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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 73 KB, 857x633, asdasd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4513017 No.4513017 [Reply] [Original]

is this true /biz/? seems like treyvon would be smarter than that to use a hardware wallet


>> No.4513029

It's what you get when you gloat your wealth that you've earned from promoting a ponzi scheme.

>> No.4513030

Its bollocks. Just trying to avoid the irs

>> No.4513038


He claimed he was "hacked" to avoid taxes.

>> No.4513039


>> No.4513049

how do you hack yourself? wouldn't that just be a dead give away to the investigator lmao

>> No.4513051

yeah i'd be a lot more upset if i lost that much

>> No.4513056


This noodle haired nigger needs to be lynched.

>> No.4513055

Isn't he showing his wallet all the time on YouTube? Kek. Get rekt.

>> No.4513062



>> No.4513075


>> No.4513076

There was a thread on this earlier. Summary is:

BitConnect is about to self destruct. Several popular youtubers/social media crypto people have been exiting out of their scam pages and saying they were "hacked" so they don't have to report taxes on their gainz. Also so they don't become targets for robbery and blackmail.

In reality, everyone knows these fucks didn't get hacked, and just cashed it out to Monero. They are trying to hide from the taxman, and also from people who want to ask them for money irl. "Hacked" is a scapegoat, and a terrible one at that.

>> No.4513084

Yeah anyone who shills BCC must have >200 IQ

>> No.4513112

>dindu that was shilling the bitconnect scam

Hopefully this is legit, because he's an absolute sack of shit.

It's probably just a tax avoidance thing, or a publicity stunt though.

>> No.4513126

>a nigger

>> No.4513135

that's why cryptocurrencies aren't the future yet. too easy to get hacked

>> No.4513140

fake as shit.

he just want the views.

>> No.4513173

hacked gmail account

>able to upload video to jewtube


>> No.4513185

watch the posts prior to the "hack" vid and his reaction. It fucking stinks... listen to how much detail he goes into. "Oh by the way, I'm buying a house", oh "someone contacted me that knows the family of the guy that hacked me" - funny how everyone is claiming "hack".

Trevon, Craig, CryptoNick, BitFinex...

Trevon had a lot of crypto... BTC, ETH and they just HAPPEN to take ONLY BTC from the top bitconnect youtube shills....

Trevon sits there giggling, talking about he lost 900k, talking about its going to take 2-3 months to get back all that...

900K in 2-3 months with 98% of your BTC gone.... k. I'll wait...

At the very least, its to avoid taxes - but what do these guys have in common? ALL Bitconnect shills.

>> No.4513187

Yes, I was in that thread. After sifting through further boiling youtube diarrhea, it has become clear that a large percentage of these bitconnect "promoters" are uploading videos claiming 'haxors' XXD
It's definitely an exit strategy. This cannot be coincidence.

>> No.4513190

he did a similar video long time ago, he's just playing to hide his gold

>> No.4513203


>they left my litecoin though

litecoin is such a massive shitcoin that isn't even worth stealing.

>> No.4513213

>wet dog smelling honkey
>poor and dumb

>> No.4513214

This has to be bait.

He wasn't hacked, retard. He is claiming he was hacked because he made all his money off promoting a pozi scheme (bitconnect) to equally retarded followers, who in turn invested through his refferal link making him more money. Promoting a ponzi scheme is just as illegal as operating it. Not only that, but this dumbass thinks claiming to be "hacked" will work for avoiding taxes.

That may work in the short term... One tax claim year, maybe two... But an audit WILL come. Yes you claimed you were hacked, but that money will have to flow into your USD bank account at some point, in which you will be investigated and caught.

Let's say it's the future and you never do convert back to USD because crypto is used everyday...well don't think you can suddenly begin to live a life of wealth without it being noticed and questioned. Even materialistic things being suspiciously bought are going to raise questions. This fuck will either serve time, or be stripped of all his gains in 5 years or less. Believe it.

>> No.4513218

watched first minute of this, he's lying. noone loses 1mil and acts happy go lucky like that
fake as fuck

>> No.4513231

Mabye this explains the monero pump

>> No.4513237


>> No.4513241

You nigger go around smelling wet dogs?
Bit odd

>> No.4513266

This guy is a complete idiot. Before all this bitconnect shit he lost his bitcoins because he never wrote down his mnemonic seed for his hardware wallet, then called hardware wallets a "scam". And now this. LMAO


>> No.4513268

Holy shit why didn’t I think of that

>> No.4513276

When Bitconnect collapses would it be smart to go all in on XMR immediately you think?

