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4499397 No.4499397 [Reply] [Original]

What is the point of becoming rich when reproducing is unethical?

>> No.4499408

>reproducing is unethical
who fed you that hot load of garbage?

>> No.4499411

>when reproducing is unethical
What are you trying to say retard

>> No.4499422

So I don’t have to be a literal wagecuck slave my entire adult life

What sort of fucked up society means we are only free when we are young children and nearing death.

>> No.4499423

What's the point of reproducing if there's no point to any specific person's life other than to invest in future life that is equally pointless in itself except to invest in even future life?

In the end this logic of "there's only a point if you can pass it on" boils down to there not being meaning at all because the meaning is always kicked down the line and never reached.

>> No.4499454

It is. You're forcing someone who never asked to be here into the world, where they will inevitably suffer and die.

>> No.4499461

Reproducing IS unethical, I'm glad you understand this anon-bro.

It's a simple, quick argument:
A person can't consent to existence.

And this world is a HELL OF A FUCKING THING to be conscripted into without consent.

>> No.4499465
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>> No.4499477

Which person? Before their existence there is nothing to give consent

>> No.4499489

Exactly. No consent.

It's shocking how many people can't wrap their heada around this. I blame biological programming and the fact that most humans are dumb animals.

>> No.4499530
File: 82 KB, 645x729, brain_do.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the 'people' in this thread

This is the high level analysis I expect from biz

>> No.4499552

Most of us are not in our teens anymore, so what you mistake for the pinnacle of thinking of this topic is to the rest of us a remnant of embarrassing years.
As you'll grow older your hormonal balance will adjust and the angst will wane, which makes "woe is me, life is suffering" seem quaint and coincidentally explain why you don't see 40 years old emos.

>> No.4499562

Not an argument.

>> No.4499565

“Nothing” can’t not consent, or consent, so its a fallacious argument.

>> No.4499571


> i wont have kids because of global warming and shit
> omg lets donate to save 50000000 babies born to moronic somalian women who for some reason felt it necessary to breed a horde in a famine and disease stricken desert country cause omg every childs life is so important
> yea abortion at 8.5 months is totally ethical, its not a person till they cut the cord


>> No.4499579

If you create an android that can feel and think, feel pain and die, is that ethical? Could it consent to being built?

>> No.4499586


You'll desperately want to have kids once you hit 30 and realize that this postmodern, consumerist shitshow we call modern life is as empty and soulless as your sex dolls. Men are defined by their ability to provide, teach, pass on their strength and knowledge to those weaker than themselves. You may be a pseudo-nihilist 18 year old faggot now, but you won't always be, anon.

>> No.4499589

No they can’t consent because until they exist there is nothing to consent to

>> No.4499593
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if you retards seriously believe this, kill yourself now and stop wasting resources

>> No.4499594

You're completely missing the point, brainlet.

>> No.4499610

>realize that this postmodern, consumerist shitshow we call modern life is as empty and soulless as your sex dolls.

So why would you force more innocent souls into it? Especially when they'll be destined for a life of wageslavery too?

I always like how dumbfucks like you get so defensive. Stay retarded.

>> No.4499627

So because a baby couldn't consent to being thrown in a fire, it's okay to throw a baby in a fire

Makes sense

>> No.4499630

unethical is subjective

>> No.4499645

Great response there, bud. Really made me think.

"Killing children is unethical" is subjective too.

>> No.4499739

itt: pampered autists unable to comprehend that life can be quite difficult to navigate without suckling on mommy and daddy's teet.

Although OP is 15 and angry that a daddy's son is riding his oneitis on his motocycle, he's got a point.

When you have kids, make sure you're not poor past their first few days.

>> No.4499763

No, I’m saying consent isn’t a relevant concept to something that does not exist. Something that does exist but can’t consent shouldn’t be tortured.

>> No.4499827


It's empty and soulless because you bought into the consumerist myth. Embracing traditionalism and fighting against the mainstream nihilist bullshit by having kids is a way to escape the current system. It's worked for our species for hundreds of thousands of years, why the fuck do you think you're so enlightened that it won't also work for you? The logical conclusion of your line of thinking is just suicide. Why are you still here, soyboy?

>> No.4499860

40 yo here.

Coming to accept and be at peace with being here (I am angst-free) does not equate to an endorsement of endless, mindless, purposeless DNA replication.

I did indeed come to this conclusion in my late teens, but in the 20 years since, I have yet to encounter an argument to make me even begin to start moving in the other direction.

Unless you at least have some spiritual justification to back it up (whether or not your metaphysics ultimately prove to be BS), willfully procreating is, at the very least, morally questionable.

>> No.4499949

>I have yet to encounter an argument to make me even begin to start moving in the other direction.

Do you really want one? If you do I might be ready to invest half an hour or so explaining it.

>> No.4499956


Spreading your DNA is the closest thing to an actual, literal purpose and meaning of life and existence.
Kys genetic dead end faggot

>> No.4499969

I would appreciate that. Though you've already reverted to ad homs in your previous post.

You're pretty much the same as any other retard spawning crotch fruit, but I'll hear you out.

>> No.4499979

Wrong. That means nothing.

>Kys genetic dead end faggot

It's funny how unintelligent people get so defensive when they know they're wrong.

>> No.4500009

don't raise useless consumers then well developed humans have a net positive effect on the world

>> No.4500042

Alright, so; >>4499956
is close but no cigar.

Growth is actually the purpose of life.
By having offspring, you grow the pool of consumers in your community.

By that, then, you create jobs. By jobs you make more chance of further growth.

Our society is built on top of growth, our existence is built on top of growth. And it all depends on you making +1 participant.

That's why the Western world made such progress, why Japan's starting to actually regress, and why poverty is growing by the second in Eastern Europe.

