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4536974 No.4536974 [Reply] [Original]

Biz. Please do not fall for the Bitcoin Cash pump and dump. If it had real value would Jihan and Roger need to prop up the price?, would they need to sabotage Bitcoin at the difficulty adjustment? I'm sure we all agree if a flippening were to happen it should occur naturally and not forced by Jihan, Roger and purposeful shenanigans to manipulate the price.

Bitcoin is King. You have been warned.

>> No.4537001

Anyone with a brain is profiting from this shit show. The other half is fomoing and buying BCH at its next ATH.
The wojaks in the next 24h will be delicious to watch.

>> No.4537010
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Your fear and sweat is sweet and delicious, coreling.

You even fucked up by telling people that the bitcoin cash side can absolutely demolish BTC after its next difficulty adjustment, which is basically telling them to sell BTC right now because it's risky as hell to hold.

The only tool you have left is a plea to emotion and political mudslinging, trying to make people stand in the path and hodl in the face of the inevitable because "muh market manipulation, its not fair, waaaah".

>> No.4537014

If you are smart you can profit from it.

However, I am torn. If I sell btc for bch and try and make a quick buck I am contributing to the very thing I want to destroy.

>> No.4537030
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This is not going to go the way you think

>> No.4537075

Please, fall for the BCH trap
I have sell orders at 0.4 and a bit at 0.5 BTC

>> No.4537078

My view on this is a bit different. I think BTC needs to prove itself in these attacks again and again. Every time it comes out stronger and improves confidence. This might be one of the last few times that BTC can be manipulated. When Wallstreet with all its financial might arrives it is game over for this BCH pushers.
I see nothing wrong with profiting of the volatility BTC still has for now.

I wonder what Oldfagbiztard thinks about this and if he agrees with this.

>> No.4537126

Great point, we can definitely view this each time as bitcoin becoming stronger. I worry what cost the bch pump will have on some people, a lot of people are going to lose a lot of money through lies and deception.

>> No.4537156

The only people being deceived are those who bought into core's narrative. And physics is about to enlighten them as to why it was a lie all along.

>> No.4537181

Meanwhile the BTC is going to have yet another fork and create more millions out of nothing.And if it start dipping too much: worry not! Uncle Tether is here to pump it back up.

The coming BTC crash is going to be so fucking epic.
I started as a BCH skeptic now i'm starting to believe the flippening is actually going to happens at this rate.

>> No.4537182

You can't name one member of core off the top of your head. BCH has one dev and Jihan and Roger trying desperately to make it appear as if it is worth something. Even if there was only one transaction per hour on bitcoin the price would be through the roof.

>> No.4537184

Everyone knows this is coordinated shilling at this stage, I can't believe you're still trying. It's completely clear that BTC will take a huge hit tomorrow. I don't think it'll be destroyed, simply because people will mass buy at 2k expecting it to go up, but these will be the agents of averageness that lose everything.

>> No.4537196

The Tether shit is all FUD don't fall for it. Forks are good and help maintain the trajectory of the coin. If you think it will crash and not recover stronger than ever you clearly have not been in the space long enough to understand the ecosystem.

>> No.4537207


>> No.4537232

> You can't name one member of core off the top of your head.

Gregory Maxwell.

> BCH has one dev

More like five teams all competing to make the best node implementation.

> Jihan and Roger trying desperately to make it appear as if it is worth something.

Or perhaps they actually believe, as everyone else who shares their position, that it is actually worth something. And that a chain you cannot transact on is worth nothing.

> Even if there was only one transaction per hour on bitcoin the price would be through the roof.

I seriously doubt that, but we're probably very likely to see an aggravated version of the situation so I guess we can validate your hypothesis.

>> No.4537253

All this coordinated shit just makes BCH look worse. It's not like normies give a shit about anything besides what they can buy on coinbase lol.

>> No.4537265

Just saving you from embarassing Core any longer.

>> No.4537313

Enjoy the waves man. BTC/BCH ~ BCH/BTC. PROFIT!!!!

>> No.4537325

this /thread

>> No.4537328

Btc i hate to say is going to crash soon enough, tell me how the fuck can someone send $1 7years ago and it's now be worth 133k, niggas it WILL collapse, when I don't know, but it will faggots

>> No.4537341

>spend $1

>> No.4537347

You spent it on drugs didn't you idiot?

>> No.4537400

Kek, no but I probably would have to be honest, i was young and stupid when I remembered bitcoin first coming out, I thought about mining it but seen it was pointless ha!. To be honest I'm kinda glad I didn't buy any back in those days because I would have taken it out for something stupid and would hate myself so much

>> No.4537433

The only people who lose money are the retards that actually bought Ver's BCH instead of dumping their own.

>> No.4537447
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I just woke up and found someone who already deserves this,

>> No.4537460

Also I don't hate either of them, could really give a fuck who wins, just my 2sats about btc and what will happen, if you believe it will keep going up, you are blind and greedy, it could make 10k+ I'm sure, but I'm saying it will eventually rv and come to base where it shoulf maybe be. Tell me bitcoin is a currency yes, not a commodity?

>> No.4537491
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Business is business burgerking faggit

nice fud

>> No.4537514

Why faggot, it's true. I'm a no coiner so really don't give a fuck to be honest. Enjoy making your money, aint nothing wrong with it, it's just what I believe will happen

>> No.4537537

so you have FAITH that something will happen just because you want it to happen?
you sure proved my picture right.

>> No.4537550

I don't give a fuck corecuck, I would buy whatever makes money, I'm not emotionally attached to a name, stay poor.

>> No.4537582

>using cryptos for anything other than buying drugs and guns to protect your gold & dirty dollar stash

>> No.4537588

What the fuck are you on about, i never said I have faith about it, i said it's what I predict will happen but who knows. Fucking retards always have to try be starting shit instead of having a decent argument

>> No.4537613

And also never said I wanted it to happen faggot, I even stated I'm a no coiner and could give a fuck.

>> No.4538157

Going with the tether theory, its 675 mil tether "in question," so something about 10% of the value of mt gox hacks. Anyone thinking this can cause a crash and burn like 2014 is seriously delusional.

>> No.4538193

Pls goyim, keep paying high fees

>> No.4538204

I paid 10 satoshis per byte yesterday

>> No.4538979

I’ve seen this phrase ‘your fear is delicious’ in about 5 different threads now. Same guy or are you all 12 year olds?

Attack 2 weeks ago was concerning but now bch seems like an obvious pnd

>> No.4539179

I mined bitcoin when I was 15 and still in highschool from my home PC. Sadly I have no idea how many coins I obtained or any chance of recovering them.