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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4501955 No.4501955 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome back to Quantstamp.

Surprise.. surprise.. Announcement postponed to tomorrow? What did I tell you guys yesterday?

Small announcement (tomorrow), big announcement (day after). Pumps and dumps. Take care of yourselves, a dip should be starting soon.

>> No.4501971

Wow!! Artificially pump and pump... These guys are even better than joost! Prepare for correction!

>> No.4501979

what's the market cap?

>> No.4501985

So should i buy?

>> No.4502074

Buy ATH sell ATL. What kind of question is that anon?

>> No.4502093

Confido + OMG shilling, this is what you'd get. A hyped crowdsize of Electroneum, with these results on Binance.

?. <--- not a question, as in even CMC doesn't know.

It should be dipping within the hour. And there'll be 1 of 2 major dumps tomorrow. Buying would your choice.

>> No.4502140

Artificial pumping and dumping. Good game hodlers. Hahahaha

>> No.4502148

too late i bought, read that it was gonna be listed on bittrex soon. so i bought

>> No.4502181

Ride the tiger you weak fucks

>> No.4502226

it’s time

burgers are waking up

>> No.4502281

time to sell?

>> No.4502385

Lol /biz/ was fudding this coin to no tommorow yesterday at 1k. Glad I bought in anyways, I might recover these chain link losses.

It's really true, do the opposite of what/biz/ says.

>> No.4502387

USA is up, they'll dump. I'm looking for a good position to drop half my stack. Telegram is gonna blow up LOL.

Let's go mate!

>> No.4502405

invite me to those juicy telegram groups senpai

>> No.4502408

I sold at ath, looking to buyback too. Whats your entry point your looking for?

>> No.4502423

It's supposed to dump but they postpone the news to artificially pump the coin. Fuck this. I'm dumping now. Will buy back later maybe

>> No.4502478

Re-entry, Presale tier price.
If I said it out loud on 4chan wouldn't the entire Telegram group just cockblock me.. Come on mate.

>> No.4502503
File: 24 KB, 600x484, 1502851928262.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ hates money. Please, please don't buy a coin trading at 2x ICO with about 50 million in trading volume only on binance. This is clearly the work of one or your pajeet pump and dump groups, LOL. Not selling till 4k next week.

>> No.4502538

what was the presale price, less then 6 cents right, doubt we will see that price again.

>> No.4502547

0.03, the crowdsale was 0.06

>> No.4502566

Hodlers can stay poor. This is biz. Go back to fapping.

>> No.4502575

its moving to 16cents as we speak how the fuck is it going to 3 cents any time soon. unless your talking about buying in a couple of days, who knows what happens then.

>> No.4502600
File: 72 KB, 500x500, justeeka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This entire price action is a ploy of Discord biggets PnD group!!!


>> No.4502644

It'll get dumped pretty hard when the news hits. Post news dumping, now it's pre news day dumping.

News does this.. even the Richard Ma knows. He's trying to spread the news out as much as possible, but you can only go so far with announcements to pump the price.

Getting those gains.

>> No.4502678

What news is it supposed to be?

>> No.4502787

Probably news to make people hodl more. That's what the ceo wants. So they can pump and dump. Hahaha.

>> No.4502932

Don't have the slightest clue, but it'd be smart to sell the news. and buy rumors.

But 9e2VICT5 might be right as well, we just have to wait and see. Ride with us, you'll get your gains.

>> No.4502935

This is just getting sad. Buy in and make some money OP. It doesn't have to be this way.

>> No.4502946

the next 3xer no doubt!

>> No.4502967

YC business tactics are EXTREMELY aggressive. YC doesnt fuck around with their startups. They will push Quantstamp down the throats of the normies in Silicon Valley and they will use it like addicts. They made Airbnb, Dropbox, Twitch etc mainstream and they will make Quantstamp into Venmo/PayPal 2.0

>> No.4503042

Telegram group just blew up, LOL. Let's go mates!

My 4year old daughter wants a Rari for Christmas.

>> No.4503114

so the news is coming out soon? meaning it will continue to dump until then right? so whats the floor on this thing. it went up 100% in a day, so the crash will be pretty bad,

>> No.4503127

Some things just don't dump

See POWR - minor bump in the road due to PBC bullshit but it's been all uphill since last week

>> No.4503272

Really depends mate, you can see when it pumps or dumps. But I also got into PBC, made me quite a bit. Can't complain.. More pissed about BCH.

>> No.4504135

Just heard there isn't going to be news tomorrow.. I'm dropping my stack. Ggwp quantstamp.

>> No.4504194


>> No.4504212

Where did you hear this? Proof?

>> No.4504415

A little bird has been singing tunes of Quantstamp announcements.

This is just for those who are willing to listen. For the rest, pls continue to buy my stack at Ath. Thx

>> No.4504428

It's the same retard fudding since the beginning despite us closing in on a new ATH.

