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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4495940 No.4495940 [Reply] [Original]


decentralized and uncensored torrents & standalone wallet due out at the start of next month.
Pajeets selling their moon tickets. Easy money here.

ico ends tomorrow.
this is going to be listed on exchanges in the next week.

this goes under the radar. normies don't know about unlisted tokens.

>> No.4495985

There is only a few cheap coins on offer, 1 eth worth of buys = triple in price. another 1.5 eth price moves up 10x.. from there we run 50 - 100x.

>> No.4496081

Bought at something like 1/10 ICO price last week, still ended up losing money. Incredible stuff, really.

>> No.4496119

correction: 1/16th ICO price. .00008.

>> No.4496179

>small market cap
>cheap coins
>hitbtc listing imminent
> $$$$

bought 25k the other day. between this and IOP im comfy af.

>> No.4496236

lol. How is it possible to lose money already?
there is obviously a few pajeets who bought in and want out straight away, jumping each others orders down to with 0.1 eth sales. The only way you can lose money is if you sell before the exchange listing. check the orderbook.. there isn't many coins available under 0.0002

>> No.4496249

I bought last week and I'm not even mad. Scooped more cheap coins that's way below ICO on ED.

ICOers can dump all they want I'd still be in profit.

ICO price is about 50 cent guys (0.0014 eth). With bonus that would be about 20 cents I think? Which is 0.0007 eth. Anything under is a freaking steal.

Well you hate money and would rather invest in CONfiDON'T.

>> No.4496264 [DELETED] 

Looks like someone's buying their orders to drive the price up. Coincidence????

>> No.4496275

Fucking pajeet always use the same tactic.
> wa wa poo poo pee pee
> price is so low i threw 1 eth at it xDD
God you are embarassing and should just off yourself

>> No.4496301

I mean, technically I haven't lost it yet since I haven't sold yet. But the valuation of my dumbass meme coins that I bought is down to like a fourth of what I bought at.

>> No.4496318

you spelled it wrong pleb - its feenix

aside from the fact that this is the most amateur coin website I have ever seen, and the whitepaper is garbage, just a few paragraphs of some ideas that are barely thought through with little techncial info. High chance this is the next Confido. There no linkedin profiles and searching the 4 names on the net doesn't bring up anything on who the team members seem to be. WARNING

>> No.4496398


>> No.4496455

Did you miss out on the really cheap coins? someone got them. Still a few left, just have to pay a bit more. Anything under 0.002 is a bargain we will be at $1 easy in a week.
I'm not here to dump on you guys, i'd have to be insane to dump for pajeet prices.
2 weak hands trying to beat each other down for 0.2 eth in sales wont kill this coin. Half their coins are sold already.

>> No.4496478

This thread again huh? I'll summarize what I posted last night when this came up. The whitepaper is 6 pages written by a child, the dev team does not exist anywhere on Google, the dev has not responded to the bitcointalk thread in 3 weeks. This coin is garbage, please stay away.

>> No.4496510

stfu you scamming nigger holy shit

>> No.4496523
File: 66 KB, 640x640, ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread again huh? I'll summarize what I posted last night when this came up. The whitepaper is 6 pages written by a child, the dev team does not exist anywhere on Google, the dev has not responded to the bitcointalk thread in 3 weeks. This coin is garbage, please stay away.

>> No.4496600

And now theres a few greedy pajeets who bought cheap coins selling already. They will just hold us back and hurt their chances of making real money. I'm not pumping this so you guys can make a quick flip and kill it before exchange listing.
The higher we are when it gets listed, the bigger the moon. Hold you weak pajeets.

>> No.4496606

This is a straight rip-off from upfiring. UFR's white paper came out on June, fenix's came out a couple months later; not to mention fenix's white paper is nearly identical to Upfiring's, only with minor changes kinda like when your friend copies you and you tell him/her to write it a little differently so your teacher won't notice. Upfiring's is more coherent and specific with diagrams and pictures whereas fenix's is more generalized. UFR is up on etherdelta at 2 cents and token burn just occurred a couple days ago. Don't say you weren't warned guys and don't get burned

>> No.4496663

>ill say pajeet and normie that’ll get them to buy my scam coin!

>> No.4496689

Pajeet has trashed the order book,
He is attempting to hold price down.

>> No.4496718

every coin gets fudded sometime or another. Previous thread for all to read >>4421923

>> No.4496750

Pajeets gunna pajeet. Only a normie would post a comment like that.

>> No.4496864
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>uncensored torrents

>> No.4496885

more like bought at the bottom and selling for a quick flip fucking the order book.
If that dickhead doesn't remove his sell wall we are going down.
He obviously has no comprehension on how to sell coins without fucking everything for everyone.
If he let the buy wall build, he could probably find an order to sell into.

>> No.4496910

We need to go up. The higher we are when it's listed the bigger the moon. easy 50x gains is possible from this price.

