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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4505300 No.4505300 [Reply] [Original]

Quick question: How many times are you nopows gonna get BTFO before you join the Power Ledger team?

We're going to a 1 billion market cap in days, maybe less. EASIEST 4x you can partake in right now, and it'll only go up from there. There isn't a coin even comparable when it comes to fundamentals and real world application. Power Ledger can't be stopped.

FUDers don't work against powr because it has no weaknesses. It's the real deal.

Let's go Biz, lay off the hot pockets and make some money by trading smart


>> No.4505313

Why are you so confident?
Inb4 "all the other coins are shit and have no working product".
This one is not the exception.

>> No.4505319
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what did (((she))) mean by this

>> No.4505328

When the market expects something expect the opposite. Coordinated FUD should begin to spread any time now.

>> No.4505338


-Team is top notch. Multiple Oxford masters and PHD degrees, JP Morgan Chase Background, top 3 team members have 25+ years of experience in green renewable energy. Co-founder is Lord Mayor of Perth, Western Australia’s capital city
-Partnership with Origin Energy, Australia’s largest energy provider, also operates in NZ and India. Team has said in slack that other partnerships are confirmed.
-Tech Mahindra, a billion dollar Indian tech energy firm, partnership confirmed
-Thai power plant partnership confirmed by conference member, news released later today
-8 Million dollar investment from the Australian government. This alone should signal something to you.
-Working product out the gate. Supporting Apps and infrastructure also complete. It’s ready to go and being used right now.
-In talks with Elon Musk, Powr is already compatible with Tesla Home battery and car batteries
-I’s a finalist at CES Las Vegas 2018.
-Their smart grid will be live and working in Fremantle, Perth in THREE WEEKS
-Major energy crisis in Australia, massive solar panel investment. Watch any of the dozens of youtube videos on this crisis. PL is solving this as we speak

>> No.4505344

They have government approval and recognition. thats more than any single crypto project out there right now with the exception of ethereum

>> No.4505358

tits or gtfo

>> No.4505370
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You can't fud this coin though, because the shills are not lying about it. FUDing comes from exposing lies, everything about Powr is true, including opening communications with Elon Musk.

You can try making shit up, but it'll just weaken you case... But... can you really weaken a case that didn't exist in the first place? Hmmm


>> No.4505377

I put 1 btc at this when it got shilled here. But I don't think it's gonna x4 it's current value anytime soon.

>> No.4505416

i am all in, bought back in at .75, gonna buy more at this dip .84

POWR is the next Facebook

>> No.4505421

Well, that's because you're dumb? No offense, but you completely lack vision in or understanding of investing.

If you can't see why Power Ledger is going to be a top 15 coin in a week, with EVERYTHING that's been explain to you, I have no words then. Can't do anything to help you.


>> No.4505439

I think you forget we are talking about crypto here dude. A goodass project like link is tanking everyday while stickers and fake sponsorship break ATHs everyday. Sometimes good, solid project don't do aswel as you think.
Hope I'm wrong in this case tho.

>> No.4505509

Link has no working product, a totally unprofessional and uncommunicative team. It has no partnerships, no real world use only theoretical, and has not established any value that smart money wants to be a part of.

Link might moon in the future, but right now it isn't moving for a reason. They just don't have the strongest team there is like Power Ledger does.


>> No.4505524

And there you lost all credibility. Link is a good project because of... what exactly?
Because they promise they will solve a problem in the future? That sounds like vaporwave to me

>> No.4505542

300M market cap. Heading to 1B in days maybe less. Get in, Powr isn't stopping
