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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4495536 No.4495536 [Reply] [Original]

>year 2020
>go for a coffee at starbucks
>Chad and Stacy are behind me in the line.
>I start to feel nervous and uncomfortable since the nice smell of Stacy shampoo triggers me.
>My turn to order
>"I-ii--w-want to order a latte, medium size ....and I want to pay with bitcoins, please."
>The cashier gives me a disapprove look
>"Ohh yeah...right...that weird money"
>My hands start to sweat
>She pulls out an Ipad and start to convert USD to BTC
>Sights...Ok sir that will be 0.00000015 btc.
>scan the QR code
>electrum wallet informs me that I have to pay 0.01 BTC as transaction fee
>proceed to pay
>"Thanks you sir...now I have to remind you that we have to wait for at least 3 confirmations on the payment....it will take about 5 hours"
>"You can wait on the couch over there..."
>Chad proceeds to pay for his order
>"I will pay with my golden premium ultra deluxe platinum VISA"
>LOL....no-coiners....when they will learn?
>The cashier informs Chad that he has a 15% of discount for paying with his card and he also accumulates point for airplanes tickets.
>Transaction takes 2 seconds to confirm.
>Chad leaves with Stacy holding hands
>After 3 hours of waiting for confirmations, I get hungry
>I want to buy something to eat, but I realize that I dont have fiat or bank cards and I cannot spend more bitcoin since I have a cat to feed at home
after 50 more minutes I am able to go home.
>Still cannot understand why crypto isn't mainstream
>I laugh at no-coiners
>feels fucking good to be an early adopter using the money of the future

>> No.4495744


What is shift payments?

>> No.4495796
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>> No.4495797

Should have used your TenX card you dumb fucking faggot neet. It's not bitcoins fault you never left your house until you were 42 and have no social skills. Stinky Linky comfirmed.

>> No.4495813


Sometimes I like to get paid in btc for sucking dick. Massive amounts of dick, the dicks being sucked here are on the level of OP.

Now with the dink sucking I get $1.00 in pleb tier monies. Which is about 0.0001 btc. This btc is sent to cuckbase and taxes are of course paid quarterly, as dink sucking is a serious business and uncle buck wants his bucks.

When shopping for sex toys with OP I use my shift card in order to use the btc I've earned to invest back into my business. It's really simple and a lot of the times the money I have is actually more than the dinks I've sucked.

Which is quite amazing, cause as a dink sucker I'm making better investment choices than OP.

>> No.4495945
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t. delusional bagholder

>> No.4496220


Salty nocoiner spotted.