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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 180 KB, 2048x1066, HST +.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4534484 No.4534484 [Reply] [Original]

>Cryptopia listed yesterday
>Binance pending
>9mil MC
>Crypto Nigger AMA on the 1st.
>UN related announcement this month.
>Big clients announcement next month.
>Great team, always available to answer questions on telegram and care about the speculative price of the token.
>Solves a real problem and long-term there will always be demand for the token.

The fuck are you thinking anon, we've been warning you for 1 week now and this is still lower than 10m$ MC.

After all the announcments and news, we'll be seeing 50-60$m MC at least.

>> No.4534502

go away POL you shit on the united nations and now believe it will moon you? Get out with the doublethink bags because you bought high and FOMO'd

>> No.4534519
File: 5 KB, 266x111, INCOMING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For anyone thinking it's too late to get in: This coin is sitting at 0.31 cents RIGHT NOW. It was at 0.40 cents 2 weeks ago and sat dipped at 0.13 cents for nearly entirely of last week. As long as it is under $1 you still have time.

I don't need to repeat the sentiments that this shit will go to AT LEAST $2 by end of year.

>this shit is actually going to moon

It can't. I mean the HST logo is moon itself. This coin is going to fucking mars.

>> No.4534922
File: 57 KB, 937x839, 18920485_10212640344986138_5410490865174769145_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go and FUD somewhere else. We've been telling all of you for this since the start, the small dip and now that it is gaining popularity.

I don't care if you miss it, I'm just telling you this is one of the most undervalued projects out there and it wasn't even marketed/shilled by other youtubers yet or anyone outside of /biz/ and reddit.

Go on Telegram, speak with the team and community you ignorant FUD. Now connect everything with Market Cap, Announcements, Potential and Product. + The fact it hasn't even begun yet.

>> No.4535081
File: 24 KB, 400x299, JEFFKORMOSBasket Cage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is seriously the most excited I've been about a coin. Devs even spoke about a state in the USA potentially using this around January. This will be getting used immediately and will put even POWR to shame I think.

If you don't feel like using EtherDelta to buy (you should anyways), check out KuCoin. It'd help me out too if you used my referral, just throwing it out there in case someone decides to give it a shot. While registering put in E4QWJT, it'll help us both out. It's actually a pretty decent exchange.

>> No.4535144

Who are you, you are very persistent.
and yes HST is a great project and will easily 5x when it hits Binance.
I know there are anons out there that still come to biz to try and help their bros out, even though its a pleb tier mess.

>> No.4535171

I'm one of HST Astronauts. We aren't going to moon, we are going to Mars.

>> No.4535178

i finally have to register for etherdelta

>> No.4535238

LOL register for ED

>> No.4535271

dont fuck up and buy my .001 hst for .9 eth

>> No.4535300

Kucoin, cryptopia?
>brb registering for ether delta

>> No.4535373

honestly this coin actually seems worthwhile. so many projects that seem good on the surface but aren't really needed.


>> No.4535384

This shit looks retarded, but how can you argue with a 10 mil market cap and tons of announcements to come? EZ 50% at least.

>> No.4535397
File: 65 KB, 787x563, 1511333646301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looks retarded

Anon please see this picture and evaluate your statement again >>4534922

>> No.4535408

is there a wallet for this? sorry, i'm a noob

>> No.4535442

Hmm.. maybe i should take some Clearpoll gains on the Crypt and buy some HST.

POLL is the tits. I am greedy I want both.

>> No.4535491

How many HST do you biz Bros have? I'm sitting in a little over 13,000, comfy af

>> No.4535521

my b! gonna go without tendies this week so i can buy this superior coin

>> No.4535567

Bought this shit coin from shit etherdelta when shit poopie heads shilled in here @40 cents

>> No.4535595

so just over a week ago and it's already closing in again

>> No.4535597

I just have to say, i love you /biz/ for introducing me to this coin 4 days ago.It was my first jump into crypto and I've flipped a $3000 investment into nearly $9000 in two days. I sold of course just to have the money in my hand and it's a fucking thrill desu.

>> No.4535814

LOL, only a short-sighted idiot would flip this, cos anyone with half a brain knows that with the BIG partnership announcements coming, this thing is gonna fucking explode in price!!

>> No.4535921

Why would you make a 3x instead of 10x or potential 20x?

If you bought at 17c when the dip fast biggest, you be making 20x at 3$.

