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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4538059 No.4538059 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone else ever sat back and realized what a dream world we are living in right now?
Plenty of us getting rich, turning life completely around. Coming from a poor fag living paycheck to paycheck struggling with credit card debts, loans, and mortgages, wondering everyday when I was going to have enough courage to kill myself, to paying off everything and having a year's worth of wages left in crypto.
This would have NEVER happened if it weren't for the crypto market. I would have continued being burdened by finances.
Granted it's not enough to retire for some, this has paved way perhaps to hope.
This is crypto market and it is actually a reality, to give some of us the chance to keep going.

>> No.4538081

Truth brother. I love crypto and am thankful for all the gains

>> No.4538083

fuck your BTC if you want bch

>> No.4538095

Srs went from Office cell wagecucking to making double what I earned a day sitting at home in my boxers

Feels good man

>> No.4538111

All of this is actually happening.
We aren't dreaming at all.
It's fucking crazy if you think about it.

>> No.4538126

True, I've already withdrawn 3x my initial investment and I still have 16 times my initial investment (1.5 years of wagecucking)
I've been this since 2013 so it didn't happen overnight for me, but it has made things much easier. I might actually have a big house and children some day.

>> No.4538133

Well how have you made that money...where did you research and know which investment was wise and at what times

>> No.4538149

Because I'm still broke as fuck haha

>> No.4538202

Its amazing how forgiving the crypto world is. I've made countless mistakes
>buying chainlink at ATH
>binance coin
and yet I'm still up so much compared to what I had

Theres been plenty more along the way but man what a world.

>> No.4538232

It was all by chance.
Had 1 bitcoin leftover years ago from DNM, when ETH was constantly being shilled here I said why not. Bought about 50 ETH for 1 BTC. Hard drive went bust so forgot about it until it hit $400 a couple months ago. Did everything I can to save the drive and now here I am.
Satoshi Nakamoto is/are truly a genius and possibly the most influential person in my life and monuments need to be built in his honour.

>> No.4538247
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>be me
>in 4 months made more than most of my employed friends

really feels good. if everything keeps going this way i'll be retiring before june next year. i can get 10% a year on treasury bonds where i live, so 500k USD would be a shitty but doable retirement.

1mil would be a good retirement. anything over that ill be really fucking happy. anything not to be a fucking wagecuck.

>> No.4538306

I hope I can be a part of your dream one day haha. It's hard finding reliable sources nowadays. With all the FUD and SHILLING

>> No.4538311

Will I get to feel this feeling that OP describes soon? I have 50k link

>> No.4538312

A shitty retirement is all you need, there's countless opportunities to make further $$$ once you have all of your time to yourself.

>> No.4538317

Are you me? Well no because I already have all that shit. But yeah, feelsgoodman.png

>> No.4538338

Sounds nice, I wish I would have gotten into crypto earlier. Wage cucking sucks especially when you want to start a family ASAP and have a million white, blue eyed, blonde nigglets running around.

>> No.4538344
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maybe... i truly feel for you linkies. best of luck to you guys.

ya, pretty much. i'm just happy if everything goes well i'll never have to worry about money again. i mean, i have a pretty good inheritance and probably would never have to worry about money if my parents died, but then again i want them to live forever. i'd rather have 0 inheritance and have my parents reach 120 living a good life.

anyways... i hope everyone here makes it. i truly do. even the FUDders and trolls. just not the pajeets.

>> No.4538353

>shitty but doable retirement.
But, you will be able to use that free time to do WhAtEvEr YoU wAnT, and some of that shit might even involve making money. Maybe you travel and find something worth importing to your home country.

>> No.4538361
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I make thousands, but for some reason it doesn't excite me that much. I find the math and smart contract programing more interesting than the money. But I'm happy for you if you feel happy about it.

>> No.4538375
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I go up 10k$ on one day thinking thats only logical. Then I lose 3k$ the next day and I am sad because that shouldnt have happened.

Crypto has ruined my life.

>> No.4538419

Well where is the next money. Obviously I'll do my own research just curious on people opinions. So many people talking about LINK but I'm unsure about thise dodgey fuckers. The team just looks shady af

>> No.4538429

100% true. We cry about losses and missed gains so much here, but once in a while it's worth going a step back and realize how lucky we are to be in this market. People in here cry about only having 5% gains in a week while normies would kill for an investment that gains them 5% a year.

>> No.4538440
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I currently made 5x returns on SUB, but still not selling. Hoping for another 10x on top of what I've already made. Do some research, you'll see the project is amazing. Private alpha this month, public beta next month, v1 in Jan.

>> No.4538475


>> No.4538509

impossible. thats harder than lose money

>> No.4538522

Sometimes I feel it's 99% luck and 1%fuck knows.
Just people making guesses.
So many failing as well that we probably don't hear about

>> No.4538537
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what if I told you
this is a religious war

>> No.4538560

I'd ask who is the dark side

>> No.4538567

Of course it's all luck. Whenever people make gains on some mooncoin, they post it all around and believe it's their genius that made them choose this one coin. And when they lose, they shut up (or post pink wojaks at best)

>> No.4538575

This is the kind of posts that make me consider going FIAT, crash incoming

>> No.4538581

if luck repeats its skill.
analyzing and understanding the market is pretty easy actually. You just have to be able to think for yourself completely.

