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File: 92 KB, 1024x289, Vanguard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4543964 No.4543964 [Reply] [Original]

>Wow, my portfolio went up a whole 0.3% today!

>> No.4544008

>my savings will go up by 3% in the next 50 years!!!! It's going to be amazing to retire at 85, and enjoy all my hard earned money!!

>> No.4544026

tfw have 150k in vanguard etf and 200k in crypto

>> No.4544029

when you have a couple of millions in your portfolio you need to diversify and there is nothing wrong with stocks. im not talking about buying stocks in apple or nintendo or some stupid shit, visit tech conventions in your local area and look for companies that have upcoming IPO'S and try to get a feel of what they do and what problems they can solve.

>> No.4544045

Stock market will last your whole life, no one knows when crypto will stop being a lucrative investment.

Best to balance both. Remember that time is everything and your compounding returns in stocks now will result in major assets 20-30 years down the line.

>> No.4544060

i think you got the math wrong it went up by .1% on average on a daily basis.

all in stocks and etfs. I dont trust crypto. only as valuable as the guy that want to buy it from you. Same idea as stocks in general but at least stocks have a company making money to back it up.

>> No.4544068

3% over 50 years? Careful now, you don't want to take too much risk.

>> No.4544077

I can't wait to cash out my Roth IRA and index funds when I'm 60, maybe I'll be able to buy a shed then

Here's hoping it has glass in the window frame

>> No.4544499

They're called stockies or stocklets.

>> No.4544809


>20 year old anon puts all his savings for 30 years to day trde crypto. loses it all
>20 year old anon puts all his savings for 30 yeas into vanguard fund. retires with 5-10mil

>> No.4544945
File: 71 KB, 666x664, accredited_investor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sec blocks your path

>> No.4544980


yes thats what the math says and numbers dont lie

>> No.4545056

This enraged me even though I know this is a mock thread

>> No.4545090


why please explain

>> No.4545101

Its funny that you kids dont even realize how good that is.

Take this for instance: The worlds BEST hedge fund managers make 20 - 30% a year tops. Thats considered Alpha.

If you, an inexperienced child, made 500% gains (like most of us did just buying bitcoin) do you REALLY think you will be able to keep it up without losing your whole account? and Im talking 5 years down the line

>> No.4545135

What's more pathetic: stockies or people who whiteknight stockies?

>> No.4545141


well like anything

as long as someone is willing to pay

>> No.4545210


yeah you dont know anything. Hedge funds use all sectors from futures/options to crypto to forex

friendly reminder to look at the Silver Futures chart since the 80s

>> No.4545213


what is pathetic about dealing with real money

crypto is crap but at the same time ride the trend while you can

>> No.4545225
File: 22 KB, 485x443, IMG_2692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw actually more alpha than the most alpha boomer investor

>> No.4545243

>Silver Futures chart

yeah i have been hearing about this for a while from allot of sources but you can never go bad with metals

>> No.4545273

My financial adviser told me to invest in a diverse portfolio. I suggested to put 5% of my savings into Bitcoin. He looked at me like I just blew his mind. I think I'm gonna be a millionaire.

>> No.4545339

no, you didnt, because you justs tarted trading this year. You have no idea whats going to happen. If you dont have an exit plan youll be caught like a deer

>> No.4545381

Well I think now its going to go up for awhile, but it just shows you that no matter how confident you are, your shit could crash down 75% next year. If you dont have a hedge you are fucked

>> No.4545390

I've been investing for three years, actually. I cashed out $700,000 this year.

How is your IBM stock doing?

>> No.4545469

>How is your IBM stock doing?

How dare you badmouth Big Blue. That dividend is nearly 4%. 4%! Every single year!

>> No.4545472

nice Larp. Id bet money you have less than 1 bitcoin

>> No.4545502


These people do not understand risk profile. Why are you even trying?

>> No.4545549

>tfw I invested the bulk of my shekels into traditional stocks this year for this first time and am pushing 25% ROI.

