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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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451540 No.451540 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.452130
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>> No.452132

shit, whatsup op. around how much do you make in a month, I was thinking about this

>> No.452154

where do you buy your fake phones tho

>> No.452174

HEY HEY. Right now I quit my slave job and have $1000.00 (roughly) in my savings. I wanna sell some fake phones to fucking some Stacy and Ashelys in my town. Need guidance though. I live in London, Ontario, Canada.

>Where to buy phone?
Some faggots told me from alibaba. But place sounds sketchy and I don't even know what the phones are called. Are they just called Fake [Insert phone name]?

Need some real bizJews here.

>> No.453216



because I like this board.
dh,ga te( . )c,o(m, check out the cheap firearm accessories, you could easily make thousands by ordering an 80% ar 15 lower then tricking that shit out with accessories from here, they also have fake computers and phones. enjoy

>> No.453312

Do you strictly deal in phones or do you branch out? How long have you been doing this?

>> No.453334


it's the most legit chink wholesaler out there. also fake phones are hard to sell. it's one of the things most people are familiar with and can't be easily scammed into buying. most people who buy fake phones do it for the prestige. for example, iphone knockoffs were very popular a few years ago(might still be)

there was also a big demand for fake beats headphones some years ago when they just entered the market. i knew a dude who ordered them in bulk from china(they even came with beats packaging), and sold them on craigslist, etc. he conned the buyers and always claimed they were legit. according to him the sound/build quality was comparable to legit beat headphones(which are basically horseshit anyways), so most people were convincingly duped

>> No.453346
File: 149 KB, 1200x900, africankid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what is a good Fake-Sell As Real product right now? I live in a small white town. IT's not alabama but people aren't that smart.

>> No.453352

You are one stupid fuck for quitting when you only have a grand in the bank. Also: London is a fucking shithole.

>> No.453360

Seriously, he won't even have the phones for another 2-3 weeks. Hope all your bills are paid.

>> No.453366

I was working 7 am to 6 p.m, literarly cleaning shit off the flooded basements. come home and go straight to sleep. My brain hadn't been stimulated for a whole month. I can't put a price on that.

>> No.453369

>small white town

you already goofed. how do you expect to scam people if odds are someone will recognize you eventually?

unless you live near a large population center you're not gonna make any "sales"

also to answer your question: i don't know. beats were really hot a few years ago, and had very good profit potential. just gotta keep your eye out for the next tech craze
in the mean time you can try flipping generic electronics like usb drives, mp3 players, memory cards, etc.

>> No.453372

man, I know I'm not that smart in your books.
I also know that you think you've told me more than I need to know on this board.
It would be nice though, if you actually told me a way, specific to it's category to make some money, so my faggot as can get into bigger stuff. Unless you dont know any, that's fine too.

>> No.453374

well i never implied any of those things, but nice to see you projecting this hard

>how do i into monies

you seriously expect people to just spoon feed you?

well anyways here's the beats example summarized:
1. buy beats buds in bulk from alibaba
2. advertise them on craigslist as the real thing
3. come up with fake story - birthday gift that i didn't want, already have a pair, etc.
3. use a burner phone for communication
4. never meet customers at your home
5. sell shit
6. cut all contacts to customers. profit.

this is what worked 5 years ago

>> No.453383

Thanks and it helps when you detailed that out.
But I already knew all that.
My question is what is relevant right now? That was 5 years ago. (even though some still do it but barely sell now)

>> No.453412

God you are one stupid, whiny shit. Wah wah you worked 11 hour shifts a a shit tier job. Now you've quit before finding something else, and are asking how to turn 1000 bucks buying fake phones into a real, liveable income? You truly are a shithead.

>> No.453429

honestly, you're right. That's whiny as fuck.

>> No.453438

to be fair. i invested 300 bucks of it into security guard license for a better job. my test is on the 27th.

>> No.453445


Fake phones are not hard to sell if you don't pretend to sell them like originals. Obviously the profit margins would be less but there is demand for these products.

>> No.453469

If anything, the profit margins would be more. People don't know what fakes really cost, you just have to sell it for mess than a legit one.

>> No.453673

Can't find any that look remotely like the real thing, any help?

>> No.453674

Or any other ideas, really keen to get in on this.

>> No.453746
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well all need to think and come up with a really desired product for real stupid people. Just like those Goddamn Beats Headphones by Dr. Dre. Heck my brother bought two of those

>> No.454441

Just FYI this is illegal and it's treated as a pretty serious crime federally (at least in the US). You can do time if you get caught.

>> No.454479

That's kind of the trick, man. Niggers and wiggers will buy any stupid thing at ridiculous markup if you can make them think the ridiculous price is a status symbol.

I had an idea for grape soda that has gold flakes or something in it, but unless I can get some rapper to drink it, I don't think it'll work.