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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.74 MB, 1280x721, ODN_newlogo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4560500 No.4560500 [Reply] [Original]

Time to sell your obsidian lads

>> No.4560512

not until it hits a dollar

>> No.4560523


>> No.4560528


>> No.4560537

notice how they are paired

ODN is literally the new IOTA, supporting race mixing

>> No.4560550

is that a pic they released? pretty kewl.

>hurr durr black people

go back to /pol/

>> No.4560584

a trigger, two chinks and two niggers walk in a bar...

>> No.4560595

Please don't dump this shitcoin yet. I'm overseas and will only have access to my wallet in 3 days. PUMP IT

>> No.4560625

Looks like they are more concerned about some bullshit "diversity" than having a functional team.

>> No.4560755
File: 740 KB, 1080x745, Screenshot_2016-08-08-21-35-39-1 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a promo you tards. The team is full of white males.

>> No.4560782

a real racist would buy this because of this ad, not sell it. these obsidiniggers know their audience will see through it while also pleasing the HR corporate morality that every company has to play by nowadays.

>> No.4560816
File: 68 KB, 720x733, 13578704_1123819397684684_1008475350_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can fud all you want but this will reach 5 dollas next year

>> No.4560817

that's not the team, you retard

>> No.4560828

this site is overloaded with racist fucks...disgusting!

>> No.4560864

Why is there so much fud about this shitcoin?

>> No.4560883


bahahahha sell this garbage.

>> No.4560900

Oh, no. A promotional image that appeals to the normie mentality. How tragic! Also, these are just random people. The CEO and devs are all white males, retards.

Seriously, though, it's FUD time again? Why are you faggots so set on fudding a 12 million market cap coin? There have barely even been shill threads these past weeks, and just one currently active as it's currently mooning.

>> No.4560938


>> No.4560949
File: 201 KB, 700x636, 1511375447183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh look a nigger, that's pretty keeewwwwll amirite reddit? wubba luba duba!

>> No.4560967

this bitch is one taco away from morbid obesity and being just another rentseeking troll latina

>> No.4560983

I want ODN to appeal to normies from the start. I hate when I mention BTC to someone and their first comment is like "Oh you mean that currency that drug dealers use?". ODN will obviously be highly sought after by criminals, but that doesn't mean you go around marketing it like "Have you ever wanted a safer way to sell child porn?" That application is immediately obvious to anyone in the business. You market it like an innocent, privacy oriented messenger for normies.

>> No.4560987

Lets not ignore the fact the WHOLE team is just white males. American’s for marketing and Euros for dev, that’s the mix you want.

>> No.4561000

Im thankful that biz hates odn, just look at what happened to chainlink and sergey when biz heard about them.

>> No.4561012

i said SAUCE

>> No.4561023

face it, black people are the promoters of the current culture and mentality of modern society. you cannot have normies jump on board of your coin unless yu appeal to black people. black people are just too popular, not to mention the fact that they rule over the celebrity, music and arts in society (you know, the things that appeal to other humans the most). you racist >>>/pol/tards will stay poor, uneducated and dumb, while the rest of society prospers and makes money. HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA reked

>> No.4561044
File: 52 KB, 1452x164, ODN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you faggots. Pic related is a response from the team on slack.

>> No.4561074

The company's based in UK. This isn't the year 1100 where everyone there is white.

You can appeal to a broad audience or you can let your company die. There's a reason why globalists make more than you do.

>> No.4561100
File: 1.02 MB, 1034x923, 1501542629790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey lets appeal to an almost non-existant userbase in crypto
>what can go wrong
>everyone that dont like it are just white supremacists

turned out pretty well for IOTA desu

>> No.4561229

You may not be able to realize this with your microscopic excuse for a brain, but we WANT to bring others into the market as well. In fact, the money invested in crypto has been increasing BECAUSE we do that. That's where the money is at, you leper.

>> No.4561259

yeah because the majority of crypto holders are niggers

also niggers are very known for having large amount of cash ready to be thrown into crypto

go back r/cryptocurrency with those kind of arguments

>> No.4561263

Operation Rape Dog has been initiated.
Obsidian is going to rape all coins like a dog.
Support of Ver Wu McAffee
>Buy Osidian $25 incoming

>> No.4561283
File: 2.20 MB, 3753x2918, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah shit it's fucking up 40% today alone... god damn feeling good

>> No.4561284

>he normies buy shit based on whether they have niggers in their adds or not
Shit you should go tell sergay and the chainlink crew to start featuring adds with starving african children in it, maybe then it'll overtake le scary bitcoin for drug users in market cap

>> No.4561296

sage > sergay

>> No.4561345

>yeah because the majority of crypto holders are niggers
Completely missed the point.