Get good shitcoin cucks.

I also hodl ETH feels good.

>> No.4545579

Kek I can't tell who's playing along with the thread and who's an actual cuck

>> No.4545593

the last 10 years in stocks have been incredible. if i had gone all in on traditional stocks probably would be retired now

>> No.4545614

Yeah I know it is not going to last forever.

I know a crash is coming and that led me to crypto. Hedging 20% of my portfolio in crypto.

>> No.4545644

Went up 123% today, had alot in ignis

>> No.4545653

>when you have a couple million
>accredited investor redtap
While I agree that its bullshit that you need to be an accredited investor anyone with a networth over a million qualifies.

>> No.4545672

Made about 3.50 profit. Guess you could say things are getting pretty serious.

>> No.4545698

no reason for a crash or recession yet... there will be a sharp correction 2018 I bet though

>> No.4545724

You guys are alright. Buy DGWR at the bid if you can.

>> No.4545732

The poor and general population ARE too stupid to invest. they arent wrong, although I agree there shouldnt be regulation. Let them lose it all

>> No.4545785

I fucking hate America.

The same fucks that allow this I have to pay heavy tax to. Ridiculous.

>> No.4545828


lats month i got a 15k bonus. i put 5k into ETH at 330 , 5k into vanguard 2045 and 5k into abrzx.

so 1/3 crypto. with ETH a sure moon to 10k in the next few years and everyone thinking equity correction/crash, it may have been more risky to put in index and risk parity funds rather than crypto.

problem is i diversified out of ETH into alts. so im all fucked up

>> No.4545970
File: 62 KB, 421x421, 1454935667319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is real

What the actual fuck

>no goy you can't invest in things that might make you rich if you aren't rich already hehe here take this 3% yearly gain on your 50k instead


>> No.4545979

If ETH moons to 10k I will suck your dick personally

>> No.4545997


>> No.4546013


better wet those lips, its inevitable unless pedoskelly dies or goes to jail

>> No.4546021


whoa whoa whoa, that's BEFORE fees, sonny boy! can't have that hard-working portfolio manager going hungry now can we?

>> No.4546024

yeah well i don't think there should be regultion either but look at the confido ordeal. stupid cucks couldn't be bothered to check if the company was even real.

>> No.4546080

anyone that buys those new-age coins like walton, link ect deserve to lose money. Thats just darwinism

>> No.4546233

>My two cousins inherited their fathers assets when he passed aways
>The oldest one turns 18 and her mom takes her to the bank to invest
>The broker shows her all these graphs and charts and how much she'll make
>She puts all her inheritance in the stock market
>2008 happens. she loses it all
>2 years later the younger cousin turns 18 and gets his inheritance
>Mom walks him into the same bank
>Same broker shows all the graphs and charts
>Cuz says fuck you you lost all my sisters money
>End up putting half of it in CDs and spending the other half on cars and drugs and shit
>Market recovers
>Fast forward 7 years later and the younger cousin call me asking how to turn his CDs into crypto

>> No.4546321

Eth won't be able to handle the transaction speed necessary to hit 10k. That's why BTS is a fucking steal at $.13. EOS is gonna own this space.

>> No.4546355

skelly has plans on handling transaction speed and is fully aware of the problem. if his plans work then it will take over everything

>> No.4546365

I'm loving EOS' volatility right now

>> No.4546383


>find only cryptoasset that makes eth actually useful past the token circlejerk that it is
>fud it

>> No.4546483

Read some skellys whitepapers man
That sperg is not even human, he thinks steps ahead for any possible outcome

>> No.4546774

>Do $3000 in Crypto and $3000 in Stocks
>Make $1000 off stocks + dividends
>Make $500 off crypto (didn't do any ICOs and didn't game BCH these last few weeks)

I can't stand SEC regulations though, look at bullshit like this:


>> No.4546831
File: 135 KB, 800x420, trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4546922

wtf I didnt even know that

I guess that explains why my brokerages ask how many trades a do per week. I think Ill just use crypto on cfds from now on

>> No.4546972

>being this disingenuously stupid

>> No.4546995

lmao. literally not possible. you're retarded but thanks for the laugh autist.

