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4476730 No.4476730 [Reply] [Original]

>How are those bitcoin investments you were telling me about a couple months ago, Anon?

>I heard you're the big investor of the family now

>I saw Bitcoin was doing really well on the news recently. You've must have made a lot of money, right?

>> No.4476761
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>Heh yeah, pretty neat stuff...
>Idk how high it'll go. It will definitely correct at some point though, so I'm just mentally preparing for that.
>I do think it will go much higher though in a few years.
>Yeah I haven't invest all my money in it haha

>> No.4477119
File: 30 KB, 117x113, pent up sexual frustration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I saw the price of bitcoin went up more than 100% in the last 2 months. Have you really doubled your money since then?
>yeah definitely haha

>> No.4477228

>I wont discuss my financial assets at this moment, I will say Im going great and you should've invested in crypto not the stock market jew.

>> No.4477265
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>me? how many? ugh... heh, you know, I have around 0.82 bitcoins. I didn't want to go all in because I want to wait until the massive upcoming correction before I really start buying, you know?

>there's this one called neo that looks interesting. it's been struggling so I think I'll buy low and then sell high

>> No.4477286

>implying I would tell family or friends about any of my financial matters

>> No.4477450
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> it's going great!
> look at all these numbers on my blockfolio

>> No.4477582

>I heard you had over 100btc a few months ago. you must have made a lot since then
>y-yeahh i-its doing great haha
>j-just slowly increasing my btc count
>can you show me how much you have
>u-uhh... no... bitcoin going through fork so it's weird at the moment
>tfw have only 30btc left

>> No.4477605
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One sec, lemme go get my blockfolio app from my room...

>> No.4478415

How? If you had 100 BTC how did you fucking lose 70.

t. Man that had.24 BTC and now has .013

>> No.4478448

alts are hell of a drug anon. Most alts from August lost 90% from its peak

>> No.4478473

im almost breaking back to the money i started with.

then i shall begin to make profit.

this shit is like blackjack, win and lose but overall its how much you start with is how its going to play out.

>> No.4478501

this is comedy

>> No.4478510

Yeah but I, uh, invested in, um... Chainlink. It, uh, didn't do so well --yet! It just hasn't, uh, caught on yet.

>> No.4478585

>telling your family about your bitcoin holdings unless they're already of the age and type to know about it
>price triples: silence
>price goes down 15% and cnn runs news headlines about the crash: oh anon, I heard bitcoin crashed recently... how are you doing
>yeah I uh... see when bitcoin goes up actually a lot of times I lose money... see I'm in mostly bitcoin-like instruments of various sorts that are similar to bitcoin and priced in it but often have inverse performance...
>family member's face grows with confusion, sadness, and regret

>> No.4478594


>> No.4478680

Seriously why the fuck would you even tell your family about this? Just tell them bitcoin hasn't really gone up.

>> No.4478728

I told all my friends that I made 1.8MM in crypto over 8 months and I think they secretly hate me now.

and I actually don't care at all. Money allows you to rise above pettiness.

>> No.4478815

Million... million?

>> No.4478909

I fell for the alt jew too

>> No.4478912
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>my dad and i boisterously discuss crypto happenings and investment tips while the rest of the family eat silently, exchanging awkward glances and smiles with each other.

>> No.4478930

( ´∀`)b
We develop and release a signal indicator for FOREX.
Please search 「EA development factory of SuperJunior」

>> No.4478962

why is this so funny