>> No.4513284


>> No.4513309


The IRS does not care about coins that are "lost". They become taxable property as soon as the person receives them. If someone receives coins 1 day they owe taxes then. If, 10 days later, someone steals those coins... the person who received them on day 1 still owes taxes.

Don't believe me? Ask the IRS and prominent crypto tax attorneys.

These nignogs literally advertised their gains on YouTube and provided clearly readable transaction IDs and dates. They're on a list and if their tax forms aren't clean they're boned.

>> No.4513315
File: 50 KB, 512x768, yqjLDSOmSnlgUQng7m5YgqlJpNXtCJ8m6J1ZDDAzfC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fake. He has an earlier video where he was freaking the fuck out because he thought he got hacked. You see his true reaction; this reaction is too calm.

>> No.4513401

>The IRS does not care about coins that are "lost". They become taxable property as soon as the person receives them. If someone receives coins 1 day they owe taxes then. If, 10 days later, someone steals those coins... the person who received them on day 1 still owes taxes.
>Don't believe me? Ask the IRS and prominent crypto tax attorneys.

I thought you only had to pay when you convert to USD as capital gains

>> No.4513416


>> No.4513568

dont fall in to this kids bullshit.

you arent due for taxes until your gains are "realized" . thats an occult meaning for sending money back into the bank and if its over what you put in.

of all the times ive been on /biz/ there has never been a step by step instruction on how to file your taxes when you send money back into the bank. on this alone, it proves that everyone here is just LARPING or marketers.

crypto is a huge scam. its not legit and when exit comes times, the winners will start their own blockchain with government backed options. this whole cyrptotrading is just a test run.

>> No.4513600

>you arent due for taxes until your gains are "realized" . thats an occult meaning for sending money back into the bank and if its over what you put in.
No, that is not what realized means.

>> No.4513615


>> No.4513628

>Discredits someone else's opinion while providing an equally retarded statement.

Do you realize crypto is attempting to REPLACE fiat? The same fiat that is currently run and "backed" by the government.

Why the fuck would we go full circle and buy into a blockchain that is backed by the government.

I don't agree with what that guy said about how taxes work either, as the IRS definitely has not clarified how to properly file for crypto...but the time will come this year when they realize the crypto market cap has grown $230B this year alone.

>> No.4513637

holy shit dude

>> No.4513648

>seems like treyvon would be smarter
lol no he's a nigger

>> No.4513698

So if you lost money you don't pay taxes? Niceeee

>> No.4513728

What is a 'Realized Gain'
A realized gain results from selling (for fiat) an asset at a price higher than the original purchase price. It occurs when an asset is sold at a level that exceeds its book value cost. While an asset may be carried on a balance sheet at a level far above cost, any gains while the asset is still being held are considered unrealized as the asset is only being valued at fair market value.
BREAKING DOWN 'Realized Gain'
Unrealized gains and realized gains vary considerably. An unrealized gain most often refers to a gain reported on a company’s financial statements and will appreciate the value of the specified asset on a company’s books. Unrealized gains are typically not taxed. They add to an asset’s originally reported book value at the time of purchase and can occur on all types of assets and investments held by a company.


>> No.4513749


>> No.4513779

It's hard to look at this Dindu's face. He looks a fucking baboon with those lips. He's also clearly full of shit.

>> No.4513780


I fucking hate this shit. I don't know whether my shitcoin trading is taxed or not

>> No.4513812

ironically this.

why would the hacker leave him with access to that gmail account?

im calling total bullshit on this nigger

>clearly this is an exit and tax avoidance scam

>> No.4513825

If you have to pay any taxes on earned income, be sure to report your losses as you can offset any taxes owed by your realized losses up to $3000 per year.

>> No.4513837

who cares
it's not like any of us have made a net profit or make enough for a salty fed to come knocking

>> No.4514014
File: 267 KB, 650x336, 1496443083333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, its true Trayvon got hacked.

In case you mongoloids don't know it, most people now have their personal info being traded and sold on the deep web

Maybe you are also unaware of the explosion of hacking going on by state and non state actors worldwide.

Maybe you don't know.

Maybe you don't follow the leaks.

Maybe you think this is an appropriate thread for /pol/tard behavior...

Or maybe you're a dumb moron who can't figure out their taxes.