>also niggers are very known for having large amount of cash ready to be thrown into crypto
Just because their average income is lower, it doesn't mean that none of them are rich. In fact, there are numerous counter examples. Besides, money is money. Anything makes a difference when coming in large scale. Also, non white includes more than white people. Did you complete miss the asian chick in the middle? Or are you gonna say that asians have no money as well, or that they aren't into crypto, you delusional retard?

>go back r/cryptocurrency with those kind of arguments
literally never been there

>> No.4561348

The proportion of skinny fat pasty white manlets who into bleeding edge tech and privacy who would use this is already priced. You'll be sitting here jerking yourself off to a moon back to 7k if you think those are the only people that should be considered.

>> No.4561362

Meant to say:
>non white includes more than black people

>> No.4561366

Did they pay those actors in ODN?

>> No.4561377 [DELETED] 

/r/cryptocurrency is exactly the market we want to attract. I'm a white male conservative myself so It's not like I personally agree with diversity bullshit. But I believe that it's beneficial to market ODN everyone.

>> No.4561405

/r/cryptocurrency is exactly the market we want to attract. I'm a white male conservative myself so It's not like I personally agree with diversity bullshit. But I believe that it's beneficial to market ODN to everyone.

>> No.4561418

They certainly are less inclined to buy if you try to give them the idea that it's a white exclusive thing. Also, no one is politicizing anything. It's just a fucking image showing non whites as well. No one in the team said anything about diversity, black pride, or anything like that. You all are just plain paranoid and looking for a excuse to FUD.

>> No.4561510

No ones going to be less inclined to buy a product because it's focusing on the tech rather than pandering to the sjw diversity crowd with the racial harmony stock photos. This is a shit tier market cap coin and they're already making vague promotional adds focusing on liberal pandering rather than the product they have.

>> No.4561651

>focusing on the tech rather than pandering to the sjw diversity crowd
But focusing on the tech is exactly what they have been doing. They have been clearly active on GitHub, giving updates, and have the app released scheduled for Christmas.
This is just ONE fucking image that the marketing company they partnered with probably made for them. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you all? You would know this if you had been following their progress. And if you don't, you shouldn't be judging shit like you do. This is clearly just FUD. Anyone who fall for this doesn't deserve to have money, I guess.

>> No.4561870

not everyone lives in the rural south of the US where seeing 1 non-white person is considered diverse.

By randomness you're gonna be seeing plenty of nonwhites in major cities.

>> No.4561911
File: 352 KB, 700x902, aaaaaaarhghghg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4561938
File: 469 KB, 2560x1600, 1458542192487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White males don't do this unless they're from California. In-which case you should never buy in the first place.

California products are under full boycott.

People have had enough of this hollywood fairytale commie bullshit. It's been going on for 20 years. There's a NEW generation.

>> No.4561968

>Pleasing the HR corporate morality that every company has to play by nowadays.

If I owned a business I'd run it like madmen. I think I'd name it Unprofessional and we'd spend our time doing shit while still making money.

Of course, this will never happen. Too much work and I can be unprofessional trading shit coins everyday.

>> No.4562065

>People have had enough of this hollywood fairytale commie bullshit. It's been going on for 20 years. There's a NEW generation.

In general I agree, but this is just an ad lol. Their team is entirely white. Vitalik constantly tweets leftist commie BS but that doesn't stop hordes of people from investing.

>> No.4562076

until you realize that you literally can't cash out

>> No.4562104

big difference between tweeting about communism, and supporting race mixing

>> No.4562125

No one is trying to FUD your low market cap coin, they're pointing out how absurd and shitty the add is.

I live in Manhattan, if we go by the actual demographics of the UK where they are located than 4/5 of the people in the add should be white

>> No.4562130

You got that they are commies from that ad?
Retard. You are too easily influenced, look at what this place has done to your mind.
Also, they are Europeans. The CEO is from the UK. The software Software Architect and Lead Developer are from Germany.

>> No.4562132
File: 15 KB, 288x216, National Felons League.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boycotts works, all you need to do is look at Trump's activism against the NFL. They're literally leaking billions in revenue and stadium are half empty. While retarded Trotskyist cult members pretend nothing is going on. haha

>> No.4562167

>Their team is entirely white.
Did you even read my post? Wtf the Vitalik have anything to do with this?