>> No.4504446


Don't worry. Those who aren't in will be left in the dust.

>> No.4504461

Holy shit, that 100k+ qsp wall that appeared. That's you? Damn son.. Enjoy your 50eth dude.

>> No.4504473

You mean the stack you claimed you sold 20% under the current price so you can "rebuy tomorrow at 3 cents"? Lol yourself moron, I don't even know what you are fudding for there is no interest in this coin on/biz/, this is the only thread all day and we have half the posts.

>> No.4504490

One of many to come. I am leaving Quantstamp.

>> No.4504518


Someone probably hasn't read the WP, looked at the team, and understood the use case. Bye anon, 2k+ sats here we come

>> No.4504600

idk if he's faking it.. but someone is dumping hard..

Gonna try to keep this thread open cause if this news thing is true. That's really fun mates.

>> No.4504676


Look at the charts. Healthy and trend is up, not down. Smh

>> No.4504791

So much for that dump haha

>> No.4504849

Phew~ So much stress dudes.. Just gotta wait for the announcement tomorrow. Good luck to us.

>> No.4504859

The buy wall on Binance for this is fucking insane. $0.3 tomorrow.

>> No.4504997
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Sold half my stack yesterday at 1.4k for a 30% gain and hating myself right now. The worst part is I used the gains to buy more Link.

>> No.4505102

Link isn't a bad hodl mate. But qsp gains are pretty sick. This announcement thing got me a bit fud though lol.

Adding that there are some people dumping, not small dumps too. Hopefully the hype can keep QSP up for now.

>> No.4505296

Ugh, the FUDDers actually got me to sell. God dammit.

>> No.4505494


In the future, DYOR. It's still not to late to re-enter at 1.9k sats

>> No.4505519


Yeah, my fault, and I should definitely question the motives of people insisting something is "DUMPING!" when it's clearly not (yet).

They're probably just trying to justify in their minds why they sat out and are hoping it comes true so they can stop feeling bad.

>> No.4505554

it's over 2000 sats atm. This will easily eat through the sell walls to 3000.

>> No.4505563


>>They're probably just trying to justify in their minds why they sat out and are hoping it comes true so they can stop feeling bad.

This, exactly.

>> No.4505599

QSP is a definiton for HODL. havent had a doubt about it since i bought in presale. This will stay safely in my MEW until Lambo time. I'm not selling for misely 100% gains...

>> No.4505735
File: 32 KB, 720x1280, photo6102586600321034221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A guy called Charlie just sent me this photo..
Anyone know about this?

>> No.4505773

So when do you plan on selling? I bought in at 19k sats like an idiot, not looking to hold longer then a week or 2.

>> No.4506005

Seems everyone is saying Bittrex listing and Visa news is fake.. Can anyone else here confirm it? The whole of telegram is confirming the fake news.

>> No.4506061

I was in tier 2 presale of QSP, but didnt participate....how much profit would I have made by now?

>> No.4506175

I have a sell set at 4.5k that I feel will trigger by the end of the weekend. I think you're still early.

>> No.4506193

0,1$ / coin

>> No.4506251

fuck me...got JUST'ed by REQ and AST and miss the good ICO oppurtunities. Hate my life

>> No.4506337

Price dipped below ~600sats at the first 10minutes of binance, I feel like a lot of bags were dropped there, I bought in at 600sats and it broke 2k sats half an hour ago

>> No.4506917

I sold last night around 1.5k thinking for a pullback. Debating FOMO buying back in at 2k, I don't think this is stopping and I don't feel like there are any better investments at the moment.

>> No.4506980

>Proof of pajeet coin
>basically a glorified linter

enjoy your bags after the dump

>> No.4506999

This shit is gonna pulla POWR isn't it

>> No.4507047

I was busy when it was at 0.11 hours ago, I'm not getting any unless they hit 0.14 at very least

>> No.4507064

Still pumping very hard
I'm a poorfag and just put 50USD in damn

>> No.4507075

Yeah, at 5k.

>> No.4507125

I got 16k at 1250, will hopefully reach 2500 soon and I'm gonna sell and buy back in when there is a dip

>> No.4507133

At least you aren't me who put his literal 9€ that were on my wallet.
Though I put all my other funds on POWR so I don't mind.

>> No.4507139


Enjoy the sidelines. This is not a pnd. Unless of course you consider POWR and RDN to be.

>> No.4507178

newfried here, what do you mean with 2500?
The current price on ED is 0.00044384 ????

>> No.4507199


>> No.4507374

Yeah sats, you're looking at the QSP/ETH price not BTC

>> No.4507376


The only purpose of this coin that I can see is to pay for audit requests to be carried out. That seems like such an incredibly small use-case for the amount of money raised.

>> No.4507442


Security protocol for ethereum smart contracts. Incredibly large use case.

