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4539259 No.4539259 [Reply] [Original]

>aged 27
>living in London
>ugly beta loser autist male with no friends or social life for 9 years and no female attention ever, including time at university
>became the ugly loser nobody talks to after one day at my current job
>failed over 30 interview processes for great jobs due to ugliness and lack of normieness or extroversion
>never been to pub, club, party, or any social experience since school
>bitter about being a complete social failure with a wasted youth while Chads, Staceys, and normies get everything handed to them and judged solely on normieness
>work in zero effort public sector job with lots of free time (but felt like a cucked prisoner when I stayed at the office 9 to 5)
>all hobbies feel like they turn in to work (reading books becomes reading boring classics; learning programming becomes learning functional masturbation) i.e., everything is advertising you to join the bottom of a hierarchy and telling you to worship the top and pay your dues
>don't have the initiative to program something in my own time or try anything entrepreneurial or do anything that takes initiative - feel like an obedient student who was trained in to being a worker drone who needs to follow a set path
>main hobby is walking around central London, drinking coffee, feeling sad about life, hoping I will spontaneously feel like my 20s haven't been wasted because I "just went outside"
>can't bear going full hermit autist, obviously can't do anything normies do
>feel under constant pressure to read lots of boring books, learn lots of boring shit, and so on
>waste shitloads of time on internet
>spent many months after university working part time menial jobs and wasting all my free time on the internet and genuinely see my time back then as a near zombie stuck in a loop
>fully grasp the arbitrariness of all philosophical axioms - as a result I see proselytisers as either fucking ignorant or dishonest

>> No.4539268
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larping as a loser
or >>>/pol and blame Jews

>> No.4539282
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>no friends or social life for 9 years and no female attention ever, including time at university
me too mayn, except only for 5 years. I'm starting to worry there's no hope for people like us.

>> No.4539283
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>just be confident and things will work out!

>> No.4539285

Don't forget that you probably stink too. Add that.

>> No.4539286

thats fucked up dude. feels gud to be a big alpha boiiiiii

>> No.4539288

OP, do what I did about a year ago and start hitting the gym. Will make you feel a lot better and I believe you will have more confidence which will also attract others towards you

>> No.4539299

nearly 40 and no social contact outside requirements.
it gets worse.

>> No.4539300


>> No.4539318

The only gym he's gonna be hitting is Jim, from behind. I'm sorry, I'll stop.

>> No.4539319

Someone from London drink a pint with this man, cmon

>> No.4539326

I've been lifting for 9 years. /fit/ as fuck but it's done jack SHIT for socializing. It turned me from an autist to a meathead autist who spends 5 nights a week lurking at the gym.

>> No.4539328
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>be loser
>suddenly make big crypto gains
>dress better, get a nice car
>suddenly normies I haven‘t talked to for years are calling me asking whats up?
>cunts are smiling at me (previously they would ignore me)
>even young white roasties want my dick now
>reject them all and start searching for perfect qt korean/japanese wife

>> No.4539342


OP here, I already hit the gym. I squatted over 4 plate atg this year, it changes nothing.

>> No.4539354

at least do it right

>> No.4539360

dude just stop...caring.

Right now you're caring, about everything, too much.

Tone your caring level down from 100 to like 60 and you'll find that all the shit you used to enjoy is actually still fun. And that all that time you spent making judgments on people, things, or concepts isn't a helpful exercise for your life.

>> No.4539405

So I assume you're pretty jacked if you also been dieting correctly. So why not change your style a bit? Get some new clothes, cologne. And look into the book Models by mark manson, sounds beta but it helped me a lot a few years ago

>> No.4539413


>tfw school puts you on the path to work for others and never become your own man

Why didn't I see this sooner? Now I'm wagecucking forever.

And holy shit

>study study study, minimal social interaction
>no one ever fucking tells you that social interaction and first impressions are crucial to getting a well paying job.

Just fuck my shit, my mom turned me into a neet by isolating me from my friends at a young age. Now I have a torn bicep in addition making me a sad cunt.

Then cunrs always tell you to tell the truth when you grow up. Meanwhile you lie and exaggerate in interviews to impress.

Suck my fucking dick, what a joke.


