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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4482550 No.4482550 [Reply] [Original]

What the point to hold it? I know you have a lot

>> No.4482593

gona fuk ur shit

>> No.4482614

shill me this one.

>> No.4482964
File: 1.20 MB, 1280x721, ODN Vid Group Shot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. Do your own homework.

>> No.4482980

holding 10k long, comfy hold going into 2018

>> No.4483311
File: 45 KB, 611x746, Types of Headaches ODN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The point of holding it is to stake and get a 10% return of ODN each year.

And December 4th is less than 2 weeks away! Get ready!

>> No.4483584

>10% worth of shitcoin on a year basis
the absolute state of /biz/.
This is going nowhere, OP. Already pumped and dumped.

>> No.4483713

My heaviest bags

>> No.4483734

Nah, that's your life you're thinking of :^)

Don't believe in ODN project? Sell n fuck off. That simple

>> No.4483773

I own 800 ODN and are down 10%. Does this count as bagholding?

>> No.4483874

I wouldn't say so, -10% is okay, but I always hold the majority of my portfolio in BTC so I'm never at an overall loss.

To all the retards that unironically think the price is never going to recover, look at the starting price history for top alts. Almost all got dumped at the beginning.

HODL and we will make some serious gains in 2018 gentlemen. 20k here and no worries whatsoever.

>> No.4484137

but I DID sell at x5.
Cut your losses and learn2crypto

>> No.4484227

30k here, the only altcoin in my portfolio.

That /biz/ invests a disproportionate amount of FUD into this coin makes me all the more confident in its future.

>> No.4484250

Pajeet is already being tracked down by the FBI. Tokenlot is working with them to put him in jail

>> No.4484278

What are you talking about. The FUD is low and literally non-existent, as well as the hype. Which makes me sad as a bagholder. Nobody gives a rats ass about this coin, that is the problem. I have 20k as well and it is currently dead money. This is even more frustrating to hold than Link. No interest from anybody, not even pathetic FUD is the worst that can happen to any coin. Even bad FUD is advertisement.

If this sucker doesn't do at least some +50% with the rebranding, I am going to sell and not touch this shit ever again.

>> No.4484295

ISIS and other terror groups were pretty big investors in the ICO. The ODN wallet has been found on HDsin recent raids.

It might moon but I'm steering clear for moral reasons.

>> No.4484325
File: 13 KB, 399x400, 1510491687261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then you better stay fucking clear from water, bread and air as well. Because bad people are also using them.

>tfw not having read such a retarded argument for quite some while, even though lurking 24/7 on 4chan.

>> No.4484359

Obsidian has responsive devs, and December features both the rebrand and the actual launch of the app product. The devs have promised submissions to major exchanges after the app launch.

That's hardly comparable to Link, whose devs appear to be actively sabotaging their own project with awful PR, non-existent exchange submissions and two founders who have no interest in communicating with the investors who gave them $32 million dollars.

>> No.4484388

Yeah, that is pretty much the reason why I hold, since these are green flags for me. I like responsiveness and communication, since this Chainlink "muh NDA can't give you 3 min updates per month" understatement shit is really tiresome.

>> No.4484482

They don't use them to conduct terror attacks. You can contribute to radical Islam if you want, but I'm going to steer clear.

>> No.4484527

what kind of fucking logic is that you dimwit? obviously they also use those in order to conduct terrorist attacks, otherwise they'd be dead and not conducting those. You also better don't ever touch a gun or a hammer/screwdriver, because obviously they use it to conduct terrorist attacks.

>> No.4484702

Holding, down 70% so far. thinking about selling though....

>> No.4484740

I'd wait until you're down 90%. Buy high, sell low dude

>> No.4484744

Grats. Now fuck off

>> No.4484792

i just like the project, man, privacy will be important to me once ODN makes me a millionaire

>> No.4485157

Wait until rebrand at least

>> No.4485213

dont get emotionally attached to muh revolutionary coin is what im saying. Longterm hodl is a meme for 99% of shitcoins.

>> No.4485851
File: 81 KB, 604x619, Screenshot_27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I don't know what will happen to the price but between updates and actual person to person communication i'm really happy holding ODN. Down at the moment but I have faith in the development, even if Black is crazy sometimes.

>> No.4486074
File: 61 KB, 1377x737, neo desu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nothing moons hard just right out of the gate

just look at pic related - neo

had a whole year of no movement, the volume was below $1k at some point, despite it being on bittrex

yet if you bought back in feb, you would be up 450x your money now

>> No.4486309


Where did you get this from?

>> No.4486338


>> No.4486510

This coin got wrecked with FUD over the last month. If you didn't see that, you're blind, dumb, or retarded... my guess is all three.

>> No.4486541

Shit like that gets posted every day too. I love watching that channel.

>> No.4486576

I hold ODN because there aren't any buyers.