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4507858 No.4507858 [Reply] [Original]

>In September 2016 I paid Coinbase $1,222 for two BTCs, $611 each. Seven months later, in April 2017, they paid me back $2,490, which was $1,245 for each BTC. My profit before tax was $1,268, over 100% of the investment, in just seven months.

>Where did that profit come from? How can Coinbase pay me eight times more now than I paid them less than a year ago? Where did they get that cash?

>In a nutshell, I'm getting my investment and my profit from other people, who are paying Coinbase for my BTCs. If there were no demand, my entire investment would disappear and I would only have the BTC bits and bytes in my virtual wallet. I would lose my $1,222.

>Some recent articles call Bitcoin and other altcoins, like Etherium or Litecoin, Ponzi schemes, for example, The Rise of Cryptocurrency Ponzi Schemes in The Atlantic and Bitcoin passes $1,000 but only number that matters is zero in the Financial Times.

>Indeed, the key attribute of a pyramid scheme is right there: the product being sold has no value aside from the demand-generated one, just like Twitter stocks (it's a joke). Should we blame Bitcoin for that? I don't think so.

>I think that what Coinbase (and similar traders like CoinMama or CEX.io) are doing is definitely a pyramid and must be stopped by the government, sooner rather than later.

>Why the police are still closing their eyes to what Coinbase is doing, I simply can't understand. Maybe because NYSE and A16Z are among their long list of investors?


>> No.4507895

This is the dumbest shit that read's like it's written by a boomer.

>> No.4507894
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the article is right. whats so shocking ?

nobody cares about bitcoin as a currency. everyone wants to get rich quick

>> No.4507903
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Exchanges. How do they work?

>> No.4507914

if i go on a stock exchange and buy a stock, is it the exchange thats selling it to me or are they selling me someone elses stock? is it a pozi scheme too??

man this board somethings holy fuck

>> No.4507916

deluded. but already know that 95% on here are braindead

>> No.4507944

Wait are you telling me when I click the sell button an actual person is buying stuff from me?

>> No.4507973

This isn't entirely true. Third world shitholes with junk currency actually do want to use BTC as a currency.

BTC actually is a very good thing for the third world.

>> No.4507985

no it's a pyramid scheme

>> No.4507991

Your really that retarded? You dont know how a fucking exchange works? Think about it... I used to sell silver and gold to a shop down the road. It doesnt matter when I sold it to them because they just sell it for USD right away anyways. So if you sell ur BTC at twice what you paid then the exchange can just sell the BTC right away and get the USD back.

How can anyone be this retarded to now understand how an exchange works this has to be a joke post...

>> No.4508004


And drug dealers.

And money launderers.

And asset hiders.

And all sorts of criminal activity.

>> No.4508042
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ikr, it has so much in common with money.

>> No.4508045

This. BTC will save the poorest people of the world on average $150 BILLION a year on remittances alone!

Try harder BTFO no-coiner.

>> No.4508046


What kind of brainlet sells a bitcoin for under $10k?

>> No.4508053

he's right. everything is a game of hot potato. careful you end up burning your hands, anons

>> No.4508060

So because there are bad actors with it, we should have it banned? Those things are simply excuses that institutions with a vested interest in the current system use to shut down a competing better system.

>> No.4508067

The absolute state of /biz/.

>> No.4508071

Stop being a fuck tard troll. BTC is more trackable than paper cash.

>> No.4508102
File: 53 KB, 488x378, street-vendor-mother-ghana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pay for 20 yams from local market
>thank you sir that will be 0.000565 btc plus 0.001 transaction fee

>> No.4508119
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>In a nutshell, I'm getting my investment and my profit from other people, who are paying Coinbase for my BTCs. If there were no demand, my entire investment would disappear and I would only have the BTC bits and bytes in my virtual wallet. I would lose my $1,222.

Uhhmm, yes sweetie. That's basically how ALL markets work: real estate, stocks, commodities, forex, you name it. The price is driven by supply and demand and if you're unfortunate enough to buy at the top you're gonna lose money every single time. Fuck off grandpa

>> No.4508128

My theory is the powers that be actually want BTC to succeed to become a one world currency. It's something that the Davos elite masterbate to. A single globalized digital currency that can be tracked to see who has what and who owes what that the people adopted willingly.

