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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4469664 No.4469664 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that driverless cars are about to lead to the biggest economic recession of all time.

>> No.4469674


Yep. Also blockchain is going to kill most financial jobs too. Banks are using it now to automate the bejeesus out of everything.

>> No.4469688

am i missing something? why would that cause a recession?

>> No.4469696

today on biz! can anon Make It to the 21 club before his driving jobs is taken by Robbie the Robot

>> No.4469698

2% of the world are employed as drivers

>> No.4469703

Good thing I work for the railroad then
Truck drivers and taxi drivers being put out of work.

>> No.4469713


>> No.4469724

Nice. Just self drove 100k.

>> No.4469725

There are entire cities in the US that function as rest stops along transportation highways.

If a truck is automated and doesn't need to eat or sleep, all the industries in these places will collapse utterly.

>> No.4469746
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Hrm... Didn't I see an article they were automating trains too. I mean its the least hardest thing to automate compared to cars. But the issue is the unions, but corporations are too their best to lobby them out of existence.

>> No.4469767

I've said it before decentralised infrastructure is the only way to overcome technological unemployment, energy, data, storage, processing power, everything needs to be decentralised.

>> No.4469796

I'd like to see a machine switch cars. You'll need people for that. It's just very, very, very impractical to have machines do it all in a timely manner. It'll be cheaper to have people do it for a good while. There's going to be reductions in crews on over the road trains, but you'll still have somebody on the cab of an engine just like you'll always have people in the cockpit of an airliner. For emergencies and fail safes, and other decisions that need to be made on the spot like preventing crossings being blocked and all that.

>> No.4469808

That revolution will take a generation to settle even in the first world. Probably two generations in the rest of the world.

Also, you do realize that people who are unemployable due to most jobs being automated will be given extensive welfare coverage so that they don't riot and keep the economy going by spending, don't you?

>> No.4469817

Not just driverless cars but robots and AI in general. Very quickly the number of working people will hardly reach 25%.

And some folks still think unrestricted immigration from the third world is a great idea...

>> No.4469820

u guys are idiots, it's not like all cars will suddenly become driverless...

we're like 30 years from mass adoption

>> No.4469897
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Good, I hope to see it with my own eyes when society collapses, this shitshow has gone on wahahaaaay too long if you ask me.

>> No.4469928

>30 years
Try 15. There is massive incentive to produce quality self-driving cars. The more people there are in a job the more profitable it is to automate it, and this one is rather simple compared to others

>> No.4470006

Maybe Anon is right
If it was only about tech, autonomous cars would be adapted long ago

>> No.4470016
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Wagecucks are expensive in the 1st world because of taxation. This makes it feasible for businesses to replace drivers with robots. The tech is there, it's just the laws that are a problem.

The upper middle class will make sure wage cucks are replaced and that they don't need to pay welfare to the displaced workers.

>> No.4470160
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That's what the employment/sterilization guarded by robots will be for.

But to be more serious... UBI should be tied to permanent sterilization.

>> No.4470205

We don't even have driverless trains.

>> No.4470285

Poor imagination, use real tech as reference for drawings. No fucking engineer would put together robots that look like that.

>> No.4470299

how can i invest in driverless shit

>> No.4470345

Or captainless ships

>> No.4470348

>Car stops because of pedestrian protection algoritym
>The person who jumped in front of the car is an armed nigger (or Palestinian in Israel's case)
>Brb get murdered and robbed with nothing to do about it
The future is here

>> No.4470358

Invest in car manufacturers.

>> No.4470552
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Oh jeez and I guess Demonettes are a bad references to real sex workers. Its a science fiction about making demons a reality through technology if you looked at the url, its not a prediction about how we are going to destroy the economy but end the world.

>> No.4470609

they're not even close to ready.

>> No.4470643
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>> No.4471481

Nice. When's ico?