Or maybe you're an Economic Justice Warrior futilely trying to save idiots from scams on decentralized global currency networks.

Maybe you think you are being smart transferring currencies from one place to the another thinking you are doing the smartest thing.

The fact is if you draw attention to yourself there are many, many ways to hack you and steal your coins.

Especially if you are holding close to million USD in tokens.

That kind of money DOES make you an attractive target for international criminal networks.

If they get as much as a piece of information on you, they can totally destroy your online life.

Like I said most people's information is out there being traded around along with the tools to totally disrupt their lives.

Better change the locks and button up your assholes

I gotta hand it to Trayvon though, his positive attitude is unbreakable.

>> No.4514074

>he had his private keys in gmail

what a crock of shit

>> No.4514077

Nice try, Trayvon.

>> No.4514120

>too easy to get hacked

wrong. we just need to keep coons off the blockchain.

>> No.4514211

They will find out the hard way that the IRS doesn't fuck around


>> No.4514499

Doesn't seem too hard. He break the dindu cycle becoming rich with BTC and will still end up in jail.

>> No.4514520
File: 1.96 MB, 2293x2267, 423432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that's why monero will be $1k EOY

>> No.4514535

claiming his gmail got hacked is an idiotic move, they can check anyone who accessed it

a phone is not all you need to do this anyway, let alone his phone NUMBER

he's full of shit

>> No.4514732
File: 225 KB, 598x408, prank-exit scam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exit scam

>> No.4514886


This isn't correct.

>Q-5: How is the fair market value of virtual currency determined?

>A-5: For U.S. tax purposes, transactions using virtual currency must be reported in U.S. dollars. Therefore, taxpayers will be required to determine the fair market value of virtual currency in U.S. dollars as of the date of payment or receipt. If a virtual currency is listed on an exchange and the exchange rate is established by market supply and demand, the fair market value of the virtual currency is determined by converting the virtual currency into U.S. dollars (or into another real currency which in turn can be converted into U.S. dollars) at the exchange rate, in a reasonable manner that is consistently applied.

By all means, though....

>> No.4514926

this faggot is clearly lying
bad liar too, people who believe this shit is a faggot

not sure why is lying if exit scamming or IRS but he is lying

>> No.4515109

who makes this screenshot should show the whole picture or nothing. can be easily faked

>> No.4515184

Screenshot is real, its from craig grants page, I seen it.

Although to support trevon being hacked, his youtube and twitter are promoting scams right now. Twitter tricking people into sending btc, youtube recommending scam ether wallets.

>> No.4515211

Stop shilling this Cheeto headed scammer you fuken cuck.

>> No.4515369

How do cryptofags not get more anxious about the sheer amount of scammers that exist in this sphere? I watched a couple of this nigger's vids and he's obviously a fucking retard who is just trying to scam even lower IQ retards who seem to make up a huge proportion of the ppl in this sphere. How are you supposed to be taken seriously when there are so many of these people in crypto? Scammers, pedophiles, drug addicts, criminals, etc. crypto attracts just the worst kind of people.

I can't wait until the regulations come in and all these scammers are jailed.

>> No.4515400

>Just trying to avoid the irs
You still pay taxes even if your shit is stolen. IRS doesn't care.

>> No.4515406

winners of ponzis get their shit confiscated by the IRS and it gets distributed to the losers
he has a vested interest in this

>> No.4515610

See now this is how he looks when he has lost money.
It's like night and day compared to that "lull I lost a million dolleridoos" video.

>> No.4515750

I thought treyvon was shot by that Jewish Cuban. What's he doing trying to steal btc?

>> No.4515792

I hope you guys are dedicating as much effort and focus on making gains as you do with talking about this guy lol

>> No.4515821

this guy lost 1 fucking million dollars and he is not sweating at all...

if he got hacked for so much should involve police etc?

>> No.4515981

>Cop: Fill out these forms and we'll get back to you

>> No.4516022

>cooperate with police

>> No.4516052

you fucking idiot you think the police wouldn't get involved on a million dollar hack? "imaginary money" my fucking ass

fair enough

>> No.4516112
File: 55 KB, 379x418, 1506557486999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell..

>> No.4516131

>this faggot is clearly lying

Have any of you geniuses even checked the bitcoin address? Do some work.

>> No.4516150

>that tanline nnngh
I want lewdposting on blue boards to stop, be bannable even, but I can't help but enjoying some of these pics.