Why don't you people just fucking HOLD for a month, when you know there are big aonnouncments and partnerships coming in a week or so? You missed at least a 10x gain and potential 20x + gain, for your 3x gain. I know it makes sense and it feels good, but be smarter next time. You can still buy and hold and make 10x if you just buy and close your eyes for two weeks.


>> No.4535942

>shit coin, anon again please view the image >>4534922

Just because you can't hold a good coin for more than 3 days and panic sell the first time it dips, doesn't mean it shit coin. It means you are shit at research and trading.

>> No.4535966

long term wise, why is this better than POLL?

>> No.4535984

Don't listen to these shit for brains. Taking profit is never a bad thing especially when you're starting off small - some of us have learned the hard way. A good strategy is to take out your initial investment and then leave the rest on the table for the remaining moon mission, that way you've already profited and you can still make it.

>> No.4536038

dogs that bite moving tires get run over. 2 -3x is all you can expect to get out of announcements like this.

>> No.4536105


Also agree, but x2 from here is looking pretty fucking solid with binance and crypto nigger balina shill.

>> No.4536136

signatum 2.0?

>> No.4536139

i agree with other anons, it only makes sense to long term hold tried and proven stuff like ETH, not volatile shitcoins. the fat faggot you posted predicts ETH will be 6k$, so you'll already make it with far less risk.

>> No.4536255

im in a weird place right now.

I bought the last high and then it went -70%, all i wanted was to break even, well i broke even.... and im still holding.

This somehow grew on me and i suddenly now actually believe in the coin. Fuck me.

>> No.4536278

it's a long term hold

>> No.4536292


>> No.4536297


these are the guys who hold the bags when you take your tidy 3x and make more money with those gains as they sit hoping to see a biz thread on HST so they can shill it

>> No.4536311

Im just a starter and wanted to realize crypto profits for the very first time in my life. Yeah, I've probably cut my profit potential by a factor of three now, but i'll humbly take these small gains before my hands are strong enough to hold such volatile coins for longer.

>> No.4536404

I'm screencapping all the FUD comments, so that I can point them out in a week and laugh at you.

Iron will, there's no way you will make me think otherwise. Again >>4534922

>> No.4537220


LMAO. You really are a myopic fucking dumbass if you think so. I'll be holding way past these announcements and reaping astronomical gains while you regret having sold for a pathetic 2x. Get a brain you moron! At least research the project so you can understand why it has such great long-term potential.

>> No.4537295


Yep, that's the same bullshit they said about Neblio, I just ignored the FUD and held. I've since made more than 20x you retard. The same will happen with HST. In a few months time your're gonna look like a complete fool with that idiotic statement. Next time you post, try borrowing a brain cell you imbecile.

>> No.4537396

Nice to see fellow strong community brother.

>> No.4537562

Kek to all the weak and baseless fud here. This is a coin that you simply can't fud, pajeets.

They have working product (MiVote) and not only a white paper project; the team is grade A+ they are very professional, very honest and actually take feedback from the community; their project has real life usage; market cap is only still at $10m when it deserves at least $100m.

So many big things coming: AMA with Ian Balina, BINANCE listing, partnerships and United Nations-related announcement. These are the fuels that will make HST skyrocket in December. This would be as big as (or even bigger than) POWR. Plus, HST is also Australian like POWR. Once the mainstream Aussies hear about HST, imagine what will happen.

If you're not a brain dead pajeet, you will be researching about this project right now. It still sits at the price of $0.33. You're not too late. This coin will go at least $2 by EOY. Mark my words.

>> No.4537626

Check out the team profiles on their website: horizonstate.com/team/

Join the telegram and ask your questions there, the admins are very active and helpful: t.me/horizonstate

Now I've given you all the basics that you need. Start your research from here and you will see that I'm right about this project. There will always be fud-spreading pajeets and haters. Don't mind them. They are the types of people that will not make it in crypto.

>> No.4538635

today we breeze past $0.50

>> No.4538873
File: 15 KB, 420x420, 1510182160355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The current price is $0.35. To hit $0.50 it 'only' needs a 35% gain.

That's very possible, considering HST was up 80% daily in the last two days.

>> No.4538924

Still will b a steal of a deal, we're touching $3 EOY min.

>> No.4538927

>tfw its back to the price that i bought in at

everyone on biz has been making a killing off this coin yet ive finally managed to break even :(

>> No.4538978
File: 34 KB, 573x430, 1511039741312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be sad, anon. I was also bagholding at -55% last week, but now I'm up 47% when everyone else is up more than 100%.