>> No.4539415


I skimmed that book. Any book that refuses to say that women live lives on easy mode and get hundreds of Chads on tinder while 80 % of males get nothing is a worthless bluepilled book

>> No.4539422

An OP this broken can only work for HMRC where his one joy is torturing victims for taxable gainz
Do not reply to this thread or he'll backtrace your ass
Unless like me you're behind 7 boxxies

>> No.4539427

>make money
>cunts suddenly come crawling at you from everywhere

Just make money you dumb fuck, you gotta become the Jew.

>> No.4539428

So what's stopping you from trying out to go on tinder? get some excitement in your life going

>> No.4539440

Oh, I didn't realize. Your attitude is shit too.

>> No.4539452

And bro, you're talking about an app where it's all about being judged objectively and most likely just for a one night stand. Of course women have it easier on there

>> No.4539499

Tried social meetup groups? 99% dicks but made a few friends from these.

>> No.4539536

bro NOBODY has it easy
everyone has problems to deal with
you have to change your mindset on life
i know it sounds retarded but ive been there with 10 years of full on depression and multiple suicide attempts
one day i just talked to my doc he sent me to psychiatry and the anti depressants absolutely changed my life in every way and therapy for 3 years did the job to get off the meds
some people really just need the right anti depressant to get the stone rolling and it will allow you to see everything in a different life and appreciate it

>> No.4539557

Anyway last piece of advice: 1. Attitude is altitude 2.You will only get as far as your habits will take you 3.The way you think gets you what you want in life. Good luck Op

>> No.4539581


This just world rationalising is dumb

>> No.4539600

every fucking day you post the same shit

get your fucking life together and go to a gym and stop whining all day like a fucking pussy

what the fuck is wrong with you

its not your ugliness, its your fucking pussy attitude that prevent you from being successfull

>> No.4539654

what are you even trying to say
i was unable to speak to strangers and no energy to do anything at all and the meds turned a switch so after 2 weeks of taking them i was a charismatic fun guy again
so i could do a behavioural therapy learn socializing found new friends applied for and found a job
now i dont take meds anymore and live life
whatever happens to me i will be happy as long as i can still experience this world
im geniounly curios how to future will play out and if we are able to solve our problems or whatever the future holds for us

>> No.4539694

I feel you op.

Good luck to us.

>> No.4539697

What's your point? Why is this on /biz/?

0/10 blog

>> No.4539717


Meds could be dangerous.

I'm going to try CBD, looks more promising?

>> No.4539763

>dropped out at 15
>living /r9k/ meme
>kv neet until 29
>met a 10/10 16 years old on omegle
>had a 2 years loving relationship exceeding all my dreams
It's never too late.
Don't you wonder why places like /r9k/ are filled with teenagers, very few guys in their thirties, and almost nobody 40 or older? It's not because everyone kill themselves. Most people shape up, whether they make a conscious effort or not. Hormonal balance changes as you age. Experiences make you different. Your brain picks up on things even as you sit in front of the computer like an autist, and one day you find yourself a man people can appreciate.

Perhaps everything sucks, perhaps this is just survivorship bias speaking. But people in here tend to be on the smarter side of humanity, even as they call each other faggots and claim this place is for the dregs of humanity. The average guy walking the street of a first-world country struggles to read and write. That is your competition. *They* can't learn, you can.

>> No.4539765

Lol you're even a worse kind of loser now

>> No.4539812

yeah they can have a paradox effect but thats why i went to psychiatry for 6 weeks and was under surveillance for some time
psychiatry is basically just another hospital since they dont put depressive people with the nutjobs that would be counterproductive
this only applies to first world though i guess germanfag here

>> No.4539825


Didn't you post almost exactly the same thing a few days ago?

If so, what positive steps have you taken between now and then to improve your situation?

Also, you sound depressed - there are better places to seek help than the crypto shill section of a meme board. Go see a therapist or something.

>> No.4539937

instead of wallowing in depression start making tiny steps to change things

we're creatures of habit, if you don't make a change, you'll just keep repeating what you've been doing, and what you've been doing obviously hasn't been working very well

even if something seems like a lot of work, or even if you don't think it'll make a huge difference, change your life! go to the gym, who cares if you don't think it'll matter, just do it to mix things up. Or change your diet if you're overweight (you didn't say so but I'm assuming) - I went on a ketogenic diet like 3 years ago and lost like 70 lbs in a single year - I can tell you it changed my life to become not-fat. That single thing, losing weight, it changed my life for the better. If you're not fat then go to the gym and build muscle, that can change your life as well.