>> No.4562182

>No one is trying to FUD your low market cap coin, they're pointing out how absurd and shitty the add is.
Yeah, how absurd. Five guys showcasing the product's logo. Oh, wow. Clearly, this is an outrageous ad. I swear we are not fudding, guys! Nor are we butthurt because we sold low!

>> No.4562267
File: 95 KB, 750x500, Operation Dragonslayer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love how black people go "but they're white" as if some profound statement that neutralizes everything being discussed. Jesus christ niggers are literally children.

The overwhelming majority of Whites in the United States would love to see California nuked. Try following along with current trends, instead of preaching 20-50 year old cult doctrines from commie hollywoodism.


>> No.4562391

football's a shitty sport that will be taken over by MMA

>> No.4562423

nobody went to 49ers games before this season you brainlet

>> No.4562427

why the fuck are you talking about california and hollywood? obsidian has nothing to do with any of that. also, you completely ignored when someoned pointed out that they are from the uk and germany.
your world is so small you can only think in terms of “united states”. btw, asia loves crypto too, you know?

>> No.4562439
File: 18 KB, 402x302, Love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally, I was content posting a few comments on /biz/ voicing my disapproval. But, after seeing the Reddit tier faggots who are going on full defense mode for these California cock sucking kike boys... I will make it a key target for my investor activism protest.

Laugh all you like.... I've taken down senators and elected Presidents the past 10 years. The fuck do you believe I can't burn some faggot 5 man cuck-team startup inside a volatile ecosystem ran on bluffs.

Leftist smug is no substitute for intelligence.

We're the revolutionaries now.

>> No.4562473

AMEN. Generation Zyklon will disinfect the world from this filth.

>> No.4562513

I am and have always been right winged. Even too much for most people I meet, and I could never stand places like reddit. I hate communism with a passion, and despise leftists.
I am simply not a retarded paranoid faggot like you.

>> No.4562553

Some of us go on defense mode because we're highly invested in this coin and don't like to see other people shit on it. I'm a white male conservative who honestly hates this recent pro-diversity movement. But I'm also a diehard capitalist and if that means riding shitty social fads to make money, then so be it.

>> No.4562639

I'm a sentinel. You're a fucking couch potato. They all see the difference immediately.

>> No.4562688

Not sure if bait or severe autism

>> No.4562837


>everything but either a white or asian male

>white and asian males make up 100% of crypto market

>> No.4562858

I'm an actual white supremacist and couldn't give two shits about a promo image that an extern marketing company slapped together in 2 minutes using some random "le happy diverse group smiling and holding out phones" stockphoto. You had more than a month to accumulate. Stop this nonsense.

>> No.4562867

Still having such a diverse team is a cause for alarm.

>> No.4562880

>marketing wants [thing] to appeal to all races
> /pol/ chimps out

>> No.4562905

diverse as fuck

>> No.4562920
File: 108 KB, 1159x629, Ginsburg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

11 post cucking for your cuck team in california spreading commie race-mixing propaganda. You're existence is pathetic and embarrassing. I am officially making ODN my #1 target of hate.
Jesus, they never learn do they? You even offer a mild stand-down innuendo, and they immediately double-down. Well that settles it.... you're fucked now. Yeah, I'm not your typical hostile adversary..... I am fully adaptable and schooled in every form of information warfare utilizing over a dozen mediums with 20 years exp.

Enjoy your bags faggots.

Do you believe you'll see some random rant against race-mixing showing up in your feeds? No, you stupid millennial. We are far ahead of you.

We are you.
We are Obsidian.
We're the original Obsidian.
We'd like to make a statement.


>> No.4562921

>one dolla one dollaaa, sucky sucky good time for one dolla

>> No.4562923


>> No.4562954

Tldr faggot

>> No.4562976

Fuck didn't read the 2nd part of your post. Fell for the bait big time. Typical leftie taking /pol/ dialogue ad absurdem to make us look bad and fud ODN in the process.

>> No.4563000

There's also not a single post talking about the use case for Obsidian.

>> No.4563007
File: 26 KB, 480x466, power-of-propaganda32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reads my own words.
>Thinks he has insider information
Check this Einstein conman out.

>> No.4563088

Lmao wtf is this bot reply?

>> No.4563103
File: 331 KB, 1601x743, team.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not investing in the whitest team of crypto

>> No.4563341

Kek. My bad, I you were just fucking around. I guess it passed right over my head since I was in a serious mood back then. Saging to not bump the thread.

>> No.4563517

You know your invested correctly when this amount of bullshit fud exists

>> No.4563543

the 'antshares in july' feeling