>> No.4507575

I'm on about the currency itself, not the project.

>> No.4507594


Very clearly laid out in the WP.

>> No.4507607


And it's a token.

>> No.4507632

just audit. hardly 1 mill worth. crypto is funny though.

>> No.4507715

Yeah, contract creators pay with it, auditors get paid with it. That's it.

>> No.4507813


It's a tool for validation that incentivizes honesty.

>> No.4507826




>> No.4507898

>Fall for the meme
>Literally one minute later it crashes

>> No.4507946
File: 86 KB, 274x457, Screenshot+2017-11-22+02.50.02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does he mean by this?

whales aggumalading???

>> No.4508130

I wouldn't be too worried, looks like it's consolidating at 2k before the next leg up. Moon mission is still go.

>> No.4508143

it's getting too quiet....


>> No.4508461

Your time, too, will come anon. Just don't get impatient, yet don't lose your vigilance.

>> No.4508475


>> No.4509077
File: 669 KB, 750x1334, B75A73BB-8806-46D4-9F07-717B46ADDD7E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That FUD pic was fake. It’s go time boys!

>> No.4509109

ive made so much money today.

thank you QSP. THANK YOU.

>> No.4509452

I sold at 2.1 and bought back at 2.3. How am I doing?

>> No.4509643



>> No.4509671
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>> No.4509672

No. POWR & RCN are solid investments. Not this shyte.

>> No.4509697


POWR & RCN will save you.

>> No.4509725

hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng 2300+

>> No.4509776

hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng 2350+

dont buy, sit back and watch everyone get rich fagets

>> No.4509783

growing like crazy

>> No.4509798

I've managed to reduce my stack by about 20% trying to daytrade this. I'm still up 50% on my initial investment though. Just set my sell order at 4k and am walking away, this isn't going down.

>> No.4509815
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oh boy

>> No.4509817

sellwalls on the menu for lunch boiiis

>> No.4509820

jesus christ

>> No.4509843

To compare LINK volume on the top was 2500 btc, this has 4000+ already and almost no shilling

>> No.4509845



>> No.4509859


>> No.4509887

One more moon like this and I might finally recover all my Link losses. What is the next moon?

>> No.4509897

right now

>> No.4509899

Holy shit this is going to pull of a powerledger in the next 2 days. I've never seen sell walls so huge get eaten so quickly.

>> No.4509902

calling 2500 within the hour.

>> No.4509922

And there's the dump. Fuck this shit, just when I bought back in I FUCKING HATE THIS SHIT

>> No.4509930

chillllllll. tiny tiny. you got this. dont sell into losses ffs like everyone else on /biz/

>> No.4509950

Aaaaand going back up again.

>> No.4509951

how big is everyone's stack?

got 30k here i'm selling the highs and buying the lows. feels fucking good bros, we've needed a day like this

>> No.4509972

2450 just breached I'm calling 4000 tomorrow

>> No.4510011
File: 56 KB, 254x163, justed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who did just get JUSTed on EtherDelta?

>> No.4510048

these dips making me horny as fuck bruh

>> No.4510059

>0.23 ETH

>> No.4510093

getting out 1/4th of your stack at 30% profit good move?

>> No.4510108




>> No.4510109


You need to chill. Consolidation is not a dump.

>> No.4510132

relax bro, the emotions are killing your gains

>> No.4510134

you need some lessons bro. jesus. i told you not to sell ffs.

>> No.4510151

ok i didn't buy back in yet...there is like a 20 btc wall to get past 2.5...hopefully it dips a bit and i can get back at 2400

>> No.4510191

I said "hopefully it dips" at 1800. It didn't and it won't now. Just buy and reap the gains, don't care about 1 minute charts, tomorrow this is at 4000.

>> No.4510217

oh come the fuck on. going to make me a liar. such little resistance to 2500 too.

>> No.4510220

it's stalling out...look at all the sell orders and buy orders drying up, i'm out

>> No.4510222

log out while you are checking the charts also helps, that's an extra barrier before you panic

>> No.4510240

>why isn't continuously mooning non-stop with no red at all ever

>> No.4510265

Buy and sell orders literally don't matter, any faggot whale can take down his sell wall instantly. Not to mention this bad boy's been shitting on sell walls like crazy.

>> No.4510299
File: 221 KB, 1064x747, Screenshot+2017-11-22+05.03.08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at all this garbage it's about to leap over

>> No.4510320

>byteball bytes

what the fuck is this shit

>> No.4510358

pyramid scheme with free airdrops or some shit

used to be like top 20 with 500m

>> No.4510363

GBYTE, pretty major coin anon

>> No.4510418

if you're buying dips. your chance is happening rn.


>> No.4510463

seeing another POWR here

>> No.4510541

too late i already bought back in at 2450


>> No.4510551

oh youre just fucking trolling at this point.

