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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4557823 No.4557823 [Reply] [Original]

This holy trinity is unironically your last ticket to Lamboland

>> No.4557846

45k LINK
527k REQ

When do i get my free lambo?

>> No.4557854


Please don't include this scam trash in a list of good coins.

>> No.4557874

What makes you think it's a scam? The constant shilling on /biz/ almost made me not buy it, but I've done my research and am quite confident in it's potential.

>> No.4557881

You take that back private shitter

>> No.4557882

Wow, those are exactly the bags I hold. Therefore, anon is 100% correct

>> No.4557886

Nice, i only got 5k link cause I'm a poorfag, had to decide between req or link and pick link.
Only regret is I didnt keep what I had in powr to start with, I got in low but sold early with a decide return but if i rode that shit till now I would have had my 10k link and feel comfy

>> No.4557888

Because these 3 coins represent /biz/

90% of the pajeets are hodling them

>> No.4557898

amen brother!

>> No.4557904

Yep me two, I even brought in abit and sold it because I was worried it was being shilled so much but yes I researched into it and think it definitely a good ticket to lambo land

>> No.4557907
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Thats literally my portfolio anon
But I believe ARK>LINK>REQ

>> No.4557924
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I fucking wish I didn't put all my eth in req at ico. Fuck I would have made so much more money by just holding eth. Hope I will think differently in a year or two