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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4524695 No.4524695 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4524729

Fuck this coin. FUCK IT.

>> No.4524733


>> No.4524740

gonna cum so hard when we hit $20

>> No.4524744

But why

>> No.4524750

i have been even for quite some time on this only have 385 OMG. feels badman

>> No.4524771
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>> No.4524818


It's okay anon, 2018 will bring you great profits. Keep throwing $50 a week into it :)

>> No.4524910

like ethereum great?

>> No.4524925

I have 5000+ and my life hurts that I don't have more

>> No.4524979


Through Omise, all things are possible.

>> No.4525537

you will be a rich man in 2018

did you buy them when they were less than a dollar?

>> No.4525550

Awesome team behind OMG
Including Vitalik himself and one of the LTC founders.
The idea they have is ground breaking for crypto
They have big news coming by the end of the year, including a working platform
I can’t understand how the hell is coin has been steady at $7-$8 for so long. I guarantee this will be $50 by EOY2018 if not $150
I am split in my portfolio 50% OMG 50% ETHOS they are the ETH and XMR of next year

>> No.4525631 [DELETED] 


Because I went all in at 200k sats and this utterly stupid decision left me holding bags for almost 2 months by now. I just want it to move a bit more too, instead of having every single green candle crushed by red dildos a moment after.

>> No.4525723

This fucking token hasnt moved in 2 months. 8 dollars or less after June hyped the fuck out of it. Hes probably assfucking underage ladyboys while doing blow with all the money he made. And the rest of us are left here rimming his asshole after eating spicy kimchi with thai peanut dressing

>> No.4525732

Honestly Anon you’ve held it for 2 months, just hold it for 12 months. They have big news coming out and this coin is do for some giant pumps. You’ll be in the green within the next 8 months. I am in the same boat as you but when I bought it I was ready for a long term investment. I’m throwing another $5,000 in at the end of the year with my bonus that’s how much I believe in OMG. I see 3 digits in less than 2 years. Imagine being able to buy BTC for $8 how much would you buy? This coin has the potential to be 4 figures in 4 years. Could you have held the BTC from $8 to $8,000? This is the same deal with OMG you’ll look back when it hits it first $1,000 and say shit I sold them at $100 and I could have been a millionaire. We are not deluded LINKIES or ARKiES we are on a real project, with a real team behind it, real money, and real goals

>> No.4525772

Just a pajeet tier shit coin that I dumped on normies at $15 a pop
No one knows what OmiseGO is or how it works that's the only reason its not back to sub zero levels

>> No.4525806

>No one knows what OmiseGO is or how it works that's the only reason its not back to sub zero levels
please enlighten us then, because you sure as hell don't seem to know

>> No.4525863

June keeps putting up 20,000 omg sell walls at 8 dollars and below. I trust Joost more than this guy now. Should have went all in on chainlink

>> No.4525921


explains the skateboards and pictures infront of google signs

>> No.4526166

I took a break from the crypto world for a while.
Saw OMG shit the bed but didn't really look into it.
Wasn't there supposed to be some big news in september? What was it?

>> No.4526293

the lead dev got a cool new skateboard

>> No.4526417

honestly anon if you're not buying this at its current ETH price you're a fool. it hasnt been this low since its move after ICO.

>> No.4526439

but you'll have to buy with eth you already own from a cheaper buy in, no use buying ETH with fresh fiat at this price to buy OMG cheaply.

>> No.4526460

Get scammed by Korean racists brehs

>> No.4526581

Aware from the government, partnership with a MUFG bank and 30m in funding from them
It went 20c to $12 in two months. There's such thing as a correction...

>> No.4526601

I bought them a while ago in FOMO mode, and haven't made anything on them. Bought around $7, but kept learning more and more and grew to love my bags. I now have full confidence in the project and am intent on HODLing. I just wish I could add more. I'd like 7500

>> No.4526673

i hope for your sake and sanity you're right, that's a lot of money you have riding on this.
I really liked OMG but then their roadmap was lackluster and it felt like a teen wrote it.

i'm just dubious about their execution capabilities with zero deliverables after that spike in price. makes you wonder how successful their roadshow was and the announcements kek, don't get me started on that

but hey at least you didn't fomo at ATH

>> No.4527304

You didn't answer my question. I realize a correction after such a run is normal.
I wondered what the big news was they wanted to release in september

>> No.4527342

I did though. September news was two parts. An award from Thai government and a partnership+funding with an MUFG bank

>> No.4527387
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>Award from the government, partnership with a MUFG bank and 30m in funding from them.

>> No.4527413

think it was McDonalds confirmed?

Anyways - apart from their roadmap and shilling (not distancing from apple rumours etc), theyre doing everything perfectly. If they deliver half of what they say - I'll be a rich man.

>> No.4527964
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Guys it's easy, try this:

>1. look at your OMG balance
>2. imagine it says ETH
>3. wait until 2018
>4. ????
>5. profits

>> No.4528192


what did you mean by this?