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4526201 No.4526201 [Reply] [Original]

It's shorting anon again. Now I've already warned you twice that bitcoin will drop to sub7k levels.
If you are reading this, you probably are poor pajeet hopelessly trying to make your ends meet.I give you this chance to become rich and happy - all you need to do is SHORT BTC NOW

>> No.4526211

Post your short order nigger

>> No.4526223

already posted here, what's your point faggo?

>> No.4526237


If you want to fud, do it proprely !

>> No.4526251

no fud, just my sincere wish to help anons kek

>> No.4526274
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whatever, here's my short. I was planning on shorting more but..

>> No.4526298
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but I cannot, WOOPS someone is getting it now
not much time left to make a bet

>> No.4526301
File: 1.11 MB, 1199x755, holdvsmargin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did somebody say short bitcoin? Well, here's how you do it! Just sign up here on BitMEX - https://www.bitmex.com/register/eY1A09
and deposit some BTC! Sell XBTUSD Perpetual Inverse Swaps and watch as your position grows in value. These contracts benefit the shorter more heavily than the longer, because they are inverse contracts denominated in USD but paid for in BTC! (the contracts go down in satoshi value as bitcoin goes up, and vice versa)
Leverage beyond 10x is suicidal, but the potential to magnify your gains is enormous! If you just stick to 1x leverage and bitcoin goes down in value, you will be doing great for yourself. Don't get greedy!

>> No.4526309


>> No.4526342

>stop loss at 30% loss

thats not good risk/reward

>> No.4526365

hey shortanon, what do I put my buy order at for btc?

>> No.4526374

yep I don't have too much and don't risk everything I have. That's about 15% of my portfolio, Im gonna make it up to 30% though

1:3 leverage works fine with me, also withdrawing in btc would cost me 0.001 and that's too much. I'd try bitmex if they add other cryptos to deposit

>> No.4526376

anon i...

>> No.4526380
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>ta fag
>telling others to short because he seen the future
>fuckin shrimp is dealing with only 1500

>> No.4526391

>already posted here, what's your point faggo?

BTC whales routinely kill shorts. Look at that ignorant dummy who just lost 50 million.

>> No.4526393

admitting you're poor isn't helping your argument at all
only shows you have no idea what you're doing if you're still poor after that huge bull run

>> No.4526446

I didn't care about setting it when opened position. BTC just won't go there in any closer future
I started crypto in late june when major bull race was over. still, made about x2 of my initial investment. I know that many anons here trade into losses so I see this result as rather good.

>> No.4526487

so why not set you stop at ATH?
or are you going to average down there? I would not recommend...

>> No.4526523

6900 is a safe bet, though I think it may dip under 6k for a short time.
If btc goes higher, I'd be only happy to short more. no need in stop-losses, this is a no-brainer really

>> No.4526524

If you're so good at this how come you got so little?
Since you're so good, why don't you get a loan and short btc with it?

Anyways, keep it up, we need retards like you so we can make some money

>> No.4526574

First you show me your depo then you talk bitchass.
I've never said Im good, this short is so obvious even for 7yr old kid... not for you though.
Don't cry when it falls anon. Remember, you've been warned multiple times.

>> No.4526582

This mentality will get you liquidated. You and hundreds of other shorters will cause BTC to moon because when you all panic buy to cover your shorts you will cause a short squeeze. I trade penny stocks for a living and the best longs for me are when shorts are getting rekt

>> No.4526687

Do you even understand how market works? How do you expect it to rise when everybody is shorting? There won't be this many stupid buyers to push btc upwards as bitcoin is fucking overbought atm. The only way is down, mark my words and don't be surprised when you see the great fall.

>> No.4526803

>implying BTC is not heavily manipulated by whales

This is a bear trap designed to trap shorts then force a moon and liquidate them. This is exactly what happened about 10 days ago when BTC looked like it was topping, it dropped 400 dollars trapping shorts, and then made a new ATH 2 days later. Then it crashed hard, and new ATH days later.

What % of people do you think are shorting this? You say "everybody" is shorting. Theyre not. Trying to pick a top is a dangerous game, counter trend trading is dangerous. The whales could let this dip all the way to 7.5k so you become complacent and then theyll cause a little moon, and then YOU will be the stupid buyer pushing BTC upwards even though Bitcoin is overbought to avoid getting liquidated.

BTW i know BTC will crash soon and I already have orders to buy based on fib retracements, I'm just saying what you're doing is dangerous. Trend is your friend

>> No.4526968

>How do you expect it to rise when everybody is shorting?
Did you forget about Tether Machina?

>> No.4526998

If you look up for the 1st post ITT, you'll see the channel graph which deliberately indicates there will be fall. There are no whales who can break this strong trend, meanwhile there is ETH on ATH and BCH trying to flip over the king.

No one has the power to move BTC up to 10k all of a sudden, it's not that easy.
>buy based on fibretracements
way less safe strategy than watching long time trend as I did. I got burnt with it once, do not recommend fib levels as a primary indicator.

You build on your own thinking, I build on the objective market moves. I win here.

>> No.4527068

disregard FUD around tether, probs some bitfinex competitors playing the game.

>> No.4527131

you're not wrong but you can still make nice profits if you don't get too greedy

i rode some of those $300-400 dips down last time with 100x leverage and about ~2BTC on the line. ~$300 dip with 2BTC @100x netted me about ~7.5 BTC profit

>> No.4527262

wow, 100x leverage youre ballsy. Id never do that because even if by chance there was a small deadcat bounce in the opposite direction it wouldnt take much to liquidate you

>> No.4527424

wow that's some good profit
i don't have these balls fot 1:100, but i'd really like to trade this 1:5 or 1:10, since it's really safe

>> No.4527460

already shorted, don't forget to buy the dip

>> No.4527671

just long BCH, way better play than shorting btc.

>> No.4527703

>n-nothing to see here... disregard.
Yeah, right... move along, sheep.