If you start shrinking instead of growing you're fucked.

>> No.4500059

>Japan's starting to actually regress

I read a story about a Japanese police force doing random shit because there was literally no crime for them to go after

>> No.4500072

Wow, I thought you were actually going to give me a good answer for a minute.

>muh growth
>muh jobs
>muh we need more numbers to make the cogs turn

Fuck off.

>> No.4500082


I'm from a regressing Eastern European country. Our police has nothing to do either.

>we need more numbers to make the cogs turn

Exactly. Denying this truth is denying your own human nature.

Have fun with that.

>> No.4500121

>all these non arguments

Your life will always have more misery than pleasure. You will always want more, and when you achieve it, want more still.
The human is designed in such a way that he always wants, wills, feels deficiency and thus suffering. Every tile you fulfill a want, you get a new want, and suffer from not having it fullfilled.
The people who fullfill all their wants, or want for nothing, we call these "depressed" and they suffer most of all, because they have no wants to chase and no reason to act.

Because the human creature is such designed or has such evolved that the only reason to act is to want, and because wanting is perceiving a lack that you suffer from, you will always be in varying states of pain and misery.

What kind of a monster would create such humans, thus dooming them to suffering, and increasing the overall suffering of the world, and by virtue of the struggle for resources also increasing the individual suffering of all other humans?

>> No.4500137

Hi inmemdham viewr/pol browser

"Da nigs and shitskins are too dumb to introspect, only whites and smart zipperheads an hero"

>> No.4500148

lol, "you solve the underlying existential problem by perpetuating the problem."

>Infinite growth is sustainable.

>> No.4500164

You're completely wrong.

People shouldn't be forced into existence to make some pointless machine run.

>> No.4500171

Thom Yorke from Radiohead is a 49 year old emo

>> No.4500185

>Existence is a problem

>Existence is pointless

That's your starting point?

>> No.4500191

Do you disagree?

>> No.4500199

Ew, sounds like a girl saying "my biological clock is ticking!" Are you a gay boy? I aint nob apron wearing provider pussy, I do my own thang nigga

>> No.4500204

Fuck off with this Jew shit

>> No.4500205

If you feel that way you can adopt, you asshole

>> No.4500218

It will exist though, ya dumm dumm silly gooth.

>> No.4500230


I have no stance on existence. It's the hand I'm dealt with and have to make best of.

>> No.4500245

I struggle with depression everyday. Many people do. Why would we have kids if we cant even get our own shit straight? Part of it os shitty capitalism makimg us wage slave but part of it is inherent. Most people are average. Being average isnt all that great, its passable until the shit hits the fan and it almost always does. Also you probably murder animals cus "muh protein"

>> No.4500260

Pay attention to which side is getting mad and flustered in this thread.

It is always this way.

My wife has this problem when surrounded by her baby-mongering friends. "I don't want any." "Why???"

An explanation is attempted, and they just do cartwheels of "B-BUT BABIES!! THERE'S SOMETHING WRONG WITH YOU!"

(Wrong = not mindlessly following genetic programming)

I can imagine a world, or a type of existence, where existence is worthwhile. This is most definitely not that world.

The ONLY justification for being here and bringing more in is if we are, in reality, some sort of multi-dimensional energy being, and this is some sort of VR game that we're fucking around with in order to level up.

>> No.4500282

How are you so certain of how others feel?
>I can extrapolate how I feel on the entire human race
Maybe your brain is broken?
So perhaps for you, have children would indeed be unethical as it would for anyone else with such debilitating mental disabilities.

It's always the same thing with you people projecting your own misery onto everyone else.

>> No.4500291

If life is so bad then why the fuck are you still here. Go jump a bridge already

>> No.4500300

>which side is getting mad and flustered in this thread

Which side is that?

Opting out of procreation is perfectly fine too.
That's why I'm not against abortion.

My point above was to explain through economics why procreation is a big part of a community.

>> No.4500303

You cant make up your mimd, can you?

>> No.4500321

And they clearly asked why thats important and you gave no answer. Whats wrong you Mr. dumm silly gooth?

>> No.4500328

>I can imagine a world, or a type of existence, where existence is worthwhile. This is most definitely not that world.
Yet again, you people project your views onto the rest of humanity and then claim objectivity, when it's nothing but pure subjectivity.

>I can imagine a world, or a type of existence, where existence is worthwhile. This is most definitely not that world.
The fact that you subjectively think existence is not worthwhile in this world doesn't mean everyone else agrees with you.

>> No.4500337

Those are the objective facts of biochemistry.
People are driven by wants. When you should do something to maximize your individual gene's chances of copying themselves, you feel a want to do that thing.
So you always want things. To want something is to suffer. It is unpleasant to want something and not have it.
And when you do have it, you get new wants. So you always want, and you always suffer for not having what you want.

It is the way the human body is designed. Its not subjective. We function with the carrot on a stick system, a want dangled in front of you so that you chase it, and a new want when you get that one. Wanting is not having, not having is suffering, we are programmed to work on suffering, it is the fuel that makes us want.

To be human and to live is to suffer.

>> No.4500346


On what exactly? Existence?
It's there and it can be altered. So you must bend it to your will.

Not waste time bitching about it on a Nigerian royalty forum, purpose or not.


Why is it important? So that your tribe can survive, pretty much.

>> No.4500356

>Your life will always have more misery than pleasure.
no, not everyone is as pathetic as you. I'm pretty happy every day.

>> No.4500361


Have you never relaxed or experienced content?

