golddigger that is disgusted at you compares to being a chad on your prime while barebacking for the first times an in-love prime goddess

maximun kek

>> No.4567732


>> No.4567749

I'm sure he gives a fuck with his billions

>> No.4567767
File: 1.71 MB, 500x240, MajorCope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4567807

who the fuck is this guy?

>> No.4567848
File: 46 KB, 905x448, bone pill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't give you confidence, it deludes you into thinking you have chances with young hot girls as a subchad.

>> No.4567880

right skull looks exactly like Vitalik Butter

>> No.4567892

No we don't
We should be PURGING the populating, you fucks just don't get it. With our population size, civilization is simply unsustainable, the cuck culture and collapse of the sexuality of the western world is just the beginning

>> No.4567901

You think he wouldn't pay anything to be young and hot?
Good luck getting old...

>> No.4567952

Why would he need luck about getting old? You're the one who seems to have baggage about it.

>> No.4567960

you're a fucking brainlet if you think he has 100billions off bonuses, kys

>> No.4568030

he can't cash it out anyway

>> No.4568351

he's worth more than that

>> No.4568952

>>be billionaire

>> No.4569207
File: 51 KB, 640x640, 1504709850598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys nigger