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4543026 No.4543026 [Reply] [Original]

When the music stops, everyone will try to hide their wealth in Monero.

You know its true.

>> No.4543061

I’m stacking up XMR because I believe in the project. Might be gay as fuck but fuck it

>> No.4543062

or eth since it will support both ZCash and monero style privacy :^)

>another coin's "unique" feature implemented as a smart contract

>> No.4543082

Yep, that way everyone gets to know your IP address!

Deluded furry's, ZEN will win

>> No.4543095
File: 25 KB, 500x375, fuckoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zcash style privacy


>> No.4543111

You can't support monero style privacy without making every transaction anonymous, in which case it wouldnt be zcash style privacy; optional zk-snarks.

>> No.4543122
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i just wont to sell my bags at 0.22

>> No.4543130

It's not gay as fuck. Monero is the best cryptocurrency that still functions with >satoshi's vision.

>We're building a Monero on the ETH blockchain.
How about just use Monero instead?

Outdated FUD. Regardless, it's not really the blockchain's job to obfuscate your IP address, though that's basically coming to Monero due to popular demand.

>> No.4543849

>it's not really the blockchain's job to obfuscate your IP address

If it's a privacy coin it should be. Why not have a more feature rich and mistake proof coin?

And yeah I was just copy pasta'ing FUD I read yesterday since I dropped my XMR bags while it peaked and scooped up ZEN on sale before it's rise.

I don't know if you have any technical knowledge or if you're just a speculator, but how do you think the two compare?

>> No.4543904

Well, it's obvious that (You) have no technical knowledge if you think it is the blockchains duty to block the IP of the user.

See >>4543095, and try to find a similar statement from any Monero developers.

>> No.4543934

verge holder who doesn't understand that network level and blockchain level privacy aren't the same

>> No.4544129

Yes you can. It depends on transaction volume. If ETH's monero-contract privacy is optional but it has higher volume than XMR, then it is equally or more private.

>> No.4544221

>If it's a privacy coin it should be. Why not have a more feature rich and mistake proof coin?
and it will be implemented soon
google kovri
thats the point of buying it now while it is still cheap

>> No.4544253

1 exchenger coin

>> No.4544348

I didn't say I think it's the blockchains duty, I know it's not the blockchains job, but having that is certainly an added benefit.

I looked into zcash ages ago, and while the tech was cool I'm not at all a fan of the developers making so much cash off it. Something like 20% or something goes to the devs? Yeah no lol. If your coin makes it, you should have plenty as it is in a few years.

But anyway, I see what you're saying and I guess ur not gonna give me a lazy tl;dr so I'll go elsewhere.

I don't held verge retard and NAV is shit too

>> No.4544364
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this is going to be heckin huge

will be all in on monero when it next dips

>> No.4544367

who cares if it is private when team working on it is known and they all can go to jail any time.

kill development = kill the coin

>> No.4544404

honestly, haven't looked into it much. i don't buy that it's truly anonymous. would someone explain how it is anonymous?

>> No.4544417

I got out during it's bull run to hop into ZEN and my % returns have been higher, if ZEN plateaus and XMR dips I'll consider halving my ZEN to hop back in. I have faith in both, but hold a personal grudge against XMR for that stupid fluffy pony PnD. Shit was so fucking stupid, and I told myself I'd move out once I found something better.

>> No.4544433


>> No.4544455

I'm all in on monero. When the chinks wake up in 2 hours and operation dragonslayer makes the market shit on itself, the only stable crypto will be monero

>> No.4544506

Blockchain has no fucking idea what IP address is. Blockchain doesn't even have to work over IP or even over internet. We could use blockchain even if we shared the blockchain over USB stick. You see, when somebody says "their coin has feature to hide IP" through tor or some shit. It doesn't mean the BLOCKCHAIN has that ability, but the _specific wallets and programs that share the fucking blockchain over network or otherwise communicate over network_ made for that shitcoin.

>> No.4544576

>hold a personal grudge against XMR for that stupid fluffy pony PnD
idk that was some quality trolling
dude got more respect from me

>> No.4544732

How do people manage to believe something that can be disproven with 5 seconds of searching?

>> No.4544772

>that way everyone gets to know your ip address
refer to >>4544732
do you really think someone cares about their ip address?

>> No.4544854

How does one cold storage their xmr?

>> No.4544869

You see anon, I know this. I never said the blockchain has anything to do with IP, the other simply assumed I thought it did. I'm simply saying that ZEN obscuring IP is a beneficial feature of the project. But stay mad I guess?


Jesus. Plus the devs made privacy "optional" and tweeted about the ability to make even private transactions reversible in case of illicit activity. JOOST absurd.

>> No.4544958


save a copy of this https://moneroaddress.org/ and verify against sigs

get a "trusted" computer (I recommend a pentium 4 era or less), flash the bios

airgap the machine, load up TAILS and your monero address generator

create some wallets

destroy the computer

obfuscate your pneumonic

put on paper

put in multiple fireproof safes

>> No.4545047

Monero uses ringct which bloats the blockchain. I've found the transaction fees too high. The mixin could theoretically be cracked with enough work, the blockchain is public.