>> No.4500368


no im filling the point in for OP by assuming he is some liberal cunt since he made some nonsensical claim without elaborating, just like you did

>> No.4500378

will exist is not the same as exist

>> No.4500381

You get an injection of pleasure when you complete an objective, but the objectives are always many, you never complete them quick, you never complete them all, and so on. Always the suffering of wanting is more than the pleasure of getting. The animal being eaten always suffers more than the animal getting a meal.

>> No.4500385

you don't have to "consent" to life, life is a gift and if you don't want it you can literally go kill yourself

>> No.4500389

What is this difficulty that pro-natalists seem to have with the concept of anti-natalists having friends, family, responsibilities, etc. that they can't simply abandon just because they don't like it here?

durrr, stop consumin' muh resources then.

Yeah, and completely fuck over everybody that I know?

"Earth was a mistake and creating more life is actually a major moral quandary" is not the fucking same thing as "boo hoo, nothing matters, time to kill myself."

>> No.4500390

Lmao, people like you are so utterly hopeless. A broken clock is right more often.

You think da joos want less people? That's less fucking money for them you tard, their whole model is "infinite growth".

>> No.4500398


>> No.4500401

>Wanting is not having, not having is suffering, we are programmed to work on suffering, it is the fuel that makes us want.
Your very argument is flawed for it assumes no one can enjoy wanting but not having.
When I want to win a game, I push myself hard to play the very best I can.
In that time I enjoy playing regardless if I end up winning or not.
Boom, your entire premise is flawed.
>wah wah wah it's objective fact
As I said before, stop projecting your own misery onto the rest of the human race.

>> No.4500405

If your that nihilistic just give away your money.

>> No.4500414

One major point constantly coming from the "should not exist" argument - suffering.

And? Are you implying that's always bad? You become stronger (read: grow) through suffering.


>when you complete an objective


If you see life as this carrot-on-stick model, I'd advise to smell a rose sometimes. Or take a breath of fresh air.

>> No.4500416

>{insert rationalization}

404 argument not found.

>> No.4500421

Nah, it's more like anti-natalists are smug fucks who think they're superior to natalists.

>> No.4500422

Tbh you make it sound so robotic and bleak. But your last sentence is more fair. Yes we suffer. We live too, and living is a way more complex topic then suffering. Living, feeling alive, is awesome.

Tribe? Why revert back to this word? This is a word to describe primitive people. I live in society, not a tribe. Those tribal people live in societies too. Society means you live among people you dont like, people nothing like you, and under a system that you didnt create. I cant escape society unless im some kind of activist making their own society.

>> No.4500430


Do you have a working argument against infinite growth?

>> No.4500434

Whats the fucking difference? Stop playing games sonny

>> No.4500444

>This is a word to describe primitive people.

And that's exactly what we are anon.

>> No.4500445

>you are not qualified to ascertain what you experience, only I alone know when you suffer
Wow, how the fuck can you read my mind anon?
How can you tell when I enjoy things and when I suffer?

>> No.4500448

Uh, last I fucking checked the earth is a finite thing. The fuck?

People believe in the "infinite growth" thing unironically? Holy damn lmao

>> No.4500450

Best answer in this thread so of course all you get is people saying their lives are better than yours and you should kill yourself. Sometimes I think thoughts like these are just proof that humanity has evolved too far because we know too much. However, one talk with an average person or seeing all the replies in this thread proves that's not the case. All you have to do is think about it for a while to come to this conclusion, but many people completely refuse to do this and continue to believe they have some higher purpose.

Just because you think like this doesn't mean the logical conclusion is to kill yourself. You're already here, and the pleasure that you do continue to get with life is better than not existing.

>> No.4500453

>Always the suffering of wanting is more than the pleasure of getting.
I dissagree, and I disklike antinatalists like you who just claim this shit. Quantify and qualitate your statements, bitch. What the fuck are you talking about? You're clueless.

>> No.4500454

>life is a gift and if you don't want it you can literally go kill yourself

I want normies to leave.

>> No.4500470


Earth might be, IF it is. Rest of galaxy perhaps not?

Where is your argument against infinite growth?
Do you propose a better model?

>> No.4500477

>Quantify and qualitate your statements, bitch.

He did. I like how flustered you're getting though, happens every time.

>> No.4500492

I dont wanna propogate primitive people who have advanced Soviet manufacturing of AK47s and McDomalds bru

>> No.4500502

He didn't quantify shit you retard.
You pretentious fucks never quantify suffering ever, all you do use it as a rationalization for being a smug fuck.

>> No.4500516

Haha, yeah, lets sum up all of psychology and all of human life with one paragraph that is as general as possible. Smug fuckers. Write a book and grt back to me, plebe

>> No.4500524


That's on you.

>> No.4500535

You get rich so you can find yourself a hot piece of asian ass


This is what it means to be a /biz/tard

>> No.4500546

>reproducing is unethical
Only if you're nigger/chink/pajeet.

>> No.4500557


>> No.4500558

"The earth might be infinite or it might not be, who knows"

Good god damn what am I reading, rofl. You must be that flat earther guy.

And yeah a better model is one that doesn't destroy the infinitely more beautiful, complex and enriching natural world to make way for a toxic, homogenized, bleak artificial one that's so shitty it's caused the mental illness and suicide rate to skyrocket

Doodads and gizmos are cool don't get me wrong but anyone who thinks they're worth trading entire ecosystems for is a very desperate soul

>> No.4500560

>Always the suffering of wanting is more than the pleasure of getting. The animal being eaten always suffers more than the animal getting a meal.

Dude cant even paraphrase schopenhauer. The second sentence is a very different topic then the first. And no, claimimg that wantimg always outweighs grtting doesnt make it so. unless you can prove it. Please prove something for once, O wise One.

>> No.4500580


>absolutist artificialism
>naturalist, yet absolutist artificialism mindset

Ouch. So, what's the your model exactly?