Your time will come. This coin is the moon mission for December. Our patience will be rewarded.

>> No.4539023

Up 100+% in the last week. Fuck outta here dick head. I'm in here every fucking day and didn't see shit about HST. You faggit didn't post shir, you waited for the pump to post here. So take your shitcoin and shove it up your ass

>> No.4539031

Man, why are you crying? Don't you get it? Those that made 100% are waiting to make 1000%.

Who the hell cares how much people made until now? This is going to basically 10x EOY even if you buy now.

>> No.4539040

At least you weren't stupid enough to not buy in at all, these are historically low prices still yet.

>> No.4539049


I don't care if you flipped for 100%, we are here to flop for a lot more. Not my problem if you can't hold.

>> No.4539078

You must have been blind

>> No.4539139
File: 1.03 MB, 785x757, 1511402966172.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm in here every fucking day and didn't see shit about HST
It can only mean two things: either you are blind or you saw the HST threads, but you thought it was a pump-and-dump shitcoin so you didn't bother to do a research.

Next time you see a potential, you search for all informations you could get, faggot. That's how you make money.

>> No.4539262



Coordinated discord replies. Cute. Tell you what fags, I'll do some more research. But if there's anything I've learned is that if it's on 4chan, it's too late. And at 100% increase, I've been burned enough times to be weary of anyone who's promising 10x. Fact is, no one knows if it can go 10x, so don't act like you pajeets do.

>> No.4539307

>Look up said coin
>Another 1billion supply coin

Neck yourselves you shitbags rofl

>> No.4539381 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 600x842, 1511215278240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll do some more research
>Another 1billion supply coin
Faggot if you did research, you would've known that the total supply is reduced.

In ICO the total supply was indeed 1 billion HST, but most of the tokens are now locked in a smart contract and they WILL NOT ENTER CIRCULATION EVER AGAIN.

The team didn't burn the tokens 'cause of some technical issues, so they locked the tokens in an address. That address is designed in a way so that it can not send or receive anything. If you send ETH to that address, it will send your ETH back.

Don't believe me? Ask the devs in the telegram: t.me/horizonstate

Maybe next time don't jump to a conclusion quickly. Looking at coinmarketcap.com for two seconds is not a research. Now you go buy a rope and hang yourself.

>> No.4539407

You do understand the connection between Market Cap, Circulating Supply, Product, Team and Community?

Maybe match the dots and you'll see the potential.
Example: POWR - Market Cap 285m$, Circulating Supply 350m$ and Total Supply 1bn$.

Now match the dots, retard. How much hints do I have to give you.

>> No.4539410

From this reply I can tell you're not intelligent enough to make good financial decisions, stick to confido. You returned with wrong information.

>> No.4539416
File: 142 KB, 600x842, 1511215278240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'll do some more research
>Another 1billion supply coin
Faggot if you did research, you would've known that the total supply is reduced. Coinmarketcap shows the actual total supply which is 48.2m HST.

In ICO the total supply was indeed 1 billion HST, but most of the tokens are now locked in a smart contract and they WILL NOT ENTER CIRCULATION EVER AGAIN.

The team didn't burn the tokens 'cause of some technical issues, so they locked the tokens in an address. That address is designed in a way so that it can not send or receive anything. If you send ETH to that address, it will send your ETH back.

Don't believe me? Ask the devs in the telegram: t.me/horizonstate

Maybe next time don't jump to a conclusion too quickly. Googling "Horizon State" and read the white paper for two minutes is not a fucking research. Now you go buy a rope and hang yourself.

>> No.4539588

Another coordinated triple reply. Can you fuckers be any more obvious? Also, who buys after 2 minutes of research? You must really think I'm dumber than I actually am kiddo, still reading, just got to that part about the locked tokens.
Alright, so the supply is low compared to most shitcoins, can you guys tell me how you see people actually using this shit for voting though?
Also, genuinely interested now so let's hold up on the hate. (That applies to myself as well)

>> No.4539639


>point out every single thing to him and to make his own research and dilligence

>still doesn't believe me, after putting in 15minuts of thought

>comes here shitting even more

Anon, do you expect me to buy tokens also instead of you and then send them to your address when the price will rocket?

