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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 106 KB, 1024x1001, Angela-Merkel-Wahlkampfauftritt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4507628 No.4507628 [Reply] [Original]

Achtung to all Germans on /biz/

I have a question about crypto tax in DE.

I read somewhere that we don't have to pay taxes on crypto IF we don't cash out for minimum a year (or) if our profit is not more than 600 EUR.

My question is:

I've cashed out twice. Sent my btc to exchange, sold it for euro and sent the euro to my bank accounts.

The total that I've cashed out is 700 EUR in two separate transfers (first transfer 200 EUR, second transfer 500 EUR to two different bank accounts in my name).

Now do I have to pay tax on that? If yes, how much do I have to pay? And where do I report this? Finanzamt? And what happens if I don't report/pay this?

I'm an international student, so I know only a little about taxes in DE. Danke!

>> No.4507648

auslaender raus, scheiß Kanacke

>> No.4507691

Don't bother with tax, no one is looking into your transactions unless they're over 10 000 euro, and even then the chance is tiny. If you're moving sums of money over 10 000 every couple of days you'll activate a red light in their system somewhere, but these amounts are peanuts. Also, this could be your mum sending you money to live of or whatever, they really don't give a fuck. You're not even a small fish, you're an egg

>> No.4507703
File: 15 KB, 310x233, sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great pic OP.
won't be able to maintain an erection for days

>> No.4507718

I've moved amounts under 10 000 quite regularly for friends and family who want to get in on these internet monies and I'm not in the slightest bit worried, dutch fag here, same rules apply more or less...

>> No.4507722

Du musst die Auszahlung VORHER beim Finanzamt ankündigen, sonst gibt es eine Anzeige und das Geld ist auch weg. Setze dich so schnell wie möglich mit einem Anwalt zusammen. Aus der Nummer kommst du jetzt nicht mehr raus, es wird auf eine Geldstrafe hinaus laufen, d.h. mindestens 90 Tagessätze, was einer Vorstrafe entspricht.
Aus Fehlern lernt man, für's nächste mal weisst du Bescheid.

Ich laber übrigens Scheisse, nach einem Jahr ist es steuerfrei.

>> No.4507723

Shut up, Ossi. Go back to your shithole backward eastern German village.

Ach so. Glad to hear that. I still have a good amount of euro in crypto, which I will not cash out until next year.

>> No.4507750

Long story short, you don't need to pay something in DE, especially not over 12M. Nobody cares about crypto in DE

>> No.4507771

Warum postierst du Merkel?

>> No.4507784

What happened to that discord server, kraut /biz or something like that?

>> No.4507835

Bei deiner Einkommenssteuererklärung musst du es angeben, wenn die Coins weniger als 1 Jahr gehalten wurden muss du sie nach dem Fifo verfahren versteuern. Mehr infos findes du im Bitcointalk.org forum im Deutschen bereich.

>> No.4507905

What? Don't say you can't fap to that sexy lips.

Fuck why is it so scary when things are explained in German language!!! ;_; so I have to report to Finanzamt asap?

Can any other Germans confirm this? Why do some of you say it's okay if I don't pay? >>4507691 >>4507750

I'll have a look into that, thanks

>> No.4507968

they cant even track stabbing and raging muslims driving lkws in weihnachtsmärkte, dont worry about 100 euro überzug der steuer meiner

>> No.4507999

They don't care if you only withdraw small amount of money (below 10k euro).

>> No.4508020

just withdraw it, don't overthink this.

>> No.4508036

Anon, think about it. You are a government. Companies and banks are scamming with billions if not trillions, tax loopholes get invented as soon as the last one was closed, huge auditing firms are corrupt, some companies employ mostly illegal workers that they pay in black, an erasmus student received 700 euro. Really? Think about it anon. Or, panic and go to the police station now and turn yourself in. I've heard some rumors they're after this money laundering foreign student who seems to be doing illegal things with those weird new internet monies that they've heard their computer literate cousin talk about...

>> No.4508062

You have to report everything to the Finanzamt, if you daytraded a lot have fun with listing every single profit/loss trade.

>> No.4508095
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>want to VOLUNTARILY PAY TAXES just to get cucked by a shitty government

fucking germans, you cant make this shit up

>> No.4508131

Brauche muschi - konnen sie mir helfen?

>> No.4508160

I have come up with an intricate system to avoid paying taxes.
It's 100% legal and not very difficult to perform. If anybody is interested i can go into detail

>> No.4508215

Dealing with German bureaucracy is a nightmare for international students, guys.

Deswegen versuche ich, alle Sachen in Ordnung zu stellen ;_;

>> No.4508228

I never got the Merkel hate. Germany's economy is booming so hard that it is on the bring of overheating. After 12 years you can't claim that she didn't play a part in this.