>> No.4500601

back to /r9k/ you sperg

>> No.4500603

>what’s the difference between existing and not existing

are you serious right now?

>> No.4500612

You are retarded my friend.

>inb4 'I love it how unitelligent people get defensive' no no no you deserve to hang.

Do you suggest we completely cease reproduction in all living species? Allow the Earth to become a lifeless rock identical to the rest of the known universe?

If you think there is more point to that than living to reproduce and develop then you're an ill cunt.

Life's initial goal is reproduction and continuation, perhaps so we can evolve into a species with a greater purpose. You could say humans are at the next step, with a much better awareness and ability to give their offspring a brighter future and thus allow them to accomplish the next level of meaning faster.

Now I'm not gonna lie I'm a bit high rn but I think I've clocked it and I stand by my comment that AjB6 or whatever his thing is should commit suicide.

>> No.4500630

>Buh-hu-huuu /pol/ isn't making me any money how about I go to /biz/ where they know how to make money
HMMMMMMMMMM maybe if you want to make money you don't bring your USELESS fucking rhetoric to my BUSINESS AND FINANCES board.

Newfags like you are the cancer on this site that's somehow turned shilling into a bad thing and made browsing through /biz/ a pain in the fucking ass.



>> No.4500635

Even assuming the second part of your loaded question is true (it isn't), I don't see what it has to do with the first part.

>> No.4500644

>>absolutist artificialism
>>naturalist, yet absolutist artificialism mindset
Not sure what the shit you're trying to say here with your big college kid words

I just think we need way less people. Like the wise sage Bill Burr said, the problem isn't you driving a gas guzzler. It's that there's too many people doing it.

>> No.4500645

reproducing is only unethical if you are passing on inferior genetics. So basically all Pajeets and Niggers, with a small exception.

>> No.4500658

>less people

Agreed, full race war needed

>> No.4500665

The existence is guaranteed you dumb fuck

You cant ask for consent but youre still responsible

>> No.4500685

>we need way less people

(WE) don't.
The Chinese do.
The Indians do.

We produced Tesla. You (assuming you're from the west) produced Henry Ford, Alan Turing.

They produced Jack Mao and a horde of Java script kiddies.

>> No.4500691

No, we need a nasty-ass plague to sweep through like what happened in Europe that one time

Seems now is the perfect time for it, all you need is for it to reach an international airport and bada bing bada boom

>> No.4500731

reproducing when youre poor is unethical.
rich people can do anything and its fine

>> No.4500758

Well I agree wholeheartedly that chinks need to be, uh...thinned, and yeah probably indians too

But whites shouldn't be off the hook either, we consume more resources per capita than probably any other race. Though to our credit, at least we don't reproduce like fucking rabbits, generally speaking

>> No.4500762

The Chinese and the silk road were the inception of the market economy which is why everyone has a massive erection for Crypto.

Take your elitist race-based shit OFF OF MY FUCKING BOARD. /pol/ would love to have you, until then, their post about



>> No.4500776

That's fair. I would qualify working class as poor as well.

>> No.4500791


Uh, I semi-disagree. With that mindset the poor don't reproduce.

When the majority becomes poor, they don't reproduce and become even poorer in a single generation.

The poor really should reproduce, but also try to better their situation.

>> No.4500805

>we consume more resources per capita than probably any other race

That means we attain more resources per capita. That means we have the agency to do so.

Which is a good thing.

>> No.4500816

>they dont reproduce and becone poorer
wut, they dont reproduce and then they die

>> No.4500842


That's if everyone suddenly stopped.
But take a poor region and 70% of them don't reproduce.

In a generation that's 70% less consumers - 70% less business; 70% more poorer.

>> No.4500850

Im outta here

Antinatalistism a a horrible subject I wish I never heard of it. It turns your view of life into a robo horrow peeop show. Run.

>> No.4500857

Allegory of the Cave in action.

>> No.4500862

I agree, it hurts to know the truth and I want to go back to when I was bluepilled about it

How do I do that?

>> No.4500866

This logic justifies every crime imaginable

>> No.4500872

reproducing is unethical?

may I ask, do you happen to be a vegan?

or perhaps you suffer from other mental issues?

>> No.4500889



>> No.4500906

>not consuming is what makes people poor
top kek

>> No.4500928

haha good one dude!!

Vegans = retards am i right

dude lol

>> No.4500937

A good thing being used absolutely horribly and in a manner thats leading to its own destruction

>> No.4500941


Plague would do the trick - but they've constantly got those surgical masks on. Beta radiation could be an alternative?

Also whites deserve to use more resources because we ultimately put them to better use. Bar maybe Japan who are just superhuman little people

>> No.4500964

In that case your worldview doesn't make sense, there can't be good or bad if everything that happens is good. There can only be good if there's bad.

>> No.4500972

>tfw 27 with a 1.4 million USD networth.
>I.Q is only 108-109 so I refuse to ever reproduce.

Would you rather be born to well off parents, but have a low I.Q, or poorer parents and have a high I.Q? And it's only unethical depending on your genetics.

>> No.4500982
File: 76 KB, 681x454, 2050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol 'we' should stop having children, because 'we're' a burden on the world and 'our world' is becoming overpopulated!!

>wait sub-saharan africa overpopulation? We need to bring them MORE aid, food and medicine! World hunger and disease must be ended!

(meanwhile America 2100...)

This pseudointellectual retarded anti-natalism bullshit is only pushed onto whites.

It really makes you wonder why a certain clique of elite cosmopolitans came up with it and started teaching it in universities.

>> No.4500986

Our population grows to fit our productive capacity; you not having kids just means some third worlder will be able to afford more kids. Even if you think life is suffering and yadda yadda, youd need to be a supervillain to realistically impact that.