Zencash uses zkSNARKs, zero knowledge POW. No mixing. The sender address, the recipient address and the amount transferred are unknown.


>> No.4545062


you quite literally have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.4545107

Any thoughts on Spectre?

Do you guys hedge against XMR at all?

>> No.4545133

>Might be gay as fuck but fuck it

>> No.4545145

If you want to bet on privacy coins ,go 100% monero . no zcash or other shit

>> No.4545170

Lol, nice attempt at an argument there bud.

>> No.4545219

it is the SDC of 2017.

>> No.4545245

I hold a little bit but its development has slowed to a crawl and when it comes down to it, it's just another optional privacy shitcoin.

>> No.4545292

>trusted setup
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.4545352

might be gay as fuck butt fuck it

>> No.4545358


>> No.4545413

ZEN doesn't have trusted set up ya dip, that was ZCash

>> No.4545426

i forgot you know more than the NSA spooks

>> No.4545450

>The mixin could theoretically be cracked with enough work, the blockchain is public.
>being this new
This is what a public blockchain looks like.
You can see someone's balance regardless if they use public or ""private"" transactions. With blockchain analysis, you can detect immediately when a private transaction occurs.
Sender = wallet that loses coins after a private transaction
Amount = the difference of coins before and after a private transaction occurs
Receiver = wallet that received the amount define above around the same time
I don't even think zkSNARKS is terrible, Zclassic is pretty cool. The fact you are shilling a Teeka PnD Zclassic fork with a mining tax added by the devs just shows you are a retarded Redditor that does literally no research before spending your allowance on hype coins.

>> No.4545461

SDC/Shadowcash was a scam privacy coin that got pumped around the same time that Monero did in 2016. The devs eventually abandoned ship to make particl, which is probably another scam.

>> No.4545500

>Lol, nice attempt at an argument there bud.
nice copypaste from bitcointalk

>> No.4545503

You are almost criminally uninformed.

>> No.4545505

xvc appears

>> No.4545594

I don't give a shit what Teeka says, the project is promising. Nothing else you said was of any substance, I don't know why you told me what sender/, receiver and amount are?

ZEN dropped that shitty 40% tax, btw. I suggest you do research yourself.

Lol, thx. How'd you find out?

..How so?

>> No.4545709

>Lol, thx. How'd you find out?
googled it because you used ZEN everywhere else except that post

>> No.4545760

Lol, I had a feeling someone would pick up on the copypasta but didn't really care, I wanted a response to that post anyway, no one in the forum addressed it. Admittedly I'm spewing the weakest level FUD but only to get pointed in the right direction. I couldn't find a solid comparison between ZEN and XMR surprisingly, but I'm still looking.

>> No.4545776


>> No.4545790

>ZEN dropped that shitty 40% tax, btw. I suggest you do research yourself.
Holy shit, do you get 100% of your facts from forums and social media? You only think it's 40% because someone in this thread said that. It was actually 20% and Zclassic was the project that removed it. (source: the Zclassic website)
Zencash added a 12% miners fee back after it forked from Zclassic (source: the Zencash whitepaper)

>> No.4545859

Ok, I said 20% earlier anyway.. At any rate, I'm not invested in that project so I don't care if it's 20% or 99%.

I didn't know about the miners fee and I explicitly hunted for that yesterday, I'll look into that rn, ty angry anon.

Damn, I guess you're right about that 12%. That's a bummer

that's dead wrong bucco

>> No.4546103

lel sperg

>> No.4546104

basically this

tools like https://github.com/citp/BlockSci will destroy blockchains with public values, when you can have a single machine that inspects the entire blockchain all the time and the balances in each wallet on each new block.

>> No.4546149

I was a big Monero believer until the fucking rick roll. Fuck that shitcoin

>> No.4546203



>> No.4546212


i can laugh about it now desu. but yes it was stupid and i think it really damaged the legitimacy of the developers in some people's eyes

>> No.4546309
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Only people that are pissed about it are people who tried to speculatively buy it and flip it. As if they weren't just trying to dump on someone else

>> No.4546434

Stop fighting guys, when is this coin gonna take off?

>> No.4547114

Can it be any simpler? I ain't got time for all that.

>> No.4547960

It's coming to ledger nano s soon supposedly

>> No.4548222



>> No.4548693

200 by xmas.

>> No.4549422

Shit my miners are still on order. Oh well I'll see what I could do with 1.5 kh.

>> No.4549877

Are you really this uninformed? Why do you invest in something, and then shill it to others without even understanding the basic concept of it?
ZenCash is a fork of Zclassic which is a fork of Zcash. They all use the same keys that were created in the Zcash ceremony. Trusted setup = trash.

>> No.4549944
File: 257 KB, 350x350, lavanicotine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's in the dip right now

Trust me

>> No.4550118

XMR will be the winner