>> No.4547006

Just save up $25k, bro. Unless you suck at stock trading.

>> No.4547016


People don't understand TVM, man.

>> No.4547025


>> No.4547059
File: 28 KB, 420x420, 1511321210656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw your chinese small caps grew 300% ytd.

i <3 china

>> No.4547068

crypto is the worst thing to ever happen to finance. Now autists on 4chan think they're investing experts because they bought some coins in 2013 and forgot about them. The financial advice here is seriously terrible sometimes. I would be interested to know some day how many people hedged their entire nest egg and lost everything because of something they saw on 4chan.

>> No.4547143

>capitalists think capitalism is only astateless free market

>> No.4547145

that problem will be solved by aeternity. It will replace ETH, Raiden and Link

>> No.4547220


Pretty much. I'd imagine the Sharpe ratio of your average crypto is pretty garbage. The crypto market carries enough risk at it is—buying or trying to daytrade shitcoins is probably overkill. Time takes care of good projects.

>> No.4547275

ITT: 19 year olds working McJobs with sub $1k total "investments" in Ethereum token bag holding.

>> No.4547319

autist basement dwellers usually consider such jobs below themselves and remain "unemployed by choice" while they "pull some things together"

AKA most of /biz/

>> No.4547332

Is there anything stopping the money skeleton from poaching that tech?

>> No.4547346

>Put your money in a CD this year, it's a safe bet and rates are great this year at 1.5%!

>> No.4547396

Stay bitter and jealous.

>> No.4547483

>I'm better than everyone because I do things like a retarded boomer

>> No.4547634

Lel don't waste your breath man. You're talking to early 20s millenials that have only actually been paying attention to the markets for a half decade bull run tops, and those are the least autistic of the cohort, unlike the ones who think the crypto bubble will just be business-as-usual growth forever. They'll be more jaded when they eventually get badly burned in the coming years and nothing has the growth to recover the loss.

>> No.4547676

>I can predict the future

I can't tell if you're rolling with the thread subject or are an actual retard

>> No.4547723

>the land of the free

>> No.4547780

You're absolutely right, experience has no bearing on anything. My older, dementia addled brain simply can't help but spew bearish nonsense to the detriment of this next generation of investor wunderkind. Petscoin can go nowhere but up, enjoying 700% gains every year until the end of time, stocks just can't compete.

>> No.4547834

Thanks, I plan on cashing out and retiring completely next year at 23. I'll have made around $2 million by then.

Enjoy wageslaving.

>> No.4547880

In any case, I wish you only the best.

>> No.4547891

You'll never make it.

>> No.4547895


the problem stocks are essentially bubbled too. people think they are amazing investors because their portfolios have gone up straight since 2010.

that said we need to take advantage of growth when it occurrs. but you never know when it will go up or down

can daily cost average equity vanguard funds, but provide speculative position on certain ico's and quasi speculative on ETH

>> No.4547916

>daily cost average

*dollar cost average

>> No.4547931

>literally not possible
You'll learn about cryptos one day.

>> No.4547942

I'm not disputing the stock bubble, not really shitting on crypto either. I'm just entertained by clearly inexperienced anons who have only known bullish outlooks. We've all been there when we started out, everyone else was dumb.

>> No.4547955
File: 205 KB, 1692x1252, 1508522668483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4547996

>lumping walton in with those others
Walton is a good crypto and is still well above the price it was a couple months ago. A retracement after a 2000% increase is to be expected.

>> No.4548013

I don't understand all the people who said they lost it all during the recession. Tom's of news stories about how folks lost their retirement. That's only if they sold at a huge loss. If they had held then they'd be sitting pretty right now. I've started to realize that recessions aren't bad, the stock market will ways recover. Recessions are opportunities to buy much lower. How is this a bad thing? Fucking normies

>> No.4548046


Either you are shills or.. Im sorry to say, you got memed on. They are literally worthless you fucking newfags

>> No.4548063
File: 165 KB, 691x565, droppign bags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is why people who trade constantly get fucked on crashes when bag holders remain comfy if they wait 5 years.