>> No.4508236

Nach Tschechien oder zur Ukraine.
200-400€ ohne Gummi, Topmodel-Tier.

>> No.4508277


yes goy economy is booming
and its all thanks to mama merkel and the new germans she brought in


>> No.4508285

kraken does that for you but I fail to see how is that relevant when it's the fiat deposited and withdrawn what matters

>> No.4508286
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>Dealing with German bureaucracy is a nightmare for international students, guys.
Ordnung muss sein drecknigger, in deinem wüstenloch kennt man ja sowas nicht da werden ziegen schwupps mitten aufm fußweg gefickt und ich rede hier nicht nur von deiner mutter du brauner hundesohn.

>> No.4508295

You know my friend. I had metastatic cancer with surgeries and chemotherapy. I paid about 200€ for all of that. Also included are more than 50 free therapy session with a psycho oncologist of my choice.

>but muh taxes

Yeah. Boo hoo

>> No.4508364

Rule 1: Never alert the bureaucracy. You wait till they find you, tell you how to put things right, you follow their pointers. Bureaucracy is hell only when you play by all the rules and alert all the relevant bodies and try to get all the right papers for every single fucking thing you do. That's when it's real hell...

>> No.4508367

I'm an American occupier in Germany, stationed here since 2013. I have Deutschebank account from before FATCA forced them to refuse Americans. If I dump all my crypto gains into the DB EURO account will the IRS still find out?

>> No.4508369
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All memes aside living in Germany is generally speaking comfy as fuck.

>> No.4508412


Europe hates Merkel because every country in Europe is going down the shitter except Germany.
People think she must be cheating. Germany wasn't hit at all by the financial crisis. It's also why Germany is so backwards about Bitcoin. They don't even know they exist.

Just never cash out and nobody cares. Pay your stuff with TenX and Bitcoin Amazon and PayPal.

If you really wanna know just call the Finanzamt. Doubt they can give you an answer though. Their response will probably be "uh... What's Bitcoin?"

>> No.4508413

It depends on the amounts of gains. If you stay a safe distance from the 10 000 amount and do it not more than once a month, maybe even spread over different accounts with different banks, and you'll be sweet

>> No.4508434

And definitely don't transfer 9 999 or 9 990 amounts, because those numbers are the red light ringers

>> No.4508481


I wouldn't feel comfy living so close to Alcoholic Russia


I wouldn't be comfy being reassured these dumb Russians are polluting the air with radiation, but don't worry.

>> No.4508486
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>Germany wasn't hit at all by the financial crisi

>> No.4508654

>Implying I come from the Middle East

You dumbass Nazi wannabe, is the Middle East the only foreign region you know outside of Europe and US? There are also East Asia, South Asia, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, South America etc.

Go to uni and study more, you moron-- ups I forgot that you failed in the sixth grade and grew up to be a worthless Hartz-IV Empfänger who is only a burden to the society.

Fick dich und deine Hurenmutter. Germany doesn't need a trash like you and your family.

>> No.4508653

germans are anal about actual cash money and sceptical as fuck about stocks and digital money

>> No.4508717


Uh you're proving me right? Look at it. It literally didn't affect it longterm.

Germany also has virtually no unemployment and it's current problem is that it doesn't have ENOUGH workers to keep up with demand. Germany is literally booming.

>> No.4508828

Was, wenn ich den Kauf meiner initialen BTC nicht belegen kann? Wenn ich die z.B. mit gespartem Bargeld gekauft habe und es eine kleinere Summe ist, so 2500 Euro.

>> No.4508841


are you fucking retarded?
the financial crisis destroyed hundreds of billions of euros in germany. that money is gone.

the economy is "booming" because the ECB is printing trillions of euros and pumping them into the economy
they might aswell take your money and hand it over to big corporations because thats what theyre doing essentially.

the "export boom" is literally a fraud as its all bought with target2 credits. broke countries like spain, greece italy owe germany over a trillion dollar combined and they will never be able to pay their denbts.

the unemployment numbers are fake. numbers of homeless people are hitting record highs next year. the real wages have been stagnant for decades and the purchasing power is dropping every year.

but sure goy, everything is just perfect in the great country of germanistan.

>> No.4508883


not even to mention that the entire germany industry is being sold off to chinese and jew hedgefunds
german companies like Siemens barely hire germans anymore and are being run into the ground
real estate prices through the roof because of shitskins and euro inflation
social system is gonna collapse within the next decades

shit sure is rosy here yeah...

>> No.4508891
File: 86 KB, 822x921, feelsgoodman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"g-go and s-study bluepilled trash for wortless wagecuck job"
wasn das für ne untermenschen antwort? was bistn du überhaupt für eine untermenschen rasse? das du so deine geliebten sandnigger in schutz nimmst, muss bedeuten die stehen dir wohl irgendwie nahe.
bist bestimmt so ein dreckiger brasilianer der mitn azzlack verwechselt wird hahaha.