>> No.4500989


No, people not consuming my products/services is what makes me poor.


Depends on your morals.
I think it's good that arabs can't unite and conquer Europe.

That's because someone's making them infight and kill each other.

Whether that's good or not, that's up to you.

>> No.4501024

>post two conflicting views
>imply they come from the same people
>haha checkmate atheists!

>> No.4501031

It's not a matter of what we deserve, pragmatics are more important than trying to moralize. But again, no one even needs to use less necessarily (though more efficient ways of doing things would also be helpful), we just need less fucking people so we can actually afford to stop raping the world as much.

>> No.4501043

If they were low iq but rich from crypto then theure not real winners, they just got lucky for buying in early and winning. But theyd still be able to provide more opportunities. But theyd also be fucked in the head for getting that much money and being low iq. Low iq or rathrr low general intelligence (105 is still low) wouldnt be able to handle the money well depending on their personality. They should just become an activist amd or donate to a cause, and adopt a somolian 3 year old. Eyo check out the new albim "Syre" by jaden smith, that nigga is what happens when yo kids are born rich

Yo poor dumb people are dumb as fuck but they can be mad interesting and awesome and I respek them but they also dum. I am one amd I know some good ones knaw mean

>> No.4501050

even europeans cant conquer europe.
but it looks like arabs actually might now

>> No.4501067

But they do come from the same people you retard, wake up.

>> No.4501068
File: 19 KB, 550x404, 39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all life should die off because the offspring can't consent

>> No.4501074

No, I think that africans too should stop having children.

>> No.4501084

>Depends on your morals.
>I think it's good that arabs can't unite and conquer Europe.
Well yeah but you see with your logic, if mudslimes actually did conquer europe it'd be a good thing because they used their agency to do so. There's an error in logic somewhere in there, don't you think

>> No.4501107

I don't like being a poltard but that's a very (((suspect))) ideology.
If someone doesn't exist, and you believe they'll just return to oblivion after death, what harm is there in creating them? Sure, people suffer in life, but they can experience joy, too. Don't get your gayboi panties in a twist over the fact people live: Even if you think that's a mistake, it'll get corrected soon enough.

>> No.4501109


Good thing for them.

>> No.4501133

africans don't

>> No.4501153

I hope you don't think I'm one of those people because I've been pretty clear that I think we would all benefit greatly from having less people, regardless of those peoples' race, color, or creed.

But in their defense, the thing is that they just want to reduce the suffering of destitute people. Wealthier countries don't necessarily need to suffer at all in order to reduce their population growth. So that's not really a contradiction or them being partial towards non-whites.

>> No.4501155

Africans aren't the people this post calls out >>4500982

Just so many non-arguments here, so much rationalization and so little reason.

>> No.4501172

What's unethical is that the people who overreproduce (Africans, and most Muslim peoples) are completely incapable of maintaining the level of society and technology to sustain their exponentially growing populations. They are completely dependant upon the - decades since last at replacement level TFR - Whites and East-Asians.

The fact that Africa's population is above the roughly 200 million (set to hit about 4 BILLION end of this century) people pre-colonization is purely due to Western technology and altruism. And given the West is speedily committing suicide, and that you can bet your ass Japs, Koreans and Chinks won't be happy paying tax for handouts to billions of feckless Africans, the coming century will see the greatest famine and die off in human history as Africa returns to a population level it's native people can actually support themselves.

>> No.4501177

Point is that you can eat well and fuck, while other people cant. If you are looking for signals before fomo, you should go look for groups. Here is one new that seems promising https://discord.gg/F3SDe8S

>> No.4501231

We would not benefit from having less children. That's a pretty fucking dumb thing to say.

>> No.4501255

Idk about you, but I want to be rich so I don't have to wage cuck.

>> No.4501265

So illogical, how do ppl like you exist? Strong will to live and reproduce [aka big potentially undeserved ego]?

>> No.4501276

(((4 billion)))

>> No.4501279

Less traffic, less crowding, more value on life (supply/demand principle), more community, less pollution, more privacy, less scarcity, etc. etc.

>> No.4501304

he's saying it's pushed onto whites not africans, not what you think about africans. africans, as everyone in their natural form, doesn't even know why "anti-natalism" could possibly exist.

>> No.4501309

Muslims rely on whites? Yeah they sell us oil, and they cant grow all their owm food but the reason they are such a shithole is cause of corruption. They could have a nice society if that oil money was shared properly

>> No.4501321

there's tons of space, leave the city and all those problems are solved.

>> No.4501325

1. Its not pushed. We are talking.
2. Its not about race, I think everyone should stop having children.

You are using a strawman. This is not an argument.

>> No.4501353

>growth is the purpose of life
You would think that at first, but if you think a bit longer it's not true.

The universe is indifferent, it has no will. It is irrelevant whether life sustains or not. The only thing that makes you think like this is because you are life itself.

Life is, as everything else not meaningful. It's just there...

Nothing has a purpose, but the way life has flourished is by reproduction. Whether you reproduce or not has an affect on how life adjusts itself. If you do not its because you saw no meaning in life itself and are a failure towards life itself.

But don't feel bad, reproduction may have a purpose but life does not.

>> No.4501369

Yeah and everyone in their "natural form" doesn't know how germs could possibly exist, either.

I don't live in a city. And some of those problems are, in fact, exacerbated when you live outside of a city. Having to drive further (or at all) creates more pollution, not less. You have less access to virtually every resource. Basically everything you do is less efficient. There's a reason cities exist in the first place -- they're efficient.

>> No.4501379
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>Muslim farmers

>> No.4501385
File: 167 KB, 504x346, antinatalism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Third world countries are suffering more BECAUSE of overpopulation. There are NOWHERE near enough natural resources to support that massive of a population.