>> No.4538586
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>> No.4538598

How do I think for myself haha

>> No.4538608

Suggesting that all the money i've made trading crypto is just luck is ridiculous. Do you think all the successful traders are just lucky people or are you willing to admit they actually know what they're doing.

Every trade I make is the result of hours and hours of research. Sometimes I spend weeks researching a trade. It's a painstaking process.

I understand that when someone's really good at something, often they make it look easy but being good at anything that's worth doing requires a lot of work.

Luck. lol. I bust my ass for this. This is a full time job.

>> No.4538612
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hello, i have a big penis

>> No.4538627

Well share the knowledge. How do you seperate a shitcoin with ones that stand out. Is it purely the team and what they're trying to achieve...along side the actually software itself. Do you know about the programming side of it all if so I'm sure that does put you head and shoulders and the rest

>> No.4538645

>i want them to live forever
Same with my dad.
And for that, we need the money to pay for the anti-aging treatment and cyborg parts.
Keep trading you faggot, it's not over until you witness the heat death.

>> No.4538682

>it's not over until you witness the heat death.
this is why i do this. I can easily see a future where only the rich have access to immortality serum. I have to make it for me and my family

>> No.4538686

I've shared my trading strategy before and 1% of anon actually take to it.

I have a degree in mathematics and i'm a programmer. Strategy is read everything, look at the charts, take notes. Repeat frequently.

I don't care about a coin's dev team. How good they can code is of almost no use. Understand the market and bet on the best product. I'm not talking about which on technically works the best; I mean which one investors think is the best.

I spend every day reading. If you're not doing that, you're lost at sea. There are no shortcuts. Everybody wanna be a bodybuilder but nobody wanna lift no heavy ass weights.

>> No.4538692

Ghost in the shell motherfuckers. prosthetics and uploading the brain

>> No.4538706

Thanks for the insight. I don't think I'm mathematically that gifted so it may take me a little longer to get to that level. But what else have I got to lose

>> No.4538720
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>be me, 30 yr old wageslave analyst @ healthcare company 70k/yr working from home.
>trade while i work
>get into crypto when mtgox crashed (thx news)
>wife stays home takes care of kids
>1 income, housewife (sup 1950s)
>tfw we just bought a brand new 2400 sq ft 4 bedroom house, are essentially debt free sans mortgage, live upper middle class life e-z p-z
>watch all friends struggle on two incomes kek

>> No.4538734

Wow you made some money during a mania. Well done. Really Pat yourself on the back for this good achievement.

This thread is pathetic man. 99% of /biz/ are get-rich-quick retards aka cryptofags and will never make it.

>> No.4538754

Jealousy isn't a good look

>> No.4538813

Fuck linkies they almost ruined the board trying to get everyone to prop up their bags

>> No.4538860

I made a promise to myself to become disgustingly rich. I stopped caring about /pol/itics I stopped caring about not getting a gf. I stopped caring about everything other than saving every penny I can to throw into crypto. I've never put my future finance in any perspective before or rather anything more than a passing thought.
I only (re)started a few weeks ago. Chasing roasties left me penniless and dead inside.
Money is more important than love.
Money is the stepping stones to power and we can do this.
We can do this /biz/bros. ( speaking more directly at the poor spectrum of /biz/ which I assume is actually the majority )
Believe in yourselves and you can do anything!

>> No.4538890

sub doing great rn, good team and good use case

>> No.4538908

You have to put it in something other than tether, anon.

>> No.4539126


the money takes on a more abstract feeling... right now I have 2k US just playing with it, for the majority of my life I have lived with < 20 bucks at the end of each pay cycle

Money has become a tool rather than the token of hedonism it used to be

>> No.4539212

Yes. I should also add that I'm 30 and with a well paying job in software R&D, so crypto came as an extra from the start.

Also, from 15 to 21 I was playing Magic The Gatheribg semi-professionally, and a couply of my friends and school mates ten went into poker and became millionaires before even being legal.

>> No.4539225

Brain upload is making a clone m8
A clone ain't you.
Brain synthesis, the iterative replacement of biological neurons with artificial neurons is where immortality resides.

>> No.4539254

The best things in life are free, /biz/bro.

>> No.4539294

Same, started in august, im jumping around from +300 to -300, im still thankful and im real happy to listen of your some fags life saving stories, maybe there will be a time for me when i dont have to think about that rope again

>> No.4539378
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you sound smart, tell me what are good long holds.

>> No.4539397

Not me anon. I'm still looking for my moon ticket. Invest 700$ I'm down to 600$. Granted I invested in long term picks but as far 10x goes, I never felt that before.

>> No.4539543
File: 2.88 MB, 1297x7650, BTCfuture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BITCOIN is how we, NEET MASTERRACE, submit normies and BOOMERS.

Vengeance will be brutally served. All you have to do is not sell anything. Let them commit suicide as their tricks and traps don't trigger fear in hodlers.