Are you fucking retarded. I'm not from any discord group, don't care what you believe. I'm just pointing you out the obvious, but if you are too retarded to add things up.. then it's really not my fault and concern.

That's all I have to say, and again >>4534922

>> No.4539752

Lol not shitting bud. Genuinely asking why you think people would fucking use this. You shill the same way everyone else does
>Muh mcap
>Muh bigger exchange
>Muh useful product
And then people get fucked. You're here to make money like anyone else, don't go acting virtuous.

>> No.4539767

It is NOT a coordinated reply. Stop thinking like that. You're believing in a delusion that you created yourself. The others and I are just exited about this coin.

>You must really think I'm dumber than I actually am kiddo
Well your statements made us think so. Blame yourself.

>how you see people actually using this shit for voting though?
Horizon State already has a working app called MiVote. It has been used by communities in Australia to vote in many issues.

The team had presented HST to the United Nations in New York. Announcement related to UN will be released some time next week.

>Why would organizations use HST?
It's way cheaper than the conventional voting system. That way, organizations like the UN etc will save money by using the HST platform. Also more efficient and more transparent obviously.

>How does it work?
Say the UN wants to make a decision/hold an election. They need to buy the HST tokens, to be able to use the platform.

The ratio is not necessarily 1 HST for 1 vote. But it will start with 1:1. Over time, this will change because HST's price will go up, so that 1:1 ratio won't be cheap for organizations anymore.

HST tokens can be divided up to 18 decimals. So in the future when HST's price is -- for example -- $4. The ratio will be 0.0001 HST for 1 vote. This is just an example, but you get the idea.

>> No.4539801


Working product, unique use case, needed technology (even if you might not see why at first, that would be because you're not exposed to the use case on a day to day basis), legitimate partnerships, etc. There's a whole lot, continue to do your research and join the telegram.

>> No.4539808

You'll be part of the screen cap.

I don't understand why you are coming here then? You don't have faith in this project, that's alright. I guess you obviouslly know more than others and assume you know what you are talking about.

Good luck furthermore, I really hope you make a lot of money in crypto world, which we all know is an insane opportunity right now.

Maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong. It's up to you to do the 1+1=2.

>> No.4539852

Lol when the fuck did his muh high supply meme start anyway and how are people actually stupid enough to fall for it. The supply doesn’t effect potential gains in any way. Market cap equals circulating supply times price. If two coins have same market cap of say 10 mill, coin a has 1 billion supply and coin b has 1000 supply, and both increase to 20 mill market cap, they both see a 100% increase so if yothe invested in both you would see the same 100% increase in your investment in both. So it literally doesn’t matter if one has supply of 1 trillion and one has supply of 10

>> No.4539923

I have never seen a more retarded comment on /biz/ probablly.

>> No.4539960
File: 194 KB, 640x800, 1507725382154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually read this comment again, just to make sure I didn't read something wrong.

Can't believe someone can be this fucking stupid. Holy shit.

Please keep losing your money on pajeet projects.

>> No.4539994

Aww you must be retarded. That’s ok, some people are.
I am huge on this project and am holding 130k for long term.
I was explaining how supply/ price per coin means nothing and market cap means everything.

>> No.4540041

I understand the theory and what you said, but compare HST with POWR.

+ all the news and upcoming events.

>> No.4540149

What? Again I am big on this project and think it will be huge and hold a large amount. I never said anything about powr or this project being bad, I was merely trying to explain to the anon who thought that having a high supply is bad, why that is not the case.

>> No.4540310

Semmed a little bit out of context. No problem. Are you holding to EOY or slowly selling or insta dumping at given price?

>> No.4540364
File: 759 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171124-160343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got a reply bois.

>> No.4540373

Alrighty, now we're having a conversation. This does look interesting not gonna lie, and I did read something about some UN news. Just joined the telegram. I'm convinced. I'll throw some money at this, on blockfolio it only shows it on kucoin. Is that the only place to get it?

>> No.4540413


Etherdelta, kucoin, livecoin, cryptopia

>> No.4540536
File: 146 KB, 864x765, 1511311631593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently listed on 4 exchanges: EtherDelta, KuCoin, Livecoin and Cryptopia (with the biggest volume).

As you can see here >>4540364, they are working on Binance. I assume Binance will come some time in December, after the AMA with Balina and the partnerships announcement.

Also I forgot to attach the proof of the UN-related news. If you look at the website, you can see that they have an advisor who is an executive at the United Nations.