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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4540542 No.4540542 [Reply] [Original]

What would /biz/ be like during the Tulip Mania era?

>> No.4540554

>I bought 4k roses, when can I retire?

>> No.4540564
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You can literally grow tulips in your garden
Can you grow bitcoin in your garden?

>> No.4540570

Bag holding orange peels

>> No.4540587

Roses are going 50% from here on. Nobody fucking wants roses, its only paper. ALL IN DAHLIA

>> No.4540617

At least you can do something with them. Name 1 thing you can do with bitcoin other than transfer.

>> No.4540645
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>> No.4540652
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>> No.4540676

t. tulip holder

>> No.4540678
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It's only a matter of time until farmers switch to the much easier to grow daisies. the florists will just sell bouquets with whatever is available, they don't give a fuck about the fundamentals

>> No.4540683

easy 10x

>> No.4540710

fuck off, no tulips

>> No.4540726

guys, this flower has a working product

>> No.4540727

And the ironic thing is the cracks showed when they were offering tulip futures.

>> No.4540730

>not all-in on petunias

enjoy serfdom, cuck

>> No.4540744

Money Skelly just endorsed tulips!


>> No.4540761
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Can you imagine being this much of a deluded daisycuck

>> No.4540778
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petunias are only used for CP and drugs.
come back in 1638.
deluded petunia-fags eternally JUST'd

>> No.4540791
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>> No.4540804

This isn't a very mature thread.

>> No.4540817

No, but it's fucking hilarious

>> No.4540830
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Jokes on you. It's 1637. Cp and drugs are legal. Checkmate athiest.

>> No.4540835

>These Chinese tulips grow faster and cost less

>It's kind of weird how when I go to sell them at the market, the only people buying them are the Chinamen who sold them to me to begin with, though...?

>> No.4540851

Do I have to pay tax when I trade my tulip futures for roses, or only when I sell my flowers for guilders?

>> No.4540854

Goddamn rare threads like this are what makes /biz/ worth browsing.

>> No.4540855

What is LINKs equivalent in tulipmania terms ? is there a flower that smells like shit?

>> No.4540891
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>> No.4540892

>is there a flower that smells like shit?

>> No.4540973

Tulip bubbles took about 7 years to grow before a flower came out. Very exclusive, came from the other side of the world. One tulip was same price as a manor. Some tulips with different colors were even more expensive and rare. I love history of my country.

>> No.4541039

>growing anything in your garden
Illegal in new zealand

>> No.4541054

I bought a lot of my furniture for my new house because overstock accepts BTC for payment. I also do some online blackjack, and I purchased a hardware wallet using it. STFU and GTFO, you sound ignorant as fuck. HURRR, this thing is just now catching on cant do the same thing as establishes tech overnight REEEE fucking KYS normie bitch.

>> No.4541085

/biz/ would have been too lazy to participate in the tulip mania era and without stop losses most of you fucks would have backed out, that's what.

>> No.4541196
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>> No.4541305
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>the decomposition problem

>> No.4541379

Brethren, with a timely purchase of Tulips, we shall surely ride our Horse & Carts to that lunar Sphere of such confounding magnitude! Heed my words, kinsmen, make haste to Ye Olde Tulipbase and lighten your coffers!

But beware, resist the urge to trifle on Daisies, they art a tool of the Swindlers and Shills to cheat and deceive. Daisy sackholders would see each of us condemned to a lifetime in the cesspits if it meant their base Shitteflower should be worth more than a midge's Rectal Hair.

>> No.4541651

Just went all in last waning moon on
midge's Rectal Hair..
how badly did I fucketh up anons?

>> No.4541699

Thou hath perfuddled thineself, deluded Rectalian.

>> No.4541801
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>Roses won't take us off the end of the earth.

When will you Tulipfags learn that you will never fall off the earth with that shitflower.

>> No.4541844

Damn thine eyes midge's Rectal Hair! Thou art a cutpurse!

When Dost thou Slayest thee GreatWorm?

>> No.4541991

Roseknaves ye be warned! Your shitflower is thorned and repugnant as your chances at wealth!

Mayhaps we shall shower you with pity some day. Remember, Men of the Noblest Tulip, one need only PSOSESS and exceptional wealth shall be attained!

>> No.4542176

Verily you jest, on the morrow thy purses shall be weighty.
Wherefore dost thou carry such a heavy and parch'd sack of Blooming-Turdbulbs?

>> No.4542250

Did any of this retarded nonsense answer OPs question?