They were not 'suffering' before modern medicine and technology was brought to africa. They were happy enough as hunter-gatherers living off the land. Third world populations are artificially multiplying FAR beyond what can feasibly be supported

95% of the world's plastic pollution comes from 10 rivers.
8 of these are in asia/indian subcontinent.
They usually come from the same fucking people. Anti-natalism only targets and focuses on western countries.

News flash:
Some groups of people are having more children than ever. The group having more offspring than ever are the ones who cant form advanced civilization. Let's see where it goes.

How are you going to tell africans to stop having children? Or is this some sort of rick and morty tier intellectual philosophy that is 2smart4u
In effect by pushing this idea, you're only telling smart people to stop having kids.
It is dysgenic at it's best.
European governments are literally saying that there is a population crisis in their countries (negative population growth) so they offer the """solution""" of bringing in 3rd worlders.
The UN literally has a term for this known as "replacement migration".

3rd worlders will not stop having kids and be convinced by your enlightened free-thinking intellectual idea that "bringing people into the world will just bring more suffering" you fucking brainlet

>> No.4501392

I don't think it's about race either, I think everyone should have more children. And it definitely is pushed, there's no other way you could come to the conclusion that having children is "immoral".

why would you have to driver further if you don't live in a city?? cities are bigger. I live in a town of 40k and have everything I need at r-kioski, I'm sure you have a convenience store.

>> No.4501394

Germans gave it a good crack.

>> No.4501418

FeenixCoin Discord

>> No.4501428

Unethical? Did you fall for this fucking meme?

If you look close enough almost anything humans do is unethical.

>> No.4501433

>there is no way to come to a conclusion other than a shill brainwashing you

Okay, I'm closing this thread, this is too much.

>> No.4501437

>In effect by pushing this idea, you're only telling smart people to stop having kids.
>It is dysgenic at it's best
Quoted for truth. Do you think anti-natalism will be accepted in Cameroon, where the average IQ is 64? Anti-natalism could only be rationalized by very intelligent people, who have impulse control over their reproductive energy. This means basically white people literally deciding to die off.

Whoever pushes this crap is a genocide advocate, and they belong in a fucking oven.

>> No.4501440

I mean it's true, perhaps the most natural thing possible

>> No.4501460

repoduction is most ethical when you're wealthy. it's a proven fact that economically advantaged children have the highest potential for success and greatness.

it's unethical for poor and lower-class people to reproduce, unfortunately they tend to reproduce the most.

>> No.4501501

>Third world countries are suffering more BECAUSE of overpopulation. There are NOWHERE near enough natural resources to support that massive of a population.

No I totally agree, I'm just explaining why those people aren't exactly holding two contradictory views because their reasonings are basically "less people good" and "help da darkies". Not "less whiteys good" and "less darkies bad".

>They were not 'suffering' before modern medicine and technology was brought to africa. They were happy enough as hunter-gatherers living off the land. Third world populations are artificially multiplying FAR beyond what can feasibly be supported

That's pretty interesting, I'm not sure I've ever thought of it that way. I suppose it's true that third worlders are being propped up by first worlders. I agree that this is most likely unsustainable.

That's also very interesting about the plastic waste, I didn't know that. That's fucking insane.

This shit is just so fucked, it's crushing to see what is happening to the environment. I'm sure as hell not reproducing just for that reason, I can tell you that much. Until humanity can figure out how to stop being cancer, more and more people will (hopefully) follow suit.

>> No.4501533

How do you feel about the fact that i'm investing into the artificial womb and plan to build a literal baby factory and churn out around one hundred thousand children every year at peak production ?

>> No.4501561

how about you figure it out yourself and teach your kid? because people like me who don't give a fuck about the environment will definitely have many kids as family is the most natural way to happiness.

>> No.4501583

Imagine being this stupid lmao

>> No.4501618
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Subhumans are poor because they're subhumans.
The only way to reduce the suffering of subhumans is genociding them.

We need discriminating desintegrating nanoswarms now more than ever, this is getting out of hand, we're looking at the extinction of Humanity.

>> No.4501654

>why would you have to driver further if you don't live in a city?? cities are bigger. I live in a town of 40k and have everything I need at r-kioski, I'm sure you have a convenience store.
First off, the closest thing to my town is a dollar general that JUST got built like 3 months ago. It's still like 5 miles away from us. It's nice but it doesn't have everything. The next best thing before that was, yeah, a convenience store. You don't shop at convenience stores though, because they don't sell clothes and vegetables and all that other shit. Also their prices are way the fuck higher than a proper store.

There's also the fact that most jobs are in the city (virtually all jobs where I live) so most people in my little town of Hillbillyville have to drive like 40 miles round-trip every day just to go to work.

Besides those facts, kids living in the sticks don't get a wide pool of fellow kids to choose friends from (If they even have friends near them at all -- I sure as fuck suffered from this when I was a kid, especially during the summer) so that shit is no fun for them.

>> No.4501701

>only store is 5 miles away
seems like one of you should make a store, what is your town 15 people??
>jobs are in nearest city
sounds like your town has a shit economy or is 15 people, there are work for people in towns too.
>kids dont get wide pool to "choose from"
you need 2-3 friends max, you town doesnt have 2 other kids?
go to a town of at least 10k and you have none of those problems.

>> No.4501739

Yeah you seem like a pleasant person. I feel bad for your kids. "Sorry kids, daddy doesn't care about you or your future or his grandchildren's future, he just made you to satisfy the chimp part of his brain."

>> No.4501782

>seems like one of you should make a store, what is your town 15 people??
Yeah but you see, you run into the same problem again here. Those goods that are sold have to be trucked in from the city, costing more money and energy, and they aren't sold in as large of quantities to the store so the store has to charge more for them. Every part of this is inefficient compared to a city.