>a burden to the society.
DU bist hier die last mein brauner. Wir deutschen brauchen deinen dreckigen pajeet arsch nicht.
also nimm dein curry und zieh ab.

>> No.4508973

It has enough workers. The alleged shortage of skilled labor is a scam. Industry and government started to propagate it after 2012 to get younger and well educated folks from crisis striken southern Europe to Germany. Not to employ them, mind you, but to lower the average wages for engineers and technicians on the German labor market. Year for year, German universities and engineering colleges pumping out of thousands of engineering students with their bachelors and masters. 6 months after leaving uni. It depends on the region though. In the south and south west, you're good as an engineer. Mercedes, BMW, Bayer etc. and the SME's like Bosch or Kärcher.

But back to the point of labor shortage. The REAL shortage is with nursing and craftsmen. My dad owns a small construction business in southern germany, a pretty rich region. He did not receive a single job application this year. Same thing for many other idependent craftsmen. Far worse off are nursing homes. It's extremely difficult to find replacements for nurses and care takers for the elderly.

TLDR; it's all a bit of a mess. It's still relatively good, for the moment at least.

>> No.4509049

>He did not receive a single job application this year.
400 tacken im monat für lehre im handwerk für massiv arbeit oder 1100 als industriekaufmann den ganzen tag am pc sitzen und fappen

was wird der faule michl wohl nehmen?

you get what you pay

>> No.4509060


Holy shit so much misinformation.

Germany is not a bank. It doesn't lend out money. Greece, Spain, etc do not owe money to germany. Stop getting your education from memes.

The ECB isn't printing out money, it's prime rate is lower than zero. Meaning you have to pay interest if you want to park your money there.

Nobody in germany can become homeless involuntarily. Every single person who is homeless in germany is so by choice.

>Unemployment numbers are fake


>> No.4509070

Ach Ostdeutschland...

>> No.4509116

>400 Öcken

Nicht im Bau, Freund. Da kannst du mit ca. 1200 rechnen. Die Arbeit ist hart wie Sau und dreckig, stimmt, wird aber relativ gut entlohnt. > 2000 selbst bei kleinen Betrieben.

>> No.4509138

beste deutschland

>> No.4509149

Besser als NRW und Norddeutschland. Kommt allerdings bei weitem nicht ans glorreiche Süddeutschland ran.

>> No.4509155
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>Germany is not a bank. It doesn't lend out money.
>The ECB isn't printing out money

you are seriously fucking retarded
read up on Target2 imbalance
read up on QE and the APP
then come back when you know wtf youre talking about

>> No.4509198

He was just bamboozling you. He even stated that he labers only Scheiße.
The Finanzamt is only coming for you if you don't specify your cash-outs in your next Steuererklärung.

>> No.4509241


>> No.4509242



>> No.4509269

Grüß Gottle. Ein Landsmann, wie ich sehe. Woher genau?

>> No.4509270
File: 7 KB, 278x181, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Du musst
>all dat aryan imperative
It doesnt matter whats being said, German ALWAYS sounds like a barked SS order

>> No.4509303

Raum Böblingen.

>> No.4509319


Wollen Sie meinen Schwanz lutschen?

>> No.4509322

fuck, I know this place. I feel self conscious now.

>> No.4509330

Raum Waiblingen hier. Wie laufen die Geschäfte?

>> No.4509352

bin zu faul deinen ganzen post zu lesen aber:
Du musst jeden gewinn versteuern der unter 12 monaten entstanden ist.

Wenn du deine btc gegen was anderes getradet hast und dann wieder zu btc mit einem gewinn dann musst du auch diesen gewinn versteuern.

Realtalk: Bei solchen klecker beträgen juckt das nicht. Wer soll den was sagen? Deine Bank teilt dem finanzamt mit, dass du 700€ mehr hast? Das interessiert niemanden, für sowas lohnt es sich nichtmal nachzuforchen (was mit crypto exchanges eh nahezu unmöglich ist) Wenn du sicher sein willst: Nächstes mal einfach in BAR an nem btc atm abheben. Holländische grenze z.B.

>> No.4509355

Gut, muss täglich Universität aussteigen.
Hoffentlich befreit mich Crypto.

>> No.4509358



>> No.4509379
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>> No.4509396

Anti money laundry laws. That's why. You have to be able to justify "every" income

>> No.4509412

Uni Stuttgart ist zum Kotzen. Hatte das Missvergnügen, da zwei Semester Mathe zu studieren. Was studierst du?