>> No.4497020

Why do you care? Let him give his coins away

>> No.4497450 [DELETED] 

if that pajeet doesn't want to take his 50k coins off the ask i won't pump this because others will follow.
it will stay this price or lower until exchange listing.
if you want to sell, wait for sell orders to build. and they would if you gave it a chance you selfish mongoloid.

>> No.4497489

if that pajeet doesn't want to take his 50k coins off the ask i won't pump this because others will follow.
it will stay this price or lower until exchange listing.
if you want to sell, wait for sell orders to build and dump 5 or 10k at a time, don't fuck the orderbook. this would have just ran to .0002 you gave it a chance you selfish mongoloid.

>> No.4497568

What exchange?

>> No.4497668

Still cheap anon. Find it on ED, link is on op

>> No.4497677

Yeah but what exchange(s) will it be listed on and when.

I know about Etherdelta.

>> No.4497698

this coin went -90% in 3 days STAY AWAY MY PAJEETS RUN AWAY

>> No.4497714

like i said, i;m not pumping this now, or later, or tomorrow unless pajeet removes his sell wall.
He is holding us back, and losing what he could sell higher.
I'm done here. If you want cheap coins buy pajeets orders and make him suffer next week.
I'm trying to let /biz/ know about this, not pump the price for one weak holder.

>> No.4497840
File: 81 KB, 536x625, 1510728539061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HitBTC. get yourself an account there and
be ready to transfer when the wallets are
open for deposit.
I'm holding 38k, half of it i fudded on to
get you guys to dump into my orders.
Suck my chode.

>> No.4497857


>> No.4497960

What do you expect the price to be when it hits HitBTC?

>> No.4498035

there still isn't many cheap coins left bro. Volume is good, wait until a discord group jumps on it. I just put a buy order in if anyone wants to fill it.

>> No.4498245

What's the discord

>> No.4498536


>> No.4498580

this will be over $1 easy.
he said as soon as some shitty pump group gets a hold of this there will be no more cheap coins

>> No.4498735

I'm a feenix whale I need the discord


>> No.4498777

no. I'll buy when it goes below 75% of ico price on etherdelta.

>> No.4498793

I got a total of 50k when he was doing the airdrops and have been shilling these threads to offload, now I’m done I hope you all realise this is a scam

>> No.4498892

Thanks OP, have loaded up for the moon mission.

>> No.4498920

Lol yes. Profiles are fake, just like CONFIDO. You'll be JOOSTED.

>> No.4499372

where is anyone getting any info about this project?

where is the source that it will be listed on exchanges soon?

>> No.4499677

Where is any of this information coming from??? Hitbtc?? Wtf?

>> No.4499913


>> No.4500362

I can confirm he did an airdrop for memes. There wasn't that many created so i guess you did most of them? almost every coin has airdrops/affiliate payments for promo purposes.

>> No.4500440

Yea someone start a discord.This is unorganized chaos.
If we had a discord these flippers might stop flipping.
Someone in yesterdays thread admitted to playing whale games and buying cheap, dumping the price and getting his buy order filled..
We need to stop more whales getting in.

>> No.4500485


>> No.4500590

Isn't there already (failed) file sharing coins/tokens? What makes this shit special.

What's the point of token? What you do with them?

bittorrent is already decentralized

Just another pump & dump shitcoin, with no working product.

>> No.4500664

>bittorrent is already decentralized
Bittorrent doesn't incentivise seeders tard

>> No.4500713 [DELETED] 

Get in here goys and whales.



I'm still not pumping this. not untill pajeet removes his sell orders or loses his coins.

>> No.4500818

Get in here goys and whales.



>> No.4501128

my buy order expires in 1520 blocks. fill it before then and i'll br happy to join your discord.

>> No.4501422



>> No.4501462

I hope you lost all, fucking scammer.

>> No.4501471

Membership building. Get in here /biz/ https://discord.gg/c87CJ8B

good luck with that. i don't think anyones selling into the bid anymore. weak hands are done, we have flippers on the sell now and they are a tight bunch.

>> No.4501937

Strapped in and comfy af anon. Don't just me pls

>> No.4502554

can i store this shitcoin in MEW atleast?

>> No.4502690


>> No.4502701

Yes this can be stored in MEW. there is a standalone wallet coming also.

>> No.4503215

nice, just bought 100k

>> No.4503716

if you buy 100k you will take the price up 5 times with nothing to hold it back from .00's
If you buy 100k you will literally make it to lambo land.
If you buy 100k there is only 2 bigger whales than you.

This is going to at least $1 dollar when we go live on the exchange.

Just joined the fenx discord.
If you have no discord, get one it takes 60 seconds.

>> No.4503761

>This is going to at least $1 dollar when we go live on the exchange.
On what exchange?
You can already trade this on EtherDelta.

>> No.4503856

Biztards don't buy this shit. Hundreds of thousands of these coins given out to biz for FREE