>sounds like your town has a shit economy or is 15 people, there are work for people in towns too.
Weren't you just arguing that "smaller towns = good"? And the population is something like 6k IIRC, there really isn't enough work here for the majority of us, no.

>you need 2-3 friends max, you town doesnt have 2 other kids?
I mean, if you're fine with being friends some screwball kid who is homeschooled and not actually interested in anything you are then more power to you. But I think it'd be nicer if your kid had like-minded kids to play with.

>> No.4501783

White people are the only ones who care about stuff like renewable energy and conservation.
Especially in europe, their negative impact on the environment is negligible compared to the rest of the world.

If you just leave the world as it is you're giving up a chance to impact it positively.

>> No.4501832

giving my kids life they should be grateful for whatever happens to them, without me they wouldn't exist. I expect them to pay me back as well.

people pay for it, it's not about "efficiency" at all but like you said earlier
>Less traffic, less crowding, more value on life (supply/demand principle), more community, less pollution, more privacy, less scarcity, etc. etc.
you dont need a job in a fucking city or to use a car, ride bus or get a bike. 40k is the perfect size. if you cant find friends in a 6k town you are probably aspergers or something as well, dont blame "not enough kids to choose from" as your aspergers. they dont need "like mind" or any shit like that, how is it interesting if your friends are clones of yourself??

>> No.4501859

>giving my kids life they should be grateful for whatever happens to them, without me they wouldn't exist. I expect them to pay me back as well.

Wow, you're a shitty person. Heavily consider putting a shotgun in your mouth and pulling the trigger.

I suppose I could agree with this.

Being able to provide a life for the people you forced here free of wageslaving and worry would be great.

>> No.4501871

I don't think whites are the only ones who care, I think they're the only ones who can afford to care. Other races absolutely do care when they can afford to. Can't remember where I saw this but there was a community of Africans that was planting trees and shit to replace logged trees.

The reason we use oil is because it's cheap as shit and even simpler. Africans can't exactly use solar for their power needs, solar panels don't just come out of the ground you know. Also I hear China actually is advancing towards more solar use, as is India. Not sure to what extent but it's something. Europe is doing great though, yeah. I wish America could get its shit together like them.

I never said anything about leaving the world as it is, we should be moving towards sustainable/renewable production. But reducing population is also a good idea, preferably in conjunction.

>> No.4501886

>Wow, you're a shitty person. Heavily consider putting a shotgun in your mouth and pulling the trigger.
mad because my kids are gonna be sick at hockey and youre jealous, I'll have grandchildren bringing me water when im 80 and youll be cleaning your fucking cats

>> No.4501891

>DTM doesn't real
The absolute state...

>> No.4501907

>giving my kids life they should be grateful for whatever happens to them, without me they wouldn't exist. I expect them to pay me back as well.
You sure as fuck better not let them know you think this way, then. I know for a fact my dad would be out on his ass if he were as self-centered a cunt as you.

>they dont need "like mind" or any shit like that, how is it interesting if your friends are clones of yourself??
The funny thing about this post is that you probably are one of those people who thinks racial diversity is a failed experiment and only a homogeneous society can work

Newsflash: kids only like kids who are sufficiently similar to themselves

>> No.4501915

So what you're saying is all of life is a ponzi scheme?

>> No.4501926

racial diversity is a failure, just look at yourself

>> No.4501957

It's unethical only if you're poor and ugly. If I was good looking and born to a rich family, I would actually enjoy my life, instead of thinking about killing myself 24\7.
But I was born into slavery, in a piece of shit country, to a poor family, and my dad is an ugly manlet (my mom was beautiful when she was young though, I don't know why she chose that guy).

>> No.4501981

Hey I gotta go to bed but one more thing before I do: What's your religious inclination, generally speaking? Atheist, Christian, Muslim, other? It's always interesting to find that out about people with strong opinions. I'm agnostic, leaning towards deism, myself

>> No.4501994

If you off a few people and the make one your net effect is positive

>> No.4502010


>> No.4502011

Arguing over your kids and what they think. They probably all fucking hate you. And when you're old enough they will put you in a home...get over it

>> No.4502012

I reject the premise. Tell me, is the Earth a closed system?

>> No.4502032

my sons will fuck you at hockey and my daughters will be sexy, dont be jealous

>> No.4502057

It's unfortunate that so many humans are retarded primates like you.

>> No.4502066

It's unfortunate you will die alone with the only thing at your deathbed to be cats

>> No.4502105

I may sound like a cuck, but the main goal in life is not to reproduce. It is to help humanity advance forward. If you can achieve this by other means, your death will not be in vain. Raising your own kids is just the easiest way to leave your legacy.

>> No.4502116

There is no goal or meaning, anon.

Life is meaningless.

>> No.4502123

Mmm, had an inkling.

>> No.4502319

There are 2 meanings. The inherent (programmed) is humanity reproduction, advancement and expansion. And the other one - is the one that you give yourself. Can be anything really.
You are just being nihilistic.

>> No.4502395

None of those are actual meanings

Stop lying to yourself

>> No.4502445

>i am very smart

>> No.4502462

No, those are. For an individual, who is a part of the collective.
Actual meaning of humanity itself is unknown. But for one man - it is to push his genes forward into the timeline. But there are people - geniuses and thinkers, who reshape the world - they usually don't leave the offspring. But their names are immortalized forever.

>> No.4502467

m8 you gotta be 18 to be on this website
I know puberty is a lot to take in but just calm down with the edginess m8

>> No.4502494

No it's not, you fucking retard. You are animal-tier.

Most people are though, so at least you're in good company.