Start hanging out in new places. If you walk around London streets drinking coffee maybe knock that shit off and try something new. Go to places you haven't been to before, intentionally avoid repeating your current habits. You need CHANGE. Above all else CHANGE. It doesn't have to be massive, you don't have to envision going from where you are now to this amazing lifestyle, just take it one tiny step at a time, as long as it involves CHANGE.

>> No.4540040

>An OP this broken can only work for HMRC where his one joy is torturing victims for taxable gainz
This desu

>> No.4540074

Wow could u even make this story any more fake?

>> No.4540175

Who cares, I have money
I enter a room and chances are very high I have more cash than all of them combined, feels like having the biggest dick in town.

Make some cash and see for yourself

>> No.4540320

If you hate reading books and learning boring things, stop. Just do what you enjoy. If you don't enjoy anything, try a bunch of new hobbies. Join groups, force yourself to try. It's the only way out, senpai.

>> No.4540330

im 35. i agree with this. it only gets worse.

>> No.4540492

Londoner here, I've met fags from other boards and they were pretty chill but OP seems too self hating to hang out with.

OP I hope things work out for you though.

>> No.4540716

>my mom turned me into a neet by isolating me from my friends at a young age.
This is the common trait of, I would say, 80% of 4chan.

>> No.4540751

Just do what you’re doing now but put some whiskey in your coffee when you go on walks you’ll feel much better.

>> No.4540883

>thinks 10/10 exists
>meeting on omegle
>is satisified by a fucking 16 year old when you are in your late 20s
somehow I think you're an idiot, you might as well have said that it appears that cats are satisified with life doing nothing but licking their arsehole because by the sounds of it your appreciation of life is simliar

>> No.4540885

I got to 34 like this and decided to join the Navy as an engineering officer. Do something like that. I want to make robots someday (killer death ones) and to own my own place with room for a forge in the back garden to make kickass swords n sheeet.
Also, get out the city. I was in Birmingham till I was 30. Moved to the SW and it is so much better, better walks too.

>> No.4541114

Yo OP, wanna grab a beer or something? 27/m/London too

>> No.4541336

You're controlled by your wants. Focus on serving others instead of serving yourself

>> No.4541714
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quit trying to live the life that others want you to live. make this your own experience, even if your way doesn't "look right". every second that passes, you get closer to the end. so... you may as well enjoy it. be a NEET if you want... hell, drink, fuck hoes if you want... get STDs and fuck your shit up... be a virgin travelling monk.. in the mountains... a hermit. whatever you want to be... just remember to enjoy your experience and allow others to enjoy theirs. live and let live, so to speak. yeah, i know it's hard because the chads, staceys and normies won't give you a break. a lot of them actually rationalize their shit into a "normal box" so much, that they think their BS actually means something. LOL try to forgive and forget. most are just living the life they were told they should live. come to terms with the fact that all your goals are meaningless (and so are theirs).. but be ok with it. be yourself... shamelessly. always remember that whatever suffering you go through will eventually inevitably cease. everything has a beginning and an end. when the end comes, accept it as a new beginning... or don't. it doesn't matter because it is inevitable anyway.

>> No.4541753
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>forgeting the / at the end

>> No.4541804

I would rather be a disatisfied socrates than a satisfied pig OP. Anyhow, what are you reading? Crypto has taken over my life and I haven't touched A portrait of the artist omas a young man in days.

Also, as I recall a picture I have seen on /lit/: without reading anything, life seems happy, when you start reading everything seems sad, ugly and desperate but the more you read the more you may realise the world is a beautiful place. Reading is of course a metaphore for living and experiencing things.

>> No.4541852
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Depression is 90% of times an hidden allergic food reaction. Anti depressants work not because they boost serotonin but because they have side effect of dumpening inflammition in body and brain.

When it comes to forcing you to do things, dont. Everybody from buffet to bukowski said it, do not do things you dont like to do. waste of time.

"You will have bad time and you can only make moeny doing something you love" - bukowski, buffet, altucher...

>> No.4541974

This actually helped me anon, thank you. I feel a bit better about being a friendless autist now.

>> No.4542048

soul mate

>> No.4542066

Yeah I've always found a huge improvement in my mood whenever I've been able to cut out most carbs and keep to a pretty clean, mostly protein+fats and veg carbs, diet.