>> No.4508133

Holy fuck what is this person even doing in cryptocurrency in the first place?

>> No.4508138

You do understand that mobile devices are the central pieces of tech for Africans. Guess what BTC works on fucking phones.

>> No.4508179

Damn you're dumb OP

>> No.4508180
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>using a thin client means 0 fees

>> No.4508195


>doesn't understand how tx fees work

>> No.4508199

seriously. holy crap OP are you really this dumb

>> No.4508230

aaron russo used to talk about this before he was suicided over 10 years ago, they were debating on what they were going to call it..
they were thinking Amero to be like the euro...
this was over 10+ years ago...

now we see bitcoins... and a "Monero"

not even making this shit up...
can find it on google and youtube.

>> No.4508232

So I got 10 FaceBook shares, after a two years I noticed that my share price trippled.
Where did they get this cash?
Must be a ponzi sheme
Good god, where these stupid people come from

>> No.4508291

>Why the police are still closing their eyes


fucking pajeet nigger

>> No.4508328

>When I sell my bitcoin for USD on Coinbase it is Coinbase that is paying me

Never change /biz/

>> No.4508854

Ummm no. Supply and demand is an outdated theory. Learn modern economics, faggot.

>> No.4508982
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Imagine what it must be like going through life being this fucking dumb.

>> No.4508994
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it's ok because bitcoin will always go up forever as we are in an era of unlimited demand and the network effect has no top! hyperinflation by 2020, we're all gonna be RICH!

>> No.4509298

Monero is the word for coin in Esperanto.

>> No.4510022

The stock prices in most cases are related to the value of the company as they represent ownership.

What does Bitcoin represent? Well it only represents itself and has no value in itself. In fact the product that is bitcoin doesn't matter, it could be anything and that's why we see so many alt coins, including bitcoin forks. The only reason people care about bitcoin is that in theory it will go up because there will be a greater fool to buy it for more.

>> No.4510097

Not really. If hyper inflation happens and fiat fails, bitcoin fails. The only benefit of bitcoin right now is that it's being over inflated in relation to fiat. Without fiat those who control physical assets have more reason to use a currency system that isn't in play, such as a no name meme coin, because they can get in at the bottom and make it relative to their ownership of goods as opposed to playing by arbitrary bitcoin valuations.

In short, bitcoin is already failed, but some may make decent money off the mania.

>> No.4510171

Ok, so what caused those shares to go up?

Now what caused bitcoin to go up?

If you can answer these you will understand ownership of a company that provides goods and services as opposed to speculative commodities that function as a pyramid scheme. There's a reason you invest in companies but speculate on commodities, except most commodities have a use, bitcoin just exists and faith at best.

>> No.4510231

>except most commodities have a use

What real practical uses do gold and silver faggot? and don't say electronics because that's simply not true, there much more abundant metals for that.

>> No.4510439

Actually, I agree with you, using gold or silver isn't a particularly good idea. That's why we no longer have a gold standard because it's an arbitrary commodity. It's also why holding all gold or all silver in comparison to investing in companies doesn't really pay off unless something screwy happens with the country of which you hold the currency. However, now that it's easier to hold shares in companies around the world, gold and silver are even less relevant as they only become very valuable if the world fails.

So what really separates Bitcoin from say gold and silver? Well, gold and silver have basically fallen to the wayside as we came to terms with gold stackers being prepper lunatics and most wealthy people holding small amounts as a potential fail safe, but tech mania is in full force and people are drawn to bitcoin as a result.

In short, both gold and bitcoin are stupid speculative commodities, but unlike bitcoin gold does have some minor industrial use while also being finite to some extent. If you think Bitcoin is finite, well you're also a bit silly as we see there's not BTC, BCC, BCH, and so on and so forth with Bitcoin being able to branch into more coins as needed with no real restriction. You might say well we do the same with other elements and minerals, sure but remember there are what a couple hundred elements in the universe? There are probably already a thousand plus different crypto coins and growing.