>> No.4548067

>Stock market will last your whole life
This seems overly optimistic, unless you have cancer.

>> No.4548068

people are too fucking stupid to understand the bigger picture of anything so they scramble to realize their losses and probably don't even carry over the losses on their taxes later.

>> No.4548096

>got memed on
I got 15x on it, and am waiting for a reversal to buy back in.

>> No.4548220

this. crypto cucks are unbearable.

this coins are a meme. completely useless.
everyone thinks he is an expert and guru. probably acting all smug in his neet cave while "trading "and watching anime

>> No.4548246

600k in stocks. 10k in crypto.

>> No.4548276

I cant sell yet because the trading costs would screw me over.

>> No.4548309

Your retarded boomer parents should have smacked your smug Millennial face a little bit more when they were raising you. Your generation really is the fucking worse.

>> No.4548319

You need to understand that most of us who invest in crypto are poor, or if not poor, we don't have that much money. Stocks is too slow, and crypto gives us the best chance to increase rapidly our money to at least grow it to a decent amount.

>> No.4548324


>> No.4548337
File: 35 KB, 620x413, baby-boomers-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got to see my nephew yesterday at thanksgiving!

He said that he's having trouble since he's $100,000 in college loan debt, can't find a job in his field (he does something with computers), and renting a closet in our state costs $2000/month

I told him he needs to start pounding the pavement and find a job! When I was his age I already owned 2 houses and 3 cars because I WORKED for it!

Kids these days are so spoiled...

>> No.4548340

Your cousin might be certifiably retarded if she lost it all in the recession, seeing as at the lowest point the market was 40% of pre-2008 levels. She might be able to get disability checks.

>> No.4548352

This anon gets it.
Most people in crypto are at the very best 130 IQ. Suited to be programmers or politicians, but not radical innovators.
Money skel is a full two standard deviations above that pack. He's so far ahead of the curve and it's so obvious in his writing and public behavior.
This doesn't mean he will deliver. Intelligence is nothing more than potential. But if you're investing in people, there are worse bets than a kid prodigy.

>> No.4548411

WTF, that nephew is almost like literally me

>> No.4548433

>voluntarily putting yourself into debt
>"waaah fuck you boomers"
>inb4 "sure I could've learned all my skills on the web for free but I can't get the job I haven't been able to get hired for anyway without my six figure piece of paper"

>> No.4548437

and thats when you learned you can trade stocks with leverage...

>> No.4548465

>everyone thinks he is an expert and guru. probably acting all smug in his neet cave while "trading "and watching anime
literally me, still cashed out $350k this year and have $500k still in it though

>> No.4549026

When is this bubble going to pop?

>> No.4549086

Idk. Maybe tomorrow. Maybe in a year. But coins have become laughably overvalued, especially considering when something has no real value in the first place. Supply and demand doesn't mean shit when there's no logical reason for the demand. It will fall with time.

>> No.4549389

There's gains to be made in stocks you brainlet.

Obviously not crypto level, but I'm up about 60% over the past 7 months. nothing to sneeze at. you don't even need penny stocks, it's a raging bull market right now

>> No.4549443

The future life expectancy of some non-perishable things like a technology or an idea is proportional to their current age, so that every additional period of survival implies a longer remaining life expectancy.

>> No.4549483

the stock markets have literally existed since like the 1500-1600s.

issac newton lost a ton of money on a yolo once lol

>> No.4549522

Go die granpapa. What's wrong? Jealous that people a quarter your age are making bank while you renew your wall street journal subscription?

>> No.4549862

That's exactly what I'm doing anon I made more in one day of sitting on my ass watching anime with my money in ETH than I would have slaving away 8 hours straight

>> No.4549912
