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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4485247 No.4485247 [Reply] [Original]

Remember last months BTC FUD of the month wherein 2X shillers were preaching the flippening? Member when VTC, GRS and FTC asic resistant memes mooned because of fears that miners are taking over?

What is the current BTC FUD? What is the solution to this FUD? Answer is pic related. Load up on your ZRX, KNC and AST. LRC has already started yesterday.

>> No.4485306
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Pls buy my bags sirs

>> No.4485405
File: 16 KB, 390x190, blocknet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not mentioning the most advanced DEX

>> No.4485560

Looking into it now

>> No.4485920

only good dex coins are block (blocknet), kmd/unity (barterdex) - both atomic swap dex's, and fast dex like bitshares with trading bots like btsbots.com

everything on eth is vaporware or much worse that even exchanges on xcp or nxt from 2014

>> No.4485998

Ypu think KNC and ZRX are vaporware just bec they are built on top of ETH?

>> No.4486104

KNC and ZRX are the defenition of vapourware, they have no working product yet. Do google the defenition.

>> No.4486171

ZRX has Radar Relay, and the protocol has been used since the ICO. Just because it isnt mature doesnt mean its vaporware.

KNC yes it has no product yet, but it has the highest potential in being the largest dealer/market maker in crypto.

>> No.4486191

My nigger

>> No.4486303

Point still stands, KNC is vapour as I mentioned, I didn't say anything about it being shitty or no potiental. ZRX has Radar Relay and is was rushed, its not used by anyone at all.

>> No.4486406

how do i use blocknet

>> No.4486501

Unfair to shut out good projects just because they are still working on their products. I checked out Blocknet, it seems nice but even its Dex is vaporware by its definition.

Point still stands, ZRX is not vaporware. You can use ZRX protocol right now to trade, Radar relay or not.

>> No.4486527


zrx does nothing useful that hasn't been done since 2014

its' just a slow single chain only trades

it's like shittier version of bitshares on top of the worst blockchain ever since onecoin called eth


>> No.4486550

I'm not talking about Blocknet at all, I am not shutting out projects and "good" is a subjective term to use, there is lots of compettion and if you're talking about good then ZRX is currently bad compared to DEXes like Bitshares and WAVES that have currently working products. Their marketcap reflects this statement.