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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4489807 No.4489807 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4489867

I trust Bitfinex more than bankers

>> No.4489878
File: 13 KB, 400x400, NUTFACE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh my god who draws this shit

>> No.4489883


>> No.4489895
File: 39 KB, 565x266, MtGox.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see something in your future anon...

>> No.4489896
File: 22 KB, 540x511, 1510770950518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, Bitfinex is a chink exchange? meaning they're aligned with the miners?? meaning this Tether blow-up perfectly coinciding with BTC's difficulty adjustment in two days isn't a coincidence??? meaning all-in on BCH?!?!?!

>> No.4489908

I don't trade on Bitfinex so I'm good.

>> No.4489948

Their offices are in HK and they are based in the Virgin Islands. It's basically impossible to sue them if they exit scam.

>> No.4490002

I thought they were based in Taiwan

>> No.4490034

seems legit

>> No.4490114

Nah, they hate BCH

>> No.4490232

they are based in taiwan.

All this bitfinex fud is nothing like mtgox.

It was like a complete reversal, most of the anons/community were saying there was nothing wrong with mtgox, that waiting 2 weeks to withdraw funds. DDoS'ing which crippled the whole engine for hours, regular shutdowns and 'maintenance' and then towards the end just complete silence from them.

Here, bitfinex actually seems pretty solid. tether is a pretty neat idea but the legality of it is pretty shady, whether they actually have 1:1 USD sitting in the bank has yet to be proven with a fully fledged audit, so until then it's just speculation.

But outside of that there isn't really any warning signs at all that bitfinex is in trouble.
They've got 146k btc as of right now sitting on a cold wallet.

All this fud is just a good opportunity for big whales to scoop up cheap bags before the run to $10k.

t. cryptofag since 2012

>> No.4490313


>> No.4490322

VI is under the US jurisdiction, even militarily. What makes you think the US can't easily extradite these morons?

>> No.4490377

Why can't they answer the simple question of who is providing them with banking?
Because they don't have any?

Fucking two days since they promised 'a formal announcement' on Twitter and nothing. The tether hack and then a website outage. Stinks to high heaven.

>> No.4490408

They are not based in Taiwan. They had Taiwanese banks backing for their USDT printing until they stopped back in May this year.

>> No.4490427

Maybe because the bank doesn't want it disclosed that they're working with cryptocurrency due to legacy banking system?

Occams razor man, if nobody is supplying them with banking I'm sure the gig would have been up months ago. Or at least severe warning signs

>> No.4490433

>I trust a wolf guarding my sheep more than a crocodile

>> No.4490456

Seriously I am applying Occams Razor. The simplest most obvious solution is that they have no banking, just tether.

>> No.4490496

Ok, so then so how can people currently withdraw USD from bitfinex?

You need to be verified and they say it can take up to 7 days for the wire to be processed, but I've not heard any recent complaints about it being disabled.

>> No.4490744

1 person deposit 1 person withdraws
also it's not like they are broke
the probably have cash to cover day to day exchange withdrawals
but not if everyone simultaneously withdraws to take profits

>> No.4490918

yeah but how do they do that without any bank?

I completely get the argument to be skeptical, and I fully encourage bad actors to be found, identified, and for the whole ecosystem to register them and steer clear.

But at the moment I'm just not seeing any compelling evidence.

>> No.4491099

name a better exchange