>> No.4510580

i wish

>> No.4510600


You should hold now and take break from this. 2450 will be a distant memory in a couple hours.

>> No.4510617

you need to just hold it at this point. stop trying to trade intraday.

>> No.4510630

Fuck dude, with these weak hands you'll never make it. Just fucking hold now

>> No.4510640

surely this run will lose steam soon

>> No.4510667
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How worried should I be?

>> No.4510689

Damn didnt even know this doing so well. I put all my btc on binance in this at 1100 yesterday.. Comfy

>> No.4510693

Worried. There's not much resistance for it to go back down. Most likely a correction coming then it will pump again and we will break those walls.

>> No.4510709


Not worried. Those walls will disappear. Accumulation happening now.

>> No.4510718
File: 98 KB, 467x636, lNkB3ZE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, bought in at 1.1k sats, sold now at 2.4k and waiting for the dip

>> No.4510725

if depth was a clear indicator, everyone would be rich. kek

>> No.4510773

The only ones selling right now are weak hands, or those who are trying to accumulate more. The thing about weak hands is they'll fomo in later.

>> No.4510844
File: 58 KB, 1571x633, JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally sold at 2330 after seeing the sell walls and it dropping...about to buy back in at 2400 to everyone saying I'm a larping faggot this is just the most recent page of my Binance trade history I've literally been buying high and selling low all day on this coin and reduced my stack by 30% since this morning.

>> No.4510859

jesus dude

have some control

>> No.4510874

i can literally smell the panic from that trade history. my god

>> No.4510892

What do I do? Where should I set my buy order? Should I buy back in at 2.4?

>> No.4510897

Holy shit you are an idiot.

>> No.4510905

buy in at 2450 and sell it when it dips to 2300

>> No.4510916

If you keep panicking like this you'll even up bald within years, if you aren't already

>> No.4510944

honest to god, i know this is biz and a lot of jks you literally need to just close out of the exchange window.

check my post hx itt. i literally hit you multiple times with no shill advice. buying at 2300range dips:

telling you to hold and not sell into losses during dips:

my last bit of advice is if you cant control your nerves you need to stop day trading. no amount advice someone on biz is giving to you is going to keep you from panic selling desu.

gl bruh.

>> No.4510956


Think of this as an expensive learning experience. Imagine if you didn't try to make any trades? Why don't you read the WP and research the project more rather than trying to catch a pnd. This is not a pnd.

>> No.4511039

the push to 2500 is coming

>> No.4511053

There's like a 60 BTC sell wall to 2600. I'm not buying back in.

>> No.4511070
File: 914 KB, 808x805, 1508447872816.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol i hope for your sake you're right

>> No.4511096

Bought $500 of this when it was at its lowest point, convinced myself it was a pump and dump and sold with like no profit... feels bad man

>> No.4511101
File: 7 KB, 250x250, 1511308009167s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you learned nothing

>> No.4511148

Same except i held. Get iron hands and research well anon

>> No.4511170

Kek i love this stuff. U need a mentor anon-san

>> No.4511196

The current pattern is the EXACT same pattern as 12:30 this afternoon. Look it up. After this we're gaining 700 sats.

>> No.4511217
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>> No.4511233

goodbye ethos, piece of shit wont move even after a rebrand
(ill still hodl you in 6 months)

>> No.4511347

Parties over for now, see you guys in a couple days.

>> No.4511402

there are no patterns in trading, boy

>> No.4511506

been waiting since 13.00 for my BTC to send from Bittrex to Binance... Missed fucking everything now

>> No.4511521

hard to believe a bittrex transfer took 24 hours but thats why you always convert to eth first

>> No.4511546

12 hours

>> No.4511633

buy litecoin next time before transferring

>> No.4511670

How long does it usually take? First time on Binance.

>> No.4511714

Listen newfags, this coin is up 100% in 24 hour period. Doesn't matter how amazing this coin is it WILL retrace. There WILL be a 20-30% corrections min any time. Don't FOMO in. You'll get your chance. This happens to EVERY coin. These guys didn't cure cancer over night.

>> No.4511806

>tfw i didn't fomo buy back in at 2450




>> No.4511870
File: 1 KB, 69x100, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw bought back in at 2050

>> No.4511907

alright dude did you get back in at 2000?

now just fucking hold

>> No.4511932

i didn't get back in at all yet, honestly i might just sleep on it and see what happens

>> No.4511978

Like clockwork, lol

>> No.4511994

People are actually buying this? Even when it was shoved in everyone's face who uses blockfolio? Scam ico dude

>> No.4512015

huge news coming tomorrow and the day after, so of course people want in

>> No.4512016


>> No.4512039

wait for 2500 and buy then

>> No.4512043

ok back in at 2150 gonna turn it off and hit the club see you guys tomorrow