>> No.4542335
File: 267 KB, 800x500, cactus-garden-idea-03sm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

salty tulipmarine detected, dont go chasing pump and dumps next time newbie. Since I'm a pro at this and I feel sorry for you I'll let you in on a little hidden gem: Cacti.
>Very limited supply
>Can be eaten
>Can be used as a weapon

>> No.4542377

>Phalaenopsis doth quietly moon

>> No.4542437

(((They))) push this myth of the tulip bubble so you don’t buy cryptos because that threatens their central banks.


>> No.4542466

daily reminder that tulip mania is crypto 2.0


>> No.4542467
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Heretics shall burn.
Check out this shit from the new worlde
no name yet but the natives called them
Dirt Apples.
Get in now peasants. gonna be X10 soon

>> No.4542532
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>hey guys what if beeminers switch to another flower

>> No.4542734

Fool, what manner of wizardry could muster such folly?

>> No.4542767

bees are centralized. they all follow that one queen bitch. stick with flowers that work without bees

>> No.4542797
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Only good thread on /biz/

>> No.4542938

Difficulty rate on Daisies need to adjust, soon a flock of birds will come and attack them and all bees will switch to mining Sunflowers. Although that might not happen, so to be safe I'm sticking with Anthurium.

>> No.4542968


>> No.4543035

much keketh

>> No.4543057

>I've never heard of "mining bitcoins": the post

>> No.4543064

I herd they have a solid plantation team

solid long play

>> No.4543105

ahhhh where is all my tulips????
don't click this magic address

>> No.4543108

>Dollars are useless, all you can do is spend them..

>> No.4543137
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>reminder that reminder that Dollars are Seashells 2.0

Beans are where it at noweth

>> No.4543157
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>> No.4543173
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>> No.4543286

>solid breeding team

>> No.4543298

>Tulips up over 500%
>still only at 200 guilders a pop
>still not buying

Stay poor, notulips

Il be laughing in my gold clad Italian made carriage when I sell at 1000, see you later

>> No.4543586
File: 137 KB, 220x303, 220px-Paul_Fürst,_Der_Doctor_Schnabel_von_Rom_(Holländer_version).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>prestiged doctor living in a sweetass doctor castle by the lake
>have collection of scary masks and sharpened beating implements
>spending the day beating the plague out of a peasant
>peasant passed out on floor, but beating anyway because stressed
>courier arrives
>tells me I have a kings summons
>Finish beating the unconscious serf and wipe off blood off favorite doctor stick
>pack bags for king fags castle
>get to king fags bigass castle
>anticipation of lots of medieval bitcoin makes me beat the carriage driver in excitement
>throw meager sum of coins at repugnant carriage driver
>go inside
>king sees me
>tells me his son is ill and getting worse by the day
>explain to him that he needn't worry because I am a professional doctor
>wearing my scary doctor mask
>king fag takes me upstairs to his son
>king fags son is covered in boils and vomiting blood
>"ah yes, I see....I've encountered this once before" I explain to the king
>I've never seen this shit in my life
>think I should beat the illness out of him
>decide it's probably a bad idea with several guards and king fag watching
>decide to wing it
>search through fancy doctor bag purchased with hard earned medieval bitcoin
>pull out jar of goat shit
>explain to the king that I will have to force this down his sons throat
>king fag believes me and tells me to do what I have to do
>walk up to disgusting plague ridden child
>start shoving goat shit into this fucking kids mouth
>Dad's watching not batting an eye
>kid passes out after a half hour of me force feeding him shit
>"ah good! The treatment is beginning to take effect"
>pretty sure the kids gonna die
>king thanks me for my service and pays me precious medieval bitcoin
>gtfo quick
>sell house
>move to new country
>mfw I hear kid died shortly after my visit
>I am a doctor

>> No.4544399


>> No.4544451


>> No.4544489

if anything crypto is more of a real money because cash is based on chopped plant matter

>> No.4544722

What is the safest way to store my tulips? I'm afraid someone could rob my garden at night, I have some rare tulips. Atleast I have all the seeds but still.

>> No.4544867
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>> No.4545089

not sitting easy, being carted around in a horse driven tulip bulb

>> No.4545224

Just got leaked the newest crow scroll.
this just in.
notches in bones is the next PBR release
join my smokie signal group for more top tipz

>> No.4545545

Tulip is KING!

Tulips will replace fiat!

Tulip is a decentralized currency! Everyone can grow them!

Tulip holders will become the new elite!

>> No.4545872

East India Company used to sell all sorts of spices from India for the weight in gold too