>> No.4539576

Honestly it made me pity the wagecucks even more and made me decide not to ever work again.
You can make somebody's yearly worth in a single good trade, what kind of world is that?

>> No.4539795

Care to share some of your insights with me? I'll be happy to listen

>> No.4539912

Money is literally just a number. Money + knowledge = power

>> No.4539914

hahahhhahahahahah deluded

>> No.4540047

I bought POWR at ATH and yet still i have over 2 times the initial investment

>> No.4540092

1) Buy BTC
2) Disregard shitcoins

>> No.4540167 [DELETED] 

1) Disregard BTC (THE shitcoin)
2) Buy altcoins (40% ETH, 30% SUB, 15%BCH, 15% BTC).

>> No.4540194 [DELETED] 

1) Disregard BTC (THE shitcoin)
2) Buy alts (ETH, SUB, BTC, IOTA)

>> No.4540230

1) Disregard BTC (THE shitcoin)
2) Buy alts (ETH, SUB, BCH, IOTA)

>> No.4540249
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future truly can be bright but who knows how things will play out
we certainly are living in exciting times
technology in all fields is advancing fast

>> No.4540291



>> No.4540358

I'm happy for alot of people getting rich, but of course Abit sad I missed the boat. I've been into crypto for 3 weeks now. Growing up poor has me being bearish and cautious, so I've missed some solid opportunities (like ETH now) and I'm worried most opportunities have dried up. Feels very late to the party for me, hoping to become a homeowner someday.

>> No.4540435

there will always be new emerging markets to invest and also only bitcoin is hardly known to the public
we are nowhere near the peak marketcap for crypto

>> No.4540498

>missed ETH
what, you literally cannot lose money if you buy ETH, at least not in the long run.
this, it's a tiny ass market, but it will expand becouse anyone who did his research on blockchain knows it's the future

>> No.4540623

when did you start trading?

and what's the best way to get to understand it better?

>> No.4540624

For HODLing there's not that much around for the little fishes yes, but for day trading there'll always be FOREX and penny stocks, don't worry.
Crypto is great for accustomising yourself to the whole trading thing, and if it ever die/dry up ( not likely, it's still the most volatile market by far ), you'll have your feet wet and ready to dip into others markets.

>> No.4540643

That's what I'm hoping, holding onto that and trying to open my mind up to opportunity. This market does move bloody fast.

Most success stories I hear from anon seem to be from getting into btc and eth early, not alts. Have any anons had any huge success stories from going in on alts besides the big ones?
Eth looked stable for the longest time. Surprised to see it start skyrocketing the last week. The issue isn't thinking you'll lose money really, it's just knowing if you should buy in or wait for a better entry point. Maybe that's just the wrong way to think about money (atleast in this market)

>> No.4540681

i think alts will definately see good gains 2018/2019 when a lot of products will get fleshed out

>> No.4540715

but having money can give you the freedom to do those things

>> No.4540733

>The issue isn't thinking you'll lose money really, it's just knowing if you should buy in or wait for a better entry point
you mean you are affraid to buy in case it dips? just buy 50% now and the rest a few days or a even week/month later.

>> No.4540753


>> No.4540789

Money without power just gets you mugged.

>> No.4541987

Depends. My early gains were mostly by luck and I lost them from being retarded. It took me several months to learn how to actually make consistently good calls.

>> No.4542012

As soon as Ark hits $200 I will be a free man for life.

>> No.4542276

The reason I talk about it so much with irl friends is because I want them to share the gains with me. Whats the fun in getting rich by yourself? Only 2 have jumped on the boat. But most of them pass it off and just go back to wageslaving.

>> No.4542312

Are there any other cryptos in their infancy? This is all speculation and I'm not going to risk much. I'd be willing to "invest" $100.

>> No.4542416

Happens to me too.
>Go up 20k in a day
>Go down 5k
>Still up 15k from previous day

>> No.4542473


>> No.4542565

I consider it fair play for having been slightly too young to take advantage of the dot com boom. My three older siblings are all gen x and benefited from that boom. Meanwhile i graduated from uni right around the US housing crash followed by the Alberta oil crash some years after. It was 10 years of scraping and wageslaving. So fair fucking play. Thank you crypto and thank you Canadian weed.

>> No.4542670


Dude I have no idea. I want to stop being a poorfag wagecuck!

>> No.4542707

coinbase buy ETH.
you have to verify with photo ID though.

>> No.4542716

Every single crypto is in its infancy

>> No.4542730


Boomers had it way too fucking easy

>> No.4542771

Is coinbase the best website to use?

>> No.4543300

100% this. I started playing with robinhood earlier this year and made a whopping 7% return while closely examining stocks and trying my best to buy and sell at the right time. I started with crypto a few days ago and have gone up 18% without doing anything

>> No.4544062
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cant wait until you new fags lose it all in an overzealous trade

>> No.4544086


That just means you are dumb. Even dumping your money into SPY would have given you more than 7% in that time frame.

>> No.4544236
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I love this dream. Never waking up.