>> No.4509453

Achja, noch was.
Du kannst deine btc auch einfach in geld für paypal wechseln. So kommt es nicht mit deinem bankkonto in verbindung. Musst dafür aber die PP gebühren zahlen. z.B. über anycoindirect

>> No.4509458

Uni Tübingen reporting in.

>> No.4509464
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Is there a brand of fireworks called 'Achtung' or are idiots who import them from Germany just calling them 'Achtung' because there's a safety warning on them?

>> No.4509469
File: 41 KB, 640x586, 1508922371862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik.
Heute war Tag der offenen Tür.

>> No.4509483
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auszhalen bei einem btc atm geht?
Bist du dir sicher?

>> No.4509494

War vor drei Jahren mein Traumstudium. Haben mich aber nicht genommen, weil mein NC zu schlecht war. Läuft's gut?

Haben scheinbar ne Menge Schwaben hier. Gefällt mir.

>> No.4509512

how do I learn German

t. retard

>> No.4509522

Alter, scheiß dich nicht an wegen 700 euro, du trottel. Unter 100.000 musst du die keine gedanken machen.

>> No.4509524
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Hey, I lived in Stuttgart too, for 5 years. But I'm Viennese.

Btw. here's the official Austrian law - Germany is not different, except indeed everything under 600€ gains is free. In Austria it's 400€


>I read somewhere that we don't have to pay taxes on crypto IF we don't cash out for minimum a year (or) if our profit is not more than 600 EUR.
It's not about cashing out. If you trade BTC for €, or $, or LTC or milk, it's in any case a taxable event. If you buy a coin and buy ANYTHING with it within a year, the gain (it's value at selling minus it's value when buying) will be taxed by your Einkommensteuer rate, which depends on your total earning and can be up to 45%

>> No.4509538


You guys call german fireworks Achtung? It just means "Attention". It's a safety warning. There is no brand name like that

>> No.4509545

sicher. die haben gewisse tageslimits die man online aber überprüfen kann. Hab n automaten 30min von mir entfernt

>> No.4509547

>International student
Schleich dich, scheiss ausländer.

>> No.4509560
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Get TenX

>> No.4509568

>Läuft's gut
Ja schon gu-
Töte mich.
>Menge Schwaben hier
Wo Geld ist...

>> No.4509578

ich würde nicht sagen dass man bis 100k safe ist aber 700 ist halt wirklich in keiner weise nachforschungsgrund für die finanzamtkollegen

>> No.4509612


>> No.4509661

i heard in frankfurt asians, north africans sell drugs in the streets, once a policeman started to chase one of them but couldn't catch up, so he gave up. if they're going to go after you then you should overthrow your government.

>> No.4509668
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Ich denke nicht, dass irgendwer jetzt in 2017 bei 10000 was merkt (abgesehen davon, warum würdest du Geld auscashen und nicht in der sphere wachsen lassen).

However, wenn BTC in 3 jahren 50k ist oder was und du dran denkst dir damit eine Wohnung oder Haus zu kaufen, dann kommt inevitably die frage wann du's gekauft hast, und dann musst du erst die Steuern für 2017 zahlen.
Drum denk ich besser jetzt die paar hundert/tausend hinlegel und dafür in 3 Jahren sagen zu können "ich habe bereits 2017 angegeben wie die coins rein kamen".

Aber kA., wenn wir in 3 Jahren mit BTC auf Amazon zeugs kaufen können etc., dann müssen wir vielleicht nie auscashen anyway.

Ich glaub tax zahlen und einfach traden aufhören und hodlnen is ohnehin die bessere Variante.

>> No.4509742

Holy Beautiful

>> No.4509793

Yeah, every new year it's an arms race.
Then afterwards ppl brag about what they did like:
"I threw an Achtung onto your roof!"
"We froze an Achtung in a bottle"
They think it's a brand of strong fireworks...

>> No.4509879

so ists am besten, landet nichts am konto, wie wenn man einem kumpel das auto repariert

>> No.4510561


meine Güte, wie kann er die Last sein?

Du als Deutsche bekommst Kindergeld, Wohngeld, kostenlose Kitas, kostenlose Bildung usw.

Als ausländischer Student macht man nichts mehr außer Geld ausgeben. Alles ist teurer, wenn man von null anfangen muss und die Familie weit weg ist.

>> No.4510584

soll der neger halt daheim bleiben

>> No.4510622


ich bin mir ganz sicher du bist so ein richtiger cuck, der im realen leben sowas nie sagen würde.

>> No.4510694

doch klar, sag ich jeden tag. meistens zu deiner scheißbraunen mutter die das klo nicht richtig putzt.

>> No.4510783


was meinst du wo das geld für die unis herkommt achmed?
ihr braunen äffchen denkt echt das geld wächst auf dem himmel bei uns.