>> No.4502529

who cares about meaning, or resources, or moralism?
WHY THE FUCK would you enslave yourself by having children?

>> No.4502532

Why aren't you off this wild ride, if you have figured it all out?

>> No.4502571

Mate no one fucking like hockey. And I'd smash the shit out of your daughters if they are fit. But every dad says that. Your boys probably look more fiminine then you daughters. Sad old man

>> No.4502606
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>> No.4502622
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>> No.4502625

Because suicide is difficult to bring yourself to do, and I'm going to die anyway.

I don't know what this is supposed to be.

>> No.4502630

The most underrated post I've read all year.

>> No.4502631

Everyone advocating for child birth seems to be forgetting that we have ~100 years left on Earth tops.

What is there to pass on? Why would you want to put your child through the end of the world?

Furthermore, why put yourself through the lifestyle of slaving away to pay bills and raise children? Instead I suggest you be selfish with your money, fly overseas and fuck hookers and eat delicious food.

>> No.4502633

get cryptobillions, buy land and make it into endangered animal reserves, hire mercenaries to slaughter dindus that try to poach your tigers and shit.

>> No.4502637


>> No.4502642
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>> No.4502652


>> No.4502656

Agreed, if you hate life so much you should strive to improve it or check out entirely.

>> No.4502663

I just realized you're the idiot from earlier

Explains why you can't even find a proper fedora pic

>> No.4502684

>you were forced into this prison, now get to work or blow your brains out :^)

>> No.4502702
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>> No.4502706

>life should be perfect
It isn't, sucks to suck my dude.

>> No.4502708

You can't just post image 1 and 3 and leave out 2...

>> No.4502732
File: 44 KB, 500x246, 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 is unrelated

>> No.4502736

If you're white reproducing is not unethical. The fundamental flaw with breeding is not breeding in of itself but the fact that the only people who are doing the breeding are borderline mentally retarded. (See: Blacks, Arabs, Southeast Asians, Hispanics, Pakis)

>> No.4502737

I didn't say life has to be perfect

But I wish it wasn't the hell it is. Humans are barbaric, as is mother nature. The sooner organic life is gone permanently, the better

>> No.4502749

Sounds like you have a goal, then. Hop to it you windowlicker.

>> No.4502755
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>> No.4502767

>forced into existence

you're logic is flawed bro, nobody is forcing anybody to existence, since your subject doesn't exist until created, also existence is philosophical realm which has only remote connection with having sex in order to reproduce

putting ethics in such pseudo-intellectual soup is a mental gymnastic of gender studies level.

>muh feelings

>> No.4502770

I do, you're right.

If there was a way I could end the world right now I would. Black hole created by CERN, being absorbed by the sun, something.

>> No.4502781

Yes they are.

You didn't choose to be here, therefore you were forced. It's not hard to understand.

>> No.4502809

Wishing for it on a Pakistani economics forum doesn't bring any progress toward it. Everybody wants for something in this life, even if it is the end of life, and you're going to feel empty and sad unless you strive for what you want. Understand?

>> No.4502813

>creating a complete school of though based on single premise - consent

you're either fucking with us, or in case you believe in this style dogma, you should reconsider believing it, there is a lot more in this 'existence' than what gender studies curriculum states.

>> No.4502818
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Some day you faggots will stop wubalubbadubdubbing long enough to settle down with a wife, have a few children and feel the comfiness of living.

>> No.4502846

Itt: after billions of years of his forebears striving for improvement, anon is a genetic dead end. Yet he won't just quietly off himself to show the world he truly believes the shit he is trying to peddle. He i stead whines and whinges, trying to drag down those who do create meaning in their lives.

>> No.4502851

If prefer to die then have that trump bashing bitch

>> No.4502875

I like how you couldn't refute my point at all.

Not an argument

You really got me, nice job anon. I'm still right though, no matter how upset you are.

I get you. Striving for something is a good goal, I just wish it were possible to end the suffering once and for all.

>> No.4502891

>This is considered "edgy" by Reddit standards

You're trying too hard to be edgy, it's pathetic, maybe Reddit would appreciate it though, you have to go back.

>> No.4502897

Mind you I'd probably fuck her face and spit on her

>> No.4502901

I'm just speaking my thoughts man.

If you prefer a hugbox, maybe reddit is more your speed

>> No.4502951

>I like how you couldn't refute my point at all.
there is nothing to refute, such constructions are called syllogism (ie. you didn't exist, therefore you haven't consented to exist)

>> No.4502995
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>If there was a way I could end the world right now I would.
>Striving for something is a good goal, I just wish it were possible to end the suffering once and for all.

I know this feel, brother. You think the same way I do, it's like you're reading my thoughts.
So many 2 digit IQ normie poltards are here in this thread, it's disgusting. What happend to my 4chins

>> No.4503014

A baby can't consent either

Does that mean it's okay to hurt a baby?

>> No.4503032


>> No.4503041

>you didn't exist, therefore you haven't consented to exist

Exactly. Now you get it.

I knew you could do it

>> No.4503057
File: 37 KB, 408x406, 8f03392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the point of living when you're a bluepilled cuck that believes Jewish propaganda

>> No.4503061

it can, if something hurts it physically/emotionally it will react ... of course, perverts and experts will consider this question, but there is nothing much to consider - if it hurts - baby cries, if it doesn't - baby is happy

>> No.4503069

what if human's default setting (cosmological) is consent, ie - yes. ?

if you don't remember the time where you didn't exist, you can't refute that this is not the case.

>> No.4503071

You tell me.

>> No.4503093

Just because you were forced down a chute doesn't mean you have to force more people down the chute.

>> No.4503121

why are you so concerned about consent? consent is the absolute winner of social constructs, there is no such thing as consent